Ladies' Lodge - Cover

Ladies' Lodge

Copyright© 2006 by Horatio

Chapter 11: Journey's End

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11: Journey's End - Two girls are set an embarrassing and very cold initiation test.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   DomSub   FemaleDom   Spanking   First  

November 20th

Harriet and Jessica, with their largely fading bruises and Gwendoline proudly bearing her extensive and freshly acquired cuts and bruises to say nothing of her newly leathered arse (she particularly liked the marks left by the studs) as if they were prized and valued trophies, came downstairs after Gwen's return from her naked orgy in the snow and rejoined the party, many of whom were preparing to leave.

The ex belly-dancer was sitting dressed again and looking angry as ever in a corner. Mr Armsley came over to Gwen and took her to one side. He spoke to her for a minute and she smiled, embraced him and kissed him full on the mouth, running her fingers through his thick black hair - not withdrawing her tongue from his mouth for a very long time. She then looked over at her defeated opponent with a look of triumph. "I've taken your husband from you, you old cow - what are you going to do about it now?" was the message her eyes gave out to all and sundry.

She returned smilingly to her two astounded friends.

"Good news, girls. We've got somewhere to spend the next two nights. Your friend Peter will put us up for tonight, Harriet and the guy you saw me dancing with when you joined us yeaterday will give us a bed tomorrow. That about wraps it up."

Mrs Armsley got to her feet and came over to them. She addressed Gwen.

"I still say you are a dirty little slut, but you are a slut with great style, I'll grant you that. I know John, he won't leave me for you or anyone else. I should have had the sense to know that before going for you. You did well, young lady. I was and am the best, if you could beat me there are few people men or women you have to fear. But be careful - one day you may meet your match. In spite of everything I wouldn't like to watch that. Goodbye and good luck to the three of you."

She started to move away, but Gwen seized her arm and tearfully begged her forgiveness.

"I do things sometimes, I'm so ashamed of afterwards"

She stood upright, held her hands by her sides and invited the lady to knock her senseless because it was no more than she deserved.

"No, my dear. You've acquired enough injuries for one day. It would give me great pleasure - believe you me, but if I can't do it in a fair fight, then I don't want to do it at all. Goodbye again."

She walked away and Gwen continued to stand, clearly still awaiting the invited blow. Mrs Armsley looked around and came back.

"I''ve changed my mind. I'll take you up on your offer"

She stepped back and amidst complete silence, watched by the fascinated and horrified onlookers she drew back her fist and smashed it hard into Gwendoline's deliberately unprotected jaw. It was a hard blow which rang out around the room and the eighteen-year old who had never in her short life known defeat slumped to the ground. It was ten minutes before she came round and by that time she was in Peter's car with her friends and on her way to the next resting place.

Jessica was in the front seat, surprisingly enough! and Gwendoline regained consciousness to find her head resting on Harry's breast.

"That was the bravest thing I've ever seen you do, Gwendoline. They all said how much they admired the way you just stood there and let her do that to you. No one would speak to her afterwards and her husband just turned his back on her."

"That's not the effect I intended" said Gwen. "I was ashamed of flirting with John and then humiliating her by kissing him in front of her. I deserved to be knocked out and I'm glad I was. It's a pity she didn't win the original fight and leave me lying out in the snow. She was in the right, after all said and done. I AM a dirty little slut"

Harry's tears dripped onto Gwen's battered face.

"Don't say such awful things. You're wild and wayward, but we all love you and everyone said how it had made their day when they first saw you in that barn. You're no slut, my darling Gwendoline - never in this world. You're my lovely wonderful friend and I love you more than anyone else in the world, even Peter here!"

They put a still very shaky Gwendoline to bed when they got to Peter's house and because she could not have bedclothes they made sure the room was as hot as a furnace. Harriet sat with her all day and into the evening to be ready to see to any of her needs and slept by her side until morning. Gwen awoke feeling much better and her splitting headache gone. Jessica amused a disappointed Peter by telling him all about their adventures so far and finally went to a room by herself to sleep.

November 21st

Jessie felt Gwen had finally got just what she deserved, even if it had taken a very brave and wholly voluntary act on her part. She relived in her mind's eye the moment when her increaingly imperious and arrogant friend had bitten the dust so spectacularly and relished the memory each time. That put Jessica in a minority of one. Even Mrs Armsworth came around the next day and apologised to Gwen and not only that, but she entirely withdrew her description of her as a slut.

"You are a lovely young woman and you will learn soon enough not to use that beauty as such a devastating weapon! After all, John is a handsome man and he did encourage you, my dear. I'm glad to see you better - like to return the compliment" and she stood in the same attitude as had Gwen, inviting a return knockout blow. A tearful Gwendoline responded by putting her arms around her and kissing her.

"I told you you weren't a slut and you wouldn't believe me. Perhaps you'll believe her." said a relieved Harry, after the lady had left.

The penultimate full day of their journey passed quietly as the three battered young ladies recuperated and recovered from all their sexual and pugilistic exertions of the last few amazing days. Except for Harry who made up for lost time as far as her lost night with Peter was concerned. Finally evening came and Gwen's former dancing partner came and collected them. They had a hurried supper and went up early to their shared double bed. For once a bed was used by these versatile and insatiable ladies purely for sleeping in.

November 22nd

Roger was the name of their next host and he was truth to tell extremely embarrassed to find himself alone with these three charming, if battle hardened young women, even if he had offered to put them up. Being asked to guide the naked and dripping Gwen around the dance floor had been pretty awkward for him, but he feared the ridicule of his friends if he had declined her invitation to dance. He had been as shocked as anyone to see the golden haired goddess he had almost come to worship laid low so dramatically, but came to see that even that being so brutally felled by Mrs Armsworth had been a sort of triumph in its way and his regard for Gwen was only strengthened as a result.

As the day wore on, Jessica asked how far they were from their goal, now that there were less than eighteen hours to get there.

"About fifty miles, I should think said Gwendoline casually. I don't know exactly."


"Yes, Jessica, fifty miles" replied Gwen quietly. "I'll thank you to watch your mouth, Jessica, when you are talking to me. I am still in charge, remember. Trust me. We stay here until ten o'clock tonight and then we will have transport. We can sleep en route and stop at a lay by for an hour or two. I've had it all arranged for weeks. You surely didn't think I'd let you down, Jessie? I know how you have had this dream for eight years and I'll make sure you realise it tomorrow. Let's go upstairs and rest, shall we - just the two of us. I see Peter has driven over to see Harry! That'll keep them busy! As for poor old Roger -I fear it's all been a bit much for him!"

After reliving that wonderful love affair which at one stage had convinced them that they were destined to be with each other for life, Gwen and Jessica came downstairs, after having first prised a reluctant Harriet away from an equally reluctant Peter.

They waited expectantly as the hour of ten approached.

Dead on time, the bell rang, Roger opened the door and in trooped Jim, Bill and Andy. The three couples eagerly and passionately embraced. Only Jessie and Andy could hug each other with anything remotely approaching a clear conscience, but Gwen and Harry clung to their respective lovers with the same frantic enthusiasm as the other two.

"We've all brought our diverse forms of transport along." announced Andy. "I have a lorry, Bill has an antiquated and possibly none too reliable BMW and Jim has his latest pride and joy, a Bentley. Take your pick, ladies - the final stage of your gynaeco-masonic pilgrimage is about to commence!"

Gwendoline risked Jim's displeasure by bestowing a lingering and drippingly wet kiss upon Roger's hungry lips and the party prepared to embark on the final stage of their journey.

The three girls took their places beside their respective men and the convoy proceeded to a lay-by about twenty miles away from their goal. Everybody disembarked onto the frozen roadside and the three girls went into a shivering huddle. Finally Gwendoline, in one of her last acts as leader, approached the three men.

"Jessie wants to be with her darling Andy for this last night, but Harry and I want to be with each other. Sorry, chaps!, but this has been a woman thing for us and we have grown to love each other, Harry and I. Please let us have this last precious time together my darling Jim and lovely old Bill!"

The two disappointed lovers agreed with as good a grace as they could muster.

Gwen and Harriet got into the rear seat of Bill's car.

The two girls melted into each others bodies and giggled uncontrollably at Gwen's stupendous lie! As if there could ever be a last time for them to make love to each other!

Jessica and Andy got onto the front seat of his lorry and prepared for a night of chaste passion

Jim and Bill made themselves as comfortable as possible on the front and back seats respectively of Jim's new Bentley.

Jessie and Andy had a chaste and happy night.

Bill and Jim had an uncomfortable night.

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