Pursuit of the Older Woman - Cover

Pursuit of the Older Woman

Copyright© 2005 by Victor Klineman

Chapter 20

Historical Sex Story: Chapter 20 - Threaded into the tapestry of the history of Europe, this story is about Resistance fighters. It begins when World War II began in The Netherlands when Gerard is on vacation with his aunt in Rotterdam. The blitzkrieg on Rotterdam and their escape to Amsterdam molds Gerard's psyche. When he is taken by the Germans to a concentration camp, he was a naive adolescent. The ever present danger matures him quickly. Rescued from the camp he experiences dangers that few endure.

Caution: This Historical Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Historical   First   Oral Sex  

Germany. October 1942.

Various organizations were formed (during WWII) to establish foreign resistance cells or to support existing resistance movements, like the British SOE and the American OSS (the forerunner of the CIA). - Wikipedia, World War II.

The first bombs that fell on Germany during World War II were dropped by a single Polish PZL .23 Karas of the 21st Squadron on a factory in Olawa. Before the full scale of German war atrocities became known Polish officers were reluctant to order strategic bombardment of targets in Germany for humanitarian reasons. Shortly thereafter, the Luftwaffe's superiority took its toll on the Polish Air Force and such operations were impossible to carry out. - Wikipedia Strategic Bombing W W II.

The Manhattan Project During 1942, the United States began to assemble a workforce of 100,000 people to develop the atomic bomb, code named the Manhattan Project. The overseeing development was assigned to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

After lunch, Richard wanted to prepare his people for the changes that he knew that they would be forced to make.

"There are a number of developments taking place, I'm waiting for information that will guide us into a different approach to our activities. We have a few shortcomings, or I should say a lack of vital resources. The most obvious is gasoline. Do you know how much we have left in our small aerial tank, Manfred?"

"I estimate that we have about twenty gallons, it wasn't enough to travel back to Chris's place and then make it back here again. It's very low."

"You can see now why I've been insisting that we become almost totally self supporting. No gasoline means that we will be tied to the farm, and it will have to provide us with everything we need to subsist. The last time I was here I asked you for a tally of the wild life on the farm, did you do that?"

Manfred looked at Gerry, who now wrote down anything that he did and Alex had given him a folder to retain his paperwork. At this signal from Manfred, he pulled a sheet from his folder, and reading from his notes he said, "These figures are only approximate, there may have been some double counting because we took five days to ski around the farm. We found a total of seventy-one pigs and fifty-five deer. We found evidence of smaller animals from their droppings but we couldn't find any of them. There were numerous birds but we didn't see any more than about twelve ducks on the small lake at the southern end of the farm."

"For the time being source all of your meat from what you grow, leave the wild life as a last resort. Before you eat any game then make absolutely certain that you inspect the meat for any signs of disease or worm infestations. If you're uncertain, destroy the meat in the incinerator. In addition, keep any butchering away from our domestic animals. You should also be just as meticulous with our domestic animals, any that become sick either destroy and burn them or quarantine them," Richard said.

"I was thinking that I would hunt for one deer at the start of winter to supplement our pork. It'll keep in our winter freeze house," Manfred said.

"Okay, but more importantly I want all of you to tend to the gardens to get the most yield possible before winter sets in. How are the pigs breeding?"

"We have sixteen piglets and we're going to have trouble feeding them over winter, I don't think that we'll have enough grain. So I think that we'll be eating some of them because we can't support them," Alex said.

"We're in reasonable control of our food needs so let me get you thinking about a new subject. What do you know about guerrilla warfare?"

No one answered so Richard continued, "I see. You know about as much as I did when I was asked the question. Alex has a good library so I want all of you to read about it. It will give you some background for my next visit when I hope that I'll have something concrete to discuss with you."

Manfred had been thinking about the question, "I thought that what we've been doing so far constitutes guerrilla warfare."

"That was my original thought too but there's a lot more that we haven't been doing. I'll let you know more next time. As far as communications are concerned, no transmissions but you must keep up the listening vigils, just in case I have anything urgent to pass along to you. Is everyone conversant with the new codebooks? If there are urgent needs, you must encode all transmissions, no excuses."

When Richard saw everyone around the table nodding in agreement, he continued, "I don't foresee any field activities for months ahead, but be prepared to act when you get word from me. Let me assure you that I will be working to get us mobile again. Anything else I should know?"

There was no response so Richard stood, "I have to see my young Richard before I go."

He followed Cornelia to her bedroom and everyone followed behind him. Richard stopped at the doorway astonished by the crib rocker that had netting draped from a post at the head. The wooden part of the cot was painted white and the wooden rockers were a substantial part of the base.

"Did you make that Manfred?"

"Gerry and I built it down in the spare garage."

Cornelia reached and lifted her baby out and passed him to Richard who rested his head on his shoulder. Richard's nephew belched and threw up the remains of his last meal over his shoulder.

Cornelia blushed with embarrassment and quickly took a cloth and mopped up the mess.

"I see, Richard the Second! You don't like me do you? And you still have one more orifice to deliver your dislike. So remind me never to handle you while you're naked."

They were still laughing as Richard climbed into his Mercedes and waved goodbye.

The following morning Richard called a meeting with his managers. They looked refreshed. He noticed on his early morning walk around the planning sections that they were working consistently better than they had before the break.

"All prepared for the meeting with Reichsminister Speer?"

They nodded, they looked satisfied that they were on target.

Richard ate lunch in his office while he worked on his accumulated paperwork.

At three, Erika knocked on his door and entered.

"The Commandant wants to see you in his office, he sounds angry."

"He has nothing to be angry about, but I expected this. Call me if I'm not back before Speer arrives."

Richard donned his jacket, adjusted his tie, and left his office.

When Richard arrived at the Commandant's office, his male assistant greeted him as if he were his superior.

"Herr Farber," he said looking down his nose, "Der Commandant has a phone call. He will see you when he's finished with it."

'I'll bet he has. It's the oldest trick in the book, ' Richard thought.

Richard found a chair, waited for five minutes, then he stood, and staring at the Commandant's assistant, "What's your name?"

"Ah, Dreyfuss, Herr Dreyfuss." He was flustered by Richard's directness.

"Listen to me Dreyfuss, when Der Commandant is free tell him that I've gone back to my office and if he want's to see me, tell him to come to my office because I have some demanding things to do for my meeting with Reichsminister Speer. Good day, Dreyfuss."

Richard hurried back to his office and ignoring Erika's questioning look he stormed in to his inner office and closed the door.

Within a minute a portly soldier, the Commandant, walked briskly into the outer office.

"Yes, Commandant?" Erika asked.

He ignored her and grabbing the handle of the door to Richard office he threw it open.

Richard was calmly writing; he looked up, "Take a seat Commandant. I just wish to finalise my report."

Der Commandant advanced to the edge of Richard's desk and raising his arm he slammed his fist down on the desk just as Reichsminister Speer walked into his inner office flanked by his two assistants. Speer found chairs at the far wall and he and his assistants sat waiting for the Commandant's next move.

The Commandant looked around and choking his anger back, "Good afternoon Reichsminister," he said. He looked befuddled and turning on his heel, he raised his arm in salute, "Heil Hitler!" and made for the door.

Speer rose from his chair and tapped him on his elbow, "Commandant Riddal, I'm glad that you're here, take a seat," he said quietly.

Richard beckoned the two assistants to bring their chairs closer as Der Commandant took the chair closest to his desk. Speer remained standing.

"Riddal," Speer said dropping any formality, "Tell me what you have done about procuring the two automatic turret lathes that Herr Farber requested two weeks ago?"

"They're being processed,"

"Being processed," Speer said quietly as he picked up Richard's phone and handed it to Riddal.

"Get your assistant to bring the procurement orders down here," Speer demanded. He spoke quietly; it was his usual manner that many found menacing.

Der Commandant looked cowed and spoke quietly into the phone. When he had finished, he replaced the phone in its cradle.

"Now Herr Farber, let's get your managers into the meeting room down the hall," Speer said.

Richard pressed the buzzer under his desk and Erika appeared, "Yes Herr Farber."

"Call the managers to the meeting room."

"At once, Herr Farber," Erika said and closed the door.

"Now Riddal let's hear your complaint about Herr Farber and his managers," Speer said.

"This is hardly the place..."

"Now! Riddal." Speer raised his voice and startled Riddal.

Richard watched enjoying Speer's method of control. He knew that he had previously misunderstood Speer, and had found him to be an overpowering presence, but now he could see how his quiet manner and decisive mind had earned him a reputation as an achiever that was trusted by Hitler.

"Well, I believe that Herr Farber is derelict in his duty to the war effort."

"How is he derelict? Spit it out Riddal. I don't have time to dance around the bushes with you!"

"Farber gave his managers leave on Saturday and Sunday leaving the production staff to muddle through until Monday."

"Riddal, do you have control of production?"


"Do you know anything about management? If so, tell me what training you've had, which university?"

There was a knock on Richard's door, "Come!" Richard answered.

"Herr Dreyfuss is here Herr Farber," Erika said.

"Just a moment; have him wait outside," Speer said, as he ushered his two assistants outside and then Erika closed the door.

"You were telling me your management qualifications Riddal," Speer said.

"I'm Commandant of the camp and it's my duty to ensure that everyone is serving Der Fuehrer to the utmost of their ability."

"Your management qualifications Riddal?" Speer asked again, tersely.

"I... I've never been to university, Reichsminister," Riddal said in a soft voice.

"If I understand you correctly you know nothing about management, is that correct?"

"That's not correct, Reichsminister."

"Herr Farber would you call Herr Dreyfuss in here?" Speer asked.

"Yes Herr Farber," Erika said answering the buzzer.

"Show Herr Dreyfuss in."

When Dreyfuss entered, he had lost his arrogant attitude. He carried a file under his arm labelled 'In Progress.' Speer took it from him and opening it, he placed it in front of Riddal.

"Now show me where you have processed the orders for the lathes and the other equipment that I personally asked you to procure three weeks ago," Speer said quietly.

Riddal flicked through the file and found the list of items that Speer had requested. He knew that he was trapped because he had taken no action on the lathes. He turned the file around and showed Speer.

"And where are the lathes?"

"Perhaps Dreyfuss hasn't entered them yet."

"Then they can't be in progress, isn't that correct Riddal?"

Speer moved around Richard's desk and leaned close to Richard's ear, "Herr Farber would you allow me to use your office while I speak with Riddal alone?"

Richard rose, waved Speer into his chair, and beckoned Dreyfuss to follow him. Richard was elated at the outcome as he leaned over Erika's desk. "Be prepared with coffee for Reichsminister Speer and his two assistants."

Erika simply nodded as Richard left the office and set off down the hall to his managers. He entered the meeting room and they all looked at him apprehensively. When he told them that there would be a short delay, he said it with a large smile on his face putting them at their ease. Returning to his office, he sat near the door to his inner office and waited. He could hear the muffled tones of Commandant Riddal trying to bluster his way through Speer's quiet logic.

Suddenly all went quiet and Speer opened the door, "Herr Farber would you come in?"

"Have a seat Herr Farber," Speer said as he closed the door.

"I want you to know that in future all requirements that you have for enhancing your chances of meeting your production targets are to be placed directly with my office. Henceforth Commandant Riddal will have no further role in either procuring your needs or interfering with your management activities. Do you understand what I've said Commandant?"

"Yes Reichsminister, I understand completely."

"Then unless you have anything more to add, please leave us."

Der Commandant saluted but his face was red with anger and he hurriedly left the office.

Richard asked Speer if he would like coffee.

"Yes, but just you and I, and in here for the moment."

Richard buzzed Erika and when she entered, "Coffee for Reichsminister Speer and myself, please Erika."

"I'm pleased that I arrived when I did, it allowed me to quickly clean out the grubby activities of Riddal. He's really not fit to be in control of this camp and I was in half a mind to have him moved out. But why he's been trying to unseat you I can't quite fathom, I checked your record and I found that he's wasted the efforts of our Gestapo who have been tracking you; he's purposely delayed your procurement orders. He's just a grubby little man with nothing more than street fighting as qualifications, but I've fixed him. I want you to let me know if you have any further troubles with him. I expect that you will, as I said he was part of the street gangs and they fight dirty."

"Thank you Reichsminister, it's load off my back, a load I don't need right now."

"I'm looking forward to working with you, especially someone with your proven skills. Riddal put a complaint in about your managers being absent over the weekend. I ripped it up this morning. Your first name is Richard isn't it?"

"Yes Reichsminister," Richard said wondering how he should respond.

"Let's finish our coffee and see how your managers are coping with their increased load."

Speer was impressed with the detailed reports that he received from the managers, which his two assistants filed as they were passed across. As they left the meeting Speer drew Richard aside.

"I don't see the need for weekly follow up meetings, you know what the targets are. Therefore, what I want you to do is this: if you are falling behind then identify the cause and let me know what you need to fix it. Pick up the phone and talk with me directly, it's quicker but follow through in writing in case something gets fouled up."

"Yes Reichsminister," Richard said returning his salute as Speer left his office.

Richard walked on to the main road where Erika's apartment was located. He did not see anything unusual and for the first time in ages, he felt relaxed walking to her home. He looked up, and she waved from inside her window, as he was about to cross the road.

Erika waited until he started knocking then threw the front door open and jumped into his arms. He kept her feet off the ground as he walked inside, he kicked the door closed and kissed her and then hugged her to his chest. He let her down and pulled her blouse from her skirt.

"Lunch first, I've got a lot to tell you."

"It can wait," he said as he reached behind her and undid her brassiere then he pulled her brassiere and her blouse over her head and threw them across the room on to the sofa. She smiled up at him, jutted her breasts into his chest, pulled his head down, and moaned as his tongue penetrated her mouth.

She pulled feverishly at his belt but he stopped her and taking her hand, he led her down the narrow hall to her bedroom.

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