Starlight 300 - Cover

Starlight 300

Copyright© 2006 by JAX

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - "Captain," she said her head lowered, "I know I'm a little young, but do you think you could, I mean perhaps you could spare some time to." "Come on girl spit it out," I said sharply. "Well I've never done it before," she said, "and it would be the coolest if I could do it here, you know, my first time going at warp 2 in a 300 series." I just stared out into space, not knowing what to say for she was a wanker's dream.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   First  

We had decided to land at our permanent base on Sol 3 and do some overdue maintenance. The water tanks had never been cleaned since I first bought 299 and it was the same with the food hopper. Both were being steam cleaned, ready to be refilled.

"Captain," said Lila. "We have a visitor."

I shut off the steam hose and looked around.

"Hello, Captain," whispered Rachelle.

Somehow seeing her here wasn't a complete surprise, for the news report of the shooting on board the gold ship was well circulated.

"Hello, Rachelle," I said moving toward her and taking her into my arms. "Come aboard."

I took her hand and led her inside. I poured out some cold drinks, for the coffee machine was down, then waited for her to speak.

"I wasn't there when they opened the vault," she said softly "and I can only imagine what happened."

The reports reaching us told of two dead and the third not expected to live.

"Yeah, it must have been a surprise when the gold turned up missing," I said.

"It was that news report that said that the all gold had been recovered," she stated. "They had a big argument, Peter and Scot wanted to see the gold but Mr Carpenter, that's Paul the First Officer, said it was fine and they should leave it alone. Of course they wouldn't and in the end they all went off to see. I was just about to come off duty, so I let them go off and see while I went back to my digs."

"So, what now?" I asked.

"I've resigned," she said. "I told them that I couldn't go on. They were going to promote me, but after what I had done I couldn't stay."

"So, what now?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"I'd like to stay with you," she said looking down. "Be part of your crew."

There it was out in the open. True Starlights were built to have a crew of four but we were doing just fine with three.

"So, what does she want?" asked Lila who had just come aboard.

"She wants to join us," I stated flatly.

"Join us?" said Candy who was standing behind Lila.

"How can we trust her?" asked Lila. "Seeing what she's done."

"That's true," I said. "How can we trust you? These two have been through hell and back with me and I trust them both with my life. So tell me?"

"There's no way I can ever convince you to trust me," she said wiping away a tear. "Only that I never wanted to do it, but Paul talked me into it. We were an item back then and he swore that nobody would get hurt but those men came aboard and shot the captain just like that."

"So, it was love not money you were after?" sneered Lila.

"Oh, no, it was the money," she said looking up sharply. "Money for us to get away and live together."

"Well, at least you're honest about that," conceded Lila.

"We could certainly use an extra crew member on long flights," I said. "So, what do you say, girls?"

"You're the Captain," said Lila sounding disinterested.

"Where will she sleep?" asked Candy being practical.

"With whoever's randy," snapped Lila.

Rachelle big eyes went from one face to the next.

"Look, I'll do anything for you guys," she begged.

"Ok, ok," I said making up my mind. "We'll give it a try, but if I ever suspect you of being disloyal, it's out the air lock with you."

"Yes, Captain," she said.

"Yeah, and I'll push the button," said Lila.

"Ok, girls there's work to do," I said clapping my hands. "Chop, chop."

I was alone in the cockpit when Rachelle slid in beside me. She had taken up the habit from the other girls of not wearing much. Tonight, I noticed she was wearing a man's shirt but it wasn't one of mine. We both stared out the front windows for some minutes, each deep in our own thoughts.

"You know, when those men came aboard and shot the Captain, something inside of me died," she whispered. "It didn't matter that they all took me and Paul did nothing to stop them. Horrible as that was, it was my betrayal that hurt the most."

She stopped talking but I could feel her eyes on me.

"Does that make sense to you, Captain?" she asked. "These men were doing disgusting things to me and all I could see was my Captain's blood on my hands."

"We are all brought up with the notion of duty and obedience," I replied. "In the war, I would have done anything for my Commander, and the thought of not doing it never entered my head."

"You fought in the war?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "On the losing side."

"There's never a winning side in a civil war," she stated flatly.

"Oh so true," I said.

"You were so right when you picked me up that day," she said. "I was ready to go to the company and spill it all, then you came along and offered me a way out."

I didn't say anything, just waited for her to speak again.

"I was still dead inside, then Lila and Candy came along and held me, almost tenderly, and something stirred. I've never done it with a women before, never thought about it, but I needed to be held and they were there for me."

"I'm not sure that was their motive," I said. "They were just getting off on you."

"Oh, I know that," she said. "But they held me, stroked me, kissed me and showed me love. They didn't have to do that."

"And what about when I held you?" I asked.

"It was different with you," she whispered. "You were the Captain. With you, I was making my peace with Captain Parker."

I thought about what she had said for a few minutes.

"What now?" I asked.

"I still have the nightmares," she said. "I keep seeing his blood on the floor but it's getting better."

"Hello, what's this?" I said, pointing to a flashing light.

"An incoming message," she said, punching in our code. "It's from the Navy, a Commodore Briggs. Are you in the Navy, Captain?"

"Just a reserve officer," I said, scanning the message. "Looks like a Transport is overdue heading for a new settlement in the new Starbase 22 sector. Work me out a new heading, please, and we'll go take a look."

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