10th Grade - Cover

10th Grade

Copyright© 2006 by Openbook

Chapter 39

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 39 - Kenny Masters had just been scooped out of the frying pan and placed not in the fire he expected, but rather, in the very lap of luxury. His life was about to change, but was he ready for all of those changes?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Rags To Riches   First  

I called Emily, but only after telling my mother and father that Brenda had agreed on Emily coming on the trip with us. I told her that we'd stop by her house to pick her up soon after one o'clock, when my father was scheduled to leave. When I came back downstairs, Mama told me that dad was waiting in his study to speak with me. I went there and knocked on his door.

"Come in Kenny, and close the door. I wanted to speak with you about what happened this morning. I'm not sure what all of that was, or what any of it means, but I did recognize it as being a departure from the norm, for both of you. I'd like you to tell me how you saw it."

"The thing with Brenda about us bringing Emily, or the thing I had with Mama?"

"I guess the negotiation you had with Bertie. How did you manage to get her to compromise with you?"

"I didn't, you did. Or, maybe, we both did. I'm not really sure. Mama does what she wants to, there's no way to predict what she wants to do."

"No, she backed down. She retreated from her announced position. That isn't something she does, not usually. What did she want badly enough that she was willing to compromise to get it?"

"For Brenda and me to get back together?"

"Why would that matter to her?"

"I don't know. It just does."

"All right, we'll come back to that later. Why was it important to you to have this other girl along, and why were you unwilling to phone Brenda?"

"Mama was being tricky, setting this up with Mrs. Connor and Brenda, without asking me first. I decided that asking Emily to go with us would help me with talking to Brenda, and, at the same time, let Mama know that I could be tricky too."

"Why do you want to be tricky? I thought you were against trickery?"

"I am against it, but, if she's going to try to trick me, I have to let her know I can trick her back."

"What happened that caused you to decide to phone Brenda when you earlier said you wouldn't?"

"What you said. It made me stop to think what Mama had done, back when she said that she'd agree, but only if Brenda did. You were saying I should be willing to change some too. So, I listened to you."

"From the look on your face when you finally agreed to call Brenda, I'm guessing that you are unused to compromise too?"

I didn't answer him right away. I was used to compromise, but only made them with myself. At the orphanage I used to make myself do certain things that the sisters wanted, but not most of the others. Always before, when I did that, it was because I had decided on making the compromise, not because they made me do it. That was an important distinction to me. I'd never given in on anything while they were trying to force me to do it. Later, when they quit trying to force me, I might do it, but only if I decided that I was ready.

"I wanted to go, but I didn't want Mama to have it all her own way, with the trip, and with getting me back together with Brenda. I wanted to show both of you that I was willing to give up some too, as long as she had."

"Your mother was relieved that you did that. She was convinced that you were going to cancel the outing if you didn't get what you wanted. Still, it surprised her when you agreed to call Brenda. How serious is this problem that you and Brenda seem to be having?"

"We keep getting into trouble, and then fighting about things. She's too concerned with money, and she doesn't listen to what I tell her to do, or not to do."

"Trouble like what happened out at the club that time?"

"Yes, like that. Being around her makes me do things I shouldn't do. She just permits it, she even encourages me do them to her."

"Aside from the obvious problem with Walt, and your young ages, why is this troubling to you?"

"I don't like to get into trouble. She doesn't care when I tell her that. She just wants what she wants."

"Your mother told me that you took this other girl into your bedroom Friday night, and, according to her, the noises from your room caused her to believe that you were having intercourse with that young lady."

"We didn't do that. She yelled, but not because of us doing that. We were doing cunnilingus."

"Let's pretend, for the moment, that I didn't hear what you just said. Kenny. There are certain types of personal information better left unspoken. What I heard you say was that there was no intercourse, and I will report that information to your mother. Your mother is also concerned that there will be trouble because of having the two girls there with you at the same time. How do you propose to avoid this problem?"

"I'm going to tell Brenda that I like Emily too. I already told Emily that I like Brenda. They both tell each other everything I do with either of them anyway. I'm hoping that Brenda will start doing what I ask, now that she has to worry about me picking Emily instead of her."

"You are courting disaster there. Women are ruled more by their emotions than men are. When a man is chasing someone with the intention of killing him, he will chase that person over a steep cliff, but then stop, satisfied that the fall has probably killed the individual he was chasing. A woman, on the other hand, will jump off that cliff, wanting to make certain that the job was completed. This is what you are facing, Kenny, and you are putting yourself in front of two of them at the same time. Have you really given this enough thought?"

"They both like me, Brenda a lot, but I'm not sure about if Emily likes me that much. If anyone gets chased over a cliff, it will be Emily, by Brenda."

"I stand on the sideline in awe of such confidence, Kenny. I hope it doesn't turn out to be misplaced. I'm finished with the talk your mother brought us together to have. Bertie has also informed me that she has decided not to pursue a divorce from our marriage, for which, I am very grateful. I've attempted to make this gratitude known to her, at every possible opportunity. This morning, she reminded me that her decision now places me under that monetary obligation that you and I had earlier spoken of. Do you recall it?"

"The million dollars you said you'd give me if I came up with an idea that made her not divorce you? But, I didn't come up with any idea."

"Well, according to Bertie, her decision was made because she wanted you to earn that million dollars. She said, without that as an additional incentive, she might not have come to the conclusion that a divorce wasn't necessary. It was your idea to tell her about my offer, and, according to her, that was the deciding factor for her change of heart. Therefore, under the terms of our agreement, I owe you this money."

"I don't want it. I'm just happy that you aren't getting a divorce."

"I'm afraid it's a little too late for you to refuse to take it. Your mother also said, to lessen any pain I might feel at having to pay you, she is also paying you a million dollars, as compensation for your good offices in helping her to arrive at this happy decision. We are both going to discuss this with Bunny, to seek his counsel on the best way to effect this transfer, so that the tax consequences are held to a minimum. For all practical purposes, the transfer has already taken place. We are just trying to make sure that what you end up with is the maximum possible under the current tax laws."

"So now I really am rich?"

"Not rich, but extremely comfortable, I'd say."

"Can I do anything I want to with the money?"

"Why do you suppose I already knew you were going to ask me that question?"

"I don't know. I didn't even know about the money until just a minute ago." I was curious about how he knew that though.

"You're going to give it all away again, aren't you?" He groaned and had his hand on his forehead when he said that. I was glad to know he hadn't guessed it right at all.

"No. I just wanted to know if it's really mine, or if it isn't."

"I'm going to give you some unsolicited advice, Kenny. Wait until the funds have been transferred before telling your mother, or anyone else, what your intentions are for this money. At some point, you should disclose them to Bunny, however, because it's likely that his knowing this will allow him to save you more in taxes. As far as I am concerned, you may do whatever you wish with your money."

After that, he and I went looking for Mama. We found her waiting in the library for us. We all sat down to an early lunch, needing to do that because dad had to get ready to leave for New York again. When he went upstairs to get his things, Mama went with him. They came back down, about fifteen minutes later, Mama was laughing and bumping into him, as they tried to navigate the stairs. Dad had his suitcase in his right hand, with Mama on his left side, so he wasn't able to avoid her little bumps. He was laughing too while they came down, whispering stuff in her ear. Whatever he was saying, it just made her laugh even more.

Right after he left, Mama had me go get Hans to ask him to bring the limo around. I found him in the kitchen, having a sandwich with Gerta. He started right in kidding me, because Gerta had already told him about Emily and Brenda both coming along on the trip. He said he had put a mattress in the back, and filled all of the ashtrays with rubbers for me. I kidded back with him, telling him that I was bringing Brenda's great grandmother along for him. Gerta slapped him on his arm when he laughed, and made a face like he approved that idea.

I gave Gerta a hug, telling her that I'd keep a close eye on Hans, to make sure he behaved himself while he was gone. I was just about to leave when I had another good idea. I went into the library and asked Mama if Gerta could ride up front with Hans. That way, she'd get a day away from the kitchen, and wouldn't have to be left at the house all alone.

"Go ask her if you'd like, Kenny. There's plenty of room for her, and it would probably be a treat for her to get a day in the city. I'm happy that you thought of asking her."

I ran back to the kitchen and asked Gerta. At first, she said she couldn't go, because there were so many things she had to do. Hans and I both kept after her though, and Hans said some words to her in German, that got her blushing and laughing. After about five minutes, she went off to her apartment to change her clothes. It took her about twenty minutes to get ready, but when she came out, she had a nice dress on, and she was smiling a lot. Mama made a comment to her that she looked too good to sit up front with Hans, she should come to the back, and sit with the rest of us, and drink champagne

When we locked up the house and left, Mama wasn't in as good a mood as she had been before. I felt bad in a way, but then I thought that her mood swing might be because she missed my father already. I decided that I'd be extra good on the trip, and try my best to help her get her good mood back again.

When we got to Emily's house, her father came out with her. I had gotten out to open the door for Emily, and when my mother saw Mr. Carstairs, she stepped out of the limo as well. I shook hands with him and my mother let him give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I turned to Emily and gave her a hug, and a kiss on the cheek as well. I figured her father couldn't very well complain about that, not after he did it to my mother. While Mama and Emily's dad were talking, I helped her into the back seat and got in after her. I heard Mama telling Mr. Carstairs that we were running late, and then she got back in, and we took off towards Brenda's house.

"Did you talk to Brenda since I called her to ask her if you could come with us?" Mama didn't say anything, but I knew she'd be interested in Emily's answer.

"She called me right after you and I hung up. She said she's glad I'm coming. Are you two going to get back together?"

"I'm not sure. My mother expects us to, don't you Mama?"

"I'm sure that's a decision you and Brenda need to make for yourselves, Kenny. Brenda's a lovely girl, but your choice of friends is entirely your own."

"That's good. I think I'm going to keep them both. All three of us can be friends together. You still want to be my friend don't you, Emily?"

"I don't want to cause any trouble though. If Brenda doesn't mind, I can be, but we'll only be friends."

"Really? When you say friends, do you mean just friends? Or, do you mean friends like we were Friday night?" I could see Emily peeking over at Mama before answering.

"Friends. Not boyfriend and girlfriend, because that wouldn't work out for anyone."

"It would work out okay for me. I'm not ready to get serious, Emily. I'd like to have as many friends as I can get. We wouldn't have to do anything if you didn't want to. I told you, I really need some friends."

"You know what I meant, Kenny. You can only have one girlfriend." When Emily said that, Mama nodded her head in agreement with her.

By the time Emily said this, we had pulled up in front of the Connor house. Mrs. Connor and Brenda started walking towards our car. I got out and let them get inside. Mrs. Connor said hello to me and then got in the limo, deciding to sit with Mama. I looked up at a smiling Brenda, standing about a foot in front of my face.

"Hi, Kenny." She looked the same as always, perfect. I guess I was just a big sucker or something, but every time I looked at her, I somehow managed to forget why I was supposed to be mad at her. No one else had ever made me feel that way. When I was away from her, I could think straight, and remember the things I wasn't happy with about Brenda. That close though, I had my brain surrounded by her beauty, and it was all I could manage to remember where I was and what I was doing.

"Hello Brenda. We need to get going, because we have a long drive ahead, and we're running just a little bit late already." Emily had scooted all the way over on the seat, until she was way over on the driver's side, close to the other door. I expected that Brenda would sit in the middle, and that I'd be on the passenger side. Instead, Brenda sat where I had planned to, leaving a lot of space, between them, for me. I noticed that everyone sitting in the back was smiling at me. I got back inside the limo, shutting the door, and taking my place in the middle where Brenda had left a space. As soon as I was settled, Hans pulled away from the curb.

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