Andy Taylor - Cover

Andy Taylor

Copyright© 1995, 2014 by Morgan. All rights reserved

Chapter 14

Erotic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - This is the second in the related "Kathy Carlson" series.

Caution: This Erotic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual  

It was three weeks later and Sam Duncan was at Kennedy waiting for the Carlsons to arrive from Los Angeles. He had learned that they would be accompanied by Judy Jeffries and Mike Morris. Moreover, he had learned that Judy was the daughter of a Marine major general and Mike was a Marine Medal-of-Honor winner. As a result, Sam and the car were utterly spotless. He felt he had the honor of the U.S. Army to uphold. At the same time he recognized that he would be welcoming one of our country's greatest heros — a man worthy of the greatest admiration and respect.

Because he was out at Kennedy often, and because the Rolls always attracted a crowd, Sam had gotten to know many of the Port Authority police who patrolled the airport. Fortunately, one of the men he knew was on duty at the United terminal when he arrived. Like himself, the officer was an Army veteran. When he quickly told him who he was out to meet — a Marine Medal-of-Honor winner and Captain Carlson — the officer's eyes widened.

The patrolman radioed the patrol sergeant who appeared a few minutes later. When Sam repeated the story — the sergeant was also a Vietnam vet who knew of Carlson's Rangers — he radioed the duty officer. The result was that in moments the entire Port Authority VIP squad was assembled at the United terminal. With two officers guarding the car, Sam was free to go inside and wait for the guests at the security gate.

Judy and Mike had been eagerly looking forward to their trip to New York. In the interim, Mike Morris had learned that he had failed his retention physical and was due to be retired at the end of June. With a great deal of accumulated leave, it was no problem to get two weeks off. Although Mike had attended the Naval Academy at Annapolis, and Judy had lived at both Quantico and Camp Lejeune, neither had ever had the chance to see New York City and both were looking forward to it. As usual with Ali Clifford's close friends, they received special VIP treatment from United Airlines and enjoyed the flight out.

Ken and Kathy were also looking forward to the trip. For Ken, it was his midwinter vacation from law school, and he was looking forward to getting away from the books. Moreover, he had only been to the northeastern United States once in his life. Kathy had been out a couple of times — once bringing Kelly home, and the other time to do the work on the new PHA Construction contract — but had never had the opportunity to sightsee or to visit the famous restaurants, museums, or Broadway theaters.

The trip out had been wonderful for Ken, too. After a very nice meal service, when the lights were dimmed for the movie, Kathy, who was sitting in the aisle seat, got up, took down a blanket and then curled up on Ken's lap. After covering them both, with a few quick movements she stripped to the waist and proceeded immediately to go to sleep while lying on Ken with her head on his shoulder. When he cupped her beautiful tit, she just made wonderful noises deep in her body and just snuggled even closer. Ken enjoyed the war movie while Kathy slept on top of him.

To his embarrassment, Mike Morris had to wear his uniform. One of the things he intended to do in New York was to assemble a wardrobe of civilian clothes. He had been shocked to realize that, except for some athletic wear and slopping-around clothes, he really had no civvies. Moreover, since he had been working out to get in shape for Judy, the few things he did have no longer fit.

When the plane arrived at the gate at Kennedy, as special VIPs, they were the first ones to debark. He was holding Judy's hand and gave it a quick squeeze. When he did, she looked up at him, winked, and squeezed his hand in return. Mike could not imagine a person looking better than Judy did now. She was truly a golden goddess while at the same time being the most inventive lover he could imagine. Mike utterly adored her.

With Mike and Ken both being so big and with Mike wearing his uniform, the party was very easy to spot as they came out through the security gate. Sam, too, had spent a great deal of time working out and getting in shape. Like Ellie, he realized he had not been in as good shape nor felt so good in years.

When he saw the people coming, he stood at strict attention and rendered the finest salute of his life. "Major Morris, Captain Carlson: Senior Master Sergeant Samuel Duncan, reporting as ordered, sirs!"

Seeing him, both Mike and Ken meticulously returned his salute. Then Ken just grabbed him around the shoulders and, in spite of his size, easily lifted him off the ground and swung him in a complete circle. When he put him down again, Ken exclaimed, "Sam, you're looking great!" Then turning to Mike he said, "Sam, it's my great pleasure to introduce you to Major Michael Morris. If you glance at his chest I think you'll see why."

Again Sam snapped to attention and gave Mike another meticulous salute. When it was returned he said, "It is a great honor and privilege, Major! Welcome to New York."

He was introduced to Judy and then Kathy leaped into his arms and burned him with a kiss. He held her tightly while she just worked her lips on his. When she eased away, she whispered, "Thank you again, Sam, for saving Ken's life. Because you did, it enabled me to be the happiest woman alive!" After another quick kiss full on his lips, he gently put her down.

It turned out that the only baggage they had were a few carry-on pieces. All four of them were planning on replenishing their wardrobes so they had brought very little out with them.

Everyone — including Sam — was surprised at what they found when they left the terminal and went out towards the waiting car. A detachment of over twenty police officers had formed a corridor between the exit door and the waiting limousine. On the command of the detail's commanding officer, the detail saluted in unison. Reaching the car, the detail commander, a police captain, saluted Ken and Mike and said, "Major Morris and Captain Carlson, on behalf of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, it's my pleasure to welcome you both to New York. We certainly hope you enjoy your stay with us. We're honored to have you visit!" After exchanging greetings the visitors got into the car.

That was not the end of the surprises, though. When Sam got behind the wheel, he realized that there were four motorcycle police, two in front and two behind, along with a Port Authority Police patrol car. When he waved, the police stopped traffic and, led by the patrol car with its lights flashing and siren screaming, they sped towards the airport exit.

There was more: As they reached the airport limits, they found a New York City police detail with another car and four city motorcycle police. Smoothly, the Port Authority police, after saluting, disengaged to be replaced by the city police. Kathy just shook her head in utter amazement. Then she realized that, with the United Nations headquartered there, New York City was capable of providing a VIP escort on a moment's notice — and that is exactly what had been done.

The convoy went screaming west on the Long Island Expressway, through the Midtown tunnel and then north on First Avenue. When they reached the apartment there was even a detail of foot police waiting for them to keep their access clear. Checking her watch, Kathy laughed when she realized they had made the trip door-to-door in only twenty minutes.

When they arrived at the door to the apartment, although they were arriving nearly an hour earlier than expected, the receptionist had notified the apartment of their arrival.

Before they could even ring the doorbell, the door was opened wide and Ellie was standing before them nude, wearing only a large white bow on the back of her head and a small white one pinned to her pubic hair. With her back up straight and her youthful-looking breasts upthrust, she was utterly beautiful. In just the intervening few weeks, she had lost all of her excess weight and now both looked and felt better than she had in her entire life. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome!"

Looking at Mike and Judy she said, "I'm Ellie Duncan, Sam's wife, and I don't believe I have ever had the pleasure of meeting you before."

After making the introductions, Kathy was the last to greet Ellie. Instead of shaking hands, though, she took the older woman into her arms and melted her with a kiss. Then she firmly pinched Ellie's tight bottom.

Ellie just wriggled. "Thank you, Mrs. Carlson," she said with a lovely little grin. "I'm glad you found my ass nice and firm for your pinch. Did you like it?"

"I love it, Ellie," Kathy replied. Then she glared and added, "However, if you want to keep your head attached to the rest of your body, that damned well better be the last time you call me Mrs. Carlson! Clear! The name is Kathy, damn it."

With her eyes bright Ellie responded, "I'm so sorry, Kathy-damn-it! It won't happen again." At that Kathy pinched her again, harder this time, and cutely stuck out her tongue. Ellie just wriggled her bottom again, winked, and stuck out the tip of her own pink tongue.

For the visit Andy had outdone herself in her preparations. That evening, realizing that, even though the Californians had gained three hours with the time change, long-distance travel — particularly west to east — is still very tiring, so she had planned for a dinner at home. She very proudly introduced Nita to Mike and Judy.

The girl was now a physical duplicate of Kelly and herself and was utterly exquisite. Because of the tanning equipment in the apartment, Nita's hair — now worn very short like Andy's — was sun-streaked in colors ranging from medium brown to platinum blonde. While she made the introductions, Andy saw Kelly in the background. It was so obvious from the look on her face that she, too, was intensely proud of Nita.

Mike and Judy just sat side by side on the sofa enjoying everything. From the moment they had stepped off the plane, they had felt like a prince and princess on a state visit. Except, while the service, drinks and appetizers were utterly spectacular and served on the finest china and crystal, at the same time the apartment was so wonderfully homey, warm and cheerful. Moreover, the cocktail conversation was the most interesting and wide-ranging either had ever experienced.

For both Judy and Mike it was a very different experience. While they were both very intelligent and widely-read, they — but particularly Mike — were used to conversing on a very narrow range of subjects in which their companions had some interest and knowledge. For Mike it was like a huge door opening wide. He could almost feel the cobwebs blowing off corners of his brain that he almost never had occasion to use.

When they sat down at the dinner table, Judy let out a small gasp. The table was the most beautiful she had ever seen. It looked like something one might see in a bride's book featuring the finest china, silver and crystal. As their particularly honored guests, Judy sat on Jack's right, while Mike sat on Andy's, with Kathy and Ken facing their friends. Kelly and Nita sat at the middle of the table facing each other. Both were exquisite in new cocktail dresses that Andy had insisted on buying.

Sitting at the end of the table, after the main course had been eaten and while they were waiting for dessert, Andy looked at Nita and an idea came to her. Being the woman she was, she took action immediately. Looking past Mike to Kelly she asked, "Kel, would you like to have a sister? An older sister? We're going to adopt Nita as our daughter."

Anita Lucas let out a small gasp of surprise and started to cry.

Ignoring Nita, Kelly looked thoughtful and replied, "It all depends."

Seeing the gleam in Kelly's eye, Andy raised an eyebrow and asked, "Depends on what?"

"Well..." Kelly said thoughtfully, "it depends on the deal we can cut." Trying to appear sad she looked at Andy and said, "For example: I would be giving up my seniority. I'm your eldest child and I would be losing my position. I think the least you could do is give some consideration to my time-in-grade seniority as your daughter, don't you?"

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