To Love Honour And ...(Fingers Crossed!) - Cover

To Love Honour And ...(Fingers Crossed!)

Copyright© 2005 by Hotstepper

Chapter 3: The Naked Truth!

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: The Naked Truth! - Alison Cotton, with considerable help from her parents and two older sisters and an older brother, enjoyed a liberal and varied sex life. When she married Kenneth Jones she promised to love, honour and obey. Kenneth kept his fingers crossed that she would. The trouble is, so did Alison!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Slut Wife   Wimp Husband   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Spanking   Gang Bang   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

"So what do you want to know about first?" asked Kenneth Jones of his two young children.

"Auntie Dot's wedding!" they said almost as one.

"Well kids nothing happened at the actual wedding," he grinned, "even your nanny and your mummy and your two aunties haven't worked out how to make anything that lewd and vulgar happen within the sanctity of a church.

"No, it all happened at a second private reception which was held after the main reception had ended in the function room of a local hotel."

"Where was that held daddy?" asked Ricky.

"At nanny and grandpas of course."

"So what happened daddy? And were you going out with mummy then?" asked Beccy. "And what about Uncle Horace, was he going out with Auntie Vivvy too?"

"Yes honey I was, I had been for a while because mummy had been 14 for quite a while before Auntie Dot got married. And as for Uncle Horace he had been going out with Auntie Vivvy for around a month by the time of Auntie Dot's wedding and the family were just beginning to learn what I told you about why Auntie Genevieve wanted to marry him."

"So what happened daddy? What did mummy do?"

"Well Beccy, that was when nanny Lizbeth introduced what has now become a family tradition, and that is a gift from the bride's sisters to the groom." He smiled at what he was about to tell his children. "It's a gift that is given in front of the bride's entire family, including boyfriends and fiancé's."

"Beccy, quick as ever, said, "you mean mummy and Auntie Vivvy fucked Uncle James in front of everyone there?"

"Only if they were on Nanny and Grandpa Cotton's side of the family, and that included husbands and boyfriends like I said. As well as their immediate families, as long as they were considered safe to attend."

"So," continued Beccy, "does that mean that nanny and poppy from England, and Uncle Paul and Auntie Wendy and Lachlan and Charlotte didn't come over?"

"Oh pumpkin, I'm afraid they didn't. You see baby, my family won't be anywhere that nanny Lizbeth and the rest of mummy's nasty family are, because if they did there would be a big fight."

Beccy simply shrugged her shoulders. "Oh. So if they wanted to they could afford to fly over here?"

"Yes baby, Grandpa Henry and Uncle Paul are joint owners of a multi-million dollar software company."

"So they're rich daddy?" Kenneth Jones nodded. It didn't take much for Rebecca Jones to figure things out. "Daddy did they, what does nanny Lizbeth say... ?" She scratched her head for a second. "Did they wash their hands of your side of the family? 'Cause sometimes I wish I could see them."

"Yes I know you do baby, but we can talk about that another day."

"Okay," said his pretty little 8-year-old. Then she looked up and grinned. "Now what about the football team daddy."

"Oh that's simple baby. We had a good football team because a number of girls were willing to be part of a rewards scheme."

"You mean it was like when mummy and Auntie Dot and Auntie Vivvy got rewarded for good work at school?"

"Yes Ricky." Responded Kenneth. "The school didn't condone it of course, and neither did the teams coach or any of the sports masters. But if they didn't see it they didn't have to say anything."

Beccy was excited. This was better than what her mother did for good grades, better than what her and Aunt Vivvy did at Auntie Dot's wedding. This was a football team! "How many were there daddy? Did she get... ?" Beccy searched for the word, it was a word that she'd heard once when she was at Uncle Owen's and Aunt Linny's, something that Auntie Linny had let slip, it was something that had been done to Auntie Linny. Then she remembered it. "Daddy, did mummy get gangbanged by the football team?"

Kenneth Jones just stared at his daughter as she cuddled into him and looked up with her impish expression. Then finally he smiled. "I'd ask you where you heard that from," he smiled as he though about last weekend when both Beccy and Ricky had stayed at Alison's brother Owen's place with his wife, their auntie Pauline, "but, knowing your... er... Aunt Linny, I think I already know."

Ricky didn't though, so of course he asked. "What's gangbanged daddy?"

Kenneth, naturally, didn't get a chance to answer as Beccy enthusiastically jumped in.

"It's when a woman, or a girl, gets herself fucked by a whole lotta men Ricky," she looked up at her father seeking his acknowledgment, "isn't it daddy?"

He simply nodded and smiled inwardly. Watching his daughter grow up under the influence of his wife, his mother-in-law, both his sister-in-laws and the family of his brother-in-law was going to be an adventure.

Alison Jones continued to push against, and squeeze on, the cocks belonging to the boys who were showing remarkable stamina as they continued to fuck in and out of her cunt and arse. And of course she continued to alternate between tasting the delicious cock of the father and the sweet pussy of the mother which she was sharing with 13-year-old Ian.

"God you really are a horny slut aren't you," said Joanne McKenna as she continued to thrust her pussy against the probing tongues of her son and her family's newest plaything.

Alison Jones allowed Philip McKenna's cock to slide out of her throat and then out of her mouth. She looked down at where Ian McKenna's tongue was flicking his mother's erect clitoris before she looked up into the woman's smiling face. "I most certainly am Mistress Joanne, and I had a good teacher."

"Oh," said Joanne grinning, "and who might that be Slut Alison?"

Alison looked up and smiled as she felt the first recognisable signs of one of the boys about to come. "Why my mother Mistress Alison." She smiled. "If it wasn't for my wonderful mother I wouldn't be so good at being bad, like I am today, Mistress."

Then she felt the cock that was in her arse, the one belonging to 14-year-old Robert being withdrawn. A second later he was on her right and was grabbing her long blonde hair in his right hand as he forced her head around. A second after that he was pushing his cock into her open and welcoming mouth and down her throat before he pulled out.

This was what Robert McKenna liked. As much as he liked fucking these sluts he liked to push his cock down their throats when he knew he was ready to come. Nothing pleased him more than spraying his cum all over them, so he started to fuck the slut's face, started to really pound his cock in and out of her throat. All too soon he could feel his cock thicken, could feel the cock begin it's journey from his balls up the shaft of his cock.

"OH GOD, OH FUCK, OH FUUUCK!!! I'M COMING!!!" he cried as he pulled his cock from the bitch's mouth. He was going to grab his cock and masturbate it until his cum pumped out but he didn't have to.

Alison Jones knew what was happening, knew why he'd pulled out of her arse and had rushed around to fuck her face. Too many men and teenage boys were the same, they all loved to come all over a woman or a girl's face. She grabbed his cock the instant he withdrew from her mouth and masturbated it vigorously, but rhythmically, until suddenly spurt after spurt of cum blasted from his scrumptious cock.

She closed her eyes and slid her other hand down to his balls as she continued to hold him steady, continued to aim his cum at her face. She squeezed the young man's testicles gently as she again began to masturbate his cock, slowly this time, until the wonderful young man had nothing more to give.

"Thank you Master Robert," said Alison Jones as she felt the younger son Ian begin to fuck her hard, begin to pound his cock in and out of her squeezing, clutching cunt, "thank you for fucking my arse with your wonderful cock and for coming on my face."

"You're welcome slut." And he stood up and went to walk away until the loud angry voice of his father stopped him.

"ROBERT! Don't take one more step!" Philip McKenna stood up and walked across until he was standing in front of his son, his six foot three inches of imposing physique dwarfing his sons slim five foot six build. "You KNOW what to say!"

Robert McKenna walked sheepishly back to Alison Jones. This wasn't the first time he'd forgotten the correct sexual etiquette his parents had established for him, his brother and even themselves. Both his mother and father had told him that he would be severely punished if it continued to happen. It had happened with a girl from his school earlier in the week and now he had forgotten again in the excitement of fucking Alison Jones arse and then coming all over her face. He had no wish to find out what that punishment was.

He walked back to Alison Jones, knelt down and looked into her eyes. He smiled. "Thank you Alison for allowing me to fuck your arse and for allowing me to come all over your beautiful face."

At first Alison couldn't speak. She wasn't used to being thanked for being what she was, a slut! But then she suddenly decided she liked the idea. She smiled at him. "You're welcome Master Robert. Maybe when Master Ian has finished with my slut cunt you can fuck me there too."

"Not until he goes to the bathroom and cleans up," said Philip McKenna as the boy disappeared from the room. "The boy can stick his cock in your mouth after being in your arse, we allow that. But he knows better than to fuck your cunt after he's been in your arse without washing first. And more importantly he knows that sluts have feelings too." He looked at her and grinned. "You do don't you?"

"Ooh Master Philip, I certainly do."

She looked back as she felt Ian McKenna's cock being withdrawn from her cunt. She moved from being astride him and squatted back until her buttocks were resting on her heels.

Alison looked at the 13-year-old as he moved away from his mother's dripping pussy and stood next to her his cock at eye level. She was going to ask him what he wanted her to do but realised she didn't have to. She raised herself up slightly, tilted her head back and opened her mouth. In a matter of seconds Ian McKenna was enthusiastically fucking her face. And a short while after that he was adding his cum to his brothers which was now beginning to dry.

Alison looked at the boy when he finished and smiled as well as she could with a face caked with cum. "Thank you Master Ian for fucking my slutty cunt and for coming on my face."

"Your welcome Alison, and thank you for allowing me to fuck your slutty cunt and for allowing me to cum all over your face."

Ian having only having fucked the slut's cunt was happy that he didn't have to go wash his cock and he took advantage of that by pointing his still erect cock, he was a 13 full of hormones and gifted with plenty of stamina after all, at Alison Jones's mouth and began fucking it just as soon as she opened it.

By this stage Alison was kneeling and she screamed in delight when she felt Philip McKenna's cock fill her cunt with one savage, and wonderful, thrust. And in a matter of seconds she was being fucked at both ends.

"Hey," said Robert when he returned, "I've already had the slut's arse. I thought I was going to get..."

"KEEP THAT BEHAVIOUR UP!!!" shouted her mother from the couch where she was laying and you'll get sent to bed. Now get over here that slut's cunt isn't the only in dire need of a good fucking."

And with his metaphorical tail tucked between his legs Robert did just that for a good twenty minutes while his father and brother double-teamed Alison Jones.

At the end of that twenty minutes it was time for showers and time for the McKenna's to get dressed. Alison Jones, of course, was staying naked because Philip McKenna never made idle threats. And his threat in the restaurant that she would be delivered home naked was a promise which he intended to deliver on.

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