Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch (Version Alpha) - Cover

Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch (Version Alpha)

Copyright© 2006 by Lubrican

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Diedre is trying to keep the ranch going while her husband is gone, and that means breeding the horses. She enlists her sister, nephew and son to help. For a bunch of amateurs they are amazingly successful.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Caution  

At breakfast, Chance didn’t mention that he knew about his mother and aunt “doing things” with Bobby. Of course neither Bobby or Cathy mentioned it either. And, for whatever reason, Dee didn’t see fit to tell Cathy that she had told Chance that Bobby had done something with the women. Dee hoped that with both women and both boys present, inhibitions would return and things would stay under control.

“Okay, so how do we do this, this morning?” she asked. “I told Chance that there were difficulties yesterday. I hope we can avoid those today. Should we all go down there together, or take shifts?”

“Shifts?” asked Cathy.

“Well, you know, like Chance and I do a couple of pairs, and then we take a break and you and Bobby do a couple of pairs. Maybe it won’t be so ... troubling if we don’t have to go for such a long time. What do you think?”

Cathy’s inner turmoil had her quite ready to drop her drawers for her son this very instant, regardless of whether she had a horse cock in her hand or not. She could not, of course, say that. But she also knew that she shouldn’t feel the way she did. And if Dee’s idea worked, and she didn’t get so horny that she lost control, maybe it would work.

“Okay,” she said. She looked at Bobby and he nodded. “Why don’t you and Chance go first. Bobby and I will stay here and start something for lunch. I don’t think it would be a good idea for us to watch. When you’re ready just come get us and we’ll go down.

As they walked toward the breeding pen Dee looked over at her handsome son. “How much have you helped with this before?”.

“I helped dad a couple of times. He always worked under the horses. I couldn’t bring myself to ... you know,” he said as his boots kicked the dirt.

“I have to tell you Chance, prepping those stallions does things to me,” said his mother. “I may act a little different than you’re used to.”

Chance stopped and looked at his gorgeous mother frankly. “Look, Mom, you’re a beautiful woman, and I have to say I’ve noticed that in the past. But I promised and I’ll do my best to behave myself. I can’t lie to you, though, and say I’ve never noticed you as a woman. I mean I know you’re my mother and all, but sometimes I see you as a woman too.”

“Well, you certainly know how to say nice things to a woman. But it’s important that we ... um behave ourselves. I Know we got a little carried away yesterday.”

“What exactly does that mean?” asked Chance. His cock was already stiffening.

Dee blushed furiously. “You know I’ve never cheated on your father,” she said.

“Yes, of course” said Chance.

“And you know I wouldn’t if there was anything I could do about it.” She wasn’t looking at him.

“So you ... um ... lost control,” he said, trying to spare her the shame of admitting what she was beating around the bush about.

“I don’t have any idea how I’m going to explain this to your father,” she said glumly.

“Well, then ... don’t,” said Chance. She looked over at him and he went on. “Look, something happened. It was weird and beyond your control. You didn’t mean for it to happen. You didn’t plan for it to happen. If you tell him about it, it will just eat at him, and you can’t undo it. So just don’t say anything.”

They walked on while Dee processed what he’d said.

They got to the pen and Dee took out the list of which mares and stallions were to be mated. As they started on their first set, Chance made a suggestion.

“Maybe if you talked about what you’re doing it would make it less ... you know ... exciting.”

“We tried something like that yesterday and it didn’t work ... but okay,” said Dee, sitting on the stool and staring at the first long thick cock she was going to have to touch today. “Okay,” she said, taking a breath. “Well, this one is spotted. It’s kind of mostly white, with splotches of brown on it.” She dipped her hand in the bucket and came out with the rag. She began washing the spotted penis. “It feels silky smooth and it’s harder than it looks.” She ran her fingers along the column of stiff horse flesh, leaving it mostly dry. “Okay, I think he’s ready,” she said and she backed up off the stool.

Chance took the stallion to the hobbled mare and stood back as the horses completed their act of copulation. Dee and Chance watched as that long penis slid effortlessly into the mare. Dee sighed.

Chance said “You okay?”

“I’m hornier than a sixteen year old virgin in a dildo factory,” said his mother. “Let’s do another one.”

For Dee it was a contest of her will. She didn’t want to stop after two sets, like they had talked about. She wanted to keep going to prove she could keep going. They were on their fourth set when Chance had to make Dee stop stroking the horse before she jerked him off. He pulled the stallion to one side as his mother gave a little sound of unhappiness that the hard cock was pulled from her hands. Chance led the stallion to the mare and let them go. He turned and walked toward his mother. “Maybe we need to take a break,” he said.

“Maybe you need to give your mother a hug,” said his smoky-eyed mom.

Chance hugged his mother, feeling her grind her breasts and groin into him. She looked up at him. “And a kiss Chance, just one kiss?”

“If I kiss you I might want to do some other things too,” he said. “When I got here this morning I looked into your room to see who was in there. Your T shirt had sort of ridden up over your hips. I appreciated the view and I’m not sure that kissing you right now is such a good idea.”

Dee stared up at her handsome son. “You saw my ... pussy ... Chance?” Her hands went to his sides and she slid her hands around to his back as she embraced him. “That’s okay sweetie. I’m sure that if you just kiss me I’ll be okay.”

Chance wanted to kiss her. He wanted to strip her naked and ram his cock into her. He kissed her long and hard and they both acted like they were dating teenagers. Her hands slid to his buttocks and his flitted all over the place, touching her everywhere as she wiggled and made herself available to touch.

There was noise from across the stall and they looked. The stallion was mounting the mare again.

Working in the pen had affected Chance too. Seeing his mother stroking the huge horse cocks and seeing those cocks being screwed into vaginas, or dripping with cum, had gotten to him just as much as it had his mother. As he saw what was going on, his last vestige of self control slipped away.

“Watch them,” said Chance as he pulled his mother’s ass into his erection. He slid his hands up under her shirt, over her smooth belly skin, to her naked breasts. He cupped them and found her nipples with his finger tips. He squeezed her nipples and she moaned, her hand darting between them to feel his hard cock.

The stallion jumped, his hooves landing on the mare’s hindquarters. Chance’s hands dropped to the fastening of Dee’s jeans and he unbuttoned them, then unzipped them. He slid his hand down, between her legs and immediately slicked a finger into her pussy as she writhed, pressing back against him.

“I’m sooo hot!” she moaned.

“Take your pants off” he panted.

Dee kicked her boots off and then reached down and pulled the legs of her jeans off her feet. In the process she showed her naked butt to Chance, presenting herself like a mare to a stallion. He grabbed a horse blanket and draped it over some hay bales and then pushed her onto it, pressing her breasts into the blanket. She was still facing the mating horses. He approached from behind, just like a stallion and put his hands on her naked hips. His cock hurt and he tore his own jeans open, freeing it as he shoved them down to his knees.

Dee craned her neck. “Noooo Chance you can’t put it in meeeee,” she whined, but she wiggled her ass at him, reaching her hands back and pulling her ass cheeks open. He saw her pussy hole and it was wet. He nosed his prick tip into her slick pussy mouth and leaned forward, impaling her on his tool in one lunge.

“Yes I can,” he grunted.

Both of them let out a groan of satisfaction. Dee wormed one hand down to her pussy and began diddling her clit as Chance started making long slow strokes, his flesh slapping on her jiggling buttocks.

Dee had her first orgasm about thirty seconds later. She started working on number two immediately and told Chance that he was doing just wonderfully. Seven minutes and three more orgasms later Chance gave a long sigh and said, “I can’t wait any more Mom ... gonna cum!”

“Noooo Baby you can’t cum in meeeeeee,” she squealed, but her pussy milked him relentlessly.

He leaned into her, pinning her to the hay bales, and the tip of his long, thick cock went off, parked right next to his mother’s cervix.

When it comes to a man’s normal issue of semen, it comes in varying strengths. Some writers (like me, for instance) occasionally use silly terms like “man milk” to describe or identify what comes out of a man’s cock in this kind of situation. If you were to take that idea to extremes, it would work like this:

Some men produce the equivalent of skim milk, runny and almost clear. Then you have your two and four percenters, whose sperm count is respectably higher. Those guys you see with six or seven kids and a wife who smiles all the time? They shoot whole milk ... vitamin D fortified milk and a woman who lies down with one of them had better want her belly to bulge if she’s not using protection.

Now some of that is genetic, but a lot of it depends on diet and exercise, and the general health of a man. Chance Brooks was in the prime of his life, healthy as a bull in the prime of its life, with bulging muscles and a body fat index of about seven percent. Chance didn’t produce four percent or even whole milk. Chance’s balls were filled to overflowing with raw milk, straight from the cow, cream still in it, thick and rich and just brimming with perky, interested sperm cells just aching to fertilize something.

And when Chance’s cock provided a conduit from his balls to his mother’s cervix, what gushed forth into and through that cervix and into her womb was the most potent stuff her womb had ever been exposed to. That womb happily sucked in as much as it could hold and then gave a little squeeze, pushing it up the attached fallopian tubes, to the egg that was carelessly descending at the time. That egg didn’t have a chance ... no pun intended. It was punctured by a viable sperm that fertilized it with ease. The egg, predisposed for some unknown reason, began to split, which would eventually result in Dee giving birth to multiple live young.

Not knowing he was already the father of twins, Chance pushed harder and kept serving up his raw milk to his mother who was shaking hard in the throes of her own final teeth-gritting orgasm.

Back in the house, Cathy and Bobby finished in the kitchen and then went to the living room to straighten things up. There was a sort of nervous energy in their movements. Cathy shot furtive looks at her son. She caught herself staring at him, admiring the thickness of his chest, and his strong hands.

He looked up at her. “So you don’t want to do that any more,” he said. He sounded sad.

“Bobby, honey, the problem is that I do want to do it again, and we shouldn’t. I’m not on any birth control honey, and it wouldn’t do for you to get me pregnant. What would people think?”

“I don’t know. What did they think when you got pregnant with me?” he asked. Teenage rationalization is like that sometimes.

“They knew that your father had knocked me up, silly.” His mother smiled at him.

“So why wouldn’t they think Dad knocked you up again?” he asked.

Cathy sat, dumbfounded. “You mean you want to make a baby in me?” she asked incredulously.

“No, that’s not what I mean. But if you did get pregnant, wouldn’t everybody think it was Dad’s?” He was so calm about it. That calmness ... his apparent willingness to father a child on his own mother made her knees weak. Instead of feeling horrified at his willingness to do that, she felt a ball of heat in her loins that she couldn’t quite understand. She didn’t even want to be pregnant again. Or did she?

“Well, sure they would. Except for your father. He knows I always wear a diaphragm with him,” she explained.

“Well, all I can say is that, if something bad happened yesterday, you’d better manage to ... forget ... you diaphragm the next time you and Dad ... do it.”

“You’re a deceptively smart boy, my handsome son,” said his mother. “But what are we going to do about this horse mating business. I know good and well the same thing will happen today that happened yesterday if you and I are down there and I have to stroke those ... things.”

Bobby sat for a moment. He smiled. “I have an idea,” he said. “Sometimes, when I’m going out on a date with a really hot girl, and I know she doesn’t mess around, I ... well I sort of take care of things before hand.”

His mother smiled. “You masturbate before a date?”

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