Starlight 300 - Cover

Starlight 300

Copyright© 2006 by JAX

Chapter 19

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 19 - "Captain," she said her head lowered, "I know I'm a little young, but do you think you could, I mean perhaps you could spare some time to." "Come on girl spit it out," I said sharply. "Well I've never done it before," she said, "and it would be the coolest if I could do it here, you know, my first time going at warp 2 in a 300 series." I just stared out into space, not knowing what to say for she was a wanker's dream.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   First  

"Captain," said Candy. "We're coming up on something. Something large."

But before I could have a look the speaker blasted out.

"Unidentified ship," said a female voice we both new so well. "Stand clear. Any unauthorized ship coming within 10 klick of us will be blasted. You've been warned."

"That's Rachelle," said Candy.

"It certainly is," I said.

"Hi," I replied. "This is Starlight 299."

"Captain is that you," Rachelle screeched.

"Sure is Rachelle," I confirmed.

"Please don't come any closer," she warned. "Even you must stay away from us."

"Yeah, right," I said pulling back on the power.

"It's my old Captain," I could hear her explain in the background.

"Greeting Captain," said a gruff male voice. "I'm sorry that we can't welcome you aboard but we have strict rules."

"Hey that fine Captain," I said. "It would have been nice to see Rachelle again but I'm sure we'll meet up later."

"Captain," said Erin in an urgent tone. "We have guests. At least six ships coming up fast."

"Captain," I called out. "You expecting company."

"Always," he said with a sigh.

"Will you be ok?" I asked feeling concern for Rachelle welfare.

"Captain we are shielded and armoured so we should be ok," said a tired sounding voice. "I would suggest that you get clear or you may take friendly or otherwise fire."

"Ok," I said, "pulling away now."

Six small but fast ships sped by us, taking no notice of our presents but targeting on the armoured ship ahead.

"Captain there's something strange," said Erin.

"Yeah," I said wheeling a round to look at her.

"Those ships are small," she started.

"And your point is?" I said, then I regretted my sharp tone but my concern for Rachelle's welfare was getting to me.

"Well there's no system near here," she carried on.

"Shit yes," I slammed the armrest. "There must be a mother ship close by."

"Yes Captain," said Erin.

"Cut power, turn off all navigation scanners," I ordered. "Let's go dark and see what come up."

We had been flying with navigations system's on that's how Rachelle ship had detected us. The flashes of weapons fire became distant as the fight moved further and further away.

"There," pointed Candy who had come up from the engine room to add another pair of eyes.

She was big; well she had to be to carry six fighters this far out into empty space.

"Get in behind her," I whispered as if she could hear me. "We'll hide in her baffles."

"What are we going to do?" asked Erin

"Blast her?" asked Candy who was getting much to blood thirsty recently.

"She's their only way home," offered Erin. "If we attack her they'll have to break contact to protect her."

"But if she's destroyed their only way home is Rachelle's ship," I said. "It will only make them attack her more fervently. No we have to attack her just enough for her to send out a distress call to bring her babies back home."

"How do we do that?" asked Erin.

"Fire a plasma bubble up her bum," said Candy with a chuckle.

"Right," I said. "Get yourself up front and charge it up."

The plasma cannon fitted in the front blister was the only weapon we had that had a clear shot anyway.

"Lets pull back to maximum range," I ordered.

The second ticked by and I was conscious that Rachelle was probably still in a life or death situation.

"Fire," I whispered over the intercom.

The highly charged energy bubble moved away from us at high speed but burst just before it came into contact.

"Shit too far away," shouted Erin.

"No, no, that'll be about perfect," I said. "Well done Candy."

"Phaser fire sprang out from her rear turrets, searching us out but not finding us or coming too close either.

"She's broadcasting," said Erin.

"See if you can block it," I said.

"Why?" said Erin. "Don't we want them to receive it?"

Her fingers danced over the console anyway.

"Yes of course we do," I said with a chuckle. "It's a mind game. They will want to do something that we don't want them to do and by blocking the signal they'll think we don't want them to know we are attacking their mother ship. It's complicated ok, just block the signal."

"I have, but I sure some of it got through anyway," she said.

"Good, that's perfect," I said. "Now we wait to see what happens."

"Captain," came Rachelle strained voice. "They've broken off their attack. What has happened?"

"There's a mother ship back here," I explained. "I suggest you get your foot down and get as much distance from us as possible. Those fighters are only short range and probably won't be able to catch up with you again once they've broken contact."

"What about you?" she asked with genuine concern in her voice

"Don't worry," I said. "You know us. We'll get through. Ok Candy lets get those pets of your up to their red line. What's their names?"

"Annabel and Betty," she said.

"Yeah right," I sighed giving Erin a look.

The engines picked up from a friendly purr to an angry howl. The speed meter wound around the dial until it read Warp 5.

"How are you Rachelle?" I asked once we were up to speed.

"Fine now," she replied but I could hear relief in her voice.

"It was getting to be touch and go for a while, our shields was holding but only just," she admitted. "They probably worked out how much fire power they needed to breach them. It was a good job you were about."

"Yes Captain," said the gruff male voice. "Many thanks for your help."

"We're heading for Salem, a small system near Star Base 4," I said. "Perhaps we can meet up."

"I'm sorry Captain, but rules prevent me form disclosing our destination," he said and he sounded sorry too.

"Never mind Captain," I said. "And Rachelle it's good to hear your voice."

"Yours too," she said.

"And me too Rachelle," shouted Candy.

"Candy my love," she said and it sounded like she had a tear close by.

"Well that was something," sighed Erin. "Is it always like this?"

Candy and I exchanged smiles.

"Yes," we both said in unison.

After we dropped our cargo off I was eager to head for Star Base 4 where I was expecting some messages. I wasn't wrong but also docked there was a big black ship.

"Captain, Candy," Rachelle shouted from across the passageway.

"Rachelle," screamed Candy and the two collided half way across the room.

"It is good to see you both," she hugged me too. "It was such a lovely surprise to hear your voice halfway across the galaxy."

"It may be a big place," I said. "But it's pretty empty so I was confident we would bump into you."

"Captain, this is my Captain Judd," She introduced me to a large self assured looking man.

"My pleasure," he said in the same gruff voice and we shook hands. "I have you have a urgent message for you."

He had indeed, angry worded message from Commodore Briggs wanting to know why I didn't finish off the pirate ship when I had the chance and now he ordered me to go back and find it again.

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