10th Grade - Cover

10th Grade

Copyright© 2006 by Openbook

Chapter 25

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 25 - Kenny Masters had just been scooped out of the frying pan and placed not in the fire he expected, but rather, in the very lap of luxury. His life was about to change, but was he ready for all of those changes?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Rags To Riches   First  

On Friday, my last class got out at three o'clock, but I still had to wait for my weekend pass to be processed, and then brought over to our apartment by Terry. I was the only boy from the room that was leaving for the weekend. As such, I was being given lists of items to bring back with me on Sunday night. Nigel gave me a twenty dollar bill, and asked me to buy him some condoms. Jerry said he was broke, but gave me a list of snacks and magazines that he said he really needed. How could you need magazines or snacks?

Terry wanted to know if I could "score" him something to drink. He preferred vodka he said, but anything with alcohol would be appreciated. He too gave me a twenty dollar bill. I took his money, but I planned on saying that I wasn't able to get anything for him to drink. I wasn't sure about the condoms either, but I figured I could ask Hans about getting me some while I was at home.

I was waiting out front with my pass in hand, when Mrs. Parsons drove up in her car at around four thirty. When she stopped the car right next to me, I hopped into the front and we had a hug. She was looking a lot better than she had when I'd left. She looked like her normal self again. We left right away, and actually managed to play nine holes together at the club. Since I thought we were just going to hit practice balls, actually getting to play was a very pleasant surprise. While we played, Mrs. Parsons filled me in on how much she had gotten done since our phone conversation the night before. It was quite a bit, including setting up appointments with two golf course designers for the next week. She had set up a two hour playing lesson with Dave for Monday morning, where she hoped to let him know of her own ideas and plans, and then solicit his help in finding her teaching professionals that he thought would fit in well with the concept she was launching. She told me that she wanted women teachers too, because she wanted to have a whole section just for girl players.

"We need to think about building a lodge to house people coming in to spend time at the golf academy."

"Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of building your own private golf course?"

"Yes, I suppose it does in a way, Kenny. On the other hand, having a full time golf learning center is exciting for me to think about. Think of all the young people who could have a place to sharpen their skills and hone their game. Golf is such a wonderful game. It was a real Godsend for me, at a time when I had nothing else to cling to. I'd like to offer others an easier way to increase their skill level and their appreciation and enjoyment as well."

I didn't want to say anything more to her about that, because I didn't want to destroy her good mood. She was obviously happy with the direction her thoughts were taking her with this golf academy idea. I still liked the idea of being able to play on a course where nobody else could slow you down or bother you. The way she was describing things, we'd be lucky to get any good golfing in ourselves. It was her land and her money, so I figured she could do what she wanted to with it. I was a little disappointed though.

"Do you think it will be as good a course as this one is?"

"A more difficult course. This course isn't that difficult to play, or to score well on. People don't want to go back to their work on Monday only to tell their coworkers they played at their club and shot double bogey golf, or worse. Here, a decent player can break ninety rather easily. Golf should be a challenge, where shooting a round at par or better is a significant achievement. An achievement far beyond the reach of the weekend player. I want a course for serious players, or for those determined to become serious players."

"That sounds like a course where your brother might not be able to finish before dark, not unless he tees off pretty early. If you make it too hard, people might not want to play it." I would like to play it though, even if I couldn't post a decent score. That would be better in fact, because I'd have to think then, and try to figure out a way to play each hole to have a chance to score well on it.

"People will want to play on it. Golfers, not people who are just out on the course, intent on doing some business deal. There is a place for those people, and they should be catered to, but not at the expense of serious players. This is why your suggestion found such a favorable reception with me. I had been mostly staying away from golf before you were brought to me. I found the playing conditions too frustrating to continue playing, so I seldom did. Social golf holds little appeal to me, but I've enjoyed so much watching you learning, and improving almost daily, in your play. It isn't difficult to learn to play, but it is difficult learning how to play well. Difficult, but rewarding, extremely rewarding."

I found myself getting caught up in her idea again, even if it did mean that I wouldn't have the private course that I'd been hoping for. It was funny too, because I'd never even held a golf club in my hand less than three months before, but now I was feeling disappointment because I wouldn't have my own course. It didn't take long to get myself used to good things, and to start wanting even more of them.

When we got done playing, it was nearly seven o'clock, and we needed to hurry home to dinner. I was really glad to see Gerta and Hans again. Bea too, but she was a little different to me. I liked her, but she wasn't part of the family that I had mentally carved out for myself. In ten days, she would go to court and then move to California, and I probably wouldn't ever see her again. I was still happy about the sex lessons she had given me, but, I had already made up my mind that I didn't want to start thinking the way she did about everything.

Gerta had made me a rib eye roast, with mashed potatoes and gravy and corn on the cob. It wasn't just for me, because we all ate it, but she made it because she knew how much I liked it. She had given me a big hug when I ran into the kitchen to tell her I was home. She told me that she was going to be baking some of my favorite cookies, and those little German pastries I loved, just so I could take some back to school with me on Sunday night. I asked her where Hans was, and she told me he was out in back trying to figure out why the lights weren't working in the garage. Her saying that about Sunday night reminded me about Terry and Nigel's requests for me to bring things back for them.

I found Hans standing in front of an electrical box, swearing at it in German. He said he was glad to see me, but that he had to go turn off all the power to take out a fuse someone had put in the wrong place. Since nobody but Hans ever touched any of the fuse boxes, I had a good idea of who the guilty culprit was, but I was smart enough not to mention that to him. It was at times like these that Hans started believing in Gerta's faith in the supernatural. It was either believe in ghosts and goblins, or else admit that he was the one who put the fuse in the wrong place.

"Poltergeist. Has to be." Hans said this and laughed, after pulling out the badly burnt fuse from the metal brackets it had been almost welded to. He sanded the char off of the brackets and replaced it with another new fuse. He went off again to turn on the main power switch, and all the lights came on in the garage again. The new fuse lasted for perhaps forty five seconds before it blew too. Hans really took offense at the new fuse doing that, so he got out another new fuse, this one with a much higher rating, and put it in place of the blown one. He went out and turned the switch on again.

Everything seemed to work just fine until the fire started. As soon as Hans noticed the fire, or at least the smell and the smoke coming out of the wall outlet over in the back corner, he turned off the power again. He used the extinguisher to put out the fire in the area around the faulty outlet. "Hah, now I've found the real problem." Hans seemed happy that he'd managed to trick the real problem into giving itself away so easily. I wasn't certain, but I remember thinking that he had almost burned down the garage with his unusual technique for trouble shooting. He was happy though, and no one else but me would ever know how he managed to isolate the electrical problem. "It's fine for now, Kenny. Now that I know what it is, it can wait until tomorrow for me to fix it."

Half an extinguisher full of foam still needed to dry first, but I didn't mention that to him. Both of us were smiling though, as we walked back to the entrance in the kitchen. I remembered to give Hans the money from Terry and Nigel, and gave him Jerry's list. I asked him to just buy twenty dollars worth of condoms for Nigel. I didn't know how much they cost. I figured they wouldn't be much more expensive than regular balloons.

After dinner, I called Brenda to tell her I was home. We talked for an hour, with me telling her about the new school and her telling me about having gone shopping for new school clothes with her mother. Her school didn't start for two more weeks, while my school year at CA had begun two weeks before I even got there. We got out on the first of May though, while Brenda didn't get out until the middle of June. Brenda seemed to take me going off to a prep school pretty well, better than I thought she would. When I asked her why, she said because there weren't any girls there. I told her about Nigel, but she just laughed, and told me he didn't worry her.

"Did Mrs. Parsons call your mother yet about tomorrow night?"

"You mean about her and me coming over for dinner? She called this morning, but my dad says no. My mother's talking to him, but he doesn't look like he's going to change his mind."

"That's too bad. I was really looking forward to seeing you again."

"Is that all, just seeing me?"

"No, but there will be lots of people here, so that's probably all we could do is just see each other and talk."

"You know how we use other names for things?" She had lowered her voice when she said this, like she was trying to be careful that no one else heard her from over at her house.

"Like kitty and snake?" I sure hoped that was what she meant.

"Yes, I have a new one now, called Kenny." She was still whispering almost, and I could here the excitement of her voice even then.

"Kenny, that's a good name. Where's your Kenny located?" That was confusing. The other two were our pet names for her pussy and my dick. I wondered what the Kenny name was, her butt, or one of her breasts?

"On my dressing table silly. I just got through brushing my hair with it." It took me only a couple of seconds to make the association from what she was saying.

"Oh. So, you held Kenny in your hand and brushed your hair? I guess that's good. You probably brush your hair at least a few times each day."

"I do, and I think of you when I'm brushing it too. That's not the reason I named it Kenny though. You already know the reason why I call it by your name." I was going to tell her to tell me why when I heard her father yelling at her to 'get her ass off the damn phone'. "Kenny, my dad wants to use the phone. I have to go now. Bye." The receiver clicked down before I could even tell her goodbye. We were just getting to the good parts, when he had to come make her hang up the phone. I hadn't started talking about sex stuff, she had. I'd said kitty and snake, but she'd been the one to bring it up. I knew that's what she meant.

Ever since that day in the trees, I had been worried that I'd ruined those things between us. I knew she seemed to like that time as much as I did, but with everything that happened, I was afraid that we would need to stop it completely. It was good knowing that she didn't want to stop everything. We could still talk about it at least. Maybe she still wanted to do things too. I didn't know what I could do to make her father forgive me. Probably nothing. If he knew everything we had done and talked about, he would be even more upset with me. I had been really looking forward to seeing her the next day, and not just because of the touching or the kissing. I had missed just being around her. I'd missed Brenda more than I missed anyone else.

It was nice to have my own room again. The rooms at the academy had doors on them, but no locks. It was a lot more privacy than at the orphanage, but not as much as I had right there at home. I thought about Brenda some more when I went in and showered. I remembered the way she tasted, and the way she held her hand up for me to lick off her juices after she made herself cum. I came so hard that it made a noise when it squirted out of my dick. It was like mustard coming out of one of those plastic bottles, kind of a 'pfftttt' sound. I thought that was kind of neat, and it came out pretty fast too. I went right to bed because we were teeing off at six twenty one the next morning. Mrs. Parsons told me to be ready to leave by five thirty. I set my alarm clock for five and went right to sleep.

We got to the club before six o'clock, and actually teed off at about six ten. I looked at my watch when we finished up on the eighteenth, and it was eight forty exactly. We hadn't had anyone ahead of us on the front nine, and they waited until after twelve thirty before letting people tee off on the back nine to begin their round. We were back home before nine fifteen. We could have made it before nine, if Mrs. Parsons hadn't gone in to post our scores, and run into Dave in the pro shop. I was hungry when we got home, and Gerta already had waffle batter made and a big bowl of blended blueberries and whipped cream for a topping. I ate four big waffles, and Gerta tried to make me one more, but I told her no.

I saw Hans looking at the dwindling supply of blueberries and whipped cream, and I knew he'd be crushed if I let Gerta make me another waffle. He liked Gerta's cooking as much as I did. Gerta told me that Mrs. Parsons had two poached eggs and a slice of buttered toast early in the morning, before we left for golf. She said that she seemed to have gotten her appetite back again.

"I think it is her finally getting that divorce. Now she don't worry so much about what he's doing all the time."

"No, I don't think so. I think she has a new idea and it has her excited again." I told her about the golf learning center, and noticed Hans listening and paying a lot of attention to what I had been mostly telling Gerta. "Do you play golf, Hans?"

"No, I see no point to it. Who has the time? I used to like to make things for little Missy when she was younger. She show me what she wanted, and I could make it out in back for her. She practiced for hours and hours. Sometimes, she was hitting the same shot from early morning to when the night comes. That's how she got so good. This golf place, how big is it going to be? Maybe I could build it for her and save her some money."

I smiled, thinking about Hans digging holes for bunkers and fairway traps. From what she had already told me, she thought it was going to take a whole construction crew at least several years to build what she wanted.

"I think it is going to be bigger than the country club golf course. She's talking about maybe having thirty six holes instead of eighteen, plus practice areas for all the shots you'd need to learn. She told me that she hoped four hundred acres would be enough land to build it all." Hans nodded, looking a little disappointed that it was too big for him and his wheelbarrow and shovels to build.

When we had been playing, I told Mrs. Parsons what Brenda had told me about Mr. Connor not being willing to let her or her mom come for dinner. I was worried that it would turn into another one of those things that had gotten both of us so upset before. She just told me that was too bad, before getting out of the cart and hitting her three wood two hundred yards, right up to the center of the green. This was on the third hole, and she never referred to it again, not for the rest of the round. I was relieved.

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