Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch (Version Alpha) - Cover

Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch (Version Alpha)

Copyright© 2006 by Lubrican

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Diedre is trying to keep the ranch going while her husband is gone, and that means breeding the horses. She enlists her sister, nephew and son to help. For a bunch of amateurs they are amazingly successful.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Caution  

Bobby turned his head for possibly the thousandth time and gazed out the window of the car as it sped through miles and miles of ... miles and miles. He had grown bored with the flat-topped little mountains and piles of house-sized boulders an hour ago. He and his mother, who was driving, had talked about anything and everything on the long trip, but they had been quiet for a while now, about talked out. Bobby, however, kept looking at her, because she was easy on the eyes.

He found it a little crazy that he thought his mother was sexy. Like any normal boy he had a few well-thumbed Playboys, some with a few pages stuck together, and he was quite familiar with Victoria’s Secret catalogues and the like.

But his mother, with her long brown hair, and arching eyebrows, and baby blue eyes put most of those models to shame in his own mind. And her breasts...

Her breasts just about drove him crazy. They were big, and soft and she pressed them against him all the time when she hugged him. She hugged him a lot. His mother was always hugging him and calling him her “little man”. Like when he got home from school she’d say, “How was my little man’s day at school?” and hug him. And in the morning sometimes it was, “How did my little man sleep?” followed by a hug. It didn’t help that, most of the time, all she had on in the mornings was a T shirt and panties. She got up and made breakfast for him and his dad and then got dressed later. She slept in that shirt. She never wore a bra to bed and once in a while she didn’t have on panties under it. He had figured out those were the times when his dad and mom had sex the night before. And when she hugged him in the morning, those soft, warm breasts pressed into his chest and he could smell her ... her ... he could just smell “Mom”. And mom smelled good.

Sometimes, when she got dressed, she still didn’t put on a bra. Bobby could always tell because her breasts sagged a little lower than when she had one on. And of course there were the nipples. He didn’t know what they looked like - he’d have given a lot to find out - but they stuck out through her blouses. On days like today, when she was wearing a halter top, he got a double treat of being able to see all that lovely cleavage, as well as the bumps that were her nipples.

So Bobby watched his mother a lot on the trip. He was pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to think his mother was sexy, but he’d given up caring about that. He’d had a hardon for the last hundred miles. It didn’t bother him though. He just pushed at it once in a while, which felt good, and looked forward to a nice beat-off session when they got to his Aunt and Uncle’s ranch later that day.

He remembered the last few times they’d driven up there, but only parts of each visit. He remembered one time they’d gone when he was ten. He remembered that time because his Uncle Tom had taught him to shoot the .22 rifle. That was a high point of his life. Then they’d gone again when he was thirteen. He remembered that time because he got to ride the horses and...

He closed his eyes, remembering back to that night when he got back from a trail ride having to pee so bad that he was about to go in his pants. He was a city boy, though, and couldn’t bring himself to just haul it out and let fly on the ground, like other men on the ranch did. So he had dashed for the bathroom, slamming through the closed door, pulling his zipper down. His cock was hard from holding it in and he pulled it through the open zipper just as he realized he wasn’t alone in the bathroom.

Aunt Dee was there. She had just stepped out of the shower and was reaching for a towel to dry off her dripping ... naked ... luscious ... womanly ... soft ... pale body.

He remembered how brown her nipples had looked, sitting on those compact firm looking breasts. He remembered her wide, green eyes and the way her mouth went into an “o” as she looked at what was in his hand. He remembered his eyes dropping to where he expected to see golden hair, like the honey colored tresses on her head, and how there was nothing there but skin. And something else that hung down between her thighs. Pussy lips. At thirteen he knew what he was looking at, and if he hadn’t had a piss boner he would have sprouted one immediately.

He couldn’t remember the sobbing explanation he made, or what she’d said to him, exactly. All he remembered was being unable to get a stream of urine started because he was hard as a rock, and the pain in his bladder making him almost ill. Aunt Dee had wrapped a towel around her amazing body, kissed him on the cheek and said, “I’ll just leave you alone to deal with your ... problem.” Then she’d kissed him on the cheek, getting close to him, which did nothing whatsoever to soften the rock that was currently his prick. He did remember he’d had to sit down, like a girl, to pee.

That was what he remembered about the last time they’d been to the ranch. Now he was seventeen, and a foot and a half taller, with broad swimmer’s shoulders and curly dark hair. He glanced at his mother again. She was so different looking from her sister, Aunt Dee.

Aunt Dee was blonde, and reminded him of some of the girls he loved to watch playing fast pitch softball. They were athletic and trim and tanned and just ... healthy looking. Aunt Dee had smallish breasts, but her waist was very narrow and her hips swelled out into a pair of legs that were so long she ought to be six feet tall. But she wasn’t. She was only about five feet eight. He remembered what Aunt Dee’s naked breasts had looked like, all wet and glistening. Her nipples pointed up a little and had been sharp and long. He looked back at his mother’s breasts. They looked bigger, rounder. He wondered if her nipples were pink or brown.

“Why are you looking at me so much?” asked his mother, turning her lovely head towards him.

He’d been caught and his mind searched frantically for something to say. Horrified, he heard his mouth spout, “You’re pretty.”

His mother laughed. “Well well, little man, you’ve got a silver tongue in that head of yours. Are you practicing for all those dates you have lined up?”

“I don’t know” mumbled Bobby. He didn’t know what else to say.

“Well thank you.” said his mother. “A girl can’t hear enough of that kind of talk, even if it is from her own son.”

Two hours later they arrived at the big gate of the ranch. Bobby had always liked the gate, which had two tall poles on either side, with an arching metal sign between them. It had a big “R” on it, with what Bobby had thought was a smile underneath when he was little. He always smiled when he went under that arch, like the smile under the R, because that meant he’d get to see his beautiful aunt.

They turned up the long, straight dusty road that led from the blacktop to the house, with its attending barns, sheds and trees. The house was set back into a hillside that was covered with trees, and looked cool and inviting after all the dust and barren looking wastes they’d driven through. Everyone was ready to be out of the car, so they could stretch and ease tight muscles.

Bobby stared toward the porch. His mom had called ahead and there was a woman waiting for them. It was his Aunt Dee. She was tanned and muscular from all the riding she did. She had on a worn baseball cap that had a National Rifle Association emblem on it. Her usual pony tail hung through the back of the cap and dangled almost to her waist. Bobby sighed. She was the kind of woman who, when she walked into a room, got the attention of the men ... and probably some of the women too, if they swung that way. She was just a ball of walking, talking sex. And the funny part was that she didn’t seem to have any idea what effect she had on men or women. She had a big grin on her face. He knew she’d hug him too, and ever since seeing her naked that time, just thinking about her caused him to get a boner. Since he already had one, it would only make it bigger and he was afraid she’d feel it.

“I’ll get the suitcases mom,” he said. She punched the button that made the trunk open and he went straight there. He got two of the four suitcases out and carried them in front of his lump.

Bobby watched his mom greet her sister. They hugged, and suddenly Bobby wondered what it felt like to a girl to have another pair of breasts pressed against her own. He began to wonder if there was something wrong with him. All he thought about any more was sex.

If he thought his aunt would go inside, leaving him to ferry things in and let his erection go down, he was mistaken. Diedre stood, hands on hips, one leg cocked, with the toe pointing out.

“You can carry that stuff in later. I need hugs here!” she demanded.

Bobby tried to get away with just leaning in for a quick kiss, but Dee took the suitcases from his hands and set them down beside him. In the process her face was about a foot from the obvious and pronounced lump at his groin. She looked straight at it and raised an eyebrow as she stood up. She looked up at Bobby’s face and then pressed her hard womanly body against him and kissed him soundly on the lips. “My my, have you ever grown up!” she said, grinning. Then she dropped her arms and turned to her sister.

“What have you been feeding this boy? He’s almost as tall as Chance!” Chance was her son, and he was nineteen. Chance was going to college to learn business so he could run the ranch some day.

“He about eats us out of house and home” said Cathy wryly.

“Well, he’s going to make some girl awfully happy some day.” She paused, smiled, and said “If he hasn’t already.” She laughed and Bobby’s mom called her horrible, but laughed too.

“Come on inside and get something to drink. Chance isn’t home yet. I begged him to come and I’m so thankful that you and Bobby could come too. With Tom gone there’s no way I could get through breeding season alone and that’s where we get most of our income.

Then, instead of going in, Dee went to the trunk of the car and got out more of the belongings they’d brought keep them going for the two months they planned on staying.

Bobby had gotten to read the letter from his Aunt that had arrived several months ago. Uncle Tom had been elected as State Representative for the Wyoming District at Large, and was going to have to spend a lot of time in Washington D.C. The biggest problem with that was that he’d be gone during the time of year they bred most of their prize horses. The ranch raised prize-winning Quarter horses and Arabians, and people brought horses for hundreds, even thousands of miles to have them bred by the studs on the Brooks ranch.

They also had cattle and some goats, but those were mostly for feeding the family and trading to Mexican migrant workers, who loved to eat goat more than any other kind of meat.

In their valley hideaway, surrounded by high hills and part of the Rockies, they had all kinds of weather and were able to raise crops as well as animals. Hired help dealt with all the crops and stock, except the horses. With very few exceptions, only the Brooks family handled them. And, with Chance, doing an internship between terms at school, and Tom off in Washington, that only left Dee, and the operation needed more than just her. So the Tanner family was invited to come and spend two months, to help during breeding season.

Rudy, Bobby’s dad, ran his own business, but couldn’t take that much time off. He could maybe visit once in a while and help out for a few days, but that was all. Cathy had decided to go and asked Bobby to go with her, since it would be nice to have a man around for the heavy work, if there was any. Bobby, not excited about spending the summer with nothing to do, agreed, and now, here they were.

The rest of the day and that night they sat around catching up on years gone by. Dee took Bobby and his mother on a tour of the immediate environs, showing them the stalls, where the milk cow was kept, the breeding pens, hay and alfalfa storage areas, oat bins and so on.

Bobby couldn’t keep his eyes off his beautiful aunt. She was wearing a man’s short sleeve shirt with the top three buttons undone and the tails tied below her breasts. Her midriff was bare above pale blue jeans that were so worn they looked like they might actually fall to pieces at any second. She had pointy-toed worn cowboy boots on and she just looked ... delicious. And then there was his mother too, who bent over looking at things. That caused her breasts to hang in that halter top and he could see clear to the bottom of her cleavage.

All in all, Bobby was getting eye strain from watching the two gorgeous women. He had changed into jeans, primarily because he could put his cock down the leg of those and it was under better control. It was uncomfortable, though, when it tried to stiffen, which it did all through the tour. He was looking forward to being alone in bed so he could jack his prick until it spurted all his growing lust out into a tissue or something.

He was disconcerted when during dinner, his Aunt apologized and said “Bobby, honey, I didn’t have time to clean out Chance’s old bedroom. It’s just chock full of junk, so You’ll have to sleep on the couch for tonight. Maybe tomorrow we can clear out enough stuff that you can sleep in his room tomorrow night. He’s coming back tomorrow some time, and we’ll have to put you two together. I hope that’s okay.”

Bobby’s face fell. He couldn’t beat off on the couch. The hallway to his aunt’s bedroom looked right at the couch, and if either his aunt or his mother came out to go to the bathroom they’d be able to see him. The look on Bobby’s face as he realized he would not be able to release the pain in his scrotum must have been something to see. His Aunt sighed. “I’m really sorry Bobby. Honest, I just didn’t have a chance. We’ll make that the first thing we do tomorrow, okay? It won’t be so bad, I promise.”

And so it was that, when Bobby went to bed that night, he lay down on the couch. His mother came to kiss him good night and she had changed into her T shirt. Her nipples were prominent and as she bent over he could see down the neck of the shirt. He saw the insides of her hanging breasts and past them to her panties.

Then it was his aunt, who wore a frilly panty and bra set with a diaphanous robe over it. She was just gorgeous and she kissed him on the lips. Then she whispered, “I shower in the morning, so you might want to knock before you come in there to ... you know.” She grinned. It was obvious she hadn’t forgotten the “bathroom incident” either.

As soon as the bedroom door closed Bobby got up and went to the bathroom, where, as he beat his meat furiously, he tried to hit the water in the stool. He missed with four strong spurts of his teenage spooge as it blasted out of the tip of his prick, and he had to use a handful of toilet paper to clean things up.

The next morning at breakfast Dee explained that the breeding operations took two persons. Once Chance got home they could go in shifts, to spread the work out.

“So it’s hard work?” asked Cathy.

“Well, not exactly” explained Dee. It’s just that Tom always worked under the stallion before, but I know what he had to do and the thought of that ... well, I have a feeling that whoever is under there will want a break now and then.”

“I don’t understand.” said Cathy.

“Well, see it’s like this,” said Dee. “We don’t want any stray bacteria from the stallion’s penis getting into the mare, so we have to wash the penis with a solution that gets rid of it. But that solution is also a spermacide, so we have to leave as little of it on the penis as possible. It sort of involves ... well ... I guess some people might call it masturbating the stallion.

Cathy’s eyes were big. “Oh! You have to actually ... touch ... the penis?”

“Yes.” said Dee. She looked at Bobby. “You think you could do that?”

Bobby felt a lump in his throat. Teenage boys just didn’t give serious thought to handling a penis, horse or any other kind. At least other than his own. “Not me” he said, holding up his hands.

Dee sighed. “That’s always been Chance’s attitude too. Tom would do it, but he’s not here. And that leaves just us women. How about you Cathy, could you do that?”

Cathy’s eyes were a little unfocused. She didn’t know exactly how big a horse penis might be, but she knew it would be bigger than Tom’s, and she just loved playing with his. The question got into her brain finally and she shook her head.

“Sure! I mean how hard could it be?”

“I’ll help. We’ll get through it just fine,” Said Dee. She turned back to Bobby. “That means you have to be the hostler. Can you do that?

Bobby’s pride was stung. “I guess so,” he said, actually thrilled at the idea of working with horses. “What would I have to do?”

“Well, you’d be going to get the horses out of their stalls and bringing them to the breeding pen. Then there are some things that need to be done before we let them get together. After they breed, then you’ll help take them back to their stalls. Sometimes the stallions get a little frisky when they smell the mares, but I think you can handle it. You’re a strapping young man. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown since you were here last.”

“Sure, I guess I can do that,” he said.

“Okay then, that will be your job. I used to help Tom, and once you get the hang of it, it will be easy.”

After breakfast Dee took Cathy and Bobby to the barns. The mares had their own barn, as did the stallions. She showed them the lists that had been prepared, showing which stallions would be mated to each mare. There were both names and numbers on the list and she showed them how the stalls were numbered. She had already put the horses that would be processed that day in their assigned stalls.

Bobby’s part of the operation was a no-brainer, really. All he had to do was control horses of one sex or another, and there were tricks he could use that helped him do his job. Like covering the eyes of the stallion so he couldn’t see anything. He could still smell the mare, and that excited him, but he didn’t know where to try to get to, so he just stood there ... horny, so to speak.

They brought in the first mare they were going to breed and hobbled her, putting her in a chute that surrounded the front two thirds of her body. That left her hindquarters exposed. Then Bobby brought in one of the three stallions Dee had chosen to breed this particular mare and held his head while Aunt Dee ‘prepped’ him to show Cathy how it was done.

There was a little three legged stool that was usually used for milking the cow, and a bucket with a mild disinfectant in it, mixed in water. Dee sat on the stool and put the bucket under the stallion’s penis.

The stallion, having already smelled the mare was ready to go. Guys are like that. When we think about sex we’re ... just ready to go. So his penis was erect and extending from its sheath a foot and a half or so. The skin of a horse’s penis has pigment in it just like the skin under his hair, so a penis could be all one color, or mottled. According to Dee they felt like velvet and were hard as a rock.

Dee explained the process further as she prepped the first stud.

“Thoroughbreds are valuable animals, and people bring their prize mares from all over to get them bred to one of the Brooks studs. They expect to get a pregnant mare back, with no side effects from the breeding. Here at the ranch we prefer to do what is called “Hand Breeding”, which gives us more control over the process. We could just put them in a pen and let them do what comes naturally, but there’s more room for error or injury. And when we prep the stud, it helps make sure he’s fully erect and ready to go. With the mare’s movements limited, she can’t really get away from him. It just goes smoother.”

Watching his aunt prep the stallion was ... well, he really didn’t know the word for what it was. If he’d have had to describe it so someone (and he would have to ... many times in the years to come) he’d have just told you what she did and you could imagine it.

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