Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 1 - The Honeymoon Week - Cover

Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 1 - The Honeymoon Week

Copyright© 2006 by DoubleDxxx

Chapter 21: Revenge of the Master

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 21: Revenge of the Master - The merger of two close-knit families through the marriage of the parents leads to mergers all around from the merger of the children's band to the merger of the servants to the merger of the pair of identical triplets themselves.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Incest   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Lana felt someone sucking her pussy enthusiastically; over the night, all her brothers and her sisters had had a taste, and she couldn't remember the number of times she had been awakened to this wonderful feeling.

Opening her eyes, she saw Hannah, still asleep on her right, she was still on top of Ron; though they had both fucked all the rest of them, Ron and Hannah had kept going back to each other throughout the evening, and had, eventually gone to bed with Ron's cock deep in Hannah's cunt.

Turning her head toward her left, she saw Ana, face down on top of John. Lana wondered what was wrong with Ana, she had seemed preoccupied during most of the night and she hadn't seemed to be able to enjoy the boys' cocks as much as Hannah and her. Everyone had noticed this, though she alone had eventually pulled Ana aside to question her.

"Are you alright?" Lana had asked her.

"What do you mean?" Ana had countered somewhat evasively.

"I don't know; you just don't seem to be all here. We've all had around twenty orgasms tonight; you've had, what, one? And that one because I pretty much had to force it on you! Come on, tell me what's wrong, aren't you enjoying the boys company?"

"Of course I enjoy it; I'm as bi- as the rest of you! I know how to enjoy a good cock! Now if you don't mind, I'll go suck one!" She pulled Ron's cock (who had been violently fucking Hannah, again, and who had looked up when she made her comment) right out of Hannah's pussy and into her mouth. She had seemed very defensive and upset as she said that, she then avoided talking to Lana for the rest of the night, and, though Ana did start allowing herself to cum a lot more during the night, no one missed the fact that it was only when she was either with Lana or with Hannah.

Under her, Lana felt Don's steady breathing, indicating that he was still asleep; she couldn't believe she still felt his erect cock up her ass, just where it was when they finally fell asleep. It sure felt good there, especially with the tongue now working like mad in her pussy.

"Wait a second," she thought suddenly, "If all my brothers and sisters are still here in bed with me, then who's in my pussy?" Not that the answer really mattered to Lana, the person was doing such a great job, but sometimes you just want to know who is sexually pleasuring you.

She looked down toward her pussy, and though she couldn't see a face (as it was buried deep in her cunt) the flow of red hair told her that it was Amy busy there. She felt a surge of joy and happiness at that fact, Amy had been the only one in the house she had not made a true connection with; well her and her new Dad, actually, but Lana's connection with her new father would have to wait a while.

She tried spreading her legs as much as possible without bothering anyone on her side, but she felt people starting to stir all around her, not to mention a pumping by the cock in her ass. Soon they were all fucking again, until, one by one, they all came, well, all except Ana, who didn't cum until Amy finished completely eating out Lana, and moved over to suck and ream Ana's asshole.

The boys and girls then assumed 69 positions to clean each other off: Ron sucking the cum out of Hannah while she sucked his cock clean, Ana doing the same with John, and as Lana cleaned off Don and he feasted on her pussy juices, Amy cleaned the cum out of her ass from behind.

"Well, good morning all of you," Amy finally said, "or better said, good afternoon, since it is officially after NOON now."

"You're kidding," John said, "I promised Debbie—"

"Oh no," Don said cutting in, "Katrina will kill—"

"I have already talked with your 'guides', Amy said, "they understood there was a family matter to attend to and they said they'd be back tomorrow, or that if you finished early, and wanted to see them sooner, to call them."

"I'd better go find Katrina," Don said, "It's her birthday today and I promised her a very special present."

"I'll go with you," John said, "If I can't find Debbie, "he said smiling wryly, "I'll just help you with Katrina's present."

Don threw him a reproachful look but said, "Fine."

"Not fine," Amy said, and everyone looked at her surprised. "I came to get you because you all need to eat something first. I have some roast chicken and potatoes for all of you."

"For breakfast" Ana said with a doubtful face.

"Technically it is lunch time," Amy said, and actually, "it is the late dinner I prepared for you all last night (since what you had had to that point was basically a late lunch), the dinner none of you ever came in to eat."

As the kids, and Ana especially, realized that they had in fact missed both last night's dinner and this morning's breakfast, they became more aware of their growling stomachs.

Smiling Lana said, "I guess CUM can only fill you so much.

Laughing at that, they all followed Amy back to the house and gathered around the kitchen table.

After eating, John and Don, left immediately to find the Wilson girls; Ron also stepped out, claiming he needed to buy something at the local pet shop, and then return to the studio to work on his base, he claimed it had been a little out of tune.

With Pietro working in the front garden, and Amy cleaning the house, the girls decided to go up to their room and just hang for a while.

Lana was quickly getting bored with watching Hannah stare out of the window toward the garage, and Ana moping silently on the bed like a love sick puppy.

"What is wrong with you two," Lana said annoyed, "We should be having some fun. I hardly recognize either of you!"

"Lana," Hannah said, "we spent most of the night having fun. Maybe we just need a break from sex."

"Yeah," Ana agreed sadly, "what's the point of it anymore?"

These last statements left Lana open mouthed and angry. "Okay, that is it! Ana, I know who she's dreaming about, even though she won't say anything," she looked over at Hannah sitting by the window, "but who has you in such a gloomy 'only one person in the world will truly satisfy me' attitude?"

Hannah turned away from the window interested, she might live only for her Master, but that didn't mean her sisters' lives no longer interested her. "Yeah," she said turning to Ana, "I know that look, you're as much in love as I—" she stopped suddenly looking flustered and turning red, finished saying, "—as I think John is with Debbie."

"You two don't know what you're talking about!" Ana screamed angrily, "Not that my life is any of your business!" She lay face down in bed and putting a pillow over her head refused to listen or look at her sisters.

Both Lana and even Hannah (who knew her secret, if you could call it that was only temporary) felt hurt by Ana's words.

"Our lives have always been each others business." Lana said softly, but firmly, "we've never had any secrets from each other," and throwing a look at Hannah said, "Well no real secrets anyway."

"I don't believe you're cutting us out of your life like this," Hannah said, suddenly almost in tears.

"You're one to talk," Ana said suddenly pulling the pillow off her head and turning an angry face to Hannah, showing that she was herself in tears, "but you understand what's happening in your life, you don't care if others think you're weird or insane, you know what gives you pleasure and you're not ashamed of it!"

Lana was suddenly very worried about her sister, and the worry drowned out any anger or resentment she might have been feeling. Climbing on the bed next to Ana she pulled Ana's head to her breast and had Ana suck on her silently for a while, she then signaled Hannah to get on Ana's other side and start sucking Ana's boob. Their mother always used this approach to calm any of them that was truly upset. As Ana calmed down a bit, Lana petted her long hair with one hand as Ana continued attacking Lana's tit furiously, Lana then dropped her other hand to Ana's pussy and started gently caressing her cunt, working a finger softly in and out as she did.

As Ana became truly receptive to this treatment, Lana whispered to her, "We love you Ana, you know that, and we want to help you, but you have to tell us what's wrong."

Ana finally took her mouth off Lana's breasts and nodding slowly let them know with her eyes that she would tell them everything, "Just, just don't stop okay?" she said, throwing a look at her breast in Hannah's mouth and Lana's finger in her pussy. Lana, now also, bent over and took Ana's other breast between her lips and gently sucked.

Giving a sigh Ana let both her hands drop and one found Lana's wet hole, and the other was quickly busy in Hannah's. In this loving position she was finally able to start talking.

"Hannah is right," she said, "I really, really think that I am in love. I met someone and I can't stop thinking, dreaming, fantasizing; but I'm so confused, it's just so new, so different, and we start High School in a few weeks, what if someone were to find out? They wouldn't leave me alone, would they?" Though Ana did not hurry and specify what was so strange or chaotic about being in love that it could destroy her reputation at school, her sisters neither questioned nor rushed her to get to the point. They just continued with their ministrations. Finally Ana said, "I don't even know who she really is, all I know is that her name is Patty, that she's a goddess (My Goddess) and that she is my soul mate; I love her."

Lana and Hannah continued their loving treatment of Ana, but both had suddenly become very wide-eyed; understanding at last their sisters predicament, but neither knowing exactly what to say.

After the mutual masturbation had brought them all to orgasm, they all lay back on the bed and Lana finally said, "So you really think you're in love with this woman?"

"I think so, yeah, but since I ran out before trying to find out for sure, now I may never know."

Just then, they heard someone calling at the window and Hannah leapt off the bed.

"Get down to the studio now, alone!" Lana heard someone say, and she noticed the smile that suddenly appeared on Hannah's face; why couldn't she smile like that for her?

"You can't go now," Lana said as Hannah grabbed a large T-shirt, "we're in the middle of something serious."

"It's okay, Lana," Ana said, "I'm feeling a lot better now, it really helped me to be able to say what was going on, and I thank you both so much."

"No," Lana said furiously, "she's not going!" Lana got in front of Hannah to block her way.

"Lana, get out of the way, you can't tell me what to do; you're not my Master."

"But he is!" Lana said, grabbing Hannah by the arm and pulling her to the bed. "He is isn't he?"

"Lana, let go of my arm, you're hurting me!"

"I thought that's what you wanted!" Lana screamed looking a little insane, which at the moment, she was; insane with anger over the loss of her property. "Ana, get me the chains from the closet now!" As she said this, she threw Hannah on the bed and climbed on top of her.

"Lana," Ana said a little scared, "this isn't funny, we've always had an understand—"

"Understand this BITCH, you get me those chains now or the first thing I do when we get to the new school is nominate you for president of the lesbian society!"

"Ana, NO!" Hannah said crying under Lana's weight, "I have to go to him, NOW!"

Ana, however, was looking at Lana, a bit hurt and a lot scared, she knew there was no arguing with her in this state. She got up and going over to the closet brought out some heavy chains.

"Chain her arms and her legs, NOW!" Lana screamed, "Attach it to the bed post and gag that WHORE!"

"No!" Hannah screamed terrified; it was so weird, only a day or two ago she would have given her entire life to be treated this way by Lana, but now there was only one person who had a right to treat her this way, and she didn't want to lose him. "Lana, please don't!"

As Ana gagged Hannah, Lana leaned over and bit Hannah's tits, one after the other, as Hannah tried to pull away from the pain, Lana released her tits saying in an evil voice, "He's changed you, turned you against me, but don't worry sis, I'm going to teach him a lesson, and he will know not to mess with my property."

Getting up and going to the closet she came back with several items: two natural contours ultimate massagers, two clamps, and a role of tape. She took one of the massagers and stuck it in Hannah's cunt, it's curve shape, designed for the contours of a woman's body, delivered strong vibrations to both ends, bringing pleasure to both Hannah's G-spot on the inside, and her clit on the outside. Lana then grabbed the second one and stuck it in Hannah's ass. Wrapping tape around Hannah's front and back to hold the massagers in place; she used the clamps to pinch Hannah's tits. As Hannah squirmed from the pain and the pleasure, Lana leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "I'll go talk to that false master of yours now, and when it's over, you can be sure he will never bother you again."

Turning to Ana, she said, "Stay with her, but don't touch her. Unless she dies from pleasure, don't even consider releasing her, do you understand me Ellen?"

Ana slowly nodded, she might not like how Lana was treating Hannah, but she was at least glad not to be the target of the 'Orgasm Queen's' wrath for once. Plus, she remembered all the times Hannah would just stand over them, playing with herself, while Lana had her way with her.

Lana had grabbed the T-shirt Hannah had pulled out of the closet and thrown it on herself. Since it was Hannah's, there was an 'H' sown onto the side. It was Lana's plan to get Ron off his guard.

As she walked into the studio Ron shouted, "You're late!" and walking over to her slapped her on her face.

Lana threw him an angry look, and was about to say something when she suddenly remembered she was suppose to be Hannah, lowering her head she said, "I'm sorry master, my sisters delayed me."

"Yeah," Ron said angrily, "well next time you slap your sisters across the face and tell them 'Your Master's call is above ALL!" Ron smiled inside himself at the look of disgust in Lana's eyes. He wondered what the "Orgasm Queen' was up to, and more importantly what she had done with his beloved toy. "Probably has her chained up in the room," he thought, "it's the only way she'd be able to keep her from coming to me."

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