The Prescription - Fill Generically or Dispense as Written - Cover

The Prescription - Fill Generically or Dispense as Written

Copyright© 2005 by Pettybox

Chapter 18

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - A young man learns his lessons of sex and passion from his fantasy and moves onto use his skills in the world of singles, all the while searching for Mrs. Right. Once he thinks he may have found her, he gets the chance to take on one more fantasy woman with hopes it doesn't ruin everything. Set in a chain pharmacy setting, the story is based on a story a friend related to me as he celebrated 20 years as a pill pusher.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Spanking   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

Monday at work I felt a freedom I had never known, and I'm not quite sure why. Knowing I was "attached" always scared me into thinking I might never be able to chase down and capture another woman of my liking. Suddenly, knowing I had caught a real beauty who was smart and just as sexual as me without a bit of shallowness, and had an eye for her future and not living for the next 8 hours, made me happy. Where a child was involved I was always frightened away, but Missy being part of the package only enhanced the relationship. She was so much a piece of Dianna, you couldn't miss being attracted to her little personality, so smart and inquisitive, wanting to learn more and more about life, in such an innocent way.

I had just finished lunch when Clarissa said I had a personal call. I wondered who it might be, hoping not hear a troubled voice on the other end with bad news (I got so few personal calls). It was Missy and she cautiously asked if I were Dean.

"Yes, little Missy, this is Dean. Why are you calling?" I asked

"Gramma doesn't know I'm calling but I saw your number on Mommy's "mergency" board by the "frigerator". She said quietly.

"Where is Gramma?" I asked before she could tell me why.

"Putting in laundry and taking stuff out of the dryer. I'm "sposed" to be watchin' TV. She said I dint understand why you weren't here if you said yesterday you would be. Do you love Mommy and not me?"

"Oh my God Missy, nothing could be further from the truth. I'll be by as soon as I get out of work, OK? Now hang up and don't tell Gramma you called me, OK? I'll call her later. This is our secret."

"OK." She said and then there was a click.

I was amazed that Missy had so much on the ball, and that we were so short sighted to think she forgot we told her I was "going to sleep in her house and be coming home to be with us every night, eating dinner and everything?"

She suddenly felt like a third wheel of sorts and I planned to fix that right away. I waited for the next lull in scripts and went up one of the pill aisles and called Dianna on her cell. Luckily I got through and explained the whole thing. She was going to call her mother and tell her the situation and gave specific instructions for her NOT to let Missy know she knew about the call. She told her to make the bed in the spare room for herself and take the monitor with her in there. When Dianna called back she made it known that Gramma was NOT happy with the situation, but would play along. I should show up before 6 for dinner and plan to stay the night, interacting with Missy as much as I could. I had no problem with it as long as Vera, Dianna's mother, would be OK in the situation.

So, after work I went to my place and gathered a few personal items I needed, took the sheets from the dryer that I had washed in the morning and went off to my "new" living quarters.

Not sure how to enter, I knocked 2 times and walked right in, calling Missy's name. She was in front of the TV and came running to meet me as I bent and kissed her and she hugged me. Gramma stepped out of the kitchen and smiled to me politely saying "Hello Dean, welcome home. Dinner in about 15 minutes."

I felt like Ward Cleaver on Leave It To Beaver as I brought my things to our bedroom and came to sit on the sofa with Missy. She barely removed her eyes from the screen, but snuggled up beside me. She began to give me details as I watched the fairy themed cartoon show.

"That's the bad fairy, ... and she's the good one trying make her change. She's my favorite." She said, her eyes never leaving the screen.

It was 5 until 6 so I knew the story would resolve soon, so I was patient. Just as the credits began to roll Gramma called us to dinner so I stood and held out my hand saying. "Come on Missy, let's go wash up."

She turned off the TV and skipped to the bathroom sinks with me. We soaped up and washed under the sink spout. She didn't speak, as if we had done it a 100 times, dried off and she put her hand out for me to walk her to the dinner table.

Gramma had made a simple macaroni and cheese with knockwurst on the side. Conversation was light. Gramma said little until Missy piped up.

"Gramma's taking me shopping tomorrow. When we come home you and Mommy should be home."

"Yes, if her flight is on time from New York I'll get her at 5:30 on my home from work. Then I'm off on Wednesday and we'll go out and do something, the three of us, how does that sound?" I answered.

"How about the other days next week?" She asked excitedly.

"Well, I have to work those days, but when I get home we'll do some things, I'm sure."

"Do you have any kids of your own?" Gramma asked, with an attitude.

I shot her a look, answering, "Of course not! I've never been married before."

"When he marries Mommy, I'll be his kids." Missy said proudly.

"That's right Missy, if your Mommy and I get married, you'll be my kids." I answered looking a death ray at Gramma.

"See Gramma, you didn't have to get mean to Dean." Missy said while I did my best not to bust a gut.

Not much was said between Gramma and I the rest of the night, but I was ready for her comments when we put Missy to bed.

She walked right from Missy's room to the living room and stood right beside my chair saying "Don't think you're going to walk right in here and think Missy is your child. You have to earn that."

"I know that, and I'm doing my best to do that, but comments like the ones you throw in don't help. She's missed a father figure around here and she loves the fact I'll be here and take an interest in her. I KNOW that Missy is a part of Dianna and I can't have one without the other. I love Dianna so much that it's not a problem, besides Missy is a wonderful little girl who's been raised right so far, despite the disadvantages that she's had. Dianna works so hard to do things right, and we think THIS (I said dropping my finger hard on the arm of my chair as if so say HERE) is right." I said, obviously upset.

"Well, coming here today to undermine me isn't right."

"She called me because she felt we lied to her and I was only here for Dianna and not her. She was confused and obviously knew she wasn't getting a straight answer from you. I realize we sometimes bend the truth to protect her, but she took it as an outright lie and a slight. She's almost 6 and smart as hell, figuring things out. If my being here will make her happy, I'll be here."

Vera turned and under her breath she said, "My daughter must be a hell of a fuck" as she walked into the kitchen, with me CLOSE behind.

"A NICE way to talk about your daughter, MOM! I'm the only man she's seen since Paul left. She's not settling for me, I was chosen when I asked her cold for a date, we had chemistry from the start. Her sex habits, as well as mine are NONE of your business. She doesn't pry into your sex life, nor does she care about your boyfriends over there because it's none of HER business." I said with a sneer that I instantly regretted, but she had it coming.

She flushed red as if Dianna didn't know she had boyfriends at the complex, and, as I mentioned before, Vera was a good looking woman whom I might give a second look to if she were out in the right situation.

I went back to my chair and picked up on the CSI show that was one. After about 15 minutes Vera came in and apologized for her remarks saying that her feelings were hurt when Dianna instructed her to give up her bed for me to come over. I was pissed still because yesterday she seemed fine with the arrangement and now she had a new attitude, even though she KNEW the whole reason for the change was for Missy's sake.

I told her, not making eye contact. "Thank you for the apology, and I probably won't tell Dianna what you said. Parents demand respect, but you have to respect your children and to say that in front of me was clearly out of line."

"Please don't say anything, we get along fine now after a rocky time before she got married. I'm taking the monitor to my room and retiring. Knock on my door if you need anything. What time do you need to be up and out in the morning?"

"Thank you Vera, I'll set my alarm for 7:30 and be out here for breakfast by 8:00. What time is Missy usually up?" I asked after thanking her.

"She usually comes out at 8:00 if I haven't gotten her up. I'm up and about early, about 7:00. Goodnight." Vera said all of a sudden, like a puppy who'd been swatted with the newspaper. She wanted the comment about Dianna kept secret.

Dianna called a few minutes later on my cell and asked if there were any problems, wondering if Missy got in trouble for calling me.

"No, she apparently got away with it, but you know she had every right to call me if she thought she was being lied to. It wasn't like she did some awful thing. She called her Mothers live-in boyfriend who told her just the day before she could trust. Had she called someone else it might have been an issue, but she, in one sense, thinks of me as one of her, ... I guess the word is "keepers", for lack of a better word." I told Dianna.

"You're too sweet sometimes Dean. She's clearly taken by you, and so am I you know. I love you and miss you. I'm in a rented penthouse in Manhattan. I'm here alone, except for my agent. She had a business dinner tonight and I went to Patsy's with one of the other girls and her boyfriend. They walked me back up a little while ago. The security in this building is great, I was a little worried when they said I was alone, but the doorman is great. I'm all locked in." Dianna said, with a sigh.

""I'll pick you up tomorrow at 5:30 at the airport unless I hear from you. We have all week to ourselves, lover." I said in a low voice to connote sex.

"We'll have fun for sure, and then you'll have 4 days of putting up with my Mom." She said leaving me hanging for a few seconds with no comment.

After my long pause she perked up and said "OH SHIT, you had a problem with her, didn't you?"

"No, nothing of the sort, really." I said.

"Such a smart man, but a real shitty liar. Do I pull it out of you, or her, or Missy?"

""Dianna, everything is OK now. Boundaries have NOW been marked and we shouldn't have a problem. It wasn't a big deal. If it was, I would tell you all about it now, but it can wait, I promise." I convinced her without further worry.

"I'll just call her and she'll tell me." She said smartly.

"That WILL NOT happen." I said.

"Well, at least you black mailed her, good for you. As long as I know you have the upper hand, and you clearly do, I'm not worried." She said ending it for the time being.

"I do wish you were here though. It's a nicer house with you in it." I said quietly in a sexy tone.

"I know. The same the other way around too, ya know. But I have discovered one good thing about leaving on one of these trips, ... leaving and coming home. The hello – goodbye sex is awesome. We seem to be at each other almost all of the time. We'll have to find things to talk about when the sex slows." She said with a happy tone to her voice that you couldn't mistake.

"Sooner or later we won't have sex each time we see each other." I said.

"I hope that's a long way off. I've never felt so good and you've given me more and new ways to enjoy it. Things I thought were gross are so sexy I can't wait for the next time. It's how I know I'm truly in love. Your taste drives me crazy." She said softly with a LOT of want in her voice.

"Well, we AREN'T going to have phone sex right now. I'm out in the recliner and your Mom JUST went to bed." I whispered.

"I know, I'm left to my own devices tonight, and I brought nothing with me. There is Sambuca in the bar here, so I should get to sleep and keep all the kittens safe. But, you're in for it tomorrow night. The flag is down and the main entrance has a big welcome sign now." She giggled.

"OK, OK, we better end this before I have to take things into my own hands." I laughed.

"OK, I love you more than anything. I'll see you when I get in tomorrow, give Missy a big kiss for me in the morning. Good night!" She closed.

"Goodnight, my sweet lover. I love you!" I said clicking off.

At 7:30 Dianna's alarm startled the hell out of me, I'm used to waking up to music, we may have to change that, but it did get me right into the bathroom without delay. After a shit-shower-shave routine I just finished brushing, flossing, and dressing when I heard a knock on my door. I answered it to see Missy standing there, sleepy eyed.

"Can I make you breakfast Dean? My Mommy said I could sometime. What would you like?" She said cutely.

"You sure can. How about toast and coffee?"

"I'm not loud to touch the coffee machine, but Gramma can get that for you. C'mon." She said holding up her hand for me to take.

We took a few steps and she said "Mommy was s'posed to call me last night and she didn't."

"Oh, honey she did but you were already in bed, she didn't get back to her hotel until late. I was supposed to give you a big hug and kiss from her." I said stopping and holding out my arms. She jumped in my arms and we hugged and I kissed her little cheek.

I was about to put her down and she said, "How 'bout you? Do I get a hug from you too?" she asked with a big grin.

I hugged her again and we met Gramma already at the kitchen table.

"Gramma could you pour coffee for Dean? I'm gonna make him toast." Missy said matter of factly.

Gramma smiled (obviously in a much better mood than the night before) and got up asking me how I liked it. (black-no sugar)

After toast and watching Missy gobble down Cheerios she went to the living room for Sesame Street. Gramma looked at me with a weird look on her face.

"What is it, Vera?"

"Does Dianna really know about the men I see at Bayly Point?" She whispered with a worried look.

"She knows you can't exactly be a wall flower over there. You're a very attractive woman. (It's obvious where Dianna gets her looks from.) I would imagine you have men who would like to date you." I explained.

"Dianna mustn't see me with other men. She loved her father." She whispered.

"I doubt she would care, she's told me she thinks you date. You're allowed, you're a widow and past the grieving stage." I said in a low voice. "I would just feel funny." She said ending our private little tête-à-tête and walking away.

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