The Crush - Cover

The Crush

by Pathetic Loser

Copyright© 2005 by Pathetic Loser

Fiction Story: A geek at college falls for a gorgeous sorority girl. She traps him in a web of his desire and completely breaks him of his humanity.

Tags: Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Scatology   School  

I can remember the first girl I fell for in college. I was a sophomore. She was amazing, she had jet black hair, long and straight, like a waterfall of black ink, she was spectacular. Her frame was tall and lean, like a cheerleader, but she was not really into being a spectator. She was more of an athlete. She liked to climb, loved to bike, and played football and tennis on the side. She was, in a word, very well balanced. She was also completely out of my league. Which is why I was surprised to see her standing next to me, while I was sitting down at lunch at the cafeteria. We had Calculus I together, believe it or not she was studying to be a biologist and wanted to get her math requirement in something challenging.

I thought maybe she was waiting for someone, so I didn't dare look up. I could see she was wearing her climbing boots and cutoff camo-pants. I didn't dare look higher, but my imagination was running wild with the input I was already trying to process. Her legs were impossible long and tan, and her cutoffs didn't even start until her mid thigh.

"Is anyone sitting here?"

I looked up, trying not to betray how intimidated I was by her mere presence, but I am sure she saw right through me. "Uh, not unless they're invisible," I smiled trying to lighten the edge I felt.

She had a bright, lilting laugh. I could listen to it forever, "Oh well maybe I will make his day and sit in Mr. Invisible's lap" and she was sitting across from me, her books in her arms folded across her chest. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, and her top was nothing more than a wife-beater, also cut off, highlighting her unbelievable stomach. Her chest was hiding behind her books, but when she sat down and threw her books on the table, they were proud and almost mocked me. "You will never touch us, loser, but go ahead and look, we will be sure to tell her," they seemed to say to me as she blurted out her intentions for sitting next to me.

"Hey, I noticed you had the same calculus book as me, I was wondering, do you think maybe you could help me on a few problems. I mean, I know what I am doing but since this book doesn't give out the answers, it would be nice to know I am getting the problems right before class. What are you doing tonight?" All in one quick breath, and it was almost a demand, she really didn't ask me if I would, it was just... assumed?

My mouth got dry, there had to be a catch... The nerd boys at the end of the table were already gawking and I could see out of the corner of my eye, the girls she rolls with were looking for her and trying to figure out where to sit down for lunch. I had to make this quick or lose my chance.

"Sure, I don't have any plans tonight, what time is good?" I chirped back, god that sounded too eager. She noticed too and smiled.

"I didn't think you would. Be at my sorority door at 8:00, not a minute before, we are having some sort of meeting and no boys are allowed. Don't forget to bring your book, plan on staying about an hour. Gotta run," and she was off.

I looked down at the geek boys and they turned away. I felt... proud? I saw a few other people notice, I felt important, or something. One guy I knew, he was a senior, Chemistry major I think, he came over and sat down. "Dude, what did she want?"

"Just some help with her calculus homework," I replied, trying to hide any residual satisfaction I had at her presence.

"Well, ok, but just be careful, she has a reputation for destroying guys like us," he paused "Remember last year, during orientation?"

Last year, when we were freshmen, they had a week long orientation ending in an ice cream social. She was one of the orientation leaders, I think she is a year ahead of us. Anyway, one of the first years, a computer programmer, was smitten with her. He would follow her around like a puppy all week. On the last day of orientation, she had him scooping out ice cream for everyone, and while he wasn't looking, she and two other girls from her sorority got behind him, pulled his shorts down to his ankles and pushed him face first into the tub of ice cream. The tub was as big as a garbage can, and as he was so out of shape and disoriented, they added toppings while he struggled to get out — caramel, sprinkles, and an entire bowl of cool whip. Everyone, I mean EVERYONE, was laughing. He was so embarrassed he dropped out of school before it even started.

I just figured it was a prank, so what, but the look on this Chemistry major's face had me rethink the whole invitation. So it was at a sorority, big deal. She could dump me into a garbage can of ice cream, Chinese food or Mexican refried beans for all I cared. Just being near her was intoxicating.

"Yea, I can handle it, don't worry," I played like John Wayne.

He paused. Looked at me again, and left without saying anything more. Maybe he knew something I didn't. Still, whatever, this was going to be a night to remember. A night with a gorgeous vixen I had been eyeing all semester, and I was not going to miss it.

I was pacing in my room. The day was going so slow. Ugh. Finally, it was 7:30. I would walk over to her house and wait down the street until 8:00 and spend an hour with a true goddess. I was so excited, I had brushed my teeth 5 times, changed shirts 3 times and practiced all the small talk I could think of. What she liked to do, where she went on the weekends, where she was from, etc.

On the walk up to her sorority, I kept checking my watch to make sure I was not going to be late. I waited a block away and at 7:58 I walked towards her sorority house. As I was getting closer, I heard laughter, the sound of at least 50 girls laughing and cheering? Maybe I was a little early. I waited another minute, it was after 8pm so I walked up the walkway and hit the buzzer. Almost before I took my hand off, the door opened. It was her, and she was absolutely beaming. Her hair was pulled straight back in a ponytail and she was wearing pink and white silk shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt. It was tight and she looked incredible. "Come on in, the meeting just ended," she smiled, inviting me inside. I could see and hear all the girls, walking and talking, the meeting must have literally just ended. No one seemed to notice me as I walked up the stairs to her room. She had a single and it was immaculately clean.

"Sit there," she pointed to an imaginary chair next to her desk. I kind of stood there next to her, while she sat down and opened up her calculus book. Without even looking over at me, she turned on her desk lamp and told me again "Sit down, on the floor, and open your book, we only have an hour." I was a little confused but did what she said. From the angle I was sitting at it was hard to tell, but I think she was smirking a bit... I got my book out of my backpack and flipped to the chapter we were on. She went through the problems, and I checked them off with her. She had gotten all of them right so far, and actually spotted an error I had made. About halfway into the hour, her door knocked and one of her friends walked in. She was tall and thin also, with impossibly thick chestnut colored hair which farmed her green eyes and pale skin. Her body was a work of art, curves like a mountain road and every bit as dangerous as one too. They talked about their upcoming formal (in 3 weeks) and how excited they were. Her friend didn't even say hi to me, which was odd, but I could tell from their conversation that the girl with whom I was hopelessly obsessed with did not yet have a date. Apparently she had broken up with her last boyfriend and was trying to find someone to take or was planning on not going. Maybe if I played my card right I could... nah!

Her friend left and we got back into the book immediately. We finished all the problems and she felt really pleased. She really knew her stuff. We talked about a few things and I got up the courage to ask her about her formal, if she would really not go rather than go alone, she wrinkled her nose and told me "If I don't go with someone, I am not going, but he has got to be special. I like smart guys, and this campus is full of idiots." Smart guys? Wow... Maybe I would have a chance... An alarm went off and I kind of jumped off the floor a bit. It was an alarm on her desk, the hour was up. Good God she was disciplined. She got up and told me to get my things together, that she would walk me down to the door "to avoid being snatched up by any of her sisters," and we both laughed. It was the first time I had ever been in a sorority house, and it was like heaven being around so many women at once. I didn't know which way to look, they were everywhere.

At the door she told me "thanks," and then opened it and parted with "Be here tomorrow, smarty pants, same time, and bring a chair if you don't want to sit on the floor," and she shut the door behind me. It was dark and there were hardly any lights out, but all the way home I was alight inside. I could have been hit by a bus and I would have been fine. She was unbelievable, she was gorgeous, and she was smart too. I didn't care if I sat on the floor, truth be told, I kind of liked it. The way she would look down at me, smiling every time she got the right answer, or ask me questions regarding why the problem was set up that way. And her chest, god from that angle, her chest just looked enormous. And her legs and her feet, I mean, she literally consumed me from where I sat.

The next day it was more of the same thing. "No chair? You like the floor, huh? Maybe I should just call you Matt!" and she laughed at her joke as we walked up to her room. After the problem set, I tried to make small talk but her phone rang. It was her ex, she asked me to wait outside while they talked. I could hear her yelling through the door, and after a few minutes, she met me at the door with my book bag, and without saying anything walked me to the front door of the sorority, opened it and then shut it behind me. I could tell she had been crying a little, she was upset. What kind of a jerk could do that to her? Did she need me the next day? I guess it didn't matter I didn't have any plans. Well, I would come up here at 8pm anyway, but I was kind of stunned. She didn't even say anything to me. Girls can be so emotional. Maybe I should get her something for tomorrow, just to show her that I care and to make her feel better.

It was 8pm on Wednesday and I rang the bell to her sorority house. The door opened and it was her! I was relieved! Her hair was everywhere, awash over her shoulders and swaying as she spoke. "Good boy, I was sure you were smart enough to meet me again at 8 without having to tell you. I like smart boys!" and she winked. OMG she winked at... me!!! I tried not to lose my mind, but there she was, in her pajamas, long flannel pants, bare feet, and an button down top, opened about half way down her chest, showing tons of cleavage, which she had to show. Her hair was ruffled, but she looked adorable. And she had just flirted with me? Oh I was in heaven. But I had brought a surprise...

"Here," I offered her what I had behind my back. It was a dozen long stem roses, all red, all beautiful. It had cost me the rest of the money I had for the semester, but I didn't care, I just wanted to see her smile. "I know you were upset, so I hope these brighten your day."

She was a little stunned, maybe I had surprised her this time, but she smiled quickly, "Oh these are wonderful! How sweet of you, you are such a nice guy! These are really for me? What a surprise, you really shouldn't have, gosh you are so kind!" She took them from my hand and told me to go up to her room, that she would get a vase and water to put them in and meet me upstairs in a minute. I was so happy, I had made her smile! Just earlier this week I was just a nothing to her, some dork in her class, and now, things were changing!

I sat on the floor and waited for her to arrive. She brought up the flowers and put them on her desk. She thanked me again, but then we got down to business. We went over the problem set, and after it was through, I did everything I could to talk to her, but never brought up her ex or what had happened the night before. I had her laughing a few times. She was so sweet, and smart, I was absolutely in heaven. She kept looking at the roses and told me that she would definitely have to give me a surprise to thank me for being so nice. How the roses were such a thoughtful gift and how lucky she was to have bumped into me.

"Ok, well, our time is up. You really are a dear helping me with this calculus homework all week. I know tomorrow is Friday, but I was wondering, might you like to come up a little early, say around 7:00? We could hang out and kick off the weekend?" she asked, but she already knew the answer. My heart was practically beating outside my chest and I was breathing fast, as she was talking to me. Omg, she wanted to hangout with me? I was flushed and tried to calm myself. Her chest was literally falling out of her top, and her eyes were shiny and sparkled.

"Oh, sure, that would be great! I will be here at 7:00!" I told her as we walked down the stairs to the front door of her sorority.

"Perfect! And remember, don't bring any books, or any more surprises for that matter, tomorrow I get to surprise you, ok?" She laughed and shoved me out the door, shutting it behind me. I can still remember the way she looked at me, and the feeling of her chest on my back before she gave me that push. It could have been off a pier and I would not have cared.

Wow. I couldn't believe what she had said. I would be hanging out with her tomorrow! This was too good to be true! I was literally bounding down to my dorm room. My mind was flying all over the place. She wanted me! I must be the luckiest guy on campus! I bumped into the Chemistry major on the way down to my dorm room, literally, we kind of bonked into each other outside of the dorm. "Oh hey, sorry," I offered, I was so giddy I was out of my mind. He had dropped a bunch of papers, it looked like a biology project. It was hard to tell because it was dark out, but I could have sworn I saw biology and a girls name on the papers, but he gathered them up quickly and mumbled something about being late, and ran off. He was an odd ball.

That night I could barely sleep. I kept replaying the whole event in my head. Oh I couldn't wait! This had been the best week of my life, she was too perfect!

I was in space during my lab and my English comp class on Friday. All I could do was watch the clock on the wall and pray for time to move. At 6:45 I was on my way to her sorority. I was wearing a nice shirt and pants, my hair was slicked back and while she told me not to bring any surprises, I had gotten the RA to buy me champagne. I just wanted to bring her something. I mean, isn't that what people do at parties? Bring gifts? I hit the bell at 7:00pm sharp. A few minutes later and the door opened. It was her!

"Hey, come on in! What are you doing with that? Didn't I say no more surprises! Oh ok, come on, lets get upstairs to my room before anyone else sees you and tries to steal our party favors!" She looked amazing. She was wearing a white skirt, a black spaghetti strap top, and her hair was wound up behind her head and dropped like, well like the roses I had given her. She looked fantastic. I walked behind her and saw her heels, they were unreal, white with silver and spiked. I could tell from her skirt that she was either wearing a thong or nothing at all. She was a complete knock out. I was at a loss for words and just followed her up. Her skirt was literally riding up with every step, I was hypnotized by her. The bottom of her ass was peeking out on each step, and she caught me looking when we got to the top of the landing. She turned around quickly and tweaked me on the nose "Did you get a good look? Would you do anything for an even closer look?" And she laughed, while I followed her down the hallway.

"Get in," she held the door open. I walked into her room and stood in the center. There was led zeppelin playing, it was an early album, and her lights were dimmed but her place was still immaculate.

"How do you keep your room so clean, you are so busy, when do you find the time?" I asked, genuinely perplexed.

"Oh we have pledges, they do all the chores, and I have a few of my own as well, so it works out, sorority life is great! I absolutely love getting what I want," she smiled back.

"Go on, sit on my bed, its ok, you don't have to sit on the floor tonight" and she walked beside me, giggling, and set the champagne bottle in her refrigerator. She came back with a tray and announced "Are you ready to get fucked up!?!" She was carrying a tray full of shots. There must have been 20 of them God, maybe more. All different colors and kinds. Jesus, she wasn't kidding!

And then I noticed. The shot glasses were laid out on the tray in the shape of a rose. There was no mistaking it. She sat down next to me and put the tray on her lap. She looked me in the eye and I could tell she was excited. Her chest was perfect, they were proud but I swear they were still mocking me. I didn't care, I might have a chance tonight. Maybe she would even take me to her formal! "Oh you mocked me last week, twins, but look at how close I am to you now, on her bed and the only thing separating me from you are 20 shots that we are about to do," I thought to those perfect twins on her chest. I was getting cocky, I could almost feel her under me. Her body was to die for.

"Go on, take this," and she offered me a shot glass. She picked up another one and looked at me "Here's to the sweetest guy, helping me with calculus," and boom, it was down. I felt like fire inside, and not from the shot. I licked my lips and asked what it was.

"Rum-runner, matey! No time to waste, have another! Sex on the beach?" She cocked an eye and had me for a second. I laughed, feeling the first shot already, and grabbed the second glass from her hand as she set my empty one down. "Here's to boys with red roses," and we tossed back another pair of shots. I was feeling great. She really was one in a million. I was out of my mind with excitement, I must be the luckiest guy in the world! Getting drunk with one of the hottest girls on campus! What luck!

She lightened up after the second and we spoke for a bit about stupid things. What she had planned for the weekend (kayaking) and how the semester was going so slow. "What are you weekend plans?" she asked with a grin. I told her I didn't have any. "Well, maybe I will have to change that!" she beamed. I felt special, I would love to go kayaking with her but I didn't even know how, let alone own a kayak. "I don't know how to kayak," I mumbled to her, but she giggled. "Oh, don't worry, you won't need to."

Before I could say anything, she continued, "Here, time for another," and on it went. "To geeks, hot girls use them, while nobody else wants them," and she laughed as I downed the shot. Nobody wants them? What did she mean? She was getting drunk!

And here came another shot, it looked like Goldschlager. Oh god I was going to be hung-over the next day. "To math nerds, they're good for something, but every loser has his place!" more laughter and another shot gone. I was really feeling it, and she seemed to gather steam with her... toasts? They got crazier, and well, to be quite honest, they got more insulting. I couldn't tell if she meant it, but she was laughing, so I guess it was ok. What's a little joke between friends?

She gathered up the next shot, we had both done about 7 or 8 now in the span of 30 minutes. I was really beginning to get drunk. Her voice sounded far away and her smile was permanent. God I would do anything for her.

She looked me in the eye and got close to me, scooting on her bed. I could feel the heat from her body, and her breasts were literally almost touching my arm. Our faces inches apart. Her knee touched mine, her skirt was riding so high, I couldn't dare look or she would bust me. I felt a little bold, the alcohol was working. Her breath still smelled like perfume, or almost like... like roses... She held my gaze and brought the shot up to my mouth, "Open up..." Not even letting me touch the glass and said, "Here's to you- a pathetic excuse for a man, an absolute dork. So pitiful, thinking a few days of homework-help and a dozen roses would ever get you anywhere near a goddess like me," and she poured the shot down my mouth. I shook my head for a second. Had she just said that or was I thinking that? Before I could even think further, let alone take the shot, my face stung. She had slapped me. She held out another shot. "Go on, drink it!" she was looking into my eyes, I was a little dumbfounded, but I drank it anyway. "Hahahaha! Loser!" she laughed, and she grabbed my hair with one hand and with her other hand, reared back her palm and slapped me as hard as she possible could. My shot glass went flying across her carpeted sorority room floor. I was drunk, but that had stung! Stars were flying around my head.

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