Ladies' Lodge - Cover

Ladies' Lodge

Copyright© 2006 by Horatio

Chapter 10: More New Friends - More Sex

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10: More New Friends - More Sex - Two girls are set an embarrassing and very cold initiation test.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   DomSub   FemaleDom   Spanking   First  

November 19th - Continued

As Jessica and Harriet gradually recovered their senses after the brutal knockout Gwendoline had recently inflicted on them, they became more and more concerned about their greatly beloved, if unpredictable friend.

"We'll have to go outside and look for her, Harriet. Something happened to her while we were out cold. I feel scared. I'd really like to get back at her for what she did to us, but she's my friend and yours"

"She beat us fair and square, Jessica. I sure was trying to do the same to her. She was making a fool of me and I was getting extremely hot under the collar about it. What about you?"

"She'd got me so raging mad with the way she was running rings around us both, I'd have dearly liked to teach her a lesson myself and wipe that infuriating smile off her face. You're right - she beat us fair and square and now let's go and find her"

Emerging into the rain, they heard the sounds of laughter and music coming from the farmhouse and made their way cautiously in the rain towards it. Harriet looked through a window and froze in amazement.

"Come and look at this, Jessica. I think we should go and join the party!"

Jessica took her friend's place at the window and saw Gwendoline in the arms of a young man dancing together with a few other couples. Everybody else was dressed, but Gwen seemed quite unfazed by this and was clearly hugely enjoying the way the man expertly guided her around the floor. A few other men sat around watching. There seemd to be something of an imbalance of the sexes and the men rather outnumbered the women. It occurred to the watching pair that they could redress the balance somewhat!

Somewhat uncertainly they made their way into the house through the unlocked front door. The music had stopped and Gwen smiled as she saw her two dripping wet companions walk into the room. She seemd slightly unsteady on her feet and rather red in the face and greeted them cheerfully.

"Look everyone! The two Sleeping Beauties! My good but bloody hopeless and lately recumbent friends. Come and have a drink, girls it's all free and it's all good and it's all bloody strong! Plenty of nice things to eat. Lots of gorgeous handsome men! Come in and have a ball!"

They did as they were bid and one of the men came up and greeted them.

"I'm John Armsley and this is my place. Bit of a house - warming party. I bought the framhouse recently. The house and buildings, that is, but not the farm. We'd just arrived and were taking a look around when we saw that wonderful exhibition of unarmed combat your friend put on. She's one amazing woman - though I should watch what I say in front of the wife! Glad you are well enough recovered to join us. I was just going to come over and check on you!"

"Show them the photos, Johnny" giggled Gwendoline as she came over to join them.

"You want to rub it in, Eh? Cruel little minx! Hang on, I'll get them."

John scurried off and came back a minute later with some Polaroid prints of the aftermath of the recent fight. One showed Gwen with a foot resting on Harry's stomach, her arms raised in triumph, and another showed her in a similar victory pose over Jessica. Others showed her with her arms around various members of the party, still one foot on one or other of her fallen friend's stomachs. Harry and Jessie were very much not amused to think that they had further been humiliated and in such a public way and declined their host's offer of souvenir copies. Gwen said she would have them all framed and display them on her sitting room wall in her father's Hampshire mansion. The others knew she was not joking and to make the best of a bad job and not show themselves to be bad losers they reluctantly agreed to accept the offered copies after all.

"After all we were beaten by a truly lovely and exceptional person" said Harriet and Jessica agreed, although not too enthusiastically. She was still feeling very sore in more ways than one.

Gwendoline had remembered to contact Jim and John had warmly and hospitably agreed to his joining the party and staying overnight if he wanted. Gwen's future husband looked a little nonplussed to see his fiance's nakedness on display to so many others, but Gwendoline's partly alcohol induced good humour and palpable delight to be with him again were enough to reconcile him to having her charms on view to so many other obviously very envious men. He took her hand and guided her on to the dance floor.

"I'm a rotten dancer, my darling. If I avoid stepping on those lovely feet of yours, it will be a minor miracle!"

"Never mind the things you aren't good at, there's one thing you are very good at, Jim, my old sport. In fact you are better at it than anyone else in the world.

"What might that be, Gwen, my angel?"

"Being the man I love. The competition is nowhere!"

"Darling Gwen!"

She forebore to mention that he would, very likely and from time to time, have to share her body with the women she loved, especially hard-as-nails Janet who turned her weak at the knees evey time she thought about her. That might have cast a shadow over his joy!

"Do you realise we have only three complete days before this is over for the three of us?" Gwendoline breathed into her lover's ear as they gently swayed back and forth, scarcely moving.

"We can get married next week, if you like"

"Don't be so fucking ridiculous, Jim! It'll take months to arrange. I'm not denying Mummy and Daddy the grand wedding they have been dreaming of for me since the day I was born! You'll just have to screw me illicitly for a while yet. As long as you keep shagging the arse off me regularly - that's all that matters."

For the hundredth time Jim silently regretted that such a sweet girl had such a foul mouth at times, but held his peace and surrendered himself to the joy of being with her - knowing he was envied by every other man in the room.

The other two quickly found themselves plenty of eager partners to be whirled around the floor by, and soon forgot their painful humiliation at Gwen's expert hands. They managed to get a few minutes together in between dances and the eager and not in any way unwelcome male attentions to have a few words.

"I'll miss this mad life when it's all over" said Harry as she wiped a few beads of sweat off her brow. One minute we're frozen and wet through and lost in the wilds and the next we're enjoying this fantastic, fabulous beano."

"After being knocked unconscious by our so-called best friend. Don't forget that, Harry. I can still feel it where she hit me! And we used to hate fighting each other. You started it, you artful bitch! Tricking us into fighting each other that time."

"I think she was testing herself before the ordeal she let herself in for, Jessie. What do you make of her chances against the same seven as last time? After all, you were there."

"I'd have said not much if you had asked me yesterday, but now - I think she might just make it. But it will be very very close indeed - touch and go - and one of us MUST be there to look after her when it's all over. She'll be in a pretty bad way however it ends up. I guess that'll be your job, Harry!"

"I've already offered my services. That way, I'll get to see Bernard again. Maybe he'll change his mind about dropping me. I certainly hope so!"

Later on in the evening Harry was resting comfortably across a young man's knee and leaning her head onto his chest.

"The hostess must be very broad-minded to let three naked girls gate-crash this party" she enunciated, speaking with great care after all she had had to drink. " I know old John is tickled pink. But I'm a bit surprised she puts up with it!"

"Oh! She won't care. Not as long as her hubby keeps in line! She's a great girl. Used to be a belly dancer in her youth. What do you say to trying to find a spare room somewhere to go and have a lovely bit of fun together?"

"Only if you promise to come back down in the nude yourself after our "bit of fun" and dance with me like that for the rest of the night"

"You've just got yourself a deal!"

Jessica observed Harry's wantonly shameless behaviour and felt more jealous than disgusted. She could not betray Andy. If only he could be here!

"Hi. Sweetheart!"

She whirled around and there WAS Andy!

"Gwen phoned me hours ago, but I was out of the office. I got up here as soon as I could. Meant a helicopter, but no expense is too great where you're concerned. Fancy the next dance?"

November 20th - Early and very hungover

"Hi. Gorgeous!"

Jim opened his eyes as Gwendoline smiled lovingly down at him. He groaned.

"Just let me die quietly my love!"

"A grown mature man and you can't take a few drinks.How fucking pathetic. Get your fat arse out of that bed and pull yourself together, man! I feel like an early morning run and YOU are going to come with me."

It was still raining as hard as ever and getting colder. Jim wondered why he let Gwen put him through all this misery. Then he saw that magnificent body in front of him running through the storm with the water running all down her and plastering her golden hair to her back and he knew that he would willingly follow her to the ends of the earth and go through any hardship just to keep her love and respect.

"Who the fuck are you! Don't answer that. You're lovely, that's all that matters!" said Harry to the young man who had sacrificed his clothing to get her to be taken upstairs to make love and remain with him for the rest of the night.

"I've been to a good few parties in my short, dissolute and very merry life, but that one was magnifique! Thanks to you, you prince among men - whoever you are. Fancy another fuck? Thought not. Men just don't seem to have what it takes any more!"

Peter, the man thus traduced, looked up at Harriet and made a great decision. Despite the fact that he wanted nothing more than to crawl away somewhere and die a lonely, miserable and dishonourable death, he summoned up the will to give Harry what she had just asked for, after which massive effort he fell back and sank into a deep sleep from which even the lusty and voracious redhead's earnest efforts could not arouse him.

She left him to continue his recovery and went in search of her friends, joining Gwen in her jogging through the rain, so enabling a relieved Jim to come in out of the cold.

Jessica and Andy were probably the only pair who were both unaffected by the excesses of the previous night. They had had a few dances and then retired to the room which their generous host had allocated them and slept peacefully together all night. He had made no attempt to penetrate her and she was happy to wait for the proper time. Meanwhile it was wonderful just to feel him next to her.

Gwen and Harry stopped running - it was still not really light enough to see properly - and stood together, their arms wrapped tightly around each other and let the freezing cold rain cascade down their entwined bodies.

"Sorry about yesterday - I hope I didn't hurt you too much. I just got carried away"

"Forget it, Gwen. I think I learned quite a bit from it. Maybe I'll see you get the same treatment in a few weeks, although I hope not and very much doubt it! I woke up first you know. Jessie was out for a couple of minutes longer than me."

"You're really strong, Harry and getting stronger all the time. It's been wonderful seeing you come on so these last weeks! I hope you get that labouring work for a while, before you go up to College. You won't be able to work in the nude, though. They'll make you wear a hard hat and protective footwear and clothing - yuck!"

"Do you want to go inside, Gwen? It's really cold out here. I think it's turning to sleet aready - mind you, I can take this for ages longer, if you can."

"Fancy another fight, Harry - to keep us warm? I won't knock you out this time or hurt that nice face - just a bit of fun?"

And so the two stayed out in the wet and cold and Gwen proceeded to give Harry yet another but rather less bruising lesson as the rain turned to sleet and the sleet turned to snow. Whether it was a hard kick from Gwen or the increasingly slippery surface, Harry ended up on her back and Gwen stood over her and placed her foot on her stomach once again.

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