To Love Honour And ...(Fingers Crossed!) - Cover

To Love Honour And ...(Fingers Crossed!)

Copyright© 2005 by Hotstepper

Chapter 8: Obedience Training - Lesson Two

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Obedience Training - Lesson Two - Alison Cotton, with considerable help from her parents and two older sisters and an older brother, enjoyed a liberal and varied sex life. When she married Kenneth Jones she promised to love, honour and obey. Kenneth kept his fingers crossed that she would. The trouble is, so did Alison!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Slut Wife   Wimp Husband   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Gang Bang   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

"I'll see you at home tonight, Alison." Kenneth sat in his comfortable black leather upholstered chair after helping Paula Chapman off his desk and sending her off to his private bathroom with a pat on her naked arse. "You don't have any plans, do you?"

"Actually..." Alison was suddenly unaccountably nervous, was suddenly unable to exercise the sort of control over her relationship with her husband that she was used to. "Actually I am... er... supposed to go around to..."

"You mean that McKenna has given his slut her orders for tonight?"

Alison didn't know how to tell her husband what plans had been made for her tonight. Up to last night and early this morning she would have had no trouble telling him that her orders were to entertain both the McKenna boys and their friends. However, right at this moment she was finding it difficult to do just that.

"I... er... he wants me to... that is..."

Just then a bad-tempered Philip McKenna entered Kenneth's office without doing him the courtesy of knocking. "Are you ready bitch!" he almost yelled.

It was at that moment that Paula Chapman chose to come out of the bathroom with a bath towel wrapped around her. It covered her breasts and came down far enough to comfortably cover her pussy. Kenneth Jones held his hand out as she neared his desk. She took it and smiled, then her smile broadened as he wrapped his left arm around her towel clad waist and broadened even more as she saw Philip McKenna standing there scowling. And then she looked at the expression on his face and saw hostility written in every pore.

"DON'T YOU SAY ONE MORE WORD, McKENNA!" Kenneth Jones was speaking in a loud voice, his anger patently obvious. But the anger was tempered with the sort of quiet authority that McKenna had failed to exercise.

Philip McKenna tried to ignore him. He turned to Alison Jones. "Are you... ?"

"I SAID, not one more word!! Alison, come here, NOW!!!"

Too frightened to do anything but obey Alison moved quickly to her husband's side. This was a new side of her husband, a side she hadn't seen before. It suddenly occurred to her that if he had exercised this sort of control before she may not have been such an easy target for a predator like McKenna and his family. Alison looked at her husband as she waited to see where he was going to take this. She didn't have to wait long.

Kenneth took his wife's left hand in his right as he kept his left arm around Marc Rowell's secretary's waist and as he held McKenna's eyes in his own steely glare. "McKenna, this is neither your office nor your home, or indeed your car or any restaurant my wife is foolish enough to allow you to take her to."

Without taking his gaze from McKenna Kenneth saw his door open and Marc and his secretary, Elizabeth Worthington, enter his office.

He continued as though they weren't even there. "This is my office, McKenna, I am the Vice-President here and you will treat my wife with the respect she deserves while she is here, in my home or in the presence of our family and any of our friends and my business acquaintances."

Philip McKenna didn't answer that, instead he turned and walked to the door to Kenneth Jones's office ignoring as he did so Marc Rowell and the young woman he now knew to be Jones's secretary. "Are you coming slut... oh sorry... I mean are you coming Alison?"

"Yes 'Master... '... Mr. McKenna," said Alison Jones as she tried to remove her hand from her husband's strong grip.

Kenneth looked at his wife as he continued to hold onto her hand. "Isn't there something you have to ask McKenna, Alison?"

Alison Jones thought for just a second before she realised that her husband was talking about tomorrow night's invitation to the barbecue and pool party. "Philip," Alison took the risk, seeing as she was in her husband's office in her husband's city office block, of using her 'Master's' name, "Kenneth and my mother are having a barbecue and pool party at our place tomorrow night. We would like it if you and Joanne, and Robert and Ian would join us. Would you do us the honour?"

McKenna answered Alison's question with one of his own. "Are you going to honour your promise to my sons and come over tonight?"

"What's he talking about Alison? Is that what you were speaking about before when you started to tell me that you had to go to his place?"

"Yes Kenneth," she said nervously regretting as she spoke the promise she had made to Robert the elder of the two McKenna boys, the one possessed of a quite remarkable cock for a 14-year-old, "I kind of promised Philip's son Robert that I would entertain him and some of his school friends." She bowed her head momentarily feeling more than a little embarrassed to have to own up to such a promise in front of his boss and both their secretaries. "What should I do Kenneth? I mean you know how I like to honour my promises."

Kenneth looked past McKenna to Marc Rowell and saw him shake his head no before nodding in Paula's direction. It was a clear indication that he should force Alison to back down on her promise and that he had plans of his own. He turned to his wife. "Honour your promise! HONOUR YOUR PROMISE!!" He was fired up now. "You honour promises to family and close friends, you do NOT honour promises to a degenerate--" he took a second out to look in Philip McKenna's direction before turning back to his wife "--like McKenna here to have sex with both his boys and a host of their school friends."

Alison looked at both secretaries, first at Elizabeth Worthington and then at Paula Chapman who she'd just witnessed her husband fuck on his office desk even while she was on the phone to her mother. She saw the contempt in their eyes. She was about to ask what her husband wanted of her when he spoke.

"Before you say anything Alison, you will go home straight from work and cook up one of your delicious chicken casseroles in the slow cooker with some baked potatoes and steamed vegetables."

All the while he was talking he was taking signals from Marc for when he would be home and how many guests there would be. "I'll be home at--" he saw Marc hold up nine fingers and then three "--nine-thirty--" Marc nodded his head "--with--" up went four fingers "--four guests. Do you think you can manage that?" he asked sarcastically.

Unable to combat this newly dominant and, though she would be loath to admit it, wonderfully exciting husband of hers Alison Jones merely nodded her head.

"I guess then, McKenna," Kenneth turned to his wife's immediate boss, "that's settled." He smiled sarcastically. "Perhaps you'd better get your wife to entertain your son's friends," he added as he kept his arm around Paula Chapman's waist and continued to hold his wife's hand, "because I can promise you that last night was the last time she will be at your house.

"As for what happens at your firm, that I admit is out of my control, for the moment. Which brings me back to the invitation tomorrow night. Whether you accept is up to you, but my wife's mother and some of our family and close friends would like it if you attended considering the history between yourself and my wife."

"I guess then that being the case I had better accept on behalf of my family, hadn't I." He held out his hand in Alison Jones's direction. "Are you coming, we do still have some work to do back at the office."

Alison moved towards the door to her husband's office and her boss 'Master Philip' after her husband released her hand. At the door she turned around and said her goodbyes to Marc Rowell and both secretaries before turning to Kenneth. "I guess then I'll see you at half past nine tonight, darling."

Kenneth smiled for a second before the smile turned to stone as he turned to McKenna before looking again at his wife. "At least I won't have to worry about you being naked will I."

Both Paula Chapman and Elizabeth Worthington found it impossible to stifle giggles as a very embarrassed Alison Jones walked of her husband's office in the wake of her bosses angry footsteps.

Marc Rowell smiled at Kenneth as he watched McKenna and his Vice-President's wife walk out of the office. "Ken, what I was signalling was that you'll be joining Tina and our daughter Eva and myself in helping Paula celebrate a special occasion tonight before we go back to your place for a little chat with Alison." He turned to Elizabeth. "Would you and your boyfriend like to accompany us?"

Kenneth's secretary shook her head. "Sorry, prior engagement."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that," said Marc. He turned to Kenneth. "So is it all right to help Paula celebrate this special occasion tonight?"

"Celebrate! Of course I'd be delighted to." He turned to Paula, took both her hands in his and pulled her to him so hard that she lost the towel that had been wrapped around her body. "By the way Paula what are we celebrating, your birthday?"

Unconcerned about being nude again and in front of his secretary Paula allowed herself to be wrapped in his strong arms. "Oh no Mr. Jones--" she said as she felt his strong hands grip each cheek of her arse "--nothing like that." She looked at Marc. "Mr Rowell is letting me finish tomorrow so that I can help mum and dad pack up." She smiled. "The whole family are moving to Queensland and my father has arranged a position for me in the architectural firm that has hired him as their chief industrial designer, so tomorrow will be my last day."

Kenneth couldn't help it, he smiled lecherously as he asked, "So what was that before, a goodbye fuck?"

Paula Chapman responded with a lascivious smile of her own. "Does it have to be? I mean we are going out to celebrate aren't we?"

She hesitated for several seconds before continuing. Finally she must have decided what the hell. "I mean we did it in front of her this afternoon, perhaps we could... er... we could..."

Kenneth smiled. "You can say it Paula. After what Alison has been doing I think it will be perfectly acceptable for us to have sex in front of her tonight."


"Yes Mark."

"Exactly what did your mother-in-law tell you about my family?"

"Only that she knew you Marc." Kenneth grinned. "Why, is there something she could have told me?"

"Oh I don't think that's up to me, do you?" said Marc as he walked around to where his secretary was still cuddled up to me. "Come on my pretty little peach," he said as he took her hand, "we can't let Mr. Jones here have all the fun can we."

They stopped long enough for Paula to pick up her clothes and they were gone with the secretary still naked as she trailed after her boss.

Kenneth turned to his secretary. "Elizabeth, could you get me Elizabeth Cotton on the line."

Two minutes later his phone went and his secretary told him that his mother-in-law was on the line.

"Yes Kenneth my dear, what can I do for you?"

"Actually it's what George can do. That is if you're still able to contact him."

"I can. Tell me Kenny, is it to do with my daughter?"

"Yes Mother Cotton, it is. You see Alison has promised me that she will go straight home. Now much as I would like to trust her, recent history suggests that I probably shouldn't."

"And you want George to make sure that she finds her way home without stopping at the McKenna home first?"

"That's about the way it goes. Oh, and can you keep Beccy and Ricky overnight and take them to school tomorrow?"

"Consider it done Kenny. As a matter-of-fact I think that George will get a deal of pleasure out of making sure that she does just that. You see he doesn't like our Mr. McKenna very much."

"He's not the only one Mother Cotton, he's not the only one."

In the car all the way back to the office Alison had tried her best to make herself invisible because her boss had been seething all the way. But now he was turning to her as he reached for the door handle.

"Get out of the car, SLUT!" He jumped out of the car and slammed the door. "You've got some punishment coming to you. That was, or I should say could have been, an important account, and you cost us. Plus, you forgot to call me 'Master Philip'."

'I cost us? How in the hell did I do that?' thought Alison. 'Of course him losing the account wouldn't have anything to do with his treatment of me, or that my husband just happens to be the firm's Vice-President' was another thought that went through her mind as she attempted to smile at the two men who had taken a good look at her pussy as she eased her pantiless bottom off the passenger seat and straightened herself up as best she could.

Alison walked away from the two grinning young men just as Philip McKenna used his remote to lock his car. She followed him to the lift fully knowing she was going to be stripped, spanked and probably fucked. Suddenly things weren't as enjoyable in her life. Oh the sex was good, she reasoned as she followed her boss into the lift but suddenly being submissive and allowing him, and to a lesser extent his family, to be in control wasn't fun any more. She even found herself hoping that Kenneth had a plan, especially since he had developed a very healthy backbone since he'd found out about McKenna and his family's domination of her, and also of her extra-curricular fucking. Strangely, for the first time in her married life Alison found herself prepared to be, indeed wanting to be, subservient to Kenneth.

As they walked out of the lift Philip McKenna lifted her skirt, such as it was, and smacked her on her naked arse. "Get in my office, NOW, while I call on my fellow directors."

Five minutes later Alison was standing next to Philip McKenna's desk when the four executives walked in.

"What, not undressed yet! I thought you would at least have had the intelligence to do that," said McKenna as he followed his fellow executives into the room.

Alison looked from face to face as she reached for the single button on the jacket of her skirt-suit, there wasn't a smile to be seen. She slipped the jacket off her shoulders and laid it across the back of the chair facing the desk, then she reached for her blouse and quickly undid the buttons. This no time for a sexy strip, punishment was the name of the game and for that they would want her naked as quickly as possible.

After dropping her blouse on top of the jacket Alison quickly removed her skirt, placed it on top of the other two garments and turned to stand naked in front of the four executives. Bowing her head she said, 'Master Philip', 'Master Preston', Master Lester' and 'Master Gerry', your slut and servant awaits you." Even feeling as confused and as unhappy as she was the two weeks plus of solid conditioning by McKenna, his fellow executives and McKenna's family had had its effect.

Philip McKenna pointed to the end of desk on the left. "Lean over the desk and press your tits into its surface. We've come to the decision that you need to be spanked on your naked bottom twelve times, three for each of us." He grinned. "Now if you're a really good girl and don't cry out we'll all fuck you afterwards. How about that?"

Alison looked up from her submissive position on the desk as she pressed her tits hard into its shiny wooden surface. She knew what was expected of her. "Yes 'Master Philip' sir, I'll be good sir, thank you sir."

Philip McKenna looked at the beautiful arse that was presented to him at the split peach of her cunt that could be seen thanks to her slightly spread legs as he raised his right hand. He brought it down as hard as he could on the slut's left buttock with the intention of making her cry out.

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