The Voices - Cover

The Voices

Copyright© 2006 by Openbook

Chapter 3

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Frank is visited by voices inside his head. Things happen which change his life, his marriage, and finally, the way he leads his life.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Science Fiction  

I spent the rest of my day mentally chatting with CO2. I'd ask him questions, and he'd try to answer them. I was wondering how that other voice was going to be able to raise the money that CO2 had ordered him to get in a week. I didn't see how it could be done, since none of these voices had any physical presence here. CO2 explained to me that they didn't have any bodies, anywhere. He said I should try to think of them as computer operating systems, all existing in a huge wireless universe. They could communicate with any sentient life form, but needed assistance from corporeal beings in building or moving things.

<K663814 will scour this area until he locates something of value for you. Once that happens, he will provide you with directions that will allow you to secure it for yourself. You will need to take any necessary steps to convert whatever he locates for you into a storehouse of value that you can use.>

We talked about things like taxes, and whether this long, healthy life he'd promised me wouldn't arouse suspicions in people that noticed I wasn't really aging like they were.

<You needn't worry about arousing suspicions. You are not the first of your kind that we've aided in this manner. As to your taxes, all of that can be taken care of for you. Our kind can interface perfectly with your electronic machinery. Making changes in any electronic file is a simple matter for us to accomplish. I have examined the electronic records of all of your indebtedness, and have taken the liberty of moving assets around in such a way that all your accounts are now current. You have, at minimum, an additional nine days before anything I've done needs to be acted upon. By then, you will have your own funds to effect repayment.>

'Isn't that illegal?'

<I've taken nothing from any of your creditors. Instead, I've set up a series of transactions where payments are made with instruments that are, at the present time, negotiable only by the recipient institution. By the time they are tendered for payment, sufficient funds will have been deposited.>

'You mean you're "kiting" my checking accounts?'

<I am familiar with that slang term. What I've done is somewhat more complicated, and doesn't carry with it any possibility of failure or discovery. Using your current credit lines and overdraft protections, I've instituted a series of payments in order to free up additional credit. I accumulated that freed up credit in an amount sufficient to allow for a single payment on each of your home mortgages. By the time these payment checks are returned to your bank to be honored, the additional funds I borrowed from your credit card lines will have been electronically transferred into your checking account. In ten days, the credit cycle on three of these credit cards will have been triggered. Unless payment has been received on these cards before they enter this new cycle, you will be over your assigned limit on each of these credit instruments. We need to prevent this, and we will.>

'By kiting more checks?'

<By having the funds on hand to allow for normal repayments. You forget that K663814 will have located something for you by then that is valued at fifty thousand of your dollars, at the bare minimum.>

'I didn't forget. I know you can't depend on anything until it happens. I hope it happens, but I won't believe in it until it does.'

<If you will drive over to Hastings, K663814 informs me that he has located something of interest. Perhaps, once you've seen with your own eyes, you will learn to trust in all that I've said will happen.>

Hastings was an almost deserted smallish former gold mining town, nestled in the foothills of the Rockies. It was about two hundred and sixty miles from my home, almost all the way across the state from where I presently was. I couldn't imagine what might be there that I'd be interested in.

<He has located an abandoned cache of gold nuggets some person had hidden inside the trunk of the rotten remains of a tree felled by lightening some years ago. It is doubtful that this find alone will bring a value of the fifty thousand dollars he's been ordered to bring to you this week, but it is, at the very least, a good beginning.>

'That's a long trip for me to be taking without knowing for sure whether I'm heading out on a wild goose chase or not. Can't he locate something closer to here?'

<The weight of the nuggets he's located is greater than forty troy ounces, Frank. Gold has a current spot price of close to eight hundred dollars a troy ounce. Jewelry makers who specialize in gold nugget jewelry will pay a premium price over spot for authentic natural nuggets. We can locate and direct you to one such individual so that you can effect a sale. It would be a relatively simple process for you to convert that gold into a more convenient and readily usable funding source. These proceeds would be more than sufficient to cure your present economic uncertainties.>

All that was preventing me from running out and getting into my car was the fear that this might be another trick of the voices. All I had to go by was what they were telling me. To date, their track record with me didn't lend itself to my having much confidence in what they were saying. Just like before, they were offering me something they knew I wanted, but how could I know for certain that they planned on following through?

<Frank, we understand your uncertainty. One of the reasons I want you to go claim this gold is the belief that you'll then begin to permit us to do what we've all been ordered to do. I know it will be easier for you, once you have some tangible evidence of our true intentions towards you.>

Put yourselves in my position. Either this was real, or else I was crazy. If I was crazy, going there was no worse than any other option I had available to me. If it was real, and the voices in my head really were who they said they were, then there would either be gold over in that tree trunk in Hastings, or else they'd murder me or something once they got me away from my house. If the gold was real, then the rest of what they'd told me was probably real too. If it wasn't, then it didn't matter that much why they wanted me over in that old mining town. I wasn't any match for them. Trying to resist doing what they wanted didn't make any sense to me. I decided to go along with it.

I went down to the gas station and filled up my gas tank. I was lucky that I had a gas credit card that Ginny hadn't had access to. It was one I used to use to keep track of my gas and mileage expenditures at work. When I swiped it in the card reader, it worked just like it should. It was a four and a half hour drive across the state. I stopped once, at a fast food place to get a shake and a burger, and to use their rest room facilities. I got to Hastings a little before two that afternoon. CO2 had gotten directions from the other voice, the one who had located the nuggets, and he gave me driving directions. I went off into the middle of nowhere, about three miles beyond the town on this neglected county road, before he told me to stop the car and walk from where I was.

I had to hike about a quarter of a mile over rocky hilly ground. I was about fifty yards away from the tree before I even noticed it. It was just a stump, no more that a foot and a half above the ground where it had grown. It was thicker around than it was tall now. There was no longer any evidence of the rest of the downed tree.

When I first started poking around inside the hollowed out interior of the tree trunk, I didn't see or feel anything. I was getting excited, worried that it really had been a trick to get me out here, far away from any other possible help.

<Frank, don't worry. This isn't a trick. There is a leather pouch buried about five inches further down than your hand is right now. Clear away the debris that's there and you'll find the pouch. Treat it carefully though, the pouch is old, and it isn't as strong as it once was.>

I kept digging with my fingers until I felt something that was different from the softer gunk I'd been sifting through. I felt around it until I had my hand all the way underneath and then I started lifting it straight up. It felt like it weighed about four pounds, heavier than I thought it might be. When I had it all the way up, I could see it really was a pouch of some kind, and there was a rawhide string wrapped around the bag. It looked like a square piece of poorly skinned hide that someone had folded up and kept closed with that thin strip of rawhide. I was really starting to get excited when I saw what I had. At least there was something in my hand that seemed to be what they had promised me it was. I turned away and started walking back towards my car. I wanted to go somewhere and examine the contents of the bag I now had.

<Frank, K663814 has located another source of wealth for you. It is a cache of old gold and silver coins, back some four and a half miles along the road we traveled coming into Hastings. It would be only a matter of a few minutes for you to drive there and retrieve the box they are now stored in.>

'Sounds good, lead the way.'

The box turned out to be an old tobacco tin that was rusted out along one side and most of the bottom. There were five small gold coins, three silver dollars, and one half dollar, and some dimes and nickels. Three of the gold coins were ten dollar gold pieces. The other two were five dollar pieces. The gold coins were in very good condition, but the other coins, including some pennies I later found under where the tin had been, had deteriorated and, except for one dime that looked nearly perfect, the rest were mostly dirty and worn looking. The only thing that looked like it might have some real collector value were those five gold coins.

I would have been disappointed to have traveled all that way for that old tin of coins, but, with the gold nuggets that I had yet to actually see, those coins represented a very nice payoff for what had been a case of only spending five minutes walking over to fetch them.

<That dime is more valuable to a coin merchant than all the rest of those coins put together, Frank. In its present condition, you could easily ask for and get at least a thousand dollars. The five gold coins are valued at a cumulative five hundred dollars, but you probably can't hope to get more than four hundred for them under the present market conditions. Those smaller coins are worth about seventy five dollars to any coin dealer. We can find you a dealer who would be very interested in buying the dime. When you go to him, tell him you'll only agree to selling all the coins, in a single sale, for fifteen hundred dollars.>

By the time I got back home, it was after nine o'clock. I put the nugget pouch on an old newspaper on the dining room table and tried to carefully untie the rawhide wrapped around the pouch. After ten minutes of trying, I got frustrated from my lack of progress and went and got a kitchen knife. A few seconds later, the string was cut and I was staring at the contents of the newly opened pouch.

'Wow, I've never seen anything like this. Some of these are really big. Look at these two, ' As I thought this to CO2, I lifted up two of the largest nuggets. They felt heavy in my hand.

<Forty three point seven six troy ounces. At eight hundred an ounce, that comes to $35,000.00 and some change. There are ninety six separate nuggets. The largest has a weight of 2.348 troy ounces. The smallest is .0127 of a troy ounce. Based on recent historical sales data on jewelry maker purchases of nuggets in these various sizes, you should be able to realize slightly less than forty seven thousand four hundred dollars, selling them yourself. If you choose to sell through a broker, you would realize that amount less ten percent, somewhere around $42,300.00. Using the services of a reputable broker, you would have approximately half of this amount as soon as you turned the gold over to him. The remainder would be paid to you as soon as he completed the final sale. That should require no more than a week.>

I found a gallon freezer bag and carefully put each of the nuggets inside it, before taking it into our bedroom and placing it in my top drawer. I'd taken the coins and put the dime and the gold pieces all into separate sandwich bags, and all the other coins into one other sandwich bag. These went into my top bureau drawer as well.

It was ten o'clock before I finished doing all this, and had disposed of the mess left on my dining room table. I thought about calling Ginny, but it was already late, and I wasn't sure what I wanted to tell her yet. CO2 had told me that he'd located a local coin dealer, and a nugget broker who lived about thirty miles away.

I went to bed and managed another decent night of sleep. I hadn't slept so well in years. I wondered if the voices had anything to do with this happening. I'd always been a very light sleeper, often going through long periods where I just couldn't seem to stay sleeping for more than an hour or two at a time.

'Have you done anything that would affect my sleep patterns?'

<We made slight changes in your hearing while you're asleep, and we've also desensitized your body to your own movements, and to any other movement around you. As soon as you awaken, we restore all your senses to what you are accustomed to. This was deemed necessary for your body's health and welfare.>

'Thank you. I really have been enjoying all this extra rest. It makes a big difference.'

<Your wife and daughter are driving here right now. They'll be here in approximately three minutes.>

'Is she still mad?'

<She is upset, but I'd characterize her state of mind as more worried than angry. She is uncertain about many aspects of your future relationship with her.>

'What do you think I should do about her?'

<A difficult question, Frank. I know quite a lot about your own feelings, and, to a lesser extent, hers. I know your mutual histories, and about all the separate experiences you've both lived through. There are human emotions that color any decisions either of you might make. If I might, rather than answer your question, which I'm afraid I'm not the best one to answer, I'd prefer to give you information you don't presently have. If you ask me any query about her thoughts and actions, I can give a precise answer. Perhaps, given more information, you will find it easier to answer the question you asked of me?>

'The reason I asked you is because I don't feel comfortable making it myself. Right now, I'm pretty damned upset about that thing of hers with Kevin. I hate it that she isn't really showing any remorse, and hasn't even accepted full blame for her part in what happened. I'm not even sure I believe her about what she said did happen.'

<She does feel bad. She's worried that you won't forgive her. She loves you, and wants to continue on as your wife. Her memory of the encounter with Kevin is somewhat clouded and hazy from the alcohol she had consumed. What she confessed to is what she remembers occurring.>

'Do you mean there's more, more than she told me?'

<That question cannot be fully answered, not unless I were to first sift through this Kevin's memories of the event in question. From the probing I did of Ginny's memories, I am confident that the events she described were the sum total of what did actually occur. Missing from her confession though were any admissions, on her part, of the level of pleasure she received from his attentions.>

'You mean how much she enjoyed him diddling her?'

<Not that specifically, although her body did receive some pleasure from that. Not to the extent of enjoying an orgasm, but still, some pleasure from the touching. It was a different kind of pleasure. A woman enjoys knowing that she is attractive to different members of the opposite sex. Ginny felt this pleasure when Kevin initiated his sexual advances towards her.>

'You aren't being that helpful to me.'

<I'm sorry. They have arrived.>

'I still haven't decided what I want to do about her.'

<Perhaps talking with her will assist you in deciding?>

I was going to make a comment to him when the front door opened and my precious little daughter came running into the house. I turned to face her as Ginny stepped inside too. Kaitlyn ran right over to me, wrapping her arms around my legs and started hugging me for all she was worth.

"Daddy, Daddy, mommy let me come here to see you. Aren't you glad?" I looked over at Ginny, but she just stood there in the doorway watching the two of us.

"I am glad, Kitty Kat. Daddy missed you so bad. Did you have a nice visit with your Granny?"

"I guess, but I see her all the time. I haven't seen you, Daddy."

I stood there, marvelling at my little girl, and with how much she'd grown in my nearly six month absence. I realized how much I wanted her near me now. The thing with Ginny and Kevin was bad, I had no doubts about that. It just wasn't so bad that I was willing to take chances on being separated again from my little girl. Ginny and I could find some way to take care of our problems. A way that didn't include her going off and taking Kaitlyn with her again.

"Hi Gin, I'm glad you came back."

"I came over yesterday, Frank, but you weren't here. I was getting worried."

"I had to go somewhere to pick up something our 'friends' found for me. Something valuable. When I sell what they led me to, our immediate finances will be right back on track again."

"Are you talking about the voices?"

"They're helping us now, Gin. To make up for what some of them did to us before. We aren't going to need to worry about money anymore. Come into the bedroom, and I'll show you."

She followed me into our bedroom. I had Kaitlyn by the hand and was leading her in there too. I went to my bureau and brought out the big zip locked bag of nuggets, throwing it casually on our unmade bed. Kaitlyn turned when I threw the bag and went over to the bed to look at what was in it. Ginny went there too, staring down at the gold inside.

"Is that really gold, Frank? How much is there?"

Ginny was getting caught up in the excitement I'd been feeling too. Money was something we'd never seemed to have enough of. Not to be wealthy, or anything like that, just enough for us to take care of all out financial obligations. The pressure of not having quite enough had put a big strain on our marriage. We were always arguing about what we needed, and what we could afford to pay for. We both had a tendency to over commit ourselves financially. Since the beginning of our marriage, we'd both lived slightly beyond our means.

"CO2 says it's about forty thousand dollars worth, if we sell it through a broker."

"Wow. That much for that little bit of gold? Who is CO2?"

I saw, by the look on Ginny's face that CO2 was once again making himself known to my wife. She started giggling, then looked back over at the bag of gold on the bed and reached over to pick it up. She stopped even before she picked up the gold and stayed suspended in place, seemingly engrossed in listening to the voice. After about another minute, she stood up straight again before she turned and came walking over to me.

"Frank, my hand to God, if you can ever bring yourself to forgive me this time, I swear to you I'll never again do anything to make you regret giving me this chance."

As she told me this, she raised one hand in the air and reached out for one of my hands, taking it in hers. This 'my hand to God' thing was something she only used when she was making a solemn promise. The last time she'd used it with me had been the night I went over and finally proposed to her. I tried to remember what she'd promised me then. I think it was that she'd make me the best possible wife. Something like that anyway.

"I love you, Ginny, and I want to forgive you for what you did. I just can't help it that, for now, I have this big problem that you'd want to do something like that with Kevin. That didn't show any respect for me, or for my feelings. He was supposed to be one of my best friends. It would be like if I did the same thing with Connie. How would something like that make you feel?"

"I know. I've thought about that too. I've seen Connie since it happened, and I feel just as guilty when I'm with her as I've felt being here with you. I don't know what to do." Saying that, she started in crying again.

<Her remorse is unfeigned, Frank. These are her true feelings.>

'I still have some problems with this whole thing. I accept that it happened, but I'm just not ready yet to forgive her and put it behind us. I can't explain it, but I just need something more than her being sorry.'

<Perhaps you need to seek revenge for the insult you feel?>

'I couldn't really do anything to harm Ginny. I'm mad, but I couldn't ever hit her or anything.'

<Perhaps against this Kevin? It is pointless to allow these unhappy feelings to continue to disturb you, Frank.>

'Kevin is a lot bigger than I am. Besides, he was a big time jock in college. It can't be anything physical, because he'd have no problem beating me up.'

<With our assistance, that really isn't an accurate appraisal of the likely outcome of any confrontation the two of you might engage in. We could take steps to ensure that you would prevail in any battle with him.>

I thought about what CO2 was telling me. I had confidence he was telling me the truth. I just didn't think there would be too much satisfaction for me in beating Kevin that way.

Connie had been Ginny's friend for a lot longer than I'd known her. Kevin, her husband, had come along at around the same time Ginny and I were first starting to get together as a couple. I had always thought it had been Kevin's proposal to Connie that had made Ginny change as suddenly as she had. I figured it was Connie's engagement to Kevin that was making her suddenly so determined to get married to me.

What irked me the most about Kevin was his confidence and swagger. He really believed he was God's gift to women, to sales, and to athletics. I don't know how many hours we'd all spent sitting around together listening to Kevin telling us about how the girls had literally thrown themselves at him from when he first started high school.

By then, to hear him telling it, everyone already knew he was destined for greatness. He claimed that he had been a cinch to catch on with one of the NFL teams, if he hadn't blown out his knee when another player had blind sided him in his junior season of college. He even had four or five scrapbooks he liked to bring out, each filled with hundreds of pictures of him, and with newspaper and magazine clippings extolling his football and track prowess. Everything I'd seen of what he showed me had backed up his claims too.

While I was thinking all of this I realized that what bothered me the most was knowing that Kevin would just be adding Ginny's name to his long list of women who'd succumbed to his charms. Knowing Kevin, he'd embellish the story, not content to admit he hadn't been able to complete his seduction. God damn him. I wished that his dick would fall off.

<We can make that happen if you truly wish for it.>

The thought of having them do that to him sent a brief surge of happiness through me. I realized soon enough though that I didn't quite want to punish him to such a great extent.

'Can you just make him impotent? If you could do that much, and let him understand that it is a punishment for taking advantage of Ginny, that would be enough, I think.'

CO2 didn't say anything in acknowledgement at first. I thought it was because he thought I was letting Kevin off too easy. A few seconds later I heard his voice, and I knew it hadn't been that.

<It is done. He believes he was just visited by God. I told him this was his punishment for violating the trust you and Ginny had in him. I also mentioned that his condition wouldn't improve until such time as he had made sufficient amends to both you and your wife.>

'If you don't mind me asking, how did you do that to him?'

<Not at all. In your species, the brain controls all physical functions. Since we can communicate directly with any sentient species, we simply directed his brain to turn off those pathways that are normally used to achieve an erection. If he starts to get erect for any reason, the brain will redirect the blood flow to another part of his body.>

'No chance that he might be able to sneak anything by you?'

<Any attempt to do so on his part would only end in frustration for him. He is completely impotent until such time as you direct me to remove the barriers I've put in place.>

I knew it wasn't very nice for me to gloat about another's misfortune, but that didn't prevent it from taking place. I already felt better about what had happened to Ginny. She hadn't been guiltless in all of this, but she hadn't been as much to blame as Kevin had been. I still felt myself wondering how she would like it if I went out and did the same thing with one of her friends.

<Connie wouldn't need that much of a push in your direction to make that easy for you to accomplish, Frank. From what I have been able to gather from the two of them, their sexual lives together haven't been as satisfying as either of them would have you and Ginny believe. With Kevin's lack of ability to get an erection now, it wouldn't take much at all for Connie to turn to you for some affection. She already thinks highly of you.>

I wasn't really surprised to hear CO2 telling me that. Connie had always been very nice to me. I always felt like she had sung my praises to Ginny, even when we'd gotten split up that one time. I knew she considered me her close friend already. Truth be known, I'd always liked Connie far more than I'd liked Kevin. I didn't think of her in that way though. To me, she had always been Ginny's best friend, and as such, completely off limits to any of that type of attention or interest from me.

Even if I was disappointed and upset with Ginny, I didn't want to get back at her by doing anything to harm either of our relationships with Connie. Having thought that though, it didn't mean I wouldn't want to throw a little scare into Ginny about something like that happening.

'Can you do something to Connie that would make her feel compelled to tell Ginny that she found me sexually attractive? Just enough to make sure Ginny got a small taste of what I'm feeling?"

<It is done. Even now, Connie is having some not quite innocent thoughts about you. When she next sees your wife, she will feel compelled to confess these thoughts to her.>

'Can you make some changes to Ginny too? Make her want to let me do more things with her than she permits now? I'd also like her to be more open to the idea of performing fellatio on me. It isn't something she's ever liked doing.'

<I can change her, or I can place within your grasp the ability to change her yourself. It would be a limited form of what you think of as mind control. You can superimpose your preferences over her own. We can make it so that she is aware that you are controlling her in this, or, we can make it seem to her that she wants to make these changes of her own volition.>

'I could make her want what I wanted, but she'd believe it had been her own idea?'

"One is as easy for us as the other. Some would prefer that their partner knew of their powers.>

'Not me. Make it so she thinks she's the one who wants to do these new things."

<It is done. When you think of something you'd like to compel her to do, merely think: "Ginny, by my command." After you think that, tell her what it is you want her to do. Be very specific as to what you want and expect. I've placed controls over this power. No command of yours will be allowed if it places her life or sanity at risk.>

'I don't want to hurt her. I would just like her to be a little more liberal in the types of things she enjoys doing with me. I'd like to loosen her up when it comes to not feeling guilty every time she puts my cock in her mouth. I think she'd enjoy our sex life more if she wasn't so uptight about what we were doing.'

<Are you aware that she believes you are primarily to blame for your sex lives not being richer? She has been waiting for you to sweep her off her feet. To overpower her senses to the point where she can ignore her own natural inhibitions. She is an avid reader of romance novels. Compared to what she has read, her own sexual experiences have all been far less than satisfying. She fakes her orgasms too. Only one of her previous sexual partners has managed to make her forget herself, and her sexual phobias, long enough to experience a true orgasm.>

'Are you sure about that? She always fakes having orgasms? Was it that Walt guy, the one who got her cherry, that made her cum?'

<I'm certain. She is orgasmic while masturbating, but not when she is experiencing sexual activity with you. This Walt individual isn't the one who caused her to orgasm.>

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