Reprise - Cover


Copyright© 2006 by eviltwin

Chapter 58

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 58 - A coming of age and personal growth story. Dave And Carol, meet, fall in love, and suffer the pitfalls of life as they explore themselves and a multiple marriage. Some mysticism.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Rape   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Humor   Tear Jerker   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Spanking   Group Sex   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Squirting   Lactation   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Slow  

I picked up the phone and dialed Roy's number at Ipperwash. I made a mental note to send the aunts some money toward their phone bill. The operator answered and switched me to Roy's extension. Carol stood by me, listening to my side of the conversation.

"Major Searle, how may I help you?"

"Sergeant Major! Payback's a bitch ain't it?"

"Dave? Jeez, I didn't expect to hear from you before tomorrow. Diane said you were at a funeral, when I called on the weekend."

"You called the house? She never said anything, but then, there's a lot going on, it probably slipped her mind. Was it a social or business call?"

"A little of both. I have a name for you on that sergeant's former CO who might be the one we're looking for. I just wanted to let you know on the QT. I didn't tell Diane, just said I was calling to say hello. She did sound a little preoccupied, though."

"Lots and lots going on in our lives right now. Big things happening. Next time I see you, I'll bring you up to date. You and Patty still coming for Thanksgiving? It's only a couple weeks away now."

"As far as I know, now about that name..."

I interrupted Roy before he could tell me. "Colonel Robert Scott, late of the Royal Canadian Signal Corps, now retired. He's still alive, living in the Queen Charlotte Islands. If you need an address, I can have it in a couple minutes, I think. <Carol nodded and pointed to her purse.> No need for the QT, Roy, this is official, and you can label it a complaint if that carries any weight. I want this bastard nailed."

"How could you find that out so quickly, Sergeant Major? You must have some pretty good sources to get it as quickly as we did — that's our man."

"No need for 'sources', Roy; I suspected him all along. I thought it'd take me quite a long time to get into a position where I could confront him, but he was handed to me on a platter. The funeral I attended was for his ex-wife, and he also attended. We started rehashing old times, and with a little coaxing, he admitted everything in front of witnesses."

"That's great, Dave, are the witnesses willing to sign statements to what he said? He may be an old man now, but we want him. He and his kind have given the Army a real black eye with their 'Old Boy' network. The more we dig into these old files, the more we're finding. There's a real scandal brewing"

"Hang on Roy, I'll ask."

I turned to Carol and the aunts. "Would all of you sign statements that that man admitted in front of you he had my records altered?"

All three nodded and spoke as one. "Yes, David."

"Roy? I have three witnesses here who will all sign statements if and when you need them, plus me, of course. There's another witness; I'll hafta wait until I get home to talk to her, but I'm sure she will. With my own statement and four witnesses, you should be able to nail him. If he's convicted, I may even consider civil action for slander and defamation based on that and certain other of his actions regarding me."

"Sounds good, Dave, and I think the old sergeant might be willing to open up too. Anything else?"

"Uh, yeah, Roy, there is, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Let me pose a hypothetical question."

"Go ahead and shoot, Dave, this is me, remember?"

"Suppose a person came upon some information regarding a rape committed by a Canadian serviceman during the War. How does the Army treat a crime committed that long ago? Oh, and assume the crime was committed in Liberated Holland, sometime in 1945. It wouldn't be a civil matter, but one for the Provost Corps. Would they still want to prosecute?"

"Jeez, Dave, I'm not a military lawyer, so I can only give my opinion now, but I can check it out for you and let you know. For myself, I would think as long as there's a strong case, such as a living victim and witnesses, the military would still want to proceed. Like I say, though, I'll hafta check it out. Can I get back to you later in the week?"

"Sure, Roy, there's no rush. Even if the Army can proceed, I'm not sure about the victim yet. I think a lot will depend on what the Army's willing to do. I'll be grateful for anything you can find out."

"OK, Dave, leave it with me. Does this have anything to do with Colonel Scott?"

"I'm sorry, Roy, I'm not at liberty to discuss even that much yet, but here's a hint: if you send the MP's to pick him up over the document altering, tell them he might merit 'special' treatment, if you catch my meaning."

"I understand completely. Nasty person, eh?"

"You could say that. I have my personal reasons for wishing injury on him besides changing my documents."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Love to. Can't, right now."

"Oh. Thanksgiving, then?"

"Sounds good."

"I assume there are people listening, so start saying good bye, and end the sentence with the quantity of info."

"Sounds even better, Roy. I know you're busy, so I'll let you go now. See you at Thanksgiving. Give my love to Patty and the kids. And Roy? Thanks for everything."

"I understand, Dave. Hope I haven't put you on a spot. We'll get right on this thing with the good Colonel. See you at Thanksgiving. G'bye."

"'Bye, Roy, look forward to hearing from you."

As I hung up the phone I wondered if I was doing the right thing by keeping Carol and the aunts a little in the dark and promising Roy I'd tell him everything. Then again, little did he know the 'everything' I was going to spring on him. He was going to finally hear the full story of my life. I'd promised once upon a time to tell him what happened to my 'girlfriends' when I thought the time was right. It was finally time.

Everyone gave me a questioning look, so I filled them in on the scandal brewing over the altered documents, how Roy had stumbled over it just going through some old documents, and the role that man had played. I also told them how seriously the Army was taking it, and that Scott would at the very least be brought in for questioning along with the sergeant who did his dirty work for him. I told the aunts Roy would also let me know how the Army would treat an old rape case and that once I got that information, I would call them and they could then decide what, if anything, they wanted to do.

I'd like to see Scott spend the rest of his days behind bars for what he did to Jo, Carol and Riekie, but I also knew it would open old wounds for Jo, and might be better off left alone. To see him discredited with the Army and possibly imprisoned over the documents scandal might be enough, given his age. He was definitely being removed as a threat to us, and some small measure of justice would be extracted. That man was definitely a footnote in Carol's and my lives. How much he still loomed in Riekie's remained to be seen.

My conversation with Roy had only taken a few minutes. Carol and I helped the aunts with the breakfast cleanup then went to our room to dress and pack. Carol and I packed in silence. She seemed preoccupied with something, so I offered her a penny.

"A penny? Oh! <grin> For my thoughts!"

"Yeah, you seem a little lost in thought and somewhat down — not the happy, fulfilled woman of a half hour ago."

"It's just all this about my former father. I thought I was done with him. I don't ever want to see him again, but if he gets charged, I'll have to appear at his Court Martial and I'll have to face him. I don't want that."

"You may not, and in all likelihood won't, have to appear. That's why Roy wants the statements. Courts Martial don't usually call civilian witnesses if they can avoid it, preferring to make their case from evidence gathered in-house, especially where there might be even a hint of public scandal. If I understand Roy correctly, they may have enough evidence, including the old sergeant, if he testifies, to convict him without calling you or the other witnesses. When I talk to him next, I'll tell him your concern. OK?"

"OK, David. Hold me, please? I get all cold inside just thinking of him; I need some of your warm, soothing love."

I took Carol into my arms and just cuddled her. She didn't cry, she just snuggled up and held on, drawing strength from me. At length, she turned a smiling face up to me, and I kissed her tenderly.

"That's a lot better. I love you, David. You make me feel so safe and protected. Will you make love to me before we leave, please? I need to feel you inside me one last time before we go. Who knows when we'll get our next chance."

When a lady asks so sweetly, who am I to refuse? I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her again. Soon we were French kissing hotly, swapping spit and sucking each other's souls from our bodies. Carol got her tongue-suck thing going, and I soon had a raging boner poking through the front of my robe.

We moved to the bed, and removed each other's robes. We fell onto the bed and I entered her tight, wet pussy. We were soon rutting like fools, bucking and thrashing in ecstasy, our hips humping and squirming together, once again in perfect sync. All too soon, I felt the eruption rise within my balls as her body tightened and clenched beneath me. Our lips were locked together in a continuous kiss as our bodies succumbed to the maelstrom of bliss. My penis swelled and spit as her muscles clamped and rippled. I came and came, squirt after squirt of thick, creamy baby sauce. Carol's body jerked and heaved in her own orgasm, her convulsions timed with each jerking squirt of my cock, her juices squirting hotly onto my genitals. Her scream was muffled by the seal of our kissing lips as we came together.

As we relaxed and caught our breath, our hips gently humping together, we looked deep into each other's eyes, and as one, we both said. "I love you."

We traded sweet little kisses, holding each other tight, and as my penis fell from her with a soft sucking sound, once again we murmured a mutual, "I love you."

We soon had to rise to finish dressing and packing. We still had plenty of time, but we weren't going to leave it so late we had to rush, either. Before dressing, I took Carol into the bathroom and gave her dripping pussy and soaked thighs a good wash. I finished by planting a wet kiss on Mrs. Pussy's lips. Carol returned the favour to her Rascal. We returned to our room and dressed before finishing packing. Carol started putting on her old matronly clothes, but I stopped her.

"I don't ever want to see you looking like that again, except maybe at Hallowe'en. Give those old rags to the Sally Anne or something, but don't wear them. There are just too many sad memories associated with that wardrobe. You have enough nice dresses now to get you home. I guess we shoulda got you a couple pairs of jeans that show off your pretty bum."

"Jeans are OK when I'm away from you, but when I'm even near you I have to wear a dress or skirt to hide the wet. Jeans would soak it up and show. What should I wear today, then, David?"

"How 'bout one of your new skirts? It's still fairly warm here, and the last report I heard, it's still warm in Calgary."

"OK, but which one?"

"I like the little 'fuck-me' skirt, but I think the denim one for today, seeing as you're going West, and it reminds me of our wedding day, one of my happiest memories. How's that sound?"

"Why, you romantic old softy! I think that's a wonderful idea! I guess I should wear a bra, though, eh? Jeez! I've gotten so used to not wearing one, I bet it'll pinch. Oh well."

Carol slipped on the sexy bra and blouse to match her denim skirt then stepped into the skirt itself. The picture she created was to die for! With her long hair falling in soft waves to her shoulders and those legs movie stars and models would kill for, she was the sexiest looking creature on earth. We had made love only a few minutes before, but I felt a stirring in my groin just looking at her. Thirty six years old, and still my Teen Angel! The transformation was miraculous!

We finished our packing, and Carol left out her matronly skirts and blouses. She saved her sweaters, because she might need something warm if it got cool. Those sweaters could be very sexy if worn braless, too. One in particular that wasn't a turtle neck looked like it would go well with the denim skirt. She packed it on top of her carry-on bag where she could get it easily if she needed it.

Despite the beautiful picture she presented, Carol fidgeted and twisted, complaining about the bra feeling restrictive and pinching. She'd finally had enough and reaching inside her blouse, did one of those magic things women can, and removed it. The resulting image was breathtaking. Those beautiful breasts, her nipples semi erect, were clearly visible through the thin material of the blouse. She decided against it as too risqué. I suggested she put on her sweater. I meant to put it over the blouse, but she stripped that off, and fishing in her carry-on bag, retrieved her sweater. She pulled it over her bare breasts and instantly smiled in delight. When asked, she said the wool of her sweater rubbed her nipples wonderfully and she felt so free under it.

I slipped my arms around her from behind, and slid my hands under her sweater, found her luscious boobies, and as she said, her nipples were very erect. She never needed the support of a bra, so this worked well for her and me. I was able to cop a nice feel almost whenever I wanted. The sweater matched her skirt better than I thought, and went with her hair beautifully. From a teen angel she became a coed, more appropriate for traveling alone than the super sexy high school girl look.

Finished packing, we headed downstairs. If we left right at noon, we'd have two hours to catch her flight. It was just a little before eleven when we set our bags by the front door. I still wanted to look for a speaker phone to hook up for tonight's tell-all session. I'd seen a Home Hardware in this town, and thought they might have just what I wanted.

I like small town hardware stores, but the old-style ones are quickly disappearing. Home Hardware still maintains that small town familiarity in a modern store setting, and their selection and prices compare favourably with the big box store chains like Canadian Tire and K-Mart.

We were ready to leave. Carol would eat on the plane, and I'd grab a sandwich on the road, so we asked the aunts not to bother with an early lunch, as it wasn't that long since breakfast. I took our bags out to the truck and loaded them in the back. Fortunately it was another sunny day, a little cooler than the last few, but still lovely, and I didn't have to worry about protecting our gear from the rain in the open pickup. Carol took the time to call the CN/CP telegraph office and dictated her 'WE DID IT... ' message to Riekie, through the university. She might be wrapping up her marriage, but she was still on staff there, making it the most reliable address Carol had for her. She'd have it later that day.

I went back inside to say goodbye to the aunts. They were sorry to see us leave and said they'd really enjoyed our company. They complimented Carol on her appearance, and again noted the happy glow of pregnancy. After many hugs and kisses and not a few tears, Carol and I finally climbed into the truck. I helped her in, and got a lovely flash of her still-leaking muff as she swung her legs up and in. The aunts, standing behind me, had seen it too, but only smiled warmly, and commented on the lovely sexy young woman leaving where a dowdy matron had arrived. I promised the girls I'd call with any news of Paul, gave them each a last hug, and climbed behind the wheel. As we drove away, I glanced in the rear-view, and saw the aunts, arms around each other, waving us off.

Driving out of town, we stopped at the Home Hardware to check for a speaker phone. They had exactly what I wanted for a reasonable price, so I bought it and we continued on our way. The trip to Toronto International (now Pearson) took about two hours in moderate traffic. Carol snuggled as close a safety allowed the whole trip. Her skirt rode well up her thighs, and except for occasional adjustments to the vehicle controls, my hand was firmly trapped between those beautiful legs; I worked her to a couple small orgasms as we drove. We talked happily about our new baby, and joked and kidded about being parents, Carol for the first time. Our love seemed to grow even more as we talked.

We made good time and stopped at a small conservation area picnic spot just before the city to relieve our bladders. I've been on the 401 in the city before with a full bladder and no place to stop. It's no fun, to say the least if traffic slows down for any reason, and although it wasn't rush hour, one never knows. Even a small fender bender can snarl traffic. The small parking area was vacant as we pulled in. With tourist season over, the only ones using this spot on a weekday were smart travelers like ourselves.

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