Angel Knights - Cover

Angel Knights

Copyright© 2006 by lamaro

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Kris is one of the oldest beings on earth and one of the chosen to combine all races but he has missed out on a lot of what is real life because of his supposed role in history. Now he is working for the U.S. military trying to learn as much as possible of himself and the other races at hand. Will he be able to fulfill his destiny? Will he find love?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Mind Control   Hypnosis   Magic   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Time Travel   Superhero   Vampires   Squirting   Size   Slow   Transformation  


AGE: 18




HEIGHT: 5' 9"




Read the computer. "Good now go get him." said the general in a gruff voice.

His full name is Ian Michael Mathews. Ian was 17 years old when he joined the United States Army. He had joined right after high school and was still way down in the dog pound too. Still a private. Ian was thinking about the day right before he went to basic training he could still remember the recruiter telling him that it would be a great opportunity for him, "don't worry you'll love it, you'll fit right in!!", <Fucking liar.> he thought.< I had never felt more out of place in my whole life.>

They say that the worst part of the military is the boot camp. Well that was cake for Ian. he was, for a lack of a better word, in perfect human health. Right after boot camp they had taken him and 30 others to japan for a special training in a neurological treatment facility. Ian had gotten the best marks for every physical and neurological test they put the platoon through. Almost towards the end of the training the Sargent approached the formation.

"PRIVATE MATHEWS FRONT AND CENTER!!!!!!" Ian ran up to the front of the platoon and saluted the bulky looking Sargent.

"PRIVATE MATHEWS REPORTING AS ORDERED SARGENT!!" Ian yelled at the top of his lungs. Sgt. Tanner looked him up and down as if he was the worst thing a woman could give birth to. The large man in front of Ian was one of the biggest Americans he had ever met, standing at an impressive 6'5 with a balding head and muscles that put Arnold to shame. His uniform was tight on his body making them look a lot like spandex. Ian held back a laugh and tried to ignore the funny sight and put on his best serious face. After all Ian wasn't the most exceptional soldier. He had always been in trouble right from day one. You see he had what you would call a loose mouth. One could only say so much before the military put a stop to it. Who would have thunk it, huh? You can fight for peoples rights but you have none of your own. Funny thing the military.

"Private do you think that you are better than the rest of your platoon?!!!" he asked

<Yes> "NO SARGENT!!!"

"Do you think you are better than me private?!!"

<Yes> "No Sargent!!"

"Then why do I have orders to transfer you to the psychological department?!!!!"he asked, his southern accent was thick.

"That's a good question Sargent!" Ian answered smugly.

"Drop and give me push ups you disgusting piece of shit!" this could go on for hours. Ian had trained his body better than the big bully ever would the Sargent didn't like it that he could never tire him out. He was just jealous.

Ian was doing push ups for a good 20 mins. when he heard a beautiful voice yell at the Sargent.

"Sgt. Tanner what is taking so long?" Ian was still going up and down. The sgt. moved from in front of him where he had been the whole time.

"I'm just teaching this little shit some manners ma'am." he heard him say, Ian was still going up and down.

"Well I'll take him from here, if that's okay with you Sargent."

"What ever makes you happy colonel."


"Recover private." she said as she came in front of him. As Ian got up his eyes wondered over her body. She was gorgeous. 5'5 blond hair neatly covered by her black beret, and a wonderful pair of breast fit for a super model. Her full lips were covered with some pink lip gloss and her green eyes behind a pair of delicate looking glasses. "Follow me."

"Yes ma'am." he said with a big grin on his face. Once they were inside one of the buildings she turned to face him and...

"Private are you looking at my ass?" busted.

"No ma'am." Ian said as his face turning as red as a tomato. She gave Ian a shit eating grin and kept walking towards one of the rooms that had restricted area in big red letters on it. As they walked in a general stood up along with a couple of men and women, 12 to be exact, in white lab coats.

"General Talbert this is the lucky candidate we have chosen." the colonel said sounding happy. "We think that he would be exceptional for the new program." General Talbert walked up to him and looked up and down as if sizing him. His breath stunk of cigar and bourbon. <Yup he a rich one.> Ian thought.

"Are you sure that this is the one that passed all those test?"

"Yes sir he has remarkable scores all across the board."

"Humph, what's his history?"

One of the men in the lab coats started speaking Imideatly. "Busted for dope when he was sixteen, an armed robbery at seventeen nobody was hurt, well their were no bullets in the gun and..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is this some kinda court marshal?" Ian interrupted the man that had begun to tell his life to the world. "If it is..."

"Shut up private, you could very well be in jail for withholding this from the military!" The general said in a gruff voice. "You should be lucky the colonel here picked you out first for her project."

"Yeah well I sure don't feel special" Ian said. His heart was pounding he had never been in a situation like this. "So what I got like a choice?"

"Your goddam right son. It's either you stick with this program or go to Levenworth, your choice."<Dame this sucked, well at least I would be spending a lot of time with the colonel.> he thought looking at her.

The next few months went by in a blur for Ian. He still hadn't been told what the whole experiment was about and he didn't care to ask. As long as it kept him out of jail he was fine with it. Besides he was feeling better every day he was in here. He only saw the colonel when she came to visit the compound to see how the project was doing but she promised him she was going to get more involved in the future.

Ian thoughts ran wild as the security officer escorted him the lab. He was supposed to get one of his last operation today. As he sat down on the stainless steel chair his nakedness caused him to shudder. "Is this going to hurt doc.?" he asked the man in the lab coat. It occurred to him that in all the months that he had been here he didn't know anybody but Colonel Bryeres. Or as she preferred to be called Casie.

"You ask that every time you are up for an operation and every time we tell you the same thing. NO." the doctor said with a chuckle. "Now lay back and relax." As the light faded Ian gave his surroundings one last look around. His eyes settled on Casie sitting on the other side of the glass window. Just before he drifted of to sleep he became self aware of his nakedness.

"How is our candidate doing" asked Casie. she had never seen anything like what she saw in front of her. Ian was strapped into a chair and was wearing a pair of dark lenses glasses, not that he could see anything anyways. he was in a state of sleep and had been for the last four hours. While he slept a complete DNA reconstruction was being done to his body. Every cell in his body was being prepared for the real job at hand. Ian was going to be a super weapon for the United States Military. And as soon as he was a proven work of art 500 more would be made, just like him.

Casie's smile went wider at the thought of her promotion. She had gotten this far by stepping over the boundaries and she wasn't stopping now. All the tests proved that he was perfect for the job. He would be a perfect specimen by the time they were finished. <And perfect he is becoming.> she thought to her self as she looked at his naked body on the chair. <God he is so sexy, and so big> her stare going to his groin. < He has got to be at least six inches and he isn't even hard yet.>

The light that filled the room was blinding. She could feel the heat on her as the rays danced on her skin. Then she herd it. The most blood curling scream she had ever heard. "What is going on?!" she asked with alarm in her voice.

"His mental spikes are of the chart ma'am!" said one of the doctors.

"Blood pressure off the chart, heart rate elevated he's going into cardiac arrest!" said another.

"Goddam it." she said to her self "abort procedure!" she yelled into the Mic. in front of her.

The light went out just as fast as it came on. The sight of Ian's body burnt to a crisp was a sight no one was ready for. They all watched for what seemed forever before they began moving towards him.

"YOU!!! GO GET KRIS!!!" Casie yelled at one of the doctors then turning to the body in front of her. "Ian?!! Ian stay with me" The smell of burning flesh filled her nostrils to the point of revolution. she was telling everyone to stay back from Ian's body while fighting back her tears. It was hard to admit to her self that she had indeed fallen for the boy. it was out of protocol and out of line. she was his commanding officer and nothing more.

The feeling Kris exerted when he entered a room was one of a warm wind caressing your entire body. The hair on the back of your neck would stand on end and if you had done studies on him and had looked at him through a heating sensor you would have seen the power emanating from him in heat waves. No one knew exactly what the extent of Kris's power was but he was in the hands of the United and a powerful ally like Kris was better to have on your side than the other way around.

"He is like me." Kris looked down at Ian and the near broken Casie as if he had just seen a ghost. "He feels like me."

"He is like you." Casi's voice was broken and almost in tears. She looked kris up and down. One was dark green and the other was dark blue. His black hair trimmed in a military style. He wore a green shirt and shorts with brown moccasins on his feet. "Kris he's gonna... I... I..." Casie stopped talking and looked back down at Ian. "Can you help him?" she said as tears started flowing from her face.

"Of course I will." he said as he kneeled down next to them and extended his hand over Ian's body. A low light shimmered over Ian's body as the burnt skin started to peel away revealing new skin underneath. Casie sobbed as she took in the sight before her. As soon as he was done he got up and ordered that Ian be taken to sick bay. Casie walked next to the rolling bed as they wheeled him away. As she walked down the corridor she felt more than heard a voice in her head saying <He feels the same way, take a chance.> she turned to look at Kris but he was already long gone.

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