Promises, promises - Cover

Promises, promises

by Pathetic Loser

Copyright© 2005 by Pathetic Loser

Fiction Story: A drunk at a bar learns his lesson the hard way. A college girl gets to teach him the lesson, one spoonful at a time.

Tags: Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Food   Scatology   School  

I woke up with a hangover the size of Texas. The good part was that I was still a little drunk, the bad part was, and I had no idea where I was. Not that it mattered, I wouldn't be going anywhere with this ice-pick in my head. God I hate being hung-over, but I can't help it once I start drinking, especially when the bar is full of pretty undergrads. Oh sure, they're all under age, but who can say no to hotties that flash a fake ID and an unbelievable (and completely unattainable) body. After my eyes adjust, I realize I am back in my apartment, just on the couch. At least I made it that far. Last week I awoke in the hallway, the super had to kick me to wake me up. Or maybe he just wanted to kick me, no matter; right now all I can do to keep this hangover at bay is have another drink...

"Hey, thanks for the drink," I turn half surprised to see a blonde, gorgeous girl standing next to me in the bar, alone, with a slight grin, holding onto a pint of something dark.

"wha, ay, yea, you are welcome," I stutter back, not knowing what the hell she is talking about. I have been at the bar for the past 6 hours nursing my hangover off its deathbed, and I am slightly buzzed, but I am not so drunk as to forget buying this lovely princess a beer. she obviously has mistaken me for someone else, but am I going to complain?

"I am surprised you remember me, you were pretty drunk, and the things you were saying last night, normally I would chalk it up to the alcohol, but you seemed so sincere and, well, you showed up tonight, so maybe I was wrong about you..." she trailed off, baiting me perhaps to see if I remembered what in the hell I had said, or was it just her way of apologizing for her misjudgment? I couldn't think about either option. she was just drop dead gorgeous and she was talking to me. she was obviously taller than me, she was tan and firm, and her blonde hair, it just cascaded down her shoulders and back. she was wearing cowboy boots and jeans, but it was her white t-shirt that got all the attention. no frills, she didn't need any, her body was a work of art. while I sat there stammering and trying to figure out what to say next, she pulled her hair back into a stern pony tail and set her beer down next to mine.

"how could I not remember you?" I bluffed, "and while I might have been drunk, you know they say you get the truth out of people after a few drinks!" I laughed trying to get some sort of control on the situation. nothing doing.

"Well then, shouldn't you make good on your word?" her eyes simply sparkled, at what I was sure to find out sooner or later, but apparently I was on the hook for something.

"Jake, get us three shots of tequila, on his tab!" she shouted down to my sometimes psychiatrist, sometimes pal, but always bartender.

"three?" I looked around, hoping it would be her twin or maybe another equally gorgeous girl joining us.

"Yea, one for me, two for you, or are you going to backout on your promises already?" her tone wasn't challenging as much as it was disappointed.

I wasn't going to blow this, no matter what, so I had to recover quickly and hope that whatever I had said last night would be revealed later on in the evening. "oh, I just figured you would have ordered six, to save time," smiling, I still have it, after all these beers, er uh, I mean years.

"Oh no, I like variety. Besides too much tequila and I will be speaking Spanish," such a cute joker, and her eyes, they didn't betray a thing. but I was certain she was plotting, I could just feel it. probably the way a mouse feels when staring into the eyes of a snake, not knowing what the move will be next, but certain that once in its jaws, it wont matter. have to stay out of her jaws, have to stay-

"Here, two for you, one for me, salud!" wow, that second one really kicked me in the ass. the first was fun, doing it with her and knowing I was with this gorgeous girl at the bar, in outrageous cowboy boots and a tight as all hell t-shirt, doing shots... but the second. I felt her eyes again. I felt her burning into me with her eyes, almost savoring the moment, like a first step towards something. like an inauguration. or maybe I was just getting drunk. nasty fucking quervo, and quickly with a chaser to make it all better.

"not too bad" I lied.

"Fucking awful," she laughed, "The next one will be much sweeter, I promise, maybe lemon drops? I just needed to kickstart this evening. Besides, isn't this all part of the plan?" she winked. I am positive, she just winked. what plan? what the hell did I say to her? fuck, maybe this girl is just crazy and makes up shit to drunks at the bar to get free drinks. whoa, paranoia, keep er together boss, just relax and meet her smile.

"oh Princess, tequila or lemon drops, I would drink anything if you wanted me to-" before I could even finish she was at it again.

"Hey Jake, three lemon drops!" she sang out, standing on her bar chair, her chest inches away from my face, her perfume literally permeating my lungs and brain, her scent, her breath, it was like a huge wave hitting me. "... and don't be silly, of course I know that" she had already sat down and was talking to me but I wasn't aware of it. her presence was more intoxicating than the liquor. what had she just said? was that to me or was she talking to Jake? I was confused but just smiled and played along.

"to you, Princess, for making me keep my promises!" I anted up, tossing a few more chips into the pile. what hand was she playing...

she slammed her shot glass on the wooden bar and handed me my second, nonchalantly musing "oh you say that now, but wait until later, you might regret your promises in the morning..." she hinted, letting her hand run down my arm, and rest on my leg. there were a couple of drops from the last shot that never made it into her mouth, landing on her t-shirt, perfectly in-between her perfect chest. she caught me staring and arched her back as I downed the shot.

"That's a good boy, all you need is a little motivation," I felt her words more than heard them. how could I look at her, she was so beautiful and I was losing the battle. I was losing myself in her presence. sure the alcohol helped, but it was more than just that. I felt drugged, but I wasn't, not at least with anything man made. it was her, she was... seducing me? oh I don't know how much more of this I can take. Things are already starting to get surreal...

"maybe we should slow down a little, its still early," slight pleading in my voice as Jake comes by with three more shots, this time jager-bombs. sound the alarms, man over board! eegad.

"Early? Its almost 11, and we have so much to do, I would say its late! Shut up and drink, loser!" It wasn't so much the way she said it, playful and coy, it was the words that she used. especially that last. it hit me like an electric shock. and the first bomb, it went down while I was still comprehending what she had just called me. "loser" as easily as if she knew all along, knew that she could get me to do whatever she wanted. just another plaything for her. she read my mind. "Come on, time for your second. This will help, trust me, you will feel so much better doing what I say," I looked into her eyes when she said that. she was serious. she had stopped smiling. the music in the bar was on mute. the crowd noise had hushed, all I could hear were her words to me. I was tranced. she stood up out of her chair and got in-between my legs, standing above me, holding the shot. "That's a good boy, let me help you. Open your mouth, there you go," she held the shot glass and brought it to my lips, I could smell with redbull and jagermeister, her body had closed in upon me, and then it was in my mouth. "mmm good boy, now swallow. that's it, swallow it all down, just like you promised, mmm wasn't that good..."

I was reeling. I couldn't think. I was intoxicated with her. I was numb, my body was tingling. "Come on, that's it, another one, good boy... mmm taste good? oh you are almost ready aren't you, oh yes I think you are..."

"Tab Jake, were outta here!" I barely made out what she was saying to me, something about her place. wow, this was it, whatever it was, I had won. maybe it was a drinking contest? maybe it was just an excuse for her to let down her guard and grab some strange? maybe I was just lucky? I wasn't fighting it, she led me out of the bar and into a waiting cab and I was in heaven.

She straddled me in the cab, and just held me close to her chest. I could barely move I was so drunk. she held me there and stroked my hair, whispering in my ear how much fun she was going to have, how she was so happy I was there tonight, how I kept my promises. I didn't fight it, I just enjoyed her chest against my face and breathed in her scent. "oh I promise you wont regret this, I know you are a little out of it now, but I promise you, I will make this a memorable night," What? how in the hell would I ever regret this, she was a dream come true. like a Dallas cowboy cheerleader from my fantasies as a kid, come to life and mauling me in a cab.

the air was cold and her apartment was in the warehouse district. "in we go, that's it, be careful the elevator is old" we got in the elevator, and I was so drunk it felt like we were going down, but she punched the button for 5, damn those jagerbombs.

"lay down over there, I will be right back," I hit the leather couch in 2 seconds flat. I didn't want to pass out on her, but if she wanted me, she was going to have to make it happen. I was so drunk I don't even remember how many shots we downed. as I laid on the couch, I felt tugging on my shoes. I couldn't even turn over, I was just a mess. off came the second shoe, and then I felt my pants being pulled off. that got me to roll over! there she was, wearing a babydoll with impossibly high heels. was I dreaming?

"Come on, big boy, unbutton your pants so I can get these off and get you ready, you have got a long night ahead of you!" she was laughing now, full on laughing, and I wasn't sure if it was at me or with me. she was enjoying herself, and I was in no way going to protest. two buttons later, and my pants were on the floor. I tried to take my shirt off, but she just ripped the buttons and tossed it aside. two quick pulls on my socks and I was left on her couch with nothing but boxers.

"Much better, but I will save the unveiling for the moment of truth," more laughing and giggling, and she was gone in the darkness before I could say anything witty.

Oh what a tease, here I am in boxers, and its cold, and now she just disappears on me? God I am drunk, I cant even stand up. I cant even move or I will fall over. just hold on, amigo, she will be back, don't pass out, not yet, she will be back soon...

I felt her before I saw her or heard her, she was sitting on me. Literally sitting on my chest with all her weight like I was a pillow, or part of the couch. I opened my eyes and could see her back, her beautifully arched back and hips. she was massaging my feet, first one then the other, pulling, rubbing, kneading, god she was such a goddess. her white babydoll literally glowed on her tan body. her hair, still pulled back in a severe ponytail, swayed back and forth as she worked my feet. without saying a word she spun on my chest and looked down into my eyes, a high heeled foot on either side of my head.

"So do you like my place?" she smiled and pinched my nose. I was still very drunk, I could not even say a word, I was too dumbfounded at where I was to believe what was happening.

without missing a beat she followed up "Well I am glad you do, I don't invite many boys back here, you are special." I felt it again, that seduction, her eyes, her mouth, the way the words rolled out of her like honey "very special, and you are going to keep your promises to me, I will make sure of that," she said as she grabbed both of my arms and held them above my head and massaged them. I could feel her working on each one, first the right, then the left, slowly taking her time, letting her chest brush across my nose, the feeling of her babydoll sliding over my face, knowing she was inches away and yet somehow feeling like she was a million miles away...

it was not the first warning signal I had. there were others earlier in the night, little hints that she kept dropping, almost ominous, except that in a public setting how could I do anything but play along and chalk them up to flirtatious advances. but here, things were feeling different. like a ship in a sea of fog, the warning from the lighthouse was far away and hazy, but now, we were much closer to the rocks, I could feel the light trying to penetrate through the fog, but it was hopeless, it was feet thick, clouded by alcohol and sexual tension. I was aware something was not right but I was unable and unwilling to stop it.

"There we go, how do you feel? she was genuinely concerned, I could tell from her tone of voice.

"perfect, thank you for the massage, you are so beautiful-" she hit me so hard I didn't even see it coming and didn't feel it until my head stopped shaking. there were stars, and I felt my eyes tear up, my face was on fire.

"I didn't ask you what you thought of me, loser, I asked you how you felt. what do you think I am stupid? of course I am beautiful, look at me, I could have any guy I wanted. I could have any girl I wanted. I don't need your compliments and I don't want them, I just wanted to make sure you were not in any pain. I want to make this process as comfortable for you as possible." she said matter of fact, not screaming, not yelling, not sneering, not hateful. just although she was talking to a dog, or reading from an encyclopedia. just as calm and clear as you please.

process. what process. I thought we were going to be fucking like dogs, that isn't a process in my book. was she a scientist? why did she have to say it like that. I was confused, and it obviously showed through.

"What's that look for? You didn't think a girl like me would hold you to your promises? Oh, you really don't know what you bargained for, do you? I have been thinking about this all day, I was positive you were not going to show up. But now you are here, and I am going to make you keep your promises, you are going to... eat your words," she smiled, running her finger around my mouth, tracing the outline of my lips. then she disappeared, literally just vanished, she was sitting on my chest and immediately got up and poof she was gone. what the hell is going on here? I could hear her, walking away, her heels clicking down on the floor, then even that faded out. my arms and feet still tingled, god what a great massage she gave me. my whole body felt electric, the alcohol was still coursing through me when I heard her heels softly growing louder, then stopped.

ZAP! oh my god I cant see. I cant see! "what the fuck? what?" I screamed out, terrified, like a child, not understanding but afraid anyway. it was just the lights. "just"... it was row after row of bright halogen lights above me, beaming down, there must have been 100 of them, all over the ceiling. the entire room that I was in came into view once my eyes adjusted. it was all mirrors and all white. white tile floor, silver mirrors for walls, and as it happened it wasn't a leather couch I was on, but a white leather table, about 2 feet off the ground. I tried to turn away from the lights, but I couldn't. I was being held down, the couch, or table or whatever this was alive and holding me down! I screamed out again for help and I heard her giggle.

I looked over, and against the doorway I could see her silhouette. she was so beautiful, I could hear her coming towards me but the lights hid her form. I looked down and saw my ankles and feet were completely wrapped in something white, holding me to the table. without even looking, I knew my hands were held the same way, but it was ok, she was coming next to me. I would be ok, but then as she approached she began to squeak at me, making mouse noises? what the hell is going on in this place? oh no, its a table she is wheeling over, the wheels are squeaking on the tile floor.

"Oh god I thought you were making mouses noises at me," I spoke without even thinking as she wheeled the cart up along side my body and stroked my hair with an attentive look into my eyes. without saying anything, she took her thumb and pushed it between my lips and began to run it around the inside of my mouth. with her other hand she brought it to her lips "sssshhh" was all she said. her thumb pressed down on my tongue and held it there, then she applied pressure and opened my mouth, pulling it down as far as I could stretch. her smile broadened "that's a good boy, a nice wide open mouth for Princess. You swallowed everything I gave you tonight, just like you promised, I love a boy who keeps his word. now are you going to be a good little piggy and swallow everything else for me?" she began to laugh, and I was completely turned on and had no clue what she was talking about.

"Maybe you need to look like a pig to act like a pig," she mused as she opened the table droor and took out a pink pig nose on a band, and stretched it behind my head, "Lift up piggy, that's good..." placing the snout firmly over my nose. I felt ridiculous, she could not stop laughing. this was getting stranger by the moment, but her body in that babydoll, and her voice and her eyes, I was helpless, despite being bound physically, I was mentally bound to her as well. my mouth was still open as she continues to laugh. she laughed so hard tears hit my face, and I tried to laugh but all that came out was a pig like oink and grunt which made her laugh even harder.

she began to open droors and shuffle things around on the movable table, and I took the time to quickly glance around a little more. it was immaculately clean. there were other... instruments and medical contraptions all around the room. hoses and bags, a wall full of tools, something that looked like a dentist's chair, maybe this beautiful princess was studying to be a doctor?

I looked up to see her placing a large tray, almost like a sushi tray, on her lap, her beautiful legs bent and her heels resting on the bar stool ring. quickly she snapped on a pair of white latex gloves. the stool she was sitting on was so tall all I could see when I looked to my left was the tray and about 5 or 6 bowls on it, but I couldn't tell what, if anything were in them. each bowl had its own spoon. I saw her staring intently into one bowl while fishing around in it with her spoon. when she brought it out, the spoon was large and she sang out "Open wider, piglet, this first one is going to go in your mouth and then down your little pig throat. a promise is a promise and mister you are going to wish you never met me by tomorrow! that's it, keep it open, once the spoon is all the way in, close your mouth and let me slide the spoon out between your lips. That's it... in we go... close your mouth and let me slide the spoon out... there we go... now... its IN your MOUTH!" and she cracked up before I could even tell what the hell I was eating. then I felt it, it was cold and slimy. omg... OMG it MOVED! my eyes must have bugged out because before I could even gurgle out a scream her one hand was covering my mouth while her other pinched my pig nose shut. She held my head down firmly with both hands and made sure it was staying in my mouth. I was squirming and trying to do anything to pull away from this evil couch, but I could barely even move a muscle. she kept laughing while the living spoonful was flopping and squirming in my mouth, it was horrible. Once she caught her breath, she stopped laughing enough to blurt out "What's wrong, don't pigs like goldfish?" at that even I began to laugh, I had swallowed lots of goldfish in my time at college and was absolutely relieved it wasn't anything my imagination was conjuring up. I kept thinking of eels or worms, god damn fear factor has ruined me for sure. I relaxed and let it flop around until it hit the back of my throat, then with one big gulp, down it went. And in a weird way, it felt good.

she was beaming when she saw my throat contract, "Good Pig!" she was genuinely excited and happy. she clapped her gloved hands together and looked down upon me with that beautiful face and those amazing eyes. it was all I could do not to ask for another goldfish, I would do anything for her, and to see her so happy, it was pure bliss. I was looking up into eyes that were as deep as the ocean but lit up like fire. Her babydoll was revealing her perfect cleavage and I began to get hard at the unbelievable view of her chest and her legs and her face, she was all right there, right next to me, and she was a Goddess. She smiled broadly and spoke down to me.

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