Trilogy I - Sacrifice - Cover

Trilogy I - Sacrifice

Copyright© 2006 by maryjane

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - These three stories form a Trilogy only in that they were completed and uploaded at the same time. In Sacrifice, Charlene does whatever she must in order to keep her son out of jail.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Incest   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Water Sports  

My eyes opened the next morning to bright sunlight streaming through my window, but the light began to shimmer as tears filled my eyes, the result of my brain beginning to realize my situation. I began to sob.

Good thing I'm sleeping alone, so I don't have to explain this crying to anyone.

I threw on a bathrobe and walked to Nick's room. As usual, he was sleeping naked, with the covers kicked off because of the summer heat. His cock stood at attention, the typical male morning piss-hardon.

Stop looking at it, Charlene, or you'll never get to court on time.

"Wake up, Nick."

He stirred, stretched and then smiled. He looked down at his swollen penis, making no attempt to hide his nakedness. Why should he? He knew I was staring at it and he knew that I liked it.

"Don't I get a good morning kiss?"

You mean a good morning blow job, don't you?

"No. Move it along or we'll be late."

With an effort, I tore my gaze off that beautiful love muscle and went back to my room. I dressed sedately, as would befit any mother taking her son to court. Nick was silent on the way there, probably scared at what might happen. So was I, but I tried to make small talk, to no avail. I deliberately had left early so that I would be able to watch the entire proceedings, up until our turn at least. We sat in the second row, close enough to hear but allowing for other heads to partially block us from sight. I was particularly trying to find some other woman or women in the same predicament as me; I wasn't ready to start up any conversations but I wanted to see what I could learn.

The judge introduced himself and the prosecutor, a young attorney named Michael Lewis. Most of the cases had lawyers, and they were disposed of or adjourned with a lot of mumbo-jumbo I couldn't understand. My ears perked up the first time I saw a mother-daughter team go up without a lawyer. The charge was shoplifting; the girl looked stupid and her mother looked like trailer trash, ugly to boot. When she asked for an adjournment to get a lawyer, the prosecutor agreed without looking at her, and the judge granted it. I couldn't believe that she was one of the victims, she looked so uninviting.

Aha! Maybe looks do count.

The routine resumed for about fifteen minutes. Then I saw an awesome pair of boobs walk up toward the judge, followed closely by an otherwise trim figure and a shaggy haired teenaged son. She shook her head and long blonde hair swirled; every man and some of the women in the courtroom stripped her naked. Including me.

I'd switch to lesbian to have a chance to eat that.

When she asked for an adjournment, the prosecutor smiled, said "Again?" and then agreed.

Maybe she's one of the other ones he's fucking. But why does the prosecutor have to consent? Does that mean he's going to be part of this bullshit?

The angry look on the mother's face told me that I was right; she too was a rape victim. I took out pencil and paper and scribbled down the name of her son. I had no idea why I did so, or if her name was the same as that of her son, but I tucked it away for future reference.

When it was my turn, Nick's turn, I went up there with him and said, "Judge, I haven't been able to get an attorney yet. Can we please have an adjournment?"

The prosecutor piped up. "Judge, this woman has had enough time to get her son a lawyer. I think we should proceed."

"Mr. Lewis, Ms. Kelly, please come up here."

When we got there, the judge began to whisper, so no one else could hear us, the way they do it on the judge shows on television, where the judge holds his hand over the microphone. In this dinky little shit hole of a town, there was no microphone to worry about.

"Mike, there are unusual circumstances here."

The bastard is smiling. He's looking me up and down in front of the whole fucking courtroom. He's fucking leering. Nick will see him.

"Do you mean..."

"Yes. Thursday evenings."

Mike nodded.

The judge looked at me. "Mr. Lewis will join us next Thursday."

"You mean every Thursday?"

"No, just sometimes. I'm still in charge. Anyone else will always be by my invitation only."

"Oh, goody, goody."

"Watch your mouth, Ms. Kelly. OK, both of you step back."

Then the judge spoke out loud again. "The prosecution has withdrawn its objections. This matter is adjourned for two weeks."

As we were leaving, Nick started to question me.

"What was that all about?"

"The judge explained about my job preventing me from getting a lawyer."

"But you've been laid off."

"They don't know that. Now stop worrying, I know what I'm doing."

"Still, I don't like the way those two guys were looking at you."

"Well, when a girl's decent looking, she gets used to it and ignores it, or tries to, anyway. You've looked at girls like that, haven't you?"

"Never like THAT!"

That's a sharp little kid I've got there. I'd better be careful."

That night I went to Steve's place to begin a weekend of quiet fucking. That's the way it started, anyway, but the next morning it turned into a weekend of love-making, because that's the first significant word I used when Steve woke me up by licking my clit. And when he picked his head off my pussy and repeated it, that one incomparable word around which the world revolves, I was in Heaven.

He was curious about why I went back to insisting that he use condoms when we made love. I gave him the easy answer, that I was fertile and wasn't ready for another baby, but as I said it, I knew that it wouldn't work for thirty days each month, and I dreaded the moment when I would have to revert to the truth.

About noon on Saturday, I called the house to check on Nick. A sweet young female voice answered.

Rosalie, I hope.

"Hi, who's this?"


"This is Charlene. Why am I giving her my first name? Where's Nick?"

"Er... he went shopping."

"What for? I left plenty of food for him."

"Er... he went to the drug store."

Holy shit, they used up all the condoms I left for him.

"Well, it's nice to know that you two are smarter than most kids your age."

"Huh?... Oh, thank you."

Well, she might be a great piece of ass but she's not a Rhodes Scholar.

"I'd like to meet you some time."

"If it's OK with you, I'll stay here until tomorrow evening. My parents are out of town and my sister is baby sitting me, but she doesn't care."

"See you then. Give Nick a big kiss for me."

"You betcha."

Steve and I went through a lot of condoms that weekend; I began to wonder if I was in a contest with my son to see who could get laid the most. I went home early on Sunday afternoon, deliberately hoping to catch Nick and Rosalie in bed together.

What's the matter with you, Charlene? Can't you let Nick get his rocks off in peace?

No, damn it, I couldn't. Not only was his cock bigger than his father's, it was also larger than the piece of meat dangling between the legs of my new lover. Not too much, though. And I wanted to see it in action.

I entered the house quietly; not on tiptoe, necessarily, but not wanting to make any noise either. To the delight of my ears, I heard soft feminine moaning coming from Nick's room. Unlike on other occasions, the door was wide open; I would be seen if anyone was looking that way. By then I really was slinking. My head inched around the door jamb, my eyes bulged out halfway to Nick's bed, and my pussy, drying out since I had left Steve, began to gush anew.

There was Nick, kneeling naked on the foot of his bed, his ass to me. His knees were spread slightly for support, giving me a clear view of his beautiful cock hanging down between his legs, the vision a little bit obscured by the ball sac swaying to and fro. Rosalie, partly hidden by Nick's body, was equally naked, her eyes closed, her head flopping from left to right as she moaned the delight of Nick's tongue between her legs.

Beautiful tits on that young lady. What a shame that I don't... What if... Stop that, Charlene... Oh, Jeez, Nicky, how about...

I shook my head to clear out those thoughts. Until I was finished with the fucking Judge and his pals, and had a chance to take a blood test, nobody's tongue — or cock — was going near my pussy raw.

As I watched, Nick's head moved slowly in a lazy circle, and I could picture his tongue going up one side of her labia and down the other. When Rosalie began to scream, I pulled my head back quickly, remaining quietly unseen as I listened to them rearrange themselves on the bed. I ventured a peek again, this time to see that they had changed places; Rosalie was on her knees, bent over Nick's cock, her puffy pussy lips damp with dew as his hands held her head in place.

Oh, shit, how long has it been since I've tasted pussy like that? High school? Would you really mind, Nicky?

My reverie exploded with shock as I saw that Nick's eyes were open, wide, wide open as he saw me staring at his girlfriend's bare behind. Then I smiled at him, his jaw still open and slack, and blew him a silent kiss. I watched for a few more seconds and retreated to the front door, where I opened it and closed it noisily.

"I'm home."

I stood there until I heard the rustle of feet and the click of his door closing. I went to the kitchen and put up a pot of coffer, and Nick soon padded in on bare feet, his face glowing crimson.

"Where's Rosalie?"

"She's taking a shower."

I lowered my voice and stared into his eyes.

"Where'd you learn to eat pussy like that?"

He smiled. "Would you like a demonstration, Mom?"

I just laughed.

"How many rubbers did you go through this weekend, Nick?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me."

I was debating with myself when Rosalie walked into the kitchen. She was even sexier with clothing on than she was naked.

"Hi, Mrs. Kelly. I'm Rosalie."

"Well, I surely hope so, but I'm Charlene, not Mrs. anything."


We made small talk for a while, but I couldn't keep my eyes off her tits. She noticed, and so did Nick, but neither said anything. When it was time for her to go home, we hugged. It seemed to me that she pressed her tits into mine a little more than was necessary for a first meeting with her boyfriend's mother.

I've got to have her. Stop it, Charlene, she's Nick's.

"So how'd you like her, Mom?"

"Very much. She's cute and sweet."

"You wanted to fuck her, didn't you, Mom? I could tell."

I blushed. He continued.

"How would you like to fuck me instead?"

Why am I not getting all uptight about his language? Is it the weekend with Steve fucking me silly?

"I don't think so, Nick, but I know I interrupted something when I came home. Shall I finish that for you?"

"I'd love that, Mom, but I have to tell you the truth; she finished that right after you slammed the door."

"I'm jealous. Does that mean you're not interested?"

"You know I am."

Right there in the kitchen, Nick dropped his pants and I dropped to my knees in front of him.

What the fuck am I doing? I've just spent the entire weekend in bed with Steve; if we didn't give each other more orgasms than Nick and Rosalie did, we surely came close. My pussy is sore from all the action it had, but I think what turned me on was seeing Nick eating his girlfriend. I'm jealous, because I couldn't let Steve eat me because I'm afraid of what that fucking judge and his asshole buddy of a cop poured into me. At least if I just suck, Nick'll be pretty safe. Oh shit, I shouldn't unless I'm perfectly sure. But I can't help it. What am I going to tell Steve next weekend when he wants to go inside me without a raincoat? Oh, shit!

I grabbed Nick's meat and started to lick the crown; that first drop of pre-cum was already there. I looked up and saw that his eyes were closed and that he was starting to breathe shallowly.

Kind of early for that, I think.

I swallowed him straight on and felt his hand behind my head. After just three sucks, he spoke.

"Let's get into bed, Mom."

I shook my head to signify rejection of his suggestion. His cock was still in my mouth and it flipped back and forth in unison with my head.

"Why not, Mom?"

I wasn't about to argue with him; it was my choice, not debatable. Also, I didn't want to let his cock out of my mouth, so I simply bit down on it, gently but noticeably, and he got the idea.

Smart kid, Nicky.

Instead of continuing to argue, he held my head more firmly and began to thrust in and out of my mouth. Now he was doing the fucking, my lips serving merely to hold him in place, moistly, as though he were inside my pussy. I gave his nuts a little squeeze.

Cum, Nicky, cum, cum, cum.

It was as though he could read my mind, and soon he was whispering those words, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" as he exploded... Where does he get all that cum?... deep into my mouth, a series of spurts enough to let some ooze out of the corners of my lips. Even as I swallowed, I could feel the excess on my chin. I scooped it with one finger and, my face still buried in his crotch, lifted my hand toward his mouth until I felt his lips cleaning his cum from my finger.

So yes, we fucked every night that week, even once while I was on the phone telling Steve that I loved him, but always Nick was wearing a rubber. And one of those evenings, I blew Nick while he was on the phone with Rosalie, whispering sweet nothings to her that could just as well have been meant for me.

And then it was Thursday evening again. I remembered my instructions about the tight sweater and no underwear, but I didn't know how to get out of the house without a serious third-degree from Nick.

If he sees these nipples poking out of this sweater, when I'm supposed to be going to a class, he'll know something is fishy.

After those times in bed with him, Nick had started to walk into my bedroom without knocking. After all, he had seen me naked pretty often recently, and though I had so far been unsuccessful in holding fast to my commitment not to have sex with him again, he was always trying. And I did let him feel me up when I was in my underwear. I knew that I shouldn't, but I figured the worst thing that could happen was that he would have to go masturbate if Rosalie was not available.

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