Reprise - Cover


Copyright© 2006 by eviltwin

Chapter 76

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 76 - A coming of age and personal growth story. Dave And Carol, meet, fall in love, and suffer the pitfalls of life as they explore themselves and a multiple marriage. Some mysticism.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Rape   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Humor   Tear Jerker   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Spanking   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Squirting   Lactation   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Slow  

I walked out into the big living room. The log I put on the fire a few minutes ago burned merrily in the fireplace. K.P. and D.J. had given up on the game they were playing with Diane and looked absolutely adorable as they played quietly with some of their other new toys, seemingly oblivious to us. Diane was sitting on the couch quietly watching as they played. I joined her and she snuggled under my arm as I laid back with my feet on the coffee table. We cuddled and wordlessly watched the kids playing contentedly for a few minutes.

Diane broke the contented silence, whispering, "They're so beautiful! You and Princess sure do make wonderful babies, and I already know what lovely kids we make. I just know Mrs. Lloyd's babies are going to be just as wonderful. How can we so instantly love two children we've never met before yesterday? I love those two as if I'd borne them myself."

I hugged her tighter. "Muffin, my Pixie, the secret with these two is they were raised knowing who we are, and were taught to love us sight unseen. Like their mother, their love is unconditional, undemanding and freely and openly given. They're so open with their affection we couldn't help but love them in return. They're as much our kids as they are Riekie's and mine, and they know it. They belong to all of us, as ours and Carol Anne's do. Speaking of Carol Anne, she asked you to join her in the kitchen to help clean vegetables or something for dinner."

Diane turned her sweet elfin face upward for a kiss. Our lips met in a tender lovers' kiss that gently deepened into full passion, tongues probing, swapping spit. I soon had a tent in the front of my pants, and Diane was squirming. My God! These women (My Girls!) had some kind of spell over me! I had just squirted what felt like a week's worth of sperm deep into Carol, and here I was responding to Diane as if I was fresh from a night's sleep! As we broke from the kiss she licked her lips as if tasting something.

She laughed, "Aha! Mmmm! Tastes like you were doing more than just tickling her like I told the twins." I gave her a questioning look. "Oh, you guys made so much noise we heard you all the way out here, they asked what you two were doing in the kitchen. I told them you were tickling Mommy Carol. Tastes like you tickled her real good." <Giggle> "I better go and get started cleaning those veggies. It won't be long before they have to go on the stove."

Diane scrambled off the couch, her kilt rising up her luscious thighs, giving me a tantalizing glimpse of her sweet pink pussy. On her feet, she bent to give me a quick kiss. I couldn't help myself. I slipped a hand under her kilt and ran it softly up her thigh to her warm crotch. Her lovely pussy was soaking wet! She broke the sweet kiss and pushed my hand out of her steamy little snatch, her eyes twinkling with devilment. "Nn-nn! Naughty boy! Remember, Princess said a little decorum around the children!" She gave me a little peck on the lips. "Gotta go!"

Diane straightened up and literally skipped happily toward the kitchen. As she opened the door I heard her call out, "Hi, Baby Doll! Is there something you need cleaned?" <GIGGLE> I suspected more than just vegetables would be cleaned in that kitchen in the next few minutes.

After Diane went to the kitchen, I sipped on my beer and quietly watched my daughters (My Girls!) playing happily with their new toys. Presently they tired of playing, and jumped onto the couch with me. Suddenly I was smothered in little girl kisses and hugs. They wrapped their tiny arms around my neck, and I held them tight, lost in my love of these wonderful cherubs. K.P., the oldest (By seven minutes, and she'll never let you forget that.), kissed me wetly on the cheek, clinging tightly to my neck. "We love you, Daddy. Are the Bad Times really over? Are we gonna live with you now? Is Mommy gonna be happy now and not cry all the time?"

Before I could answer, D.J. with her own wet kid kiss whimpered. "Yeah, Daddy, is Mommy gonna be happy? She missed you a lot. So did we. Are we gonna be together now?"

A tear in my eye, and a lump the size of Quebec in my throat, I hugged them even tighter. "Oh, my Little Ones, I love you so much! Now that I've found you and Mommy again, I'm never going to let you go. Yes, we're going to be together. Mommy's already very happy. Did she cry much?"

K.P. said, "She cried almost every night. She didn't think we heard her, but we did. It always wakes us up when she cries. She cried last night, too, didn't she? Why did she cry when she was with you, Daddy? She was so happy before. We've never seen her so happy. What happened after?"

I wondered what else these little urchins had heard, but chose not to go there. "Mommy was remembering when a very bad man hurt her. She had to remember and cry it all out before she could be happy again. Your other Mommies and I helped her and loved her and kissed her all better. She's happy again now. I don't think you'll hear her crying herself to sleep an-y-more. Mommy is going to be laughing and giggling a lot from now on, I promise."

D.J. giggled, "We thought she was happy again, Daddy, 'cause when she stopped crying, we heard happy tickle noises and we went to sleep."

Just then there was a loud giggle and squeal of delight from the direction of the kitchen. "EEEEE! MUFF-FFIN! OOOO!!" Followed by the loud, happy giggles of two females.

K.P. hugged me tighter. "Yup! Happy tickle noises like that! Make Mommy make those noises, Daddy! It puts us to sleep when we know she's happy!"

I was deeply moved by these whiffets' extreme sensitivity to their mother's moods. I laughed. "Oh, My Princesses, Mommy will be making a lot of those happy noises! So will all your mommies and me! Those are the very best happy noises! That's not just a promise, that's a guar-onn-tee!" I hugged them close, and tried to change the subject. I wasn't ready to answer questions on how we tickled each other. "Now, Precious Ones, what was the very best thing you got for Christmas? I was so busy handing out presents I didn't get to see much."

Bouncing on the couch, as one voice, they shouted happily, almost strangling and deafening me, "YOU! DADDY! YOU!" Again, I was moved to tears, my heart bursting with love of my newfound family.

K.P. asked, "What was the best present you got, Daddy?"

In the same spirit, I replied, squeezing them to me, "I got three -- YOU AND MOMMY, My Angels, YOU AND MOMMY! Would you like to look at the picture book Mommy gave me? I bet you guys helped put it together."

"Yup! We did! But we always like looking at it."

They relaxed their fierce holds on my neck and settled down beside me. I picked the photo album off the coffee table and we started going through it starting at the first page. It was delightful to hear their comments on each picture story. They claimed they remembered being born and even remembered being cuddled together 'inside Mommy's tummy' as she told them happy stories of her and their daddy.

The twins and I had just nicely got started on the album when I saw the van with a trailer behind it pull into the driveway. I glanced at my watch — about one thirty. They had made good time! The driver's door opened, and I got a glimpse of sexy thigh as Riekie slipped to the ground. She'd obviously been showing off to Bob that she still remembered how to drive a large vehicle towing a trailer. Soon a blast of cold air heralded Bob and Riekie as the front door opened. I heard feet stomping as they shook snow off their feet and the rattle of the closet door as they hung up their coats.

Riekie appeared in the entranceway to the living room, a healthy red blush from being outdoors colouring her lovely cheeks. She was rubbing her arms and shivering. "Brrr! It's getting really cold! It's bright and sunny still and it wasn't bad when we first went out, but that wind is cold! Feels more like Portage and Main in 'Winterpeg'. Can I cuddle with you guys and get warmed up?"

Anyone who has ever visited or lived in Winnipeg during the winter knows exactly what Riekie was talking about. Portage and Main is the main intersection in the city, and is purported to be the coldest windiest spot on earth outside the Antarctic. Winnipeg's average winter temperature and snowfall have earned it the sobriquet of 'Winterpeg'.

The three of us held out our arms and welcomed her to us. She came over and looked for a place to sit. "Hmmm! Looks like my darling girls have all the seats except the best one! She promptly plunked herself, not too gently, in my lap, causing an "Ooff!" from me and giggles from the kids.

She sent shivers down my back when she put her cold arms around my neck and cuddled her otherwise very warm body into mine, screwing her shapely bum down onto a growing erection. Her kilt hiked well up her gorgeous thighs as she got comfortable, almost, but not quite, to her pussy, a truly delightful view of those luscious legs. As she cuddled in, I couldn't help but place one hand on those delightful thighs. She kissed me playfully, then licked her lips, tasting, her eyebrows arched and said mischievously, "So, what'd I miss?"

"Oh, not much. Muffin's helping Carol Anne with the dinner preparations and I'm watching our daughters (Our Daughters!). We were just looking through the book you gave me when you came..."

Every head turned as an outburst of feminine giggles and another squeal of delight erupted from the direction of the kitchen. "AAAIIIEEE! CARR-OLL ANN-NNE!! EEEEK!" Again followed by more feminine giggling.

Riekie arched her eyebrows again and giggled. "Sounds like more than supper is being worked on..."

I hugged her to me and laughed. 'The term 'quickie' isn't gender-specific, you know."

Riekie laughed delightedly and hugged me back. "I'd say from what I just tasted that it was not too long ago..." She leaned close, very obviously sniffed, kissed me and again very obviously tasted her lips. "Hmmmm... Carol Anne, I think."

D.J. poked her mother and giggled. "They're making happy tickle sounds! We like it! It makes us happy too, 'speshly when you make them, Mommy!"

"Happy tickle sounds, eh? Well, Munchkin, I like it too!" The kids launched at her and started tickling. Riekie's skirt was in serious danger of some major exposure as she squirmed, squealing and giggling under their attack. A camera flash went off as Bob caught our happy family scene on film. When we got that film developed, this particular picture was always one of my favourites.

When they'd settled down again, I checked with Bob. "So how'd things go at the airport? Any problems?"

"Nope, no problem at all. The only thing they had left to rent was the trailers and there's not much demand for them on Christmas Day, so they weren't busy at all. We got the red carpet treatment. The girl at the counter had the new contract all ready for Princess (Bob calling Riekie 'Princess' now, too? Wow!). She was really nice. Basically, she tore up the old contract and back-dated the new one to yesterday. We got the lower rate right from day one. She told you it was a lower mileage rate, but it's a lower day rate, too.

"The guy who looks after the trailers hitched everything up and made sure all the lights were working and even mounted the bigger mirrors for us. He checked all the tires for the right pressure, made sure we had good spares for both, checked that all the wheel nuts were tight, and that the jacks and tools were all there and working. It took a little longer, but he made sure we had a safe set up. Hell, he even topped up the fluids and filled the gas tank at no extra charge! He sure went the extra mile!"

Bob grinned and teased Riekie. "Of course it didn't hurt that the guy was falling all over my gorgeous sister, who just happened to show a lot of leg and just happened to leave her coat open so he could see she was braless under that sexy sweater. I bet you gave that guy a major wet dream tonight, Princess. Shit! She even gave him a hot kiss when we left! Poor guy!"

I cocked an eyebrow and looked at her appraisingly. "Don't look at me like that, David! You know how Carol Anne and I get when we're with you. You're so proud of us in public we show it off sometimes even when you're not there. That's how good you make us feel about ourselves, but we don't do it to get our own way or to be bad girls. He was so nice to us I just wanted to thank him. And after the dullness of the last twenty years, it just felt so-o good to be pretty and sexy again!"

Actually, I was extremely pleased with her actions. I trusted her one hundred percent not to cheat, but I was delighted that she found herself once again attractive and even alluring. I was proud to be seen in public with My Girls (My Girls!), and I wanted them to be proud of themselves as well. I hugged her and let her know. "Honey, you did good. I love it when My Girls are proud to show themselves in public. You are the three most beautiful women in the world, and I want the rest of the world to see what I see."

Riekie cooed and kissed me then continued with the saga of Bob's and her trip to the airport. "Oooo, David, that's so sweet, but I wasn't the only one being sexy. You should've seen Robert with the girl at the counter! He didn't tell you about her. She's a real beauty, too! Bob was drooling all over the place over her, and she knew it too! Talk about showing leg and boobies! She gave him a 'Christmas kiss' just as hot as I gave the trailer guy, maybe hotter. Did you get her name and phone number, you dirty old man? She looked a little young for you..." <giggle>

Bob blushed, but stayed the course. "Yup! Name, phone number, address, and a date for tomorrow night! Howzabout them apples, Sis? I even got her age -- very unusual! She's like you, she's older than she looks, about Muffin's age. From the colour of her hair and the way she acted, I think she might have Old Blood! I never thought to test her with an Old Ways goodbye. I think I'm going to have a very Merry Christmas indeed! Do you think Carol Anne would mind if I brought her over here tomorrow night? Hell, if everything goes well, I might be able to make a little competing noise myself for a change." He laughed, a little embarrassed at his own boldness.

Riekie bounded out of my lap and gave her brother a huge sisterly hug. "Oh, Bobby! I'm so happy for you! I was sorry to hear about you and Margaret. I liked her, but I didn't think it would last. I hope this girl does have Old Blood, the way you two hit it off, all teasing aside." Riekie got a little serious and turned to me. "David, you should have seen the way they looked at each other! It was like you talk about when you and Carol Anne met — their eyes just locked and the poor girl could hardly speak!" She turned back to her brother. "Yes, you bring her over tomorrow night. The whole family will want to meet her. By the way, when did all this take place? I didn't hear anything."

"Remember you went to the washroom? We talked then."

"Ah! That explains the hot kiss, too! David! That girl was absolutely radiant after she kissed Bob, and he was walking on air!"

I got up and took Bob's hand, then hugged him with Riekie. I looked him in the eye. "Izat right, Bud?"

Bob got a tear in his eye. "David (Bob rarely uses that name except in high emotion.), Riekie's right. I thought when it happened to you and Carol Anne that was a one in a million shot, but I'm almost positive today I met Her, the One, and I think she felt the same way. We're going out to dinner then leaving the evening open to suggestion. I might bring her over quite early if she doesn't have other plans for us."

Carol and Diane emerged from the kitchen and heard just the last bit of what Bob said, and saw us hugging him. Carol asked, "Bring who over?"

I stepped away from Bob and slipped my arm around her waist, my hand caressing her swelling tummy. I whispered close to her ear with a small laugh. "Still leaking? Did you get cleaned up?"

She whispered back, "Mmm-Hmm. Better than some old bidet, and more fun, too." <giggle>

Diane slipped her arm around Riekie and they both cuddled warmly into Bob as I announced, "Bob met a girl today and both he and Princess claim he got the lightning bolt you and I know so well. He's got a date with her tomorrow night and is gonna bring her over to meet us and maybe spend the night. He's afraid you won't let him."

Carol stepped to her brother and got in the group hug. It was getting pretty crowded around Bob, so I stepped back. Carol exclaimed happily as she hugged him. "Stuff and nonsense, Bobby! If you don't bring her here, then I'll be pissed! By the way, what's her name? Or are you keeping that a deep dark secret until we meet her?"

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