Molly & Curt: Naked In School? - Cover

Molly & Curt: Naked In School?

Copyright© 2006 by Shrink42

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - The Program was coming to both of their schools. Both had to make tough decisions, balancing what they believed against what they stood to lose.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Romantic  

This is an author's note disguised within the story. Hopefully, this will avoid it getting 'stuck' and showing up with each chapter. I need to address the politics within the story.

NiS is purely fictional, so this story is SciFi. I had to build a culture where something so bizarre could happen. I chose to use today's political parties and extrapolate from there to some future an indeterminate number of years from now. The resulting future parties have 'evolved' from today's equivalents.

Which 'evolved' party would be the most likely to implement NiS? Despite the angry responses of offended Democrats, it seems pretty obvious to me. Right-wing governments are always restrictive on moral/social issues such as sex and nudity. Those who fought hard against sex education in schools were all Republicans or farther to the right, for example. To the chagrin of mainstream Republicans, the fringe element that is opposed to any intrusion on personal freedom, such as drivers licenses, will vote Republican if they vote for either major party. A huge percentage of home-schoolers vote Republican. What would it take for a party with those elements within it to morph into something that could implement NiS?

Let's look at today's Democratic party. Much to the chagrin of its mainstream working-class core, it has it's own 'fringe' elements. In today's culture, those working to remove the influence of religion from the culture and to eliminate traditional/archaic moral/social restrictions are all either Democrats or somewhere farther to the left.

Several readers have argued that it is the conservatives who have violated personal freedoms the most, thus they would be the ones to implement something intrusive like NiS. They are missing the point. Because of its permissive sexual nature, NiS is light years away from any conceivable conservative support.

What kind of person would take up the battle against NiS and the government that implemented it? Would it not have to be someone pretty far to the right? Notice that it is Jason who has the most political interest. Molly and Curt just want to see NiS done away with.

In order to build characters who could believably (?) be involved in this controversy, they need to have political views. I have chosen to let them express those views.

So, if you don't like the way I portray your party or your beliefs and their relevance to the story, at least admit that I arrived at the story's political setting on some rational basis. Also, it is a fictional future version of the party, not today's reality.

I'm sure I will get some interesting suggestions on how the politics could have been inverted.

Now, back to the story.

Darren's parents would have preferred to send him to Hooverton Sunday evening, rather than waiting until Monday morning. Because of the last-minute scrambling to help every possible kid, Jason did not want the first batch of refugees to arrive until Monday. They were warned to get out of their homes well before the start of school since Program enforcers or police officers were often sent to homes to retrieve scheduled participants who did not show.

Darren had the maximum two checked bags and one carry-on with him and his parents promised to ship anything else that he needed. It was an emotional parting. They were a close family, and this would be the first separation. They were upset and angry that the Program was forcing this, but neither parent thought that he should just endure the Program.

Darren's problem was a deformed penis. It was correctable with surgery, but the surgery was very expensive, and since it was elective, getting approval through the health system could literally take forever. In addition, the surgery was most successful at full maturity. Just entering his sophomore year, and not particularly advanced physically, Darren was a ways from full maturity.

Just showering at school had been traumatic enough, and had brought out the worst of teenaged cruelty. No person with any compassion would think of making Darren go naked in school for a week. Some psychologist probably thought they were helping him by putting him in, forcing him to accept his body as it was. That he ended up in the first week was suspicious, indeed.

They had been instructed to call a cab to get to the airport, and they were assured that the cab was pre-paid. When they were picked up, the driver handed them an envelope that contained enough cash to cover the airfare plus one hundred dollars. A note in the envelope told them that if Darren's father paid for the ticket with his credit card and took the equivalent cash, it would be even better.

Jason's legal team had determined that if the refugees purchased their own tickets on commercial carriers, it would be difficult to mount any legal action against the school. They hoped to be able to ease that requirement, but they had had little time to study the applicable law.

In discussions, Jason and Curt had worried that after the first week or two, Program enforcers might actual watch airports for those fleeing. On the first day, that would not be a problem.

Leaving was much more difficult and more traumatic for Anita. Rather than her parents sadly sending her away, she was fleeing. Her district had parental exemptions, but her parents had refused to file one for her. The problem was her religious beliefs.

Several year earlier, Anita had made a commitment to Christ, and she had tried hard to live up to the Bible's teachings. She believed that the open sexuality forced by the Program was against the teachings about the sanctity of the marriage union, and she just could not participate.

Molly had contacted Anita just the night before with the news that she would have to strip at school the next morning. She had been shocked, then angry, then resigned to having to flee as Molly offered her an escape.

For Anita, it was more than modesty or prudery. It was a deep-seated belief. She could not help being angry that Muslim students obtained exemptions so easily, but no Christian, no matter how devout, could get one. Just because the prohibitions in the Koran and in Muslim tradition were so explicit ... That and the fact that many groups categorized as Christian supported the Program and the new sexual freedoms. Of course, there were still segments of the Muslim community where a relative might actually kill a Muslim girl who defiled herself.

The Program would have been particularly hard on Anita because she was voluptuous. Since the age of eleven, she had been the target of ribald remarks from males of all ages. One time, in the midst of one of their frequent arguments over religion, her father had told her that she was a 'walking wet dream.' Her mother had been particularly unhappy about his outburst, but Anita could never forget it.

Early Monday morning, Anita had to force those thoughts from her mind and just do what she had to do. In the wee hours, she had managed to pack a suitcase and get it out of the house into some shrubs at the corner of their yard without waking anyone. She forced herself to stay awake so she could leave the house well before anyone else arose.

As arranged with Molly, a cab picked Anita up three doors down from her house. She had lugged her suitcase and backpack to where she could hide in a break in a large hedge until the cab arrived. She was greatly relieved to be picked up by a woman driver, having no idea how Molly had scrambled to arrange that.

One of Jason's ingenious employees had set up the wiring of cash to all-night businesses that handled such transactions. Each of the cabbies involved was well compensated for their extra trouble.

Anita had no one to send her off, making the whole trip that much worse. Fortunately, a kind gate attendant made sure that she knew just what to do, and spent a few minutes chatting with her when there was no one waiting to check in. Anita had reached the airport well before her scheduled flight.

As she sat in the gate area, just watching the people, Anita wondered when they would discover her absence, and how they would react. Despite the violent disagreements on her beliefs, her parents were attentive, not neglectful. Part of her wanted to at least call and let them know. Molly, though, had been adamant. Until she was safely at the Pritchard estate near Hooverton, no one could know where she was.

It seemed unlikely that the Program could get its act together quickly enough to stop her at the transfer airport, but it was not worth taking the chance.

Hooverton was a Class C city, so both Darren and Anita had to change planes. The Hooverton connector flight left just before noon, so they both had a fairly long wait. There eventually were five teens in the gate area, and after they all looked at each other suspiciously for a while, one girl began approaching all of the others asking "Going to see Molly and Curt?"

That was all it took, and the five eagerly got together and began sharing their stories. The comfort of other kids in the same situation was wonderful, and when Molly, Curt, Jason, and Gwen met them coming out of security, it was already a group of five friends.

Before they even picked up their bags, they were each handed a phone and told to call their families. They were given a script of things they should be sure to say. Key among those things was a website that would explain everything about the refuge plan. They were encouraged to keep the calls brief and unemotional.

Because of their awe when entering the Pritchard estate, the kids had to be reminded that it would not be their permanent home. It still looked like a few days of unexpected luxury, and it helped to soften the blow of leaving their homes.

About the time that Darren, Anita, and the others were making their way to their respective airports, Summer Friedel was ushered into a small dining room at the White House. After exchanging pleasantries and placing their food orders, the President led off the serious business. "Summer, how much more noise is there going to be about your program?" She could not miss the use of 'your program', making clear the threat that he would disassociate himself from the Program, if necessary.

"You know what the public's attention span is like, Carl. Yesterday's broadcast should be the last that the networks will bother with those kids."

"Tell me about that website that keeps getting mentioned."

"It was started last spring. We tried to get it shut down, but we could not find a legal way to do it," Summer told him.

"The accounts on there - are they true?"

"The ones we have researched are true, yes." Summer knew better than to not be completely honest with her old friend.

"Have you known about these kinds of problems all along?"

"Of course. We keep meticulous records. Carl, the number of problems is very small compared the total number of high school students involved."

"But every story is a tear-jerker, apparently," Carl pointed out. "It's the kind of thing we usually campaign against. Couldn't you tell which students might go nuts and exempt them?"

"Our strategy was carefully worked out," Summer explained. "First of all, there is no good way to detect a possible incompatible student."

"Incompatible? A suicide or a breakdown is an incompatible?"

"Would you rather we called them casualties?" Summer retorted rather sharply.

"I would rather they never happened," Carl shot back. "Tell me more about your strategy."

"We felt strongly that we had to put every student through it. Almost all students who thought they could never make it come out much stronger. It has opened up hundreds of thousands of kids already, Carl."

"It's the 'almost' that worries me," Carl said. "You know that one of the big criticisms used against us is that we think only about classes or groups, not the individuals that are in those groups. Those 'almosts' are individuals. Are we being guilty of what they've accused us of?"

"Just like everything in education, we have to focus on the vast majority. There are always children on the fringes that we cannot help properly," Summer said.

"But if it's a genius who is bored or a kid that just can't understand math, we don't end up with a suicide."

"That's not true, Carl. We do indeed end up with suicides and breakdowns for just those reasons. We end up with a lot more because kids feel like they are outcasts. The Program tries to help that."


"For one thing, if everyone has to do their week, it becomes a great leveler. Money, brains, athletic skill, musical talent - none of that matters. They all have to strip at some point.

"Furthermore, I cannot tell you the number of 'wallflowers' or 'misfits' who have turned out to be very attractive when naked. In countless cases, those misfits have had their lives turned around because of the realization of how they truly compare with their contemporaries."

"And if the misfits are not particularly attractive nude?" he asked.

"Then they are at least no worse off than before. Usually, they are better off. They have proven they could do something they probably thought was impossible. And at some point, they will get to look at and fondle those that they felt inferior to.

"You see, Carl, this is not something we just concocted over drinks one night and decided to try out."

"No, I never suspected that, Summer. I know that is not your style. So your contention is that the 'incompatibles' caused by the Naked in School Program are no more numerous than those caused by difficult coursework or the teenaged caste system?"

"I could probably get figures to support that, but that is what I believe."

"There really is no way to get that across to the public, is there?" he asked.

"I'm afraid not. We certainly don't want to talk about suicides for any reason. We are starting a campaign to tout the benefits of the Program. You know, testimonials on TV. Everything."

"Are you sure that's a good idea. Wouldn't it be better to just let the whole subject fade from the public's mind?"

"I hadn't really thought of it that way," Summer mused. "But what if the other side starts advertising?"

"And just who is the 'other side'?"

"Those who seem intent on hurting the Program."

"What? Disgruntled kids? Grieving parents? Certainly they can't pose any real threat."

With a sigh, Summer said "Renewal. Pritchard."

"Damn! Proof?"

"No. But lots of 'tracks'. It has to be."

That was not something that Carl wanted to hear. Because of the power and wealth of the people involved, Renewal had long loomed as a potential threat to their governance. So far, Renewal had only conducted skirmishes. They had cost the party a seat here and there, and they had generated some embarrassment by pointing out abuses or manipulations that should never have occurred. They had amounted to no more than a vigilant watchdog. So far.

"Why would Renewal even be interested the Program?"

"As you have no doubt heard, they are using the human rights violation angle."

"But that's our strong suit!" Carl exclaimed.

"I'm sure that's what makes it so appealing to them in this case," Summer pointed out, "and dangerous to us."

"So you think it is dangerous?"

"No, no. That was a poor choice of words. I think you know what I mean, though. Political 'table turning' has always been a prime tactic."

The President was quiet as he ate several more bites. "But you think this whole flap will just fade away?"

"There have been flaps before. Lawsuits, demonstrations, you name it. None of them have lasted very long. They've done their sensational little show. What more can they do?"

Molly had done quite a bit of tossing and turning Sunday night, thinking about how much she should involve herself with a possible political battle over the Program.

She had a piece of information that was politically important. A Democratic congressperson was going to lose an important percentage of her financial support. That potentially affected just one seat, but what if there were similar reactions in many districts?

In her voluminous reading, she had come across Machiavelli. At the time, she found it intriguing but somewhat abstract. Sometimes, her active mind infuriated her, especially when it cost her much-needed sleep. Why had Machiavelli popped into her mind last night when she should have been sleeping?

When she got up, she decided what she wanted to do. On a congressional website, she found the phone number and email for Congressperson Letitia Monroe. She left a voice message and an identical email. "Congresswoman, this is Molly Parkhurst. I have important information that I think you need to hear as soon as possible. It concerns your support from the various Parkhurst family foundations and trusts." She left the number of her special 'Bert' phone.

Letitia Monroe could not have been in the office very long before she called Molly. "Miss Parkhurst, what is this about Parkhurst support?"

"It has been cut off, by order of Mother Parkhurst," Molly said, trying to sound neutral.

If there was any doubt about the importance of the support to Ms. Monroe, it was erased when she stammered "H ... how did that happen? Wh ... why?"

Molly retold the events at the picnic. "I guess I had better find out more about the Program," Ms. Monroe said, her composure back in hand. "Perhaps I was wrong in supporting it."

"Congresswoman," Molly said solemnly, "If you change your position that way, it will look mercenary. I can't believe it would regain you the Parkhurst money."

"But without that money, I could lose my seat. Would your family want that?"

"Let me make a suggestion," Molly said, dodging the question. "Why don't you call for an investigation of the website that has all of those negative stories on it?"

"But I thought you were against the Program," the confused woman said.

"Oh, I am. After the investigation proves the claimed abuses of the Program to be true, then you could say that you honestly had no idea, and change your position, along with a lot of your colleagues."

"But what if the allegations are not true?"

"Oh, they are. No doubt about it," Molly assured the woman.

"So, you want me to retain my seat?"

"Not particularly," Molly answered, "nor do I particularly want to see you voted out. I want to see the Program stopped. If helping you causes that to happen, fine. Isn't that what politics is about?"

"I'll have to think about that idea," Monroe said.

"Right now, no one but family knows about the cut off in funding. If word gets to the press, you will look bad suggesting an investigation after the money loss," Molly pointed out.

"I see your point. I would have to act quickly, wouldn't I?"

"I think so," Molly agreed. "You have my encouragement to use me as the villain. Your reason for calling for an investigation could be that a teenager from your own district helped to start this current flap. You are embarrassed about that and want to get to the bottom of it."

"Miss Parkhurst, if you decide to get into politics, I could find a job for you very quickly."

Molly managed to wait until the trip to the airport to tell the others what she had done with Monroe. "Well, that certainly will draw attention to the abuses," Jason said, not sounding all that impressed.

"Jason, Jason!" Molly said in a teasing voice. "Think about it! Don't you think the last thing the Program wants is an investigation of that website. We know what it would uncover, and so do they. And if a legislator from their own party calls for it? I thought you liked disruption."

It was fortunate that the the limo had a hired driver, for Jason would have surely gone off the road, were he behind the wheel. His belly laugh seemed to go on for minutes. "You are a she-devil!" he was finally able to say to Molly. "Would you take two hundred 'K' a year to join my political strategy team?"

"No thank you, Jason. That's my second offer today. I just want to stop the Program, remember?" she said. "Besides, I don't need the money." She immediately wished she had not mentioned the money. A quick peek at Curt did not show that he had reacted.

All across the country that Monday morning, teens were being greeted with summonses to the principal's office when they arrived at school.

Many were excited at the prospect of displaying their bodies to their classmates. For the boys, even the boldest ones, the thought of having erections in public was not easy to adjust to, but because of the popularity of nude beaches and pools, a large percentage had been through it already.

Many of the girls had already taken the opportunity to bare themselves in public, as well. Since it was the 'in' thing and fad consciousness among teenaged girls was a strong as ever, a large percentage of girls had spent some time naked in more or less public settings.

Still, school was different. It was such a closed environment where some of the other students knew one so well. It was where most kids had worked hard to build the persona that they wanted to project. They had chosen the clothes, the makeup, the jewelry, the walk, the speech patterns, and the attitude that best represented who they wanted others to think they were.

Then along comes the program and eliminates every possible secret. Even with the freshness and beauty of youth, only a small percentage of bodies were perfect. The weaknesses and imperfections that the careful image building had tried to camouflage would now be on glaring display.

Those who developed the Program had sought just that openness and lack of pretense and secrecy. They theorized that when teens could no longer hide their bodies, they would be forced to accept themselves as they were. That would be an important step toward becoming a well-adjusted adult.

Various other benefits were expected from the enforced nudity. Students who were shy and withdrawn would be forced into the spotlight where there would be no way to withdraw. They would discover that they could interact with their classmates in ways that they had never expected, and their whole personalities would be affected. On the other hand, classmates would see unsuspected beauty and sex appeal in the naked students and would hold them in higher regard.

The theorists understood that high school was a unique closed environment with a very strict, very rigid social structure. It was not at all a stretch to call it a caste system. They felt that it was a benefit to try to break down the separation between the various groups, thus eliminating much of the hurtful behavior that they believed harmed both the victims and the perpetrators.

In a way, the enforced nudity and the enforced availability to sexual contact were separate programs with separate motives. While the nudity was comparatively benign, the reasonable request requirement was definitely intrusive. The major intent was to provide all students with an opportunity to learn and understand things about sex that they might not otherwise be able to experience. Learning required bodies of the opposite sex to experiment with. Making each Program participant a 'specimen' for the benefit of the other students was the solution arrived at by the developers. If it was intrusive for the participants, it was necessary for the benefit of all. Since, ideally, every student would suffer the same intrusion when it was their turn in the Program, no one was discriminated against or treated unfairly.

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