Ladies' Lodge - Cover

Ladies' Lodge

Copyright© 2006 by Horatio

Chapter 6B: Bondage, Whipping and Punishment

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6B: Bondage, Whipping and Punishment - Two girls are set an embarrassing and very cold initiation test.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   DomSub   FemaleDom   Spanking   First  

"I think I've had enough hill climbing for the rest of this year", said Harriet as they prepared to sleep later that day. They had found a disused hut - probably a former shepherd's refuge and had sat for several hours talking animatedly among themselves repeating jokes that they had probably told each other several times already and speculating about the future after November 23rd.

"Shame on you, Harry - this is easily the best part of the country for this kind of thing and we really have loads of time on our hands. If we can't find a nice lake or something to swim in, were going for a really hard climb tomorrow - that's a promise. We might even fit both in! Today was just a warm-up! I won't have defeatism around here - you should know better by this time, naughty Harriet."

Jessica said as they gradually settled down "I don't think I'm going up to Oxford next year, I'm going to marry Andy as soon as this is over. I'll probably have given birth by next October - hope so anyway."

"After all the money your father paid for your education and all the sacrifices women have made to secure equal rights and opportunities and you just want to go and be the little woman looking after some man and bearing his children! What's got into you, Jessie?"

"When you meet the right guy, Harry, you'll know!"

"Can't you get some sense into her Gwendoline? That's a brilliant brain going to waste - society needs talent like that!"

"Shut up, Harry or that'll be two mountains I chase you up tomorrow. You're definitely due to go up one AND have a nice cold swim in some mountain lake, while we watch and cheer you on. So get to sleep - you're going to need all your strength tomorrow! You know - you really are so fucking insensitive sometimes."

"Sorry, Gwen - I forgot" whispered Harriet and kissed her cheek in a gesture of apology.

"You're still going to be punished, so don't crawl - take it like a woman" said a furious and almost tearful Gwen. She turned toward Jessica and the two slept in each others arms.

"Why can't I keep my big mouth shut" moaned a distressed Harriet to herself as the other two slept and she was faced with a night without shared warmth. She knew there would be no mercy tomorrow from Gwendoline who never forgot and never went back on her word. "Serve me right for opening that wound again -as Gwen said - face it like a woman". And she finally slipped into a troubled sleep.

"Well isn't that convenient! A nice lake and a really rocky slope right together. Could have been made to order. Feeling fit Harriet? Swim across the lake and climb up the hill - then come down and swim back. We'll still be here when you return - if you return!. What are you waiting for, Harriet - Christmas?"

"I really truly am sorry for what I said last night, Gwen. I mean my foot still hurts a lot!"

"Yes and it'll hurt a lot more when you've finished, probaby the other one as well. You should have thought about that before shooting your great stupid mouth off! - unless you want us to go on without you. It's up to you - make up your bloody mind one way or another. You make me sick you pathetic little whiner."

"OK - but I'm truly sorry Jessie and Gwen - see you both later"

And a tearful Harriet waded into the lake and swam across to the other side. She was frozen to the very marrow long before she got across and could scarcely drag herself out onto the shore. She looked around and Gwendoline was standing, her arms crossed over her firm and flawless breasts and with a look that was as mercilessly implacable as ever. Even at that distance Harriet could see that there was to be no let up. "Best press on" she thought and immediately started up the slope.

As Gwendoline had predicted the sore toe was soon joined in its affliction by a couple of its fellows and she was bleeding a little from several minor abrasions by the time she got to the top. She looked down and in the remote distance Gwendoline was still watching. She seemed to be carved in stone, so still was she standing.

The climb down was no easier as she kept slipping and sliding. Her elbows were totally raw after several falls onto her backside and when she finally made it to the bottom, feeling more dead than alive there was still the swim back and still Gwendoline stood watching.

Neither of her friends made any effort to assist her from the water at the other side and she staggered up to them almost ready to faint from exhaustion.

"Well done Harry. Very promising beginning. Jessie and I haven't had our bit of exercise - let's all go"

"Gwendoline - you surely aren't forcing the poor girl to go through all that again with us? She's all in - look at her!"

"I said 'come on' are you deaf? Come on BOTH of you."

Harriet had to be helped up the last part of the climb by Jessica - Gwendoline making no move to assist the distressed girl. Finally they all rested on the top. It was getting rather far on in the afternoon by this time.

"I'm disappointed in you Jessica - you have interfered with my punishment of Harriet. It only means she will have a bit added on later. Don't help her again. We must get back or it will be dark. You go first Harriet and you follow on behind me Jessica."

By the time the girls had climbed back down and swum across the lake they were all tired but Harriet lookd quite terrible and Gwen had to steel herself for the hundredth time during the day to suppress her growing pity for her.

"We'll bed down over there where the grass looks fairly soft - not you Harry - not until you have another swim across and back."

"No Gwen - I won't stand for any more..." And Jessica stopped when she saw the look on Gwendoline's face.

"That's better Jessie - unless you want to join her! Off you go Harriet. Come on Jessica lets get to sleep"

Harriet had just got into the water and swum the first few strokes across when Gwen called to her to come back and join them and get herself warm. Her day of misery was over!

As she lay between the two, she again kissed Gwendoline on the cheek. Sorry again Gwen - mind you I think you were really far too hard on me!"

"Don't push your luck Harriet - plenty more lakes and hills around here! How do you feel?"

"Tired and sore - but not that bad really, although I don't know why that should be!"

"I do"


"You took your punishment like a woman - just like I said you should - except for a little bit of whining early on - I'm proud of you. I was going to let you off loads of times, but I made a promise, even if it was a vindictive and horrible one and I had to go through with it"

"You're a funny one Gwen - you really are! What are we all in for tomorrow?"

"Oh some artist friend of mine that I met on holiday last year has a place somewhere near. He's famous for his landscapes or hopes to be one day! Just as well he is around here - we haven't eaten much today and you in particular must be very hungry after all the calories you burned off! Think you can bear to be hugged by me after all I've put you through? I did offer to stand down you know"

"I know - I almost wish you hadn't been persuaded - almost but not quite! Like another kiss, Gwendoline maybe somewhere a bit more exciting this time?"

"As long as you don't bite my tongue off!"

"Stop that, Jessica - she walks under her own steam and for God's sake keep up with me, both of you!"

Jessica had just offered to give a bit of support to Harriet whose face was drawn with pain as she struggled to match the cracking pace that Gwendoline was setting them all. They had been walking for three hours, since waking up beside the lake that Harriet had swum across four and a half times yesterday. After a few minutes bathing her sore feet she had been bidden to get started by a newly icy Gwendoline. The warmth she had briefly shown her the night before had totally gone.

Midday came and Gwen decreed a short break. Jessica took this opportunity to whisper to her friend as Harriet washed and bathed her feet in a little rivulet.

"Why can't we help the poor girl. Can't you see she's in agony?"

"It's part of her punishment. Let her keep her self respect and stop trying to help her. This is something she needs to cope with herself."

"You're being so horribly cruel, Gwen - I almost hate you for this!"

"Alright Jessie - offer to support her and if she accepts, then so be it!"

"Come to that Gwen, I was the one who raised the subject of Andy that night - why didn't you take your spite out on ME?"

"Harriet rubbed more salt in the wound."

They got started shortly after this and Jessica offered to help Harriet only to be refused.

"OK Jessie. Thank, but no thanks. I'll be alright. The soles of my feet are not too damaged - hardly at all. Remember I have spent more of my life barefoot than either of you two. It's getting easier all the time"

And certainly Harriet seemed to be making less heavy weather of it during the afternoon session., easily keeping up with the others.

Gwendoline's artist friend, Jim lived in a bleak, grey-stoned former farm cottage which nestled under a gaunt and rocky outcrop that seized Gwen's adventurous imagination the moment she saw it. She determined to climb it next day, although it looked virtually unclimable.

Jim looked utterly amazed at the sight of the three wild-looking and naked girls who appeared at his door. He was at an upstairs window when he saw them and seemed totally at a loss.

"Come on Jim - you've seen me naked before - remember? Let us in - there's a good fellow!"

His face disappeared from the window.

"When did he see you naked, Gwen" asked Jessica.

"I met him last year when Mummy and Daddy rented a private beach in Crete for a month. They had to go home after the first couple of days - I was naked thereafter and Jim and a couple of his friends dropped anchor offshore and stayed around a couple of days before moving on. I thought he was taken with me, but he's never been in touch since. I spotted his address on some of his notepaper when I swam out to the yacht and they asked me on board."

"You mean we've just dropped on him out of the blue? That's taking a bit of a risk!"

"He's the only person I know even remotely near here and I fancy somewhere warm to sleep and a good square meal."

Finally the front door opened and a red-faced Jim appeared and invited the three inside. The all gasped at what they saw. A full length portrait of a naked Gwendoline hung in the hallway, greeting all visitors to the house. In the sitting room were several other portraits of her.

"Gosh! Gwen - aren't they marvellous!" gasped Jessica. He's got all the details - even down to your black bush!"

And in a whisper "He must really be crazy about you!"

An ever more red-faced and embarrased Jim invited the girls into the kitchen and rustled up a simple meal of bread and cheese for them.

"I'm right in the middle of a bit of a clear-out at the moment. Moving all the furniture out of one of the bedrooms and putting all my canvasses in there. Heavy work and I really must finish it now I've started - take it easy in the sitting room for a couple of hours and I'll be right with you."

"Well, Jim! Isn't this your lucky day! Harriet loves a bit of hard work - don't you Harriet? Off you go with Jim, now Harriet! We'll take a bit of a nap. Jessie and I are exhausted, but Harriet never stops. She's a wonder, that girl!"

So poor Harriet spent a couple of hours helping Jim shifting furniture and Gwen and Jessie slept like logs on Jim's comfortable sofa.

When they woke up it was almost dark and a dust covered Jim and Harriet joined them in the sitting room.

"I don't know what to do about dinner. Not a very ambitious cook myself"

"Oh - Harriets's a wonderful cook - aren't you Harriet" said Gwendoline. "Just show her where everything is and she'll do the rest - then come back here and talk to us - dear old Jim!"

Jim took Harry into the kitchen and showed her the contents of the larder and fridge. She frowned.

"Typical bachelor's establishment! No bloody culinary imagination! Never mind I'll fix up something - leave it to me!"

"No Harriet - I'd like to help and I want to talk to you about something" He closed the kitchen door.

"Start peeling these potatoes and carrots and put them in the saucepan - don't light the gas just yet - I'll let you know when. What do you want to talk about - Gwendoline?"

Jim reddened again.

"I suppose you've seen her pictures all over the house? I met her last year for a couple of days in Crete and I haven't been able to get her out of my mind since - too scared to ask her to see me again. Silly of me!"

"Very silly - do you know how to chop up an onion - No - leave it to me! - So you sit here eating your heart out and painting her picture instead of being a red blooded man and asking her out. Talk about pathetic! What kind of a man are you?"

"A thirty year old man - that's what. Falling in love with a seventeen year old girl. One look at those ice cold blue eyes and I was lost - scared as a fifteen year old asking his first love for a date! Any way enough of me - why are you being used as some sort of drudge? You look ready to drop - poor girl!"

"Because I deserve it. Don't waste your sympathy on me! I think Gwendoline likes you a lot more than you realise, Jim. She mentioned you last night for the first time, but there was something in her voice - I don't think yours is a lost cause - have courage! And now leave me to my servitude and join the others. Dinner will be about an hour from now"

"Who told you to sit down with us, Harriet - you can eat when we've finished"

"I don't know or care what you have against this girl, Gwen, but she is a guest in my house, who has worked like a Trojan all afternoon and cooked a lovely dinner for us while you two were sleeping and idling. And she eats with us! I'm ashamed of you - I really am!"

"No, Jim! Gwendoline is right. If you knew all about it you'd agree with her. I'll be in the kitchen if you want me for anything. I told you not to waste your sympathy on me."

And Harriet withdrew to the kitchen.

The meal proceeded in embarrassed silence for a while until Jim once again fell under the sway of Gwen's charm and loveliness. He quite forgot Harriet until she came to serve the sweet and coffee.

After Harriet had had her meal and completed clearing away and washing up she was allowed to join the others for the hour before bedtime.

"I don't want to sound inhospitable, girls but I only have the one small spare room - but there is a tent in the garden - I suggest two of you use that, and one has the room."

"Jessie and I will have the room, Jim; and Harriet can sleep in the tent - out you go, Harriet and don't forget to close the door to behind you."

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