United Family - Cover

United Family

Copyright© 2006 by FamilyMan

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - What happens when a Mom is bed-ridden for a long period, and is afraid of loosing her husband. See who jumps in to help, and the effect it has on the rest of the loving family

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew  

Two months went by without problems. Karen took good care of Mom, and Tammy and I took care of the house. Once a week Dad brought in a cleaning lady, who did the tougher chores around the house, so everything was well taken care.

Then, I woke up on a Sunday morning very early. Damn, I wanted to sleep but I had to go pee. My bladder was killing me.

On the way back from the bathroom I heard some strange sounds from Tammy's room, and her door was partially open. First I thought she was probably masturbating, which was quite normal (we discussed these urges with our parents openly). But then I heard a deeper grunt. God, I just had to peek! And I regretted this peek for a long time afterwards. I pushed the door slightly, and just stood there totally shocked and unable to move!


I quickly concluded he was not raping her. From the sounds she uttered she was enjoying herself tremendously. "Fuck! Fuck daddy, this is so good! Do it harder, deeper". And so on.

I finally managed to move. I went to my room, which is next to Tammy's, sat on my bed and just started crying. I suddenly remembered all my school friends who had ruined families. Families where the husband cheated on his wife and then left or got kicked out, families where the wife cheated and with the same results, and a family where the father is now spending a long jail sentence after being found fucking his daughter (who stood up in the court and admitted that she was the one who took the initiative, seduced her father and loved every minute of their sex). But it did not help and he got a sentence of 12 years in jail while the girl was subjected to "professional help" for a long time.

I did not know what to do, how to react. I also did not want to remain in the room next to them. I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and ran out of the house, slamming the front door as I exited. I just wanted to be alone. I looked around and then remembered the old tree house Dad made for me years ago. I climbed up the tree and entered the tree house; it was still usable even if a bit small for my comfort. I lay down on the wooden floor and just remained quiet, and then started crying again, picturing all of my very unhappy friends with the ruined families. I guess I dozed off after a while. I woke up with a start when I heard Tammy crying out my name while sobbing, and Dad also calling me with clear desperation in his voice.

I just wanted to stay alone. I did not reply. I could not look in their faces even had I wanted to, and I didn't want to.

Hours went by. I missed breakfast, and then lunch. I slept, and I cried, and I was confused. How could they do it? After all we went through with Aunt Kate and now with Karen - how could they throw everything away and just started fucking.

It was after dark when someone must have remembered the tree house. Dad was standing next to the tree and called, this time quietly, "Dave, are you up there? Please come down. We must talk, and you must have something to eat. Come on Dave, we cannot loose you!! There is an explanation to what you saw and you must calm down and hear it! Please Dave, we are all broken, let's try to explain and fix the broken parts. Dave, please answer me!" He was begging.

I sighed loudly, got up and started climbing down. Once down, I broke and started sobbing again. Dad hugged me quietly and took me into the house. Tammy was there waiting, crying, eyes red and full of tears. She came forward and hugged me close, put her head on my shoulder and tearfully whispered in my ear, "Please Dave, don't freak out! There is an explanation and you will hear it. I'm just so sorry for the way you found out! I told Mom and Dad we should let you know so that you will not find out by accident - and they said you are too young to understand. Now they must explain, and I really hope that you will understand."

I looked at her like seeing a ghost, "Mom and Dad? Do you mean that Mom knows about this?"

At this moment the bell rang (we installed a bell for Mom to use when she needed help). Tammy ran to Mom's room and returned after a short while. "Mom wants to talk to you. Please try to be understanding. It is hard on her just as it is hard on all of us."

Mom also had tears in her eyes. "Dave, first you must know that not only I know about your Dad and sister, but also that I initiated it. So please calm down. I know you must have been shocked and maybe scared from what you saw this morning, but I'll explain later and I hope very much you'll understand. Tammy wanted to let you know before this started and Dad and I were against it. We now see that Tammy was right and we were wrong. God, I hope this will not affect you for life. I want you to take a shower and have something to eat and then we'll talk. But please, please don't freak out; don't start hating anybody within the family and just calm down."

I broke down and started crying again. I could not understand what Mom meant. Dad and Tammy sat down at my sides and just hugged me and caressed me until I stopped sobbing. I got up and had a shower, which really cooled me down, and then I went to the kitchen where Tammy was waiting for me with a few sandwiches and some milk.

She hugged me again and whispered in my ear, "Please wait for Mom's explanation. Don't hate me. I won't be able to stand it if you do. All that I did out of good will and believing that I was helping the family - will go down the drain if you hate me or Dad. Just wait for Mom's story before you judge any of us."

How long has this been going on?" I asked.

"Two weeks," Tammy said

Well, I responded "at least till today you were discrete, and if I did not need to pee this morning so early I wouldn't have known about it now. I'm not sure I like knowing about it now."

We went together to Mom's room, where Dad was kissing her forehead and caressing her hair, comforting her as she was softly crying.

When we entered, she wiped her tears and started talking softly. "I only hope, Dave, that you ARE old enough to understand, and that you are not damaged for life. Please understand that I truly believe that we were saving the family and not damaging it. Your Dad is a bit angry at my motives, but he will overcome this anger with time."

"I'll start with Kate's story that you only heard hints about, and you may reduce the level of hate you feel for my sister at this time. You heard that your Dad and I were a loving couple since high school, and that we actually were each others firsts. You should know that we still love each other the same way, and I can only hope you will be as lucky finding you a spouse and having a relationship as loving as ours. Well, it turned out that Kate, my younger sister, fell in love with your Dad during the first year we dated. Kate, being a very selfish person, tried to win him over and become his lover. Your Father, who at that time was head over heals in love with me, refused her advances. She then announced that she will keep trying to take him from me, no matter when, where or how. When we got married she became so resentful that she started a crusade of her own - having affairs with married men only, ruining their families, and once she achieved her goal and a family was ruined, she left the guy and went on to the next victim. She continued acting slutty so bad that even our parents just asked her to leave home and never come back."

"What you witnessed during the month she was here is a continuation of the same pattern. But it's possible that your outburst at her brought some good fruits, as she is now considering, for the first time in her life, the need for professional help. I have spoken to her every few days on the phone, and I know what you said to her during your last "conversation" with her before she left has hit her very hard and may bring some positive results. So I must ask again that you don't feel bad as you did what you considered best to help our family."

"You two probably know, having rooms next to this room, that your Dad and I have sex very frequently, like almost every day. (Dave, we are used to open discussions about everything, so please don't be embarrassed at what I say. It is important to understand what followed and what happened this morning). You heard the surgeon who operated on me say that we are forbidden to have sex for at least a year, which is very hard for the both of us but especially for your Dad. Now, after the episode with Kate, we have Karen in the house and we know the way she affects all males in the house. While your Dad discussed it with me openly, we are also aware of your attraction to her, Dave. Well, I had a feeling that your Dad, after 3 months without sex, is close to a breaking point. Dave, you are just 14, but I think you already know very well what it means to be horny. You just think about being a man who is used to having sex almost every day and is then cut off completely. Dave - should I go on or is all this too hard on you?"

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