Reprise - Cover


Copyright© 2006 by eviltwin

Chapter 74

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 74 - A coming of age and personal growth story. Dave And Carol, meet, fall in love, and suffer the pitfalls of life as they explore themselves and a multiple marriage. Some mysticism.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Rape   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Humor   Tear Jerker   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Spanking   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Squirting   Lactation   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Slow  

Feeling refreshed and invigorated, I awoke in the half-light of dawn to one of the sights and feelings I enjoyed most in the world. A pair of dazzling blue eyes regarded me with almost infinite love, and my morning woody was contentedly housed in hot, tight wet pussy. To complete the perfection of the moment, a warm back was snuggled into mine. As I opened my eyes, that beautiful face smiled and kissed me sweetly. "Merry Christmas, MiracleMan."

I returned the tender kiss. "Merry Christmas, Princess mine. Miracle Man? That's the third time you called me that."

"Yup! You're my Miracle Man — you healed Carol Anne, exposed that evil man, found Uncle Paul, brought Muffin to us, and got me thinking straight again. In my books those are miracles, regardless of what you say."

I just said, "Uh... if that's the way you see it, but don't expect too many more. OK?"

She kissed me again, murmuring, "I love you so much, David, my Miracle Man."

"And I love you just as much, Princess of mine."

When she released me from her sweet kiss, I looked to my side. Carol and Diane were still sleeping peacefully, locked in a tight embrace, cuddled snugly together, Carol's warm back pressed against mine. I was still amazed and awed at how much in love they were.

Riekie moved her hips suggestively against me. "Mmmm-mmmm! I just love waking up like this! It's been way too long! Sweet Pussy is hungry again. Do you think Rascal, her Sweet Prince might be able to rustle up some breakfast for her?" This was the second time she referred to 'Rascal'. I wondered where she'd picked it up from, but then, these girls seemed to have a communication system all their own.

I moved my own hips equally suggestively, gently stroking into her. "Oh I think between us, we could manage a little something for the poor starving creature."

Just then Carol awoke and turned to us with a smile. She untangled herself from Diane and leaned over to give us a kiss. "Merry Christmas, Dah-links! You two at it again? Don't you ever quit?"

Another face appeared beside Carol's. Diane bent and gave us a warm kiss then locked lips with Carol. When they broke, she laughed. "Merry Christmas, My Loves! Why would they want to quit? It's way too much fun. 'Sides, I heard a little about you too..." Then she giggled and tickled Carol. Carol stuck out her tongue and dove back for seconds on the warm kiss.

Riekie and I tried to devour each other's face as the churning of her hips against me became more insistent. I was about to roll her onto her back to feed that poor starving pussy creature when too small blonde bombshells in their underwear exploded into the room, bounced up onto the bed and threw themselves on top of us. "Mommy! Mommy! Daddy! Daddy! Mommy Carol! Mommy Diane! It's Christmas! Santa Claus was here! C'mon! We gotta get up!"

They landed on top of Riekie and me getting an "Oof!" out of both of us. They showered us with wet kid kisses and hugged us happily. We hugged and kissed them back. "Merry Christmas, Kiddos."

After greeting us, the twins clambered over us to plant more sloppy kisses and hugs on their other mommies.

Diane looked at Riekie and grinned. "Told ya so! Glad you didn't wait?"

Riekie laughed, "Yeah, for more reason's than that, but Muffin, you were absolutely right!"

I groaned, caught by the kids with a raging hard-on firmly ensconced in Mommy. What to do? Riekie solved the problem by gently disengaging. I felt that warm embrace being reluctantly withdrawn from my hardness. I groaned at the loss, but Riekie groaned even louder. Diane, that wonderful person, came to our rescue, and winked as she said. "Carol Anne and I'll take a quick shower while you two keep the kids busy. Then we'll take them to have a bath and get them dressed while you two take a nice sensual shower together. OK?"

By this time, Carol was keeping the kids busy, playing and tickling them. Diane leaned in close so just Riekie and I heard. "Carol Anne and I talked about you two. You have a lot of catching up to do, so we're giving you as much space as we can. David, save a little for us, though, OK? We're in love, learning each other, but we still want and need you, and we both need time with you too, Princess, especially Carol Anne — she's missed you so-o much." There was a warmth in her use of that name that simply said Riekie was now 'Princess' permanently. I liked it. If Carol started using it, particularly with the warmth Diane did, I felt their relationship would be closer to being fully re-affirmed. Diane gave us both a wonderful kiss before turning back to Carol and the twins.

"C'mon, Mrs. Lloyd (She said that like a pet name too.), let's have a shower then we'll get these two cleaned up and dressed while Mommy and Daddy have their shower."

"OK, Muffy-Muff. " Mrs. Lloyd and Muffy-Muff? These two were getting really close! "Be right there." Carol untangled herself from two giggling kids who were giving as good as they got in the tickle match. Carol and Diane were totally unconcerned that the kids saw them in the nude, and the kids were equally unconcerned. "Alright, Munchkins, you go tickle Mommy and Daddy while Mommy Carol and Mommy Diane have a shower. Then it's bath time and dressed for you. No tree until we're all clean and smelling nice, OK?"

Carol and Diane crawled out of bed and waltzed into the bathroom holding hands giggling and exaggeratedly swinging their hips, enhancing the bounce and jiggle of their luscious bottoms. They put on quite a show. Soon we heard the water running and a lot of giggling and squealing as they showered together

"OK, Mommy Carol! Do we hafta wait that long, Daddy?" Two blonde urchins clambered over Riekie and me smothering us with wet kisses and hugs then proceeded to try to tickle us. I got one under each arm, keeping them away from landing on my woody in their childish exuberance. I wasn't quite ready to explain that to them just yet.

"Yup! We gotta wait. Mommy Carol's the boss today. Mommy and I will be finished our shower about the same time you guys are finished your bath. You missed yesterday, and I think you smell! Right, Mommy? Eeeew!" I made an exaggerated show of smelling them and held my nose. I tickled them and laughed so they were sure I was kidding.

Riekie giggled and wrinkled her pretty nose. "Oh, yeah! You guys need a bath for sure!"

Two small noses sniffed at us and K.P. giggled. "Mommy and Daddy need a bath, too! You smell like fish!" From out the mouths of babes...

Riekie changed the subject, but not before she wiggled her hips under the covers and winked at me. "Mommy's messy too! What were you two doing that you know Santa Claus was here? Were you downstairs snooping around?"

D.J. piped up. "We just went down to look and saw all the presents. We didn't touch anything, Mommy. Unca Bob caught us and sent us back up. He said to tell you he put the coffee on."

We played tickle with the twins and joked about what Santa Claus might or might not have brought them. About the time my bladder said it was ready to burst, the two pregnant ladies finished in the bathroom and came out to get dressed. They looked so sexy, my cock twitched even harder, despite the insistent plea from my bladder. They looked like they could almost be twins except for Diane's smaller size. I hadn't had much opportunity to observe Carol pregnant. She was absolutely radiant; her entire body seemed to glow, her tummy showing a noticeable bulge. Diane also had that healthy radiant glow, but of course wasn't showing yet. Riekie noticed it too and said, "Now I know what Mom was talking about when she said there was nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman."

Those two must have planned their wardrobe as part of their weekly private phone chats, despite the fact we had no idea for sure when we'd get together until Carol called us about Ben or else they had some uncanny way of knowing what to wear. They wrapped matching kilts around their gorgeous hips, less panties (Of course!), and slipped into matching black sweaters that hugged their bare luscious boobies delightfully. Their kilts were quite short, almost mini, and showed their magnificent legs to full advantage. The twinning effect was even more noticeable when they dressed alike. Riekie again noticed and commented. "Carol Anne always had the most beautiful legs, but Muffin's are awfully close. Don't you think? They look so much alike they make a very sexy couple."

"Ver-ry sexy. Almost like two peas in a pod, I think."

Carol and Diane called the twins to them. "C'mon Munchkins, bath time for you guys and Mommy and Daddy!"

The kids gave us each a hug and another wet kiss then jumped off the bed and ran to them. Each woman took a child by the hand and headed for the door. Carol turned just as they were about to leave. "Princess, David and you have a little time, but don't be too long. Meet us downstairs so we can have the tree for the little ones. We'll have breakfast right after that, and then we have to start working on Christmas dinner." Carol's usage of Diane's and my pet name for Riekie held all the warmth I hoped for and more, and went farther to welcome Riekie back to us than anything else so far.

With the kids off for their bath, I almost bolted from bed, my penis waving around in the breeze, looking for a place to piss. I paused long enough to hold out my hand and help Riekie from the bed, taking a long lascivious look as I did. Just as she said, she was a wonderful mess, her pussy still leaking white goo with a mixture of both our juices running down her thighs, her lovely golden pubes matted. She looked and smelled like one very well fucked woman. We held hands and entered the bathroom together.

Stepping up to the toilet, I felt a pair of warm hands reach around from behind and grasp my woody. Riekie steered while I peed. The extra stimulation of watching the 'twins' dress and our aborted copulation when the kids bounded in made my morning piss hard-on harder and even less co-operative than usual, causing the flow to be slow and almost painful starting. I was now completely comfortable with the female touch on my organ, but the slowness of the flow and the difficulty of aiming it when that unruly appendage just wanted to contemplate the ceiling, occasioned much giggling and teasing from my pretty blonde helper. Once it did start to flow, I drained my overfull bladder completely and once again the erection followed the urine down the drain much to the lady's disappointment.

As the last of my water dribbled out, she gently shook it dry, then slid her arms around my waist and just cuddled into my back, kissing my shoulders. Riekie murmured. "Mmmmm! Oh, how I've missed doing things like this with you! We were always so natural together. I've tried to raise the twins to be natural about their bodies too." Well that answered one question I had.

She had to go too, so after a few minutes of cuddling, she moved to the stool and sat down. While she relieved herself, I got the shower running and set the temperature where we'd always liked it. When she was finished, I held out my hands and guided her into that huge shower.

We didn't have all morning, according to Carol, but we made the most of the time we had. We played, tickling, laughing and giggling then washed each other all over. Along with the playing and tickling, we talked and had a very enjoyable time becoming reacquainted with each other's bodies. As we washed and played with each other, exploring what we once knew so well, we had a very enjoyable and relaxing shower.

I was amazed at how well Riekie, like Carol, had kept her youthful looks over the years, reaffirming my belief the women of her family were indeed special. I marveled at the firmness of her breasts; her small pink aureoles with the delightfully pink nipples in the centre were almost as I remembered them, the nipples a little larger from suckling the twins. Her sweet cheeks were as round, firm and high as when she was young. Her hips were a little fuller from giving birth, but added to rather than detracted from the overall package. The curls of her beautiful blonde pussy were as luxuriant and downy soft as ever and her pussy itself was as tight and pretty as I remembered, her inner lips still that delightful pink, opening like the petals of an exotic flower to reveal her tiny opening. Her tummy was almost as flat as when she was seventeen despite her pregnancy. As I kissed her delicious little belly button and nuzzled that sexy tummy, I commented, and she explained she still did her isometric exercises, keeping her muscles toned.

She commented on what good shape I was in and how broad my shoulders were now. I told her until September I had sported a bit of a paunch, but when it began to look more and more like we would be getting our marriage back together, I decided to get rid of it and look after myself. She liked the effect very much and said she now loved the beard, especially the way it felt on her skin. She was very taken with my penis, and spent a very long and delightful time exploring and getting reacquainted with it, using her soft hands and warm mouth.

She giggled as she explored, "Mmmm. Rascal, my Sweet Prince appears to have grown bigger than I remember. I used to be able to get my fingers over half way around him, Now I can't even come close, and I know he's longer, too, 'cause I felt him deeper than ever last night. He's gorgeous -- all grown up now, into a fine upstanding citizen! And you're taller too, I think!" <GIGGLE> I told her that I grew and filled out a little more in the year after they left, and maybe Rascal had too, but I'd never paid much attention.

Riekie suddenly got emotional, tears leaking from her eyes as she held my face and gazed into my eyes. "David, you may not have noticed, but I certainly do! It was very much a man, but in boy's clothing, that I fell in love with, and what a man! Now that man, fully grown and mature, you, stands before me today, and I'm deeper in love with you than ever, if that was ever possible. I built such a fantasy around you over the years that I was afraid I'd be disappointed when I met you again, but my fantasy doesn't even approach the miracle that I actually found! And not just physically! You always were wise beyond your years, and you still are. You are the most wonderful man I've ever known, and I love you so much I could just burst with the joy of being with you again, feeling you hold me, kiss me, just being near you! You really are my Miracle Man!"

Moved almost to tears myself by the vehemence of her emotion, I pulled her close under the cascading shower and kissed her tenderly. "Riekie Lloyd, my darling Princess. There hasn't been a day go by I haven't thought of you, hoping against hope we'd reconnect. You're still that beautiful blonde nymph I fell in love with, even more beautiful than ever, if that's possible. You're the true miracle, My Miracle Princess, for keeping your love so pure for all this time. There are two beautiful children, miracles conceived in pure love out of pain, despair, and loss, who know me and love me sight unseen because of the purity of your love, that prove that to me beyond the shadow of a doubt. I love you beyond imagining, always have, and will continue to love you beyond time itself. You are my True Love, my Soul-Mate. Riekie Lloyd — Mrs. Riekie Lloyd, I tell you three times -- I love you! I love you! I love you!"

Riekie melted into me, cooing, "Oooooo! Mrs. Lloyd! Oh! How I love the sound of that! William David Lloyd, my husband, my One True Love, my Soul-Mate, I say to you three times — I love you! I love you! I love you!"

Immersed in our rekindled and re-affirmed love, we cuddled and kissed again, holding each other close in the warm rain of the shower then gently and lovingly continued cleaning each other's bodies.

I found her beautiful pink-tipped breasts, and gently sucked each nipple until it was erect. Her beautiful blonde pussy was indeed a mess, and of course, I just had to pay special attention to getting Sweet Pussy clean. I soaped up the washcloth and cleaned her gently, eliciting several small gasps and a small orgasm. Then I soaped her up again thoroughly using my hands to gently ensure she was perfectly clean. I turned on one of the side jets to rinse her completely then planted a long, sucking kiss on her luscious blonde sex. I licked Sweet Pussy absolutely spotless before declaring her clean. Riekie had several orgasms bucking her hips, holding my face in tight and yelling her pleasure as she came each time, her fluids running freely. I licked her clean again, tasting the sweetness of her spend and she tasted just as good as the first time all those years ago.

Riekie returned the favour to Sweet Prince, first she washed him gently and thoroughly then used her mouth to finish the job; her talented tongue and lips caused that noble appendage to stand to attention and salute her. Delighted with his lively response, Riekie insisted that Rascal her Sweet Prince rod out Sweet Pussy nice and clean on the inside and serve her delayed breakfast. As usual, Sweet Pussy was a sloppy diner, Sweet Prince was overly generous with his offering and thus Sweet Pussy drooled part of her breakfast down the inside of Riekie's thighs. Riekie's scream of fulfillment as Rascal filled Sweet Pussy to overflowing echoed and re-echoed off the hard walls of the shower. I cleaned off the worst of the resultant mess, using washcloth and mouth and tasted myself as I kissed that beautiful blonde muff lingeringly. A thin trickle of white cream still oozed from Riekie's small opening, threatening more mess later, but she was totally unconcerned, saying it was good for her skin. Where had I heard that before?

We finished our shower, toweled each other sensuously to that warm and fuzzy feeling I loved so much after bathing with my beauties. When we went to brush our teeth at the sinks, we had a bit of a fun shoving match to determine who used what sink. I ran a comb through my hair, then helped Riekie comb out her gorgeous blonde locks. I had always loved helping her with her hair, and this was a dream come true for me to be doing it again.

We returned to the bedroom and made up the bed, replacing the towels from the cupboard by the hot tub. The bed linen was still serviceable for at least one more night, but Riekie's towel was completely soaked. The other two towels had damp spots, the girls having lapped up most of what they produced. The bed made up, we got dressed. I put on a pair of casual slacks and a flannel shirt. Riekie dressed very similar to the other two in a short wrap-around kilt sans panties with a black low cut pullover that hugged her braless breasts deliciously and revealed tantalizing cleavage. Like Carol and Diane, her kilt showed off her legs wonderfully.

Once dressed, I slipped my arm around her amazingly supple waist, she slipped hers around mine, and we headed out of the room and downstairs. For all the time we took, we were downstairs before the other wives and the kids. Just as the twins had said, Bob was already up, working on a coffee. He'd been busy at other things than making coffee, too — a fresh log snapped and crackled merrily in the fireplace and the tree lights were turned on. He led us into the kitchen and showed us where everything was. Riekie and I fixed ourselves coffees and carried them back in the living room just as Diane and Carol came down, noisily preceded by two happy youngsters. Despite showers and baths, we were all assembled in the living room of Carol's house by about eight o'clock.

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