Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 1 - The Honeymoon Week - Cover

Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 1 - The Honeymoon Week

Copyright© 2006 by DoubleDxxx

Chapter 11: The Master's Queen and his New Slave

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11: The Master's Queen and his New Slave - The merger of two close-knit families through the marriage of the parents leads to mergers all around from the merger of the children's band to the merger of the servants to the merger of the pair of identical triplets themselves.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   BiSexual   Incest   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

The boys came back home around 4 PM; they had left their tent at the beach where the Wilson kids (Debbie, Katrina and Jason) had promised to keep it safe. The reason they'd left it was because they planned to return that evening and camp out at the beach where, Debbie had informed him, the party would be going on all night; and, after a certain hour, without the presence of adults or pre-High School aged students.

The boys had been especially invited when Debbie realized they had a musical band and could contribute to the entertainment. Debbie was in charge of the party's entertainment that year and, one of the three bands scheduled had called to cancel at the last minute. The boys had explained that they were short some voices, but Debbie had said it would be fine, that they could provide some rest to the other bands by providing some purely musical interludes.

"I wonder where everyone is," Ron said as they walked through the deserted first floor.

"We can go to our room and check," Don suggested.

"There's no need for that," John said as he pulled out his Pocket PC and turned it on. "Wow," he said suddenly, "looks like we missed some major partying here. Everyone is knocked out. Wow, Amy really looks exhausted." He clicked back to the girls and said, "Can they really sleep knotted up that way?"

"Let's go to the kitchen and get something to eat, we should see what we can gather up to take with us too," Ron said.

"Hey," Don said annoyed, "who made you the boss?"

"The two of you did," Ron said smiling, "remember, I'm in charge of the band, so if we're going to jam tonight, I'm the leader."

Once in the kitchen, John checked the fridge for something to eat and said, "Well here's something."

"Something good I hope," Ron said, picking up a notepad that had been left on the table. As he read what was written on it he gave a puzzled look as he tried to understand it.

"Amy made some of her Caesar Salad. There's not much left, but enough for the three of us." John pulled out the bowl, along with three bottles, and carried them over to the table.

"Get some bowls and forks Don," he ordered, then noticing Ron's puzzled look said, "what's that your studying so intensely Ron?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't know, and I've read it around three times." He passed the pad to John and took one of the bowls Don had just placed on the table.

As John puzzled over what he was reading, he threw a curious look at the third bottle he had brought over to the table. He picked it up curiously and shaking it to completed mix all the ingredients, tasted a drop; a smile quickly came to his face.

"What's that," Don asked curiously as he reached for the bottle of French dressing.

"Anderson dressing, you'll want to use this, much better than the French." He passed the bottle to Don.

After tasting it and agreeing it was definitely better he added, "This is incredible, and there's a nice sort of bitter taste I just can't make out, but it sort of makes my whole body tingle."

"That's probably the 'Lana Golden Juice'," John said as Don poured more dressing on his salad.

"Hey," Ron said, "let me try some of that." He held out his hand for the bottle.

Soon, they were all three eating and enjoying their salads. After a while, Don said smiling, "you know they may actually be too perverted for even us to control." He didn't clarify his comment, but it was pretty obvious what he was talking about.

In their room, Lana opened her eyes as she thought she heard a beeping sound, almost instantly, the beeping stopped, but she was now wide awake. Hannah, on top of her, and Ana, beside her, were still breathing strongly and evenly, indicating that whatever Lana had heard, had not bothered them.

"They are such heavy sleepers," Lana thought, "especially after some great sex."

Deciding to let them continue sleeping, Lana just lay awake a while, not wanting to move or in any way bother her sisters. However, after around ten minutes, it was starting to get harder and harder not to move. She was getting very excited by the fact that Hannah's breast was right on top or hers, and with every breath Hannah took, their nipples rubbed together. On top of that, Hannah's leg was right between both of Lana's and, every now and then, she would move it as she slept, rubbing it against Lana's crotch. Lana also felt a warm moistness on the palm of one of her hands, and, from the position she was lying in, realized that it must be right on top of Ana's pussy, she couldn't resist rubbing it a little and was satisfied to hear Ana moaning lightly in her sleep.

"I think I put her through enough today," Lana thought guiltily as she stopped rubbing and decided, "If I'm going to let them sleep, I'd better get out of this bed."

Slowly, she unhooked the leg she had wrapped around Hannah's leg, and tried to slip out from under her, moving slowly to the side. Feeling a pinch on one of her tits that sent bolts all the way down to her cunt, she looked up and saw that Hannah was awake.

Hannah leaned over and after kissing Lana said, "The queen wouldn't be attempting to desert her loyal subjects would she?"

"I think Ana is still pretty tired," Lana said quietly, "I don't want her disturbed until she's ready to wake up, understand?"

Hannah simply nodded obediently, and, using her free arm and leg (the others still wrapped around Ana) for support, pushed herself up gently to allow Lana to more quickly and easily slip out from under her. Once Lana was out, Hannah lowered herself slowly and snuggled up around Ana's left side trying to be careful not to make any sudden movement. When she was satisfied Ana was still sleeping, she put her head on Ana's chest and closed her eyes figuring, "since I can't get up until Ana does, I may as well sleep a little longer myself."

Lana went into the bathroom and quickly peed; grabbing the toilet paper she quickly cleaned herself, noticing that she had just used the last of the paper. "I better replace that," she thought, looking around the bathroom for a replacement roll. Not finding one she thought, "Maybe there's one in Mom and Dad's bathroom, they sure don't need any at the moment. And I better talk to Amy about always having a replacement."

By the time she emerged from the bathroom, both her sisters were again sleeping heavily. She looked toward the TV and realized for the first time that it was still on and focused on the camera in Pietro's room. Pietro, she saw, was also sleeping soundly. "His encounter with Amy must really have tired him out," Lana thought, "especially after he had already provided two helpings of Pietro cream for our dressing." Lana wondered if Amy was still asleep too; going over to the computer, she pressed the 'F5' key and quickly confirmed her suspicions that Amy must have been just as worn out. "Well," Lana thought smiling, "this has certainly been an exhausting, albeit, satisfying, day for the people in this house. I wonder how the boys are doing at the beach."

Forgetting about her need to find some toilet paper, Lana decided she could really use a little coffee; she quietly stepped out of her room and headed for the stairs that led down to the first floor and toward the kitchen. Once there, Lana froze as three heads turned to intensely study her still fully naked body.

"Well," Don said, "if it isn't the secret ingredient herself."

Lana actually blushed a bit as she realized the boys had been eating what was left of the salad and that to top that off (literally), they had used up what was left of the 'Anderson Dressing'.

Ron, holding up a paper that he had torn off the pad, said, "My brothers and I were wondering, why, with all the available blends of 'golden juice' available, 'Lana golden juice' was the only one good enough to make it into the recipe."

"GIVE ME THAT!" Lana screamed annoyed, as she realized what the paper was. After grabbing it she added in questioning voice, trying to sound more controlled than she just had, "You're back early," but then exploded again saying, "And you shouldn't be eating other people's things without asking!"

Trying to sooth the temper Lana was obviously in; John said softly, "Actually, we're going back to the beach later. We came back to pick up some stuff we need to pass the night over there. We also have to let Amy, and I guess Pietro also, know what we're going to do, they are sort of in charge." Then, changing his tone from a soft, caring tone, he added firmly, though still talking very slowly so as not to upset Lana more, "As to eating other people's stuff, remember, we're a family now, there are no people; with the exception of the clothes we wear and any private things in our own rooms, anything else found in this house is shared by all of us. Is that clear?"

John was looking directly at Lana's eyes as he spoke, but he now let his gaze drop, first lingering over her breasts, then lower still, at her cunt.

After a few minutes, Lana walked over to the coffee maker, giving them a clear view of her naked ass; she even bent over a bit and widened her stance as she poured herself a cup; allowing the boys to look deep into her, now, open pussy.

Taking a sip of her coffee, she turned to look at them again, not failing to note the bulges that had grown in the front of all their shorts; she said slowly, "That sounds fair to me. It reminds me of that movie with Lucille Ball, 'Yours, Mine and Ours'; I do so love that movie, my sisters and I all love old movies. So what's happening at the beach tonight?" She asked this final question in a truly cheerful voice.

The boys, excited by her apparent acceptance that they could share 'everything', and her obvious lack of caring that they were examining every last part of her naked body like vultures, smiled and John said, "We were planning to talk to all three of you, but you were pretty out of it when we arrived, not to mention tied up in that bed, so we decided to let you keep sleeping until the last minute."

Lana grinned at the boys' lack of understanding as to what they had just told her; choosing to ignore this slip of the tongue, she simply asked excitedly, "so what is it?"

"There's a party, two days and nights to celebrate the end of the summer; it started this afternoon. It's for school kids of all ages, elementary to high school students. Tonight, though, there is suppose to be a hot, all night bash; high school students only." Ron said.

"And no parents allowed," Don added excitedly, "we've already met some kids our age, but tonight we'll really introduce ourselves to this town!"

"What do you mean," Lana asked, her eyes now glowing with excitement also.

"Our band is going to jam a bit." Ron said quickly.

"BAND," Lana screamed so fast that she coughed up some of the coffee she had just been sipping, "wait a minute, you three have a band?"

"Well, yes and no," Ron said. "Now that we live here, we're short 2 voices and a lead guitarist; the lack of the extra instrument isn't so bad, however, the lack of back up voices can give us trouble. At the moment I'm not only lead singer, I'm the only singer, and I really don't like going solo all the time, especially since I'd rather just be playing my base."

"So you do still have enough instruments to call yourself a band?" Lana questioned with great interest.

"Well yeah," Don said, happy to see his sister so interested, "I play the drums, John is on the organ or keyboard, and like Ron said, he plays the base, he could also play guitar if necessary. We three were the center of the group."

"Yeah," Ron added, "that's why we were called 'Love Times Three' rather than 'Times Six'."

"This is amazing," Lana said with more excitement than the boys could understand. "It's much more than just coincidence, it's—it's—well it's destiny that's what it is!"

"What are you talking about?" John asked a little annoyed that Lana would not talk clearly.

"Well, my sisters and I are in a band too, 'Triplet X'. I don't think I have to mention who it's named for; anyway, we've sort of been denying since we moved here, that the band is over with. Ana, especially, hasn't been able to admit it, since, well since it's the one activity in our lives in which she got to be the boss. She's our lead singer you know."

"Wait a second," Ron said, "you have a band, but why is it over?" Ron couldn't hide his excitement at the thought of a lead female voice living right next door to them. "I mean," he continued, "all three of you are here."

"But none of us play instruments, we were the vocalists and performers, let's face it, a band without musicians isn't much of a band." Then, grinning slyly at them she added, "then again, a band without vocalist isn't much better. Too much music (even good music) with absolutely no lyrics can quickly turn into nothing but noise."

"It's 4 PM," Ron said assuming his role as leader of the band, "we plan to leave for the beach at around 7:30, that way we can have a decent meal first; Amy usually has dinner on the table by 6:30 sharp." Ron walked over and stood right in front of Lana saying, "Why don't you three meet us in the back room of the garage in half-an-hour; bring a list of the songs you sing," then smiling added, "along with anything else you can share." Saying that, Ron ran his finger from the bottom of Lana's cunt to the top and bringing it to his mouth sampled the taste.

Ron had a big smile on his face until he caught the look of wrath in Lana's eyes, and he then felt the fiery fury emanating from her; his smile disappeared and he started saying, "What's—"


Lana had slapped Ron so hard across the face that he actually felt a tooth shake. He just stared at her bewildered for a few minutes, then, trying to justify his action, though in the back of his mind he realized it was wrong to just move in like that, he said angrily, "hey, what happened to sharing everything?"

"Let me get one thing clear right now," Lana said slowly, but with such strength that Ron couldn't help but shut up and listen silently, "I don't mind sharing all my food or possessions with any of you, I do not mind that if one of us leaves the—PRIVACY—of our own room and forget to cover up—" As she said this she lifted a foot and placed it on a chair next to her, totally opening up her pussy to Ron's view, who could not help but notice a few drops of vaginal juices leaking out, "—you enjoy the view. However, certain parts of my body—NO—make that my entire body, and the bodies of my sisters are to remain untouched unless I specifically give the okay. It is my personal property and no one shares it without permission; is that understood?" She continued looking deeply and angrily into Ron's eyes, and, even though she had directed her comments solely at him, John and Don knew she was talking to them too.

Ron, who might normally be turned off by this type of reaction, didn't understand why, rather than going down, the bulge in his shorts seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. He also didn't understand why he couldn't say anything to Lana, I mean they knew these girls were perverted little bitches, the girls knew that they (the boys) loved sex, it was only a matter of time before they really united; why delay the inevitable? Rather than say any of this, all Ron could do was lower his head and nod.

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