Thia's Memory - Cover

Thia's Memory

Copyright© 2005 by dondon

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Thia woke up one day in a hospital to find herself alone. And not only alone also her memory was lost, gone. She couldn't remember anything. After 2 years of unlucky searching she decided to rebuild her life and start all over again. But then he appeared and everything changed.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   First  

"Hi" Shane said softly the moment he saw her face "can I come in?" he asked not sure if she would let him in after the way he left yesterday.

"Yeah sure." She stepped back a little.

Shane passed her then stopped and turned to look at her "these are for you." he said as he gave her the daises.

"Thank you I love daises."

"I know." Shane said. He knew how much she adored daises, and he couldn't find any other way to apologize for what happened yesterday.

"You do? Well thank you again" she smiled sadly as they entered the living room. She quickly picked up her stuff from the ground "sorry I was working"

"I am the one who should be apologizing. I'm really sorry for the way I left yesterday; I shouldn't have left like that."

He sat down on the couch and Thia sat across the coffee table on a chair, she didn't know what to say so she kept quiet for a moment looking at him.

"Ann told me you went to the hospital last night." she said finally breaking the silence.

"Yes, what else did she say?" Shane wondered what her friend might have told her. He knew Ann didn't like him much. She might have sympathized with him a little when he told her that Thia left him right after their wedding and she might have told the truth about Thia's accident, but she only did that for Thia's sake, because she loved her friend not because she loved him.

"She didn't tell me anything. She thought that it wasn't her business and that you should tell me everything yourself." Thia felt so awkward. They were talking about her life here, a life she knew nothing about.

Shane stopped her thinking by asking, "you didn't remember anything when you saw me two days ago? I mean anything?" he was leaning forwards resting his elbow on his knees.

"No" she lied. She wasn't going to tell him "oh yes I sort of remembered what it was like kissing you"

"I see" he said then took a deep breathe before continuing "Thia I'm sure you have a lot to ask me and I hope I'll be able to answer all your questions. Only the ones I know the answers to." Shane said afraid she might ask him why did she leave him two years ago, and then he wouldn't be able to answer her, because no one except her knew the answer to that question.

"I don't know where to start." she simply admitted.

"Well do you want me to tell you how we met?" Shane asked knowing that it wouldn't be easy for him to tell her how they met but he would do it for her, if it would help her remember.

"Yes please."

Five years ago

"It was the weekend after your 20th birthday, you and your friends went out to a club to celebrate and there you guys started playing a game. You lost and were supposed to ask the first guy that you see to dance with you. That was me, I was there with my friends and it was my turn to go buy the drinks, you just turned around and saw me. You got up, walked to me and asked me to dance.

I was surprised at the beginning, a pretty girl asking me to dance with her. I didn't say no of course, I just went back to my friends and asked them not to wait for me. We danced and talked all night and you just forgot about your friends and spent the rest of the night with me. At the almost the end of the evening I was starting to fall for you and from the way you were staring and laughing at me I knew you felt the same way.

At the end I asked you for your number and you didn't give it to me right away. You were 20 but I found out later that your grandma was a very strict old woman and that she took care of you after the death of your parents when you were three. She was a little firm when it came to having boyfriends. It never stopped you from having them, but it made you realize there were some limits and lines that shouldn't be crossed. Well I was sort of a line that shouldn't be crossed, you didn't know who I really was and we've only talked for two or three hours, so I tried to ask you out again and eventually you agreed and from that moment on we started dating. I was 24 back then and was starting to take over my father's company after his death. I wasn't looking for a wife back then but when I met you, I couldn't imagine myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else. So after almost a year and a half of dating I proposed and you agreed. The wedding followed two months later and we were the happiest couple alive."

Shane stopped talking and the smile that was covering his face when he was telling her about the way they met disappeared, instead a look of sorrow and pain covered his face and Thia could only wonder why.

"Then you left" He said in a low whisper that she almost thought it was her imagination.

"When did I leave?" She asked with somehow a puzzled expression.

"Right after the wedding. After we got back from the church, our friends were throwing us a party and the last words you said to me were "I love you" and you left to change your clothes and you never came back." he finished his words with a sad smile knowing that it must be hard for her knowing all these things.

"You mean I left you on our wedding day? But why?" Thia asked not quiet sure why she would do something like that "you just said I told you I loved you and then I left. Just like that, all of a sudden?" Thia's mind was not only trying to grasp everything he was saying but also she was trying so hard to remember anything that her head started to spin and the headache she had earlier was starting to grow more and more.

Thia felt like her head was going to explode, as if someone was pressing strongly at each side of her head. She closed her eyes and let out a small torn scream, she felt someone holding her trying to talk to her but his voice was coming from far away.

In her mind she could see a small girl playing and people surrounding her talking and wearing black, it was raining and a woman was sitting in the corner alone crying. Thia couldn't see her clearly, every time she turned her head to look at her the woman would disappear. She could only see her from the corner of her eyes, but she knew she was crying. Then everything suddenly changed. It was a beautiful morning and everything around her was white, she could see a big building, flowers everywhere, and daisies. A lot of people were there smiling happily, Thia looked at their faces one by one, all of them smiling at her. but then one of the faces she came across suddenly wasn't smiling, he actually was looking at her in a scary way, she turned around scared, trying to run but the moment she turned around she found a wall behind her. Feeling trapped Thia screamed loudly asking for help but her voice wouldn't come out, she tried but nothing came out and the face was coming closer and closer so that she didn't know what to do. She tried to close her eyes as not to see him but she couldn't. Thia screamed one last time and this time her voice was loud and clear. She opened her eyes and couldn't see clearly, she could feel someone holding her tight and rocking her softly, she tried to speak but her voice came out like a little squeak.

"Thia, baby can you hear me. Please Thia answer me" she tried to look up but met someone's chest, then it moved and she could see Shane's face so close to her that she could smell him very clear.

"Sh- Shane..." She whispered weakly.

"Thia" he looked down at her and she could see trace of tears on his face.

Thia rose a little trying to look up and see what happened. She found herself on the floor covered with a blanket and in Shane's arms "wh- what happened?"

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