United Family - Cover

United Family

Copyright© 2006 by FamilyMan

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - What happens when a Mom is bed-ridden for a long period, and is afraid of loosing her husband. See who jumps in to help, and the effect it has on the rest of the loving family

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew  

Well, two years have gone by so fast that I hardly felt them. I am now 16 and will be 17 in 4 months from now. Tammy is now 18, soon to be 19, and she is now in her first year of college. She chose to go to the state college which is an hour drive away, close enough so that she can comes home for weekends. and if she feels like it - sometimes on week days too. Dad bought her a used car somewhat as a reward for starting college, but also so she can come home when she wants to.

Our family's sex life returned to "almost normal". This means Mom and Dad have their sex almost dayly, although it seems to me much louder than it used to be...

Tammy and Dad have almost no sex with each other. Seems that Dad does not initiate any contact, and they only have sex when Tammy asks for it - which happens not more than once a month.

However, Tammy and I have sex about once a week, sometimes more. This is usually the way I still like it, which is very slow and easy, nothing rushed, nothing very strong. The orgasms we have at with this slow sex are tremendous. By now we both know perfectly well what the other likes, and we can signal each other by with just a look or a the bat of an eye for change of position, a change of rate or a different touch. Most of the times we have sex when Tammy's wants it. I still feel a little uneasy about this sex in the family thing.

My uneasiness has another effect too. For the two and one half years since mom's accident I have not had sex with Mom even once. You may remember that when she was confined to bed and Dad and Tammy "forgot" I existed, she got into the habit of sucking me off from time to time. But the fact is that I never had full sex with Mom in spite of all the talk about helping each other when in need. I felt it just would not be right if I did. So, Although the offer was open and I was reminded of it every few days, - I did not use the opportunities offered. The sex I had with Tammy was good (good? Excellent!) and satisfying, and I really did not feel I needed more.

Dad asked me a few times whether I "had enough" and I just explained what I felt. He was quite appreciative of the fact that I felt uneasy about having sex with Mom, although he stressed that he would have no hard feelings at all if I did.

About two weeks before summer break, we saw Mom was a bit bothered at the dinner table. We all looked at her with eyebrows raised when she said: "Please listen to the end before making any comments. Kate wants to come here for a week or two during the summer. She went through some therapy during the last two years and says the old hang-ups are down to a minimum, and that she has a medication with her she can take whenever ANY OF US feels the problem is surfacing again. I didn't give her any a reply yet, as this is very clearly something the whole family has to decide. Please understand that I miss my sister very much, and being unable to invite her without problem has been very painful for me. Also, remember the big changes our family went has gone through SINCE the last time she was here, meaning do we tell her the truth of that." with With tears in her eyes she stood up and went to the door "please make your decision and let me know."

We all sat quietly lost in our thoughts. We were very concerned for Mom. It was her sister, her only surviving relative from her family's side. and had the big problem that caused us to send her away the last time she visited us been 'fixed'.

While we were sitting there the mail arrived. Among all the junk mail and bills, there was an envelope from a Dr. Schwartz - someone that none of us had ever heard about. So, Dad opened this one first read it in silence and then handed it over to us. It read:

To Whom It May Concern,

At the request of Ms. Kate Silver (this was Mom's maiden name) I hereby confirm that Ms. Kate Silver has gone through therapy for the past two years. Ms. Silver came to me to be treated for a certain obsession she had. Going into the details of her obsession is unnecessary as - the subject of this obsession is known only to the people recieving this letter.

The result of this long therapy is that Ms. Silver is now almost totally cured of that obsession. By "almost" I mean that she can now control her feelings and her actions most of the time. I also need to stress, from the medical point of view only, that giving in to her wishes, - even if only once, - may help her overcome the problem completely. I stress that this opinion is medical only, as I do not wish to enter into the moral aspects of this question or to dictate any influence this letter may or may not have on her future family relations.

I wish Ms. Silver a full and total recovery and for of a normal life,.

Dr. H.Y. Schwartz, Ph.D.

Chief Psychologist

Bayview Sanatorium

We were stunned. Dad explained to us that this kind of letter is actually breaking the Doctor-Patient confidentially and that a doctor can only issue such a letter with the patient's consent.

Dad went to find mom and show her the letter. Mom and dad came back out of the room and joined us. "This letter may make a difference on in our thinking". she said. "It also raises the question of giving Kate what she wants if we decide to let her come. Bob, I need to know what you think. Thinking aloud and together may help us make a better decision."

It was clear that Dad was deep in thoughts, and that he felt uneasy. "I'm for letting Kate come for a week or two. Both you and her have suffered a lot from this separation and I can't stand seeing you suffer so much. You love your sister and I cannot stand in the middle and prevent you from being together. I am uneasy because of the doctor's letter though. He not only says that Kate is not 100% cured, he also suggests we give her what she wants, even if only once. It would looks very strange that we sent her away once because of what she wanted, - and now we'll give into her the same now without asking questions. Jeanette, - does Kate know about what happened within our family after she left two years ago? If she does, it does not put us in a very good light, and as it gives her a leverage for revenge if she seeks one. If she doesn't know, - how can we explain the sudden change of heart? Also, if you now want me to accommodate her wishes, - how are you going to feel about it? I'm very reluctant about this. You know very well that I have not slept with another woman since we have been together. I don't feel good about this, and I don't know how I'll be able to function when doing it as a favor."

"I really want her here", Mom said, "and I want to show her that we all love her. This letter from her therapist gives us all the openings we need. Please, let her come here and show her only love. I'm on the verge of breaking down if this won't work out. Let her come and we will see how things go one step at a time. I think I'll take the risk and tell her everything, we've been through including the fact that we all have sex with each other. Based on the therapist's letter I may even let her know it is all right from me if she aproaches any man in the family for one time of sex. If the two of you don't feel good about that, you can refuse at the given moment, but I hope you won't. Dave, you may have noted that I mentioned the two men of the family. I don't know what she may want, but if it helps solve her problems I hope you will help. Bob, I know and understand how you feel, and I love you even more than before for it. But based on the letter I see a possibility of helping my sister and I really want you do to help as much as possible. I'm not forcing you or pushing you, but I'm begging you. This is the last time I speak about this. The rest is up to you."

The decision was, of course, unanimous. Aunt Kate will be welcome at our home again. We discussed the fact that everybody's eyes should be open, and also the therapist's recommendation that "we" give in to her requests just once. "WE" of course meant Dad. and Mom really begged of him "to be good" for Kate.

So, Mom called Kate to say she would be welcomed, choking with tears several times during the conversation. Summer vacation started, and on the appointed day we all waited for Kate at the railway station. When Kate got off the train we all saw the changes. She wore an elegant business suit and some very light makeup. Her smile was radiant. She was just beautiful. As beautiful as I remembered her from several years back. We all walked towards her, and after an awkward moment in which we all just looked at her and she looked at each of us with a worried expression on her face, - we all hugged her, and welcomed her.

"Thank you ever so much for giving me this second chance..." she started

But Dad put his finger on her lips and replied, " There is to be no talk of first or second chances. If anyone here is giving something, - YOU did it by having the therapy. We are glad you took this step which enables all of us just to forget the past and just love you the same way we love anyone else in the family."

We got home, and had wonderful dinner Mom prepared, then Dad opened a bottle of Champagne and toasted to Kate's health and welcomed her to the family again. After dinner, we left Mom and Kate alone to make up for lost time. We were later led to know that during this conversation Mom also updated Kate about the recent changes in the family - i.e. the matter of incestuous relations we now have in the family.

After breakfast the next day Kate was very quiet. It looked as if she was confused, bewildered and at a loss of for words. That's when mom told us: " Kate now knows everything about our new way of life". And asked us again to treat Kate as one of the family in all respects."

Now it was our turn to feel awkward. Dad looked on at the table while Tammy and I blushed and became deep red. We had given some thought to the possibility that mom would discuss our new way of life with her sister, we were just surprised that she has actually done so. We sat in dead silence until It was Mom who broke the ice again: "I need to do some shopping and I would like you two to come with me." We all understood that Mom wanted to leave Kate and Dad alone. Dad looked at her strangely and she just returned a look that showed pleading. She then hugged him and then whispered in his ear, : " You don't have to if you can't, but at least try."

"Bob, I won't bite you, and I won't rape you. Let's just talk. I want to tell you about my therapy and what I learned from it. I now understand the problems I had and I have learned how to deal with them. I want to share all this with you. Please, please don't feel uncomfortable staying alone with me. Among all the things I learned during my therapy is understanding your and Jeanette's love, which is really so unique after 20 years together. All I can say is that I envy you, and that I mourn the years that went by with me unable to experience such love with anybody. So, Bob, let's just sit and talk, and let it just roll where ever it will."

Dad nodded and, went over to Kate and hugged her, then kissed her forehead.

Of course", he said, " let's Let's sit in the living room, and if I start behaving like a jackass, just remind me again."

Mom wiped a tear from her eye, kissed them both on the cheeks and we left for our shopping trip.

Dad's Story

We just sat there, both of us feeling awkward. Finally Kate started to talk about the therapy she went through. She spoke about the feelings she revealed to the therapist. ; Her old love for me and how it effected her thinking. She spoke about her love for her sister Jeanette, my wife, and how it clashed with her wish to take revenge because I loved Jeanette and not her. She spoke about the pleasure she felt while ruining other people's marriages., she She said that now after the therapy, she is going to try and locate those couples and families, and send them a letters with explanations and an apology...

Tears started running down both our cheeks. She came close to me and pleaded "just hug me, please." and I did. For all those years I saw just one aspect of her behavior, and I never knew how much she actually suffered.Both of us sat there crying, her head on my chest, my arm around her shoulders, my other hand gently caressing her hair. She finished telling her story, and then went on:

"You read my therapist's letter. You know that making love to me just once may close the door on this whole history. God, it's a 20 years history. I need this once just for verification. Just to know that I can enjoy a man like any other woman and without ulterior motives, and that I can thank you afterwards, knowing that this was for fun and not out of an obsession would put a closure to my problems. You know you can refuse, you can throw me out again if I misbehave. I know your family is watching me like hawks. They will be back in 3 hours. I know I'm on trial here. But I also know about the new family 'habits' that came about due to my behaviour, and that sexy nurse you had here helping Jeanette. But now I'd would like to become part of the "new" family, and but I would be grateful even if you would only accept me back into the "old" family.

"Bob, please... , please make love to me now. I want it so bad... Think of it is as the way you do with Tammy, remember Tammy came to you helping relieve your pressures. Please, help me relieve mine."

Well, I started kissing her very gently, the kisses getting deeper and deeper as the passion was starting to build up. My hands started moving - without my thinking about it, - first on her back, then on her arms, and then moving to her front, to and those wonderful breasts. I started to slowly open her buttons slowly when she got up and pulled me to the guest room where she was staying. She took off her clothes as fast as a hurricane and just stood there letting me look at her body. Kate was beautiful. At the age of 40 she could very easily pass for 30. Small perky breasts, small and very hard nipples, a flat belly and a nicely trimmed bush. Long and slender legs - in short - without any cloths on she was breath taking.

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