The Butterfly and the Falcon - Cover

The Butterfly and the Falcon

Copyright© 2005 by Katzmarek

Chapter 20

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 20 - Set during the terrible events of the Spanish Civil War of 1936/39. A young foreigner enlists in the Republican Air Force to meet his match, a woman of the radical Anarchist Brigade.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Historical   Group Sex  

John's rational side of his brain was ceasing to play a significant role in his actions. There was just he and this sensuous, sexy, young blond woman he was kissing and fondling. Beneath the heavy cotton of her shirt she was warm, so warm!

Her arms circled his waist and snaked under his shirt, John could feel her fingers on his back, stroking and kneading his flesh, and her thigh sliding insistantly along his hardening dick.

She'd told him she wanted a 'fuck from him.' The words had excited him like no other. She was right when she'd told him she thought he wanted 'a fuck from her' She'd got that right, he thought.

She peeled back his shirt and her fingers explored the muscles of his chest and arms. Jana sucked in her breath in appreciation telling him 'he was big, so big!' The way she said it seemed to have a double meaning.

John scrabbled at the buttons of her uniform shirt. The khaki shirt with the gold collar flash and single red star of a Captain succumbed to the assault and he opened it to her waist. Beneath it she wore a military issue brown singlet that clung tight to her body. It betrayed a pretty cleavage above the low neck line and her braless breasts stretched the fabric taut. She had a nice pair, John could see, a very nice pair with stiff nipples pushing through the cotton.

Benin, even with the boost given by Garcia's hungry need, couldn't compete with Jana's beauties in shape and size. They were a perfect rack, in company with Jana's Hollywood looks. As John whistled in appreciation and explored her tentatively, Jana undid the belt of her baggy military trousers to reveal hips with a very womanly flair and curve. Her long legs and smooth thighs caused a pulse between John's legs that became uncomfortable.

Jana ran her palm over his bulge, grinning sexily, eyes playful.

"What's this, John Greenhaugh?" she asked, "a compliment?"

"You're beautiful," he croaked.

"You maybe just noticed?" she teased, still stroking him. He shook his head. "So maybe you always feel this way?" He nodded. "So why you never finish, huh? Why you start something and not finish?"

"Because," he stumbled a reply, "because... you never gave me the chance."

"Is always up to woman? I must send you telegram, perhaps?" She unbuckled his trousers and opened his fly buttons. Her hand snaked inside and rubbed his hard penis.

"I... I thought you... didn't want to..." John explained, kneading Jana's breasts and playing with her nipples over her singlet.

"You maybe think differently," she said, easing his underpants over his raging bulge. "Oh... I see," she grinned in admiration, "I see!"

Freed, she thought his hard cock magnificent, rampant. Struck dumb, she felt John lift her singlet above her breasts. She backed towards her desk, John following, until her pantied arse touched the wood. He kept advancing, however, until she was bent backwards. Her legs came up either side of John's until she was lying, on her back, amid the squadron manifests, operational orders and mechanic's reports. John slid her panties off up her legs and tossed them in a corner. Growling, he fell on her.

John held her by the shoulders as he stroked into her; hard, deep strokes that knocked the air from her lungs with every magnificent thrust of his strong thighs. He watched her breasts jiggle delightfully as he continued to pound into her. Jana took everything he could give and gave it back with equal ferocity. Her arms were stretched out in surrender, she looked into his face and watched him straining. He was so sexy, this male, so animal in his desire.

She grabbed the edge of the desk to keep from being punted over it and onto the floor. She locked her feet behind him for purchase. John was at the peak of physical fitness with great upper body strength from wrestling with the Il2. His body reflected that and the sight of his upper torso rippling, sweaty, made her erupt with orgasm after orgasm.

She felt him spurt his dangerous seed deep inside her, completely heedless of precautions. Jana wanted him to keep fucking, to keep his penis inside her and gripped him with her feet.

"Oh John!" she cried, "Ohh." Her cries of pleasure threatened to bring the groundcrew running but she didn't care. She was peaking and peaking and didn't want it to stop.

But they had to stop sometime. Even when John lay on her spent, she kept him locked in, daring for him to try and withdraw from her. Jana put her arms around his back and held him fast to her body. She didn't want to let go of this man, ever. But, eventually, there was a knock on the door to break them free and pull them back to the real World.

"What is it?" she called, breathlessly.

"Telephone call from General Yurylenko, madam Major."

"Tell the General... ah... I'm indisposed and I'll... ah... call him back."

John looked at her in surprise. Russian Majors never tell Russian Generals that 'they'd call them back.'

"Y'sure?" he asked her.

"What, you want me to run over to the operations office like this?" she smiled.

"That would get the men's attention!" he laughed.

"I only want one man's attention," she told him, seriously, "and you must obey my orders!"

"Jana, I have a child and a wife."

"That is your concern, John, and you are mine. Whatever you do about them is your own affair."

"But, I can't just leave them. I owe Benin too much!"

"Did I say you must leave them? I only said they were your concern. You love this woman?"

"Yes," he said without hesitation, "I do."

"And you love me? This I know, so no bullshit, John!"


"Then you have two women who you love and who love you. Most men would kill for such a situation."

"Yes, but Benin would kill me if she ever found out."

"So? Don't tell her! You need to make trouble for yourself?"

"It can't be that simple!"

"It's as simple as you like to make it. Now, get that beautiful body off me so I can get dressed. You might not think so but I have a reputation to protect."

"Is that an order?" he grinned.

"Is an order and you will stuff that thing back in your trousers!" she grinned back, "then you will wait for further orders!"

"Yes, Major!" John sprang to mock attention and saluted.

"A salute!" she said, "I thought you'd saluted me already!" she laughed while retrieving her uniform.

On October the 14th Red Army forces took over parts of Latvia and Estonia after negotiating 'mutual defence treaties.' Libau, the former Tsarist Naval base from which the Baltic Fleet had set out to face the Japanese in 1904, was occupied and the tiny Latvian Navy absorbed into the Red Fleet. Two islands at the head of the Gulf of Finland were garrisoned by Soviet troops and fortified.

But Finland held out against Russian diplomatic pressure. The Soviet Navy needed Hango point, which forms the Northern head of the Gulf, to properly control it. Moscow demanded a 'reallignment' of the border, which Finland was willing to entertain, but Helsinki was determined she would not have Soviet troops garrisoned on her territory.

Little of anything of this appeared in the newspapers in Russia.

For 'Oz' this was the 'Phoney war.' While Germany smashed the Polish armies and entered Warsaw, France, who had ample opportunity to invade German soil, did little. She was content to wait behind the Maginot line for Germany's pleasure. Germany had but four panzer divisions at that time and all of them were deployed against Poland.

France had called for the establishment of four Armoured Divisions also. But only two were at any state of readiness and only one, that led by a Colonel Charles de Gaulle, had all its tanks.

The 2nd BEF's first advanced guard of regular troops began sailing to France to reinforce the French. The recruitment offices were being flooded with enthusiastic young men, as was the whole of the Commonwealth's.

Some German patrol and mine-laying flying boats appeared off the British coast and dropped some magnetic mines. Otherwise the Duxford squadrons practiced for the day they were going to meet the crack Luftwaffe fighters and Radar installations went up along the South coast.

And Flight Lieutenant 'Oz' Callaghan was introduced to the Supermarine Spitfire.

'Oz' knew he had a thoroughbred on his hands when he first saw a Spitfire. It was a beautiful aircraft, with fine, narrow lines and a long snout. Its eliptical wings reminded 'Oz' of a Heinkel, but were more pronounced. It was true dogfighter, an 'air superiority fighter, ' fast and maneuverable. After he first flew the 'spit' he was sure it would turn inside the Messerschmitt. He was certain they'd found an answer to the Luftwaffe's menace.

But that test would have to wait until May the 10th 1940 and the opening phase of the Battle of France.

For Benin and John, however, things were going from bad to worse. Benin felt John had withdrawn from her completely. Even their son didn't restore the emotional bond they's enjoyed in the past. John was distant, remote and uncommunicative. And, Benin was convinced, he was seeing Jana Ivanova.

She couldn't put a finger on it if anyone asked her. There were no letters, he was not making strange phonecalls at night when he thought she was asleep. But then, he didn't need to for she'd access to John 8 hours a day. She couldn't smell her scent on his clothes, but then, what Russian Military Officer, man or woman, would wear scent? Benin knew, however, woman have a way of telling.

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