Taking the Road Together - Cover

Taking the Road Together

Copyright© 2005 by Lellan McLemore

Chapter 24: Cinderella

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 24: Cinderella - Darren and Stephanie have grown apart over the years. Darren decides to try to rekindle the passion in their marriage.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic  

"Go, enjoy," she heard Darren say. What was going on? It was his weekend for a fantasy date and he was sending her off to the mall with Cassie. Stephanie was confused.

The past month had been an emotional roller coaster with the big blowup and then the phenomenal high of the renewal of their vows. It was like being newlyweds again. Darren had been attentive both in and out of the bedroom. Stephanie was one satisfied lady. Even a few of her students had commented on how happy she was lately.

She sat in the passenger seat of Cassie's Camry wondering what was up. Going out on Saturdays with Cassie and Christy had been one of Darren's early complaints. Today he practically picked her up and put her in the Camry. It was their anniversary. Stephanie wanted to spend the day with Darren.

Cassie was rambling on about some sale at Dillard's. Stephanie wasn't really interested for a change.

Two hours later, Cassie was dragging Stephanie into Victoria Secret's.

"Buy something fun, Stephy," Cassie said, almost pushing her friend into the store. "I'm paying. After all, it is your anniversary."

Don't rub it in, Stephanie thought to herself.

"What's the matter, Stephy?"

"It's our anniversary and I'm spending the day with you."

"Relax. I'm sure Nerd Boy has something terrific planned for the evening. Here, try this. It ought to spark some wicked thoughts," Cassie said, handing Stephanie a powder blue strapless bustier.

"I don't need one of these to spark those thoughts, Cassie."

"Maybe not, but it's a fun idea, isn't it?"

"Well, yeah."

"So go try it on." Cassie shoo-ed Stephanie off as her cell phone rang.

Darren will like unwrapping this, Stephanie thought to herself as she modeled the bustier in the mirror. Why not? It's not like I have one. I have the white one, but that's different.

"Come on, Stephy," Cassie hissed, knocking on the dressing room door. "Stop ogling yourself. We need to go."

The bustier fit and Cassie paid for it. Cassie was in a hurry all of the sudden. Something was going on. Surely Darren and Cassie weren't doing something together. He hadn't included anyone in any of their fantasy date things before this. He wouldn't dare even suggest...

"What's going on, Cassie?"

"We're going to be late."

"For what?"

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you," Cassie said smiling as she unlocked the car.

"What are you and Darren up to? Come on, you can tell me."

"Nope. No way. You'll find out soon enough."

So something is going on, Stephanie said to herself. She tried every thing she could, but Cassie wouldn't spill the beans. She drove like a mad woman, but she didn't spill the beans.

Finally, Cassie stopped the car beside a large warehouse building. Stephanie got out of the car and followed Cassie through a door, down a hall and into a darkened room.

Cassie closed the door and turned on the light. Stephanie looked around the room. It was set up like a dressing room with two mirrored makeup tables and two absolutely stunning ball gowns. Cassie was already disrobing next to the sea foam green one.

"Come on, Stephy. We've got a ball to attend." Cassie said, pulling her bra off and grabbing her dress.

Stephanie looked at the dress. It was sleeveless and strapless, but it had no support for her boobs. "This isn't going to work, Cassie. It won't support my..."

Cassie just smiled and tossed the bag from Victoria Secret's to her.

Fifteen minutes later, Cassie gently set the tiara that was laying on Stephanie's dressing table on Stephanie's head. Stephanie couldn't believe it. She looked like a princess.

Cassie's phone rang. "Yeah, we're just finishing up."

Cassie hustled to the door, lifting the hem of her skirt. "Your prince will be here in a moment," she said as she swept out the door.

Stephanie stared at herself in the mirror. Like all girls growing up, she wanted to be Cinderella and dance with her prince at the ball. It was just like Darren to use one of his fantasy date things to make her feel special. Cassie was right. She had it all and maybe she didn't need the bustier to spark ideas in Darren's head, but it would give him a thrill and that alone was worth whatever Cassie paid for the thing. It's too bad the bustier didn't come with some nice panties. She'd worn some plain white cotton briefs under her jeans today. They were comfortable, but not terribly sexy.

She felt the wicked gleam as it appeared in her eye. No panties would be infinitely more sexy than the ones she had on. Quickly, she reached under her dress and pulled them down over her stocking clad legs and deposited them in the pile of clothes beside the dressing table.

A soft knock pulled Stephanie out of her reverie and she moved. No princesses glide, she said to herself as she reached the door.

Darren was there. He was gorgeous in his black tux with the red sash. The costume was perfect. He was the very image of a prince in her girlhood dreams.

Darren stood there with his mouth open as he took her in. Stephanie reached up and gently closed it for him. "My prince."

"You're so beautiful, Stephanie," Darren gushed as he held out his arm.

Stephanie placed her hand on his bicep and smiled. "Thank you, Darren."

Darren slowly guided her to a pair of doors. Two men stood beside the doors dressed like servants from some fantasy kingdom. It was all too much. Stephanie pulled Darren's arm and he turned to face her.

"What's going on, Darren?"

"It's a ball to celebrate our anniversary, Princess."

"But why on your fantasy date weekend?"

"How else do I get to dance with a princess, and then after the ball, whisk her away to my tower bedroom and have my way with her?"

"But you can do those things with me anytime."

"Perhaps. But dressing up is fun. Who says fantasies have to be about things we never do? Maybe the best ones are about things we do all the time, just done a little differently. Now come on, the people are waiting for their Princess."

Stephanie smiled. The two men opened the door when Darren nodded. Stephanie watched as the major-domo pounded his staff on the ground and intoned, "Their royal highnesses, Prince Darren and Princess Stephanie."

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