Naked Lisa's Story - Cover

Naked Lisa's Story

Copyright© 2006 by Horatio

Chapter 13: Two Couplings And A Reappearance

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 13: Two Couplings And A Reappearance - A Young Woman is falsely accused and imprisoned. While imprisoned she is changed forever.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Spanking   Sadistic   Oral Sex   Petting  

Lisa and Giles had been out walking after Lisa had done her usual six mile run and training in preparation for her next fight, which was scheduled for eight days' time. It was against her toughest opponent yet - she was giving away quite a few pounds as well as three inches in height. Although it was not going to be easy, she was confident enough of at least giving the other woman a run for her money before she suffered her first knockout. Having Giles out of the way would be a good thing, now that they had just made love out on a barren hillside. She could put in some serious, hard training and be ready to do battle!

Giles was dressed again, but Lisa was not. She felt the world beginning to close in on her, much as she had imagined those tiled wall in that ghastly place of punishment. There might not be many more days of freedom left and she was determined that her body would be free and open to the air until that time. Then, dressed decorously, she would have to face journalists, lawyers - judges, even! Because Giles would certainly be prosecuted for telling what he knew. It would take all Lisa's sweet blue eyes and fiminine wiles to melt the jury's and judge's hearts. She would have to relate every dreadful detail of three years she only wanted to forget. But she couldn't let Giles go down.

"Who's car is that, Lisa" asked Giles. "It wasn't there three hours ago.!"

"Four hours, Giles. We've been four hours away. I can tell time! I had a lot of practice! And I haven't a clue! But whoever it is is in for a rare treat when he sees me like this!"

Giles sensed that Lisa was not about to put her swimsuit back on. Not that it hid a lot in any case! He was convinced that such a garment never saw serious action in a swimming pool. It wouldn't stay on for even half a length!

The visitor turned out to be George, Lisa's elder brother. He blushed as he looked up to see his sister walk in, naked and in the company of man he vaguely recollected as having been one of the officials at the Embassy years ago when he was vainly trying to help Lisa. He and Samantha were sitting together on the sofa and had been talking away like old friends when Lisa and Giles walked through the front door. He got up and seemed undecided whether or not to touch his sister, who he had always held in awe for some reason, despite being a couple of years older.

"Come on, big brother! Give your sister who's just got back from the dead a kiss!"

George did as he was told, doing his best to avoid too close contact with the still bare Lisa. Then he sat down again next to Samantha, who did not appear to mind this young man occupying the place at her side usually reserved for her partner and lover.

"I see you've already introduced yourselves, then!"

"Yes, Lisa. We've been talking away like the clappers for the past half hour since I arrived." He looked up at the clock. "Golly! It's more like three and a half hours! It seemed a lot less. I hope I haven't been keeping you from any important domestic duties, Samantha!" A smell of burning indicated that he had indeed precipitated a culinary disaster of some sort.

Lisa went into the kitchen to investigate and found that it was only some vegetables that had boiled dry. Some minor adjustment to the menu was necessary, but all was soon well again. On going back into the sitting room she saw that Samantha looked very much happier than she had seen her for months.

"Your friend sure has had one hell of a life, Lisa. She's been telling me all about it. Pretty bad time she's had! As you know, of course."

"I knew that she had been through some bad times, but no more than that." Sammy had gone upstairs for a minute or two. "I never pushed her to tell me, George, because it was too painful. I had hoped to get it all out of her in time, but you have managed it in less than an afternoon! I thought you were going to be an economist - not a pychotherapist!"

"It just happened, Lise. I told her a lot about me. Things I never told you. Like how I hated school and being forced to do all sorts of boy things."

Samantha rejoined them.

"I've been telling George all about your time in prison after you came out of solitary. He couldn't believe how you got through it all!"

"Tha't right, Lisa! " said George. "All those fights, which you seemed to love. They made me learn boxing at school, but I was always worse than useless at it and I hated it. And you seem to be a sort of undefeated champion! And I dreaded getting the cane. God, how it bloody hurt! But you took more strokes in eight months than I did in that many years. I've seen Mum and Dad today, and they are really upset about you going in for all this prize fighting, but I say you know your own mind and you're a big girl now! You certainly look well on it!"

"Tha't because I hit them before they have a chance to hit me" laughed Lisa. Though this was not entirely true and if George had cared to take a closer look at his sister's face and body he would have seen the many signs of battle in a number of little marks, none of which Lisa tried to hide. In fact it pleased her to look a bit battered. It made her feel like a veteran and not the unspoilt novice people still took her to be.

"Any way" explained George. " I must be off now, but I've asked Samantha out tomorrow - there's a concert in Hereford - in the Cathedral - and I've got a small solo part in one of the choruses. Sammy said she'd love to come! So I'll be picking you up at about three, Sammy. You'll have to amuse yourself during the rehearsal and then sit and listen to a load of amateurs ruining great music, but there's a terrific restaurant I'll take you to and we'll be back around two in the morning. Bye!"

"So you like my brother, then?" asked Lisa after George had left and Giles had gone to pack before leaving in the morning.

"He's a great fellow, Lisa! Not like you at all, but as kind as you and gentle. He sang a bit of the thing he's doing tomorrow. He's got a wonderful baritone voice, Lisa. You never said anything about that."

"I never knew, Sammy! I did know he was a choir boy until his voice broke, but I had no idea he'd kept it up since. Marvellous! You two met only a few hours ago and already you know more about each other than I do!"

"Sorry, Lisa" Sammmy looked about to cry.Lisa hugged her.

"Don't be sorry. Do you think you and George might get serious? Too early to tell, I suppose."

"I knew how much I felt for you as soon as I met you, Lisa. That's how it was with George today and I'm sure he feels the same. I hope so!"

"So if I told you that I as good as threw myself at Giles earlier on and that he duly responded as a red blooded male should and screwed the arse off me up there, you might not feel too devastated?"

"I knew, Lisa! It was written all over the pair of you! The minute I saw you both come into the room I knew! You looked to have been well and truly shagged, all dreamy eyed, still sweating all over and juice running down your thighs! You can't hide things like that when you don't have clothes on! And he looked like the cat that's stolen the cream! I'm very happy for you. It started at the prison, didn't it - between you?"

"In a way, Sammy. He never laid a finger on me during his visits, but I could see he was smitten! And now, I'm smitten with him! But it took time to grow with me, and I'm not hoplessly in love with him Sammy. I would never leave you. As long as you need me, I'm yours and yours alone."

Lisa was at the end of her morning run around the Serpentine. She felt sure she had easily done her daily six miles and was wondering whether to go straight to the gym or back to her hotel when a familiar voice disturbed her cogitations.

"Getting some exercise, Lisa? Fight coming up?"

Lisa looked round in surprise. "Yes. I always have a fight coming up! I'm a very combative and very busy lady these days."

"And when is this next contest for the brave and, I observe, still bare-footed Lisa?"

"Day after tomorrow. And the brave Lisa will get her arse whipped. The brave Lisa won't back down, but she won't win this one!"

"How many miles have we run today?"

"About six."

"Let's do another four miles, Lisa. Then straight to the gym for some really serious working out. Then lunch. Then more exercise. Then we go to dinner and talk. And tomorrow, you rest and ready yourself. And don't you DARE lose! I don't have my same trusty old cane any more, but in a great city like this, there must be many places to buy a suitable springy, swishy length of bamboo to punish Lisa the Loser's backside! Let's start running. Keep up with me! No slacking!"

Lisa obeyed. She had no idea why she obeyed, or what the former bane of her life was doing in London. Perhaps she was having some annual leave.People did have vacations and they came here from all over the world to have them! Why should hatchet-faced prison guards not be among them?

As they ran, Rosanne asked Lisa questions about her present career.

"Still fight naked, Lisa?"

"Not all the time. It depends on where I'm fighting. Sometimes I wear boxing boots, gloves, shorts and a top. I've had a couple of bouts like that. Other times it's nude wrestling. Hate that! I like to bash the opposition, not strangle it! But mostly I do bare fist - very illegal - fighting. Tomorrow we're wearing gloves and nothing else. The gloves are just to protect the knuckles from abrasions. They're really hard! No padding at all. I do miss those gloriously brutal fights to the finish at the prison, but tomorrow should be good, even if I lose. It won't get stopped until one of us knocks the other unconscious, no matter how much blood is flowing!"

"When do we grow our hair, again, Lisa? It looks so stunning when you grow it full length?"

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