The High School Revenge - Cover

The High School Revenge

Copyright© 2005 by dondon

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Nedia Adams, a shy girl who never had a real boyfriend before, Noah Mathew, one of the the most popular guys in school. Their story and how you can plan for something and end up with another!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   First  

Nedia was sitting alone in an empty room, with no light except for the moon light coming from the only window there. Then the door opened suddenly and a figure entered

"Who is it?" asked Nedia scared of the dark and from who just entered.

The figured stepped closer so Nedia was now able to recognize who the figure was.

"Noah!" Nedia whispered, she got up and ran directly to his open arms, Noah held her close to him while she whispered "Oh, Noah how I missed you "she looked deep into his dark blue eyes. " I've missed you to baby" Noah said in a husky voice, and then he leaned down and locked his lips with hers. The second she felt his lips on hers she stepped closer to feel his whole body.

"Oh, Nedia "Noah said "I lo..."

"Mommy" Nedia heard something but she ignored it.


Nedia opened her eyes and all she could see was Noah's eyes. Wait a second they are different.

"Hey honey "Nedia said that while lifting her son up and putting him next to her in bed.

"God it was a dream" thought Nedia.

" hi, mommy " Nick said, Nedia kissed her son on his cheeks and took a good look at her son, he was a cute kid ; only three years old with brown hair like Nedia, dark blue eyes and a smile that can make any heart soften.

"Hey, Nicky! It's the weekend; do you want to go to the park?" Nedia asked her son that knowing exactly how much he loved going to the park. They always do that in the weekends; go to the park and play together until they go home at the end of the day totally tired... It was her almost only free time, and she would spend it all with Nick. Nedia loved her son more than anything in the world; it's been hard the last 4 years. With her classes and her job; as she had to find one to afford living alone, all while she's pregnant. Then after she gave birth to Nick, who thankfully was born in the summer she was able to continue her studying and job; she worked as a designer in a small company who designed cards and stuff.

It was hard but being busy all the time helped, she was able to lose weight in no time, she even became very weak because she didn't take good care of herself. But then she got a new job in a bigger company and 2 months after that she graduated. That gave her time to think about herself a little; she was a 22 years old single mom. Only then she got the idea of revenge; she would take care of herself and change completely and start her plan.

"Oh that reminds me" said Nedia, she got up carried her son and said "common honey lets go play with daddy.'

Nedia made breakfast for Nick and picked up the phone.

"Hello" answered a male voice, which Nedia immediately recognized

"Hey dad!" she said

"Hi honey, how are you?" asked her dad.

"Fine dad, how's everything going?"

"Great, but we miss you so much Nedia." said Jake.

"Well common, you and mom were here 3 month ago at nick's birthday and you know I can't come." Said Nedia.

"Why??" he asked

"I, ah... You know me m busy dad." Nedia said that knowing that her dad can tell she is not saying the truth. Nadia loved her parents, but after she left 4 years ago she never went back home, not once. Off course her parents visited her a lot. when she gave birth to nick her mom spent almost 4 month with her taking care of nick when Nedia is having any classes or when she go to her job and she came again last summer and stayed there for whole summer. It's been like that for the last 4 years; they would come and she would refuse to go home telling them she s so busy. She was happy like that. Well, maybe not happy but she felt safe like that.

"You always say that." Her dad said that with a sad tone.

"Sorry dad but I really am busy, I don't even spend a lot of time with Nick." Said Nedia.

"Okay honey but remember we still miss you and love you so much. Oh I almost forgot how is my little angel Nick?" asked Jake.

"He is fine, dad is mom there??" she asked.

"Yes she s rights here, wait a second." Jake said that as he called for his wife.

Nedia waited a while before she heard her mom's voice "hello "

"Hey mom, any luck?" Nedia asked immediately.

"What? Oh yeah about that guy yeah I was able to get you his address from a friend of mine who knew his mom. Do you have a pen?"

Nedia wrote down the address then hung up with her mom thanking her and promising her she'll visited soon.

Nedia looked at the address and memorized it well.

"Real soon Noah, I promise"

Noah woke up at 11 am, he didn't have anything to do today, no classes, no work, nothing and he will use this time to try and find Nedia.

He got up took a shower then picked up his self phone

"Hello" a voice answered.

"Hey tom, what's up" Noah said.

"Noah, man where have you been all this time? I don't even remember the last time we talked. "Said Tom "last year I think??"

"Alright, alright, I know I m sorry but I've been busy you know law school in the morning and training at MR. Simpson's office at noon." answered Noah.

"Yeah, yeah okay. I forgive you "Tom said that laughing.

"Thank you man." said Noah knowing how much his friend means to him and how much he means to Tom.

"Look Tom can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, anything" Tom answered.

"Do you know anything about Nedia Adams??" Noah asked

"Nedia Adams..." Tom said thinking for a while "isn't she the one you..."

"Yes Tom that's her"

"Why?? After all this time, why would you want to know anything about her??" Tom asked him curiously.

"Well Tom, I think i made a big mistake letting her go" Noah answered

"You had to do what you had to do man, you thought Jessey was pregnant and you had to do the right thing, for your child at least..." Tom said "... if there was child off course"

"Well, I should have known Jessy was lying, I should have talked to Nedia before she left but I didn't, I was a cowered "Noah admitted.

"look if you like her that much, I'll try to get you any information about her, her sister's husband works with me, I'll ask him how's she and where is she now and stuff like that, call me tomorrow noon and I'll get you her address." Said Tom.

"Thank you Tom, I really appreciate it."

"No prob... Hey Noah when will I be seeing you again??" asked Tom.

"I donno, well I m going to see what will happen with Nedia and maybe I'll come home for Christmas." Answered Noah.

"Okay, don't forget to call me tomorrow "Tom reminded him.

"No I won't." Said Noah and hung up with Tom.

"Oh no, I m not going to forget. Tomorrow, I'll find her tomorrow!!"

Nedia drove her car to the mall; she was going to spend the whole day shopping for a nice a dress and other stuff she needed to complete her plan. She kept Nick home with her friend Kate. Kate was Nedia's friend, she met her last year when she got her new job, and Kate was responsible for the day-care Nedia take her son to. Nick loved Kate so much especially her daughter sally, she was 3 years old too. They were friends and he loved them the second he saw them. See Kate was a sweet person, she was a single mom too but her story is really sad, Kate's fiancé died in a car accident 2 weeks from the wedding, she found out later that she was pregnant, so she had to find a job, she was able to get place in a big building and she turned it into a day-care so she can work and take care of her daughter at the same time. Nedia and Kate became friends immediately. Nedia told Kate everything about the past, and Kate was very understanding. Nedia didn't tell Kate anything about her revenge because she knew if Kate found out, she'll try to talk her out of it. That's why she preferred to keep it to herself.

Nedia focused on finding what she wanted, she had to go to the hair dresser after that to see what she can do about her hair. She had to look different; Noah mustn't know her when he sees her.

After 3 hours of searching she finally found what she wanted; she bought a very nice dress it was white with small red flowers on it and thin straps. The dress was short, it reached half her thighs, she looked gorgeous in it, and it looked so good that the vender said it was made for her. An hour later she was at the hair dresser having her hair cut so short it reached her chin. The hair cut looked good on her, then she asked them to teach her how to do her make up and 2 hours later she went out of the hair dresser a completely different person. She looked great!!

Nedia had only one thing to do before going home, she'll go find the address her mother gave her, she'll just stay in her car a while looking around then leave. Nedia got there in no time, the building was easy to find, it was a big one actually with a security guard sitting in the lobby. Nedia got out of the car she wasn't sure he lived there,

"Can I help you??" the guard asked.

"Yeah I wanted to know if someone lives here by the name of Noah Mathew?" she asked turning around to see if someone else heard his name, but the place was empty.

"Yes Miss, Mr. Mathew lives here, but he' not here right now, you can leave your name and number and I shall tell him." Said the guard.

"Oh no, that's not necessary, I m just an old friend of Mr. Mathew, I wanted to know if he lives here." Nedia knew what she wanted to know and right now she has to leave before something bad happen.

She turned around quickly and opened the door and stepped out in the street breathing heavily," god that was close!" Nedia thought while walking to her car. She was so busy thinking, that she wasn't able to see someone coming her way and in 2 seconds she was on the floor on top of someone she accidentally push down.

"Oh my god, I so sorry "she said that while getting strands of hair off her face.

"I m rea..." Nedia started to apologize again and glanced down to look at the person she pushed down and her heart stopped!!


"Hey, its okay I wasn't looking too..." Noah said that while getting up and helping her up to her feet, then he stared at her "... I m sorry but do I know you?" Noah asked

Nedia was standing still, as if she was made of stone. She wasn't able to do anything not even the easiest thing; breathing!!

"Okay Nedia that's okay just breath, calm down, calm down. You were going to see him any way if not today it was going to be tomorrow, calm down. Oh my god that s not fair that wasn't suppose to happen not now at least I m not ready yet" Nedia was having this conversation with herself she didn't notice his question.

"Sorry what did you say?" The voice that came out of her wasn't her voice it was the voice of a strange woman a terrified woman.

"I said, do I know you, you look familiar?" Noah asked

"Nedia think!!" she ordered herself.

"Well, I m so sorry I pushed you that way, but I don't think we know each other." Nedia said in a rough voice, "well rough is all I was able to find" she thought...

""I m not from here "Nedia explained.

"I m not form here either."

Nedia was standing there doing nothing but staring at him. She looked as if she saw a ghost.

"Hey are you okay, you look as if you r about to pass out or something." Noah said that with a worrying look on his face.

"I m okay" she said in a low voice.

"You don't look okay, common there's a café near by let's go get you a cup of coffee." Noah said.

No, nooo, never, I m not going to listen to you again Noah!!

But wait, wasn't that what you wanted Nedia, you wanted to go out with him, seduce him and make him fall for you then leave him. Wasn't that your plan?

That plan sounded better an hour ago, but right now it sounds like the worst plan ever.

"You shouldn't bother yourself, I m okay." said Nedia

Noah stopped her saying" no please, you r not bothering me."

"Okay" Nedia said, AGAIN. She was doing it all over again as if she was watching a movie that she knows its scenes well, well?? Not well enough it seems.

"Okay lets go "said Noah.

They reached the café 5 min. later. Mean while Nedia felt her whole world falling apart. She shouldn't do that. She should stop right now and leave, who said she wanted revenge, it was a bad idea. But still she wasn't able to take her eyes off him he s still the same Noah she knew her whole life.

They found a free table in the corner.

Great just what I needed.

"What do you want to drink?" Noah asked

"You really shouldn't be wasting your time "Nedia said that trying to run away'' I m fine now:"

"It's okay. You're not wasting my time. I don't have anything to do, by the way I am Noah Mathew..." he said that waiting for her to introduce herself.

"Kate, Kate Fox." Her friend's name was the first thing that came to her mind.

Kate! That reminded her of Kate and that she s waiting for her back home with sally and Nick.

Nedia looked at Noah for the first time closely, he still looking as good as he looked 4 years ago, his hair is a little bit longer now and he looks more mature, but he still the same Noah.There was something wrong, he looks kind of sad, maybe because of the divorce, off course he loved Jessy so much, she was his high school sweetheart then his wife, maybe the mother of his children, but nah, Jessy wouldn't do that, she takes good care of her body and for Jessy having a child is a disaster.

Noah was looking straight in her eyes, as if his was trying to read what's written there.

"Thanks for the coffee I needed it" Nedia said trying to say something to break this silence.

"No prob. You look better now." Noah said still looking directly in her eyes.

"I m sorry for pushing you that way, I had a lot of things on my mind." Nedia said that while looking away from his dark blue eyes. It was as if he is reading her mind.

"Its okay I wasn't looking, I was thinking about someone too." He said that looking at her with a smile on his face.

Why is he looking at me like that?

"I should go, really" said Nedia, she grabbed her bag and stood up then said "thank you and sorry again."

"No prob. "Noah answered.

"Okay goodbye." She said while stepping back. That was it, she was going to leave and never look back, and she can't take revenge, not from him. "I still love him" she told herself.

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