Bush Bashing - Cover

Bush Bashing

Copyright© 2005 by Stormbringer

Chapter 3b

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3b - Bush bashing wife gets her bush bashed by a black secret service agent.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Size  

Evie avoided Donnie the next day as much as she could. She spent time with the kids while Donnie did some yard work. He tried to get her to join him in the pool, but she declined. Later, much to her relief, Donnie went out. Evie was lonely and called Melissa, but she was out also.

She found herself sitting on Donnie's floor reading more dirty stories when she heard him come home. Evie hid, but he never came upstairs.

Curious, Evie left her room and went to find Donnie. He was crumbled on the floor and it didn't look like he was breathing. "Oh my god, Donald!" cried Evie running over to him. He was breathing and had a pulse. She could smell alcohol on his breath and he stirred when she shook him. "Lets get you back to your room."

Donnie leaned on her heavily as they negotiated their way up the stairs. Evie was gasping for air by the time she got him next to the bed. Donnie suddenly came alive and took Evie into his arms. She squirmed as his lips crushed into hers and his probing tongue pushed into her mouth. They fell onto the bed with Donnie on top and Evie's legs spreading around his waist. The massive cock in his pants grew as he ground his crotch against hers. "No, Donald," growled Evie pushing against him.

"Miss Evie?" said Donald opening his heavily lidded eyes. "What is yoush doing in my room?" His words were slurred.

"Just get off me." He rolled off her and was almost instantly asleep.

Evie jumped off the bed and fled the room. She grabbed the phone and dialed a number. "Hello, Pastor Le roi. This is Evie... Yes, I'm fine thanks, but I'm worried about Donald. He came home drunk tonight and acting strange. No, I didn't find any drugs in his room. Search his person? Yes, I suppose he could be hiding them on his person. I'll see what I can do. Thanks Pastor. Sorry to bother you so late."

Evie replaced the phone and climbed the stairs. She entered Donnie's room. He was still asleep, lying on his back. Evie untied and removed his shoes. She shook them to make sure they were empty. She found that his socks were empty to, when she pulled them off. His shirt didn't have pockets, but she unbuttoned it and pulled it open to give him some air. Evie stared at his hard black muscular chest. Her hands shook as she undid his belt. He stirred when she pulled the belt through his jeans. Evie undid his jeans and pulled his zipper down. She knew that milimeters from her fingertips was the giant black cock that she had watched him jerk off earlier. She could see it was still swollen as she spread his jeans open. His white briefs strained with his package. Unzipped, she had easier access to his pockets. They contained nothing more then his wallet and an aspirin bottle. The wallet held some money, but no drugs. Her eyes were about to fall on his driver's liscense which would have told her that he wasn't from New Orleans when Donnie said, "Are you robbing me, Miss Evie?"

Evie stood up straight and flushed red as Donnie sat up. "No, Donald. If you must know, I'm searching for drugs. I'm worried about you. So is Pastor Le Roi"

"I don't have any drugs. I just drank too much tonight."

"You're underage, Donald."

"I know, but the booze helps me meet women. I'm so lonely. I haven't seen my girlfriend since Katrina. I don't even know if shes alive."

"Oh!" Tears welled up in Evie's eyes. "I didn't know."

"I appreciate both you and Leroy's... Le Roi's concern. Go ahead and search me." Donnie pulled his shirt off as he stood up.

"I'm satisfied you don't have any."

"Drug addicts can't be trusted, Miss Evie. You must search me completely. Sit on the bed and pull my pants down."

"Very well." Evie sat before Donald. She grabbed the flaps of his jeans and struggled to pull them over his hips. He stepped out of his pants and stood before her clad in only his underwear. His crotch bulged out obscenely and she could see the shaft twitch underneath the material. "I'm satisfied."

"No. You must be thorough. Pull my underwear down."

Evie gulped, but grabbed the band of his underwear and yanked it down. She had barely known this black stranger a week and had already seen his penis three times. It was swollen and sticking out, angled slightly down. Already a monster, but not even fully grown. "There, no drugs."

"Check under my cock and balls."

Evie tried to bend to see under his shaft, but couldn't. She reached out and lifted the big hose up. She didn't have to hold it upwards long, almost immediately it stayed up by itself, but she didn't let go. She hefted his big balls with her free hand, Each testical was much bigger then her husband's entire scrotum. There were no bags of drugs or anything hidden in his crotch. "Nothing. I'm staisfied you haven't been using. "I'm sorry I doubted you, Donnie." She realeased his shaft.

"Well I'm not satisfied. Look what you did to my cock."


"You made it like that." Donnie bent and grabbed her arm. He brought her hand back over to his shaft. She grabbed it again. You need to take care of it for me."

"What do you mean?"

"Jerk me off."

"Why don't you jerk yourself off?"

"I don't do that. Besides, this is all your fault. You need to finish what you started."

Liar, she thought, but she couldn't admit to watching him masturbate.

"It's the only way I'll forgive you."

"Very well. What do I do?"

Donnie bent over towards his night stand and pulled out a jar of vaseline. He tossed it to her. "Use this."

Evie knew this was wrong, but truthfully, she was thrilled. Her body was already reacting. She could feel her nipples pushing out her bra. She took her time coating the shaft with vaseline. She examined every square inch of Donnie's cock, the bumps, ridges, veins, the flared glands, and even the pee slit which was as wide as her fingernail.

The cock was a rampant, hard, glistening black shaft by the time she finished coating it. She grasped it tightly and let her hand glide up to the head. She moved her hand down and began stroking his shaft. The knob was so flared, it caught her hand and she had to loosen her grip to cover the head. Evie brought her other hand up and rubbed just the head while her second hand stroked the shaft. Donnie seemed to like her playing with the head.

Evie caught herself grinning. She frowned, then tried to make her expression impassive. She shouldn't be doing this. But then, it wasn't really all that bad. It wasn't cheating, just innaproriate. "Is this ok?" she asked.

"Grip it a little tighter and stroke faster. Yeah baby, like that. You're a natural. It's like you were born with a black cock in your hand."

Evie giggled like a little girl. "This feels so weird. Warn me when you're close." She remembered the geyser that erupted from the head when she watched him jerk off.

"I will. If you want to speed things up, talk to me. Describe what you're doing to me. Talk dirty."

Evie wasn't so sure she wanted to speed things up. She wouldn't be doing this again and wanted it to last. She also knew what he was asking. He wanted her to talk like the sluts in the dvd or the dirty stories. "I'm stroking the biggest, blackest cock I've ever seen," she said, feeling rewarded when Donnie groaned. "I didn't know cocks got this big."

"You are a natural. You like that black cock dontcha?"

"I love your big cock, Donnie." Evie felt dirty and slutty. She grinned, annoying herself. "I can't get over how much bigger it is then my husband's. I wish he had a cock like this." Ouch, she shouldn't have said that. Donnie's cock seemed to swell at her comments. She watched the big knobby head harden right before her eyes.

"That's cause your holding a real man's cock, not some little white worm."

"No," cried Evie shaking her head with false denial.

"Yes bitch, a superior man's cock. Suck it. Show that black cock what a white slut can do. SUCK IT!"

Evie's mouth was wrapped around the huge head before she knew what she was doing. She felt compelled to obey him... this superior man. She came to her senses and pulled back just as cum filled her mouth. She gulped automatically tasting a man's seed for the first time. Evie was surprised at his sperm's heat as more filled her mouth. Evie pulled back until the cock plopped out of her mouth. It spit at her, sperm coating her lips and cheek. More sperm shot out, dripping off her chin and staining her blouse. More sperm shot out, into her mouth as she wrapped her lips back around it. Swallowing was less messy. More sperm shot out as she swallowed. More sperm shot out and then some more.

"Thanks Miss Evie. I needed that."

Evie looked up at his muscular body as Donnie turned into a polite young man again. Her lips were still pierced around his pee-slit and her hand was jerking his shaft, milking it for more sperm. She swallowed every drop that came out. His cock was still mostly hard when she released it. "I need to go get cleaned up before the kids get home." Evie fled the room and headed for her shower.

The conversation at dinner was muted. Only Donnie seemed cheerful and did most of the talking. Evie put the children down for the night and came downstairs. She found Donnie outside in the swimming pool. "You're getting good," she said, watching him swim a little. "I feel dirty, Donald."

"Thanks alot."

"No, I mean guilty. You're a perfectly nice boy, but I'm a happily married woman. I don't know what came over me."

"Why don't you join me. The water feels great. It'll help relax you."

"Alright. I'll go change." Evie retrieved her "stars and bars" bikini from her room and quickly changed into it. She didn't bother putting a robe on. She was becoming less self-conscious about her body and had already decided to purchase a more modest bikini to wear in public. The image of Donnie jerking off on his bed flashed into her mind. He liked this bikini.

Donnie watched her come out of the house and slip into the pool. "What happened today can never happen again."

"I was hoping you'd do it a couple times a day for me."

"I'm serious. I may have to find you another place to stay."

"What's wrong with just having some fun?" Donnie swam towards her. "We're not cheating."

"It's wrong."

"Why?" Donnie was standing before her now.

"It just is," said Evie as Donnie grabbed her wrist under water. Her brought it down to his crotch. "You're hard," she asked as her fingers closed around his erect shaft. "And your not wearing a suit."

"Nope. I want you to jerk me off again."

"I can't. It's wrong."

"Why? You enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. Your doing it now."

Evie froze. He had released her wrist and she was slowly stroking his shaft underwater. "This ends now." Evie let go of his shaft. She moved over to the side and lifted herself out.

Donnie's muscular arms lifted him out of the pool, effortlessly. She was still sitting as he stood before her. His monster cock was pointing at her face. "Jerk me off."

Evie's hand went back up to it. "Just once more. After tonight, it ends."

"Suck it for me. Put it back in your mouth. Let me feel those white lips wrapped around my cock."

Evie opened her mouth, then caught herself. Why did she want to obey him? "No, that's too personal."

"How about, I titty fuck you then?"

"What's that?"

"I slide my cock between your tits to get off. You wouldn't have to do anything but lie there. Less to feel guilty about."

"Hmmm, ok."

"Lie down on your back." Donnie retrieved a bottle of suntan lotion from a nearby lounge chair. He kneeled beside her. His hand went out for the string holding her little panties on.

"No. Leave them on. That is for my husband only"

Donnie nodded. He straddled her stomach and reached out for the string behind her neck. He pulled the knot untied. He pulled her top off and tossed it aside. He stared at her breasts for almost a full minute. "Dems the nicest titties I ever saw."

"Ah... thanks." Eve could see her nipples were at thier full puffiness. Embarrassing to her, but they drove men crazy. She watched as Donnie emptied lotion along his huge black shaft like a hotdog vendor would cover a footlong with mustard. Donnie nestled his cock between her breasts then squeezed them together. He bucked his hips, sliding his cock back and forth. Evie bowed her chin, partly to watch this strange scene, partly because his hard cockhead kept banging the bottom of her chin. Now whenever her pushed his cock through, the head brushed her lips. She could smell the coconut lotion coating it.

Donnie wasn't one for playing fair. Her adjusted his hold on her breasts so that his thumb and forefinger could tease her nipples. Evie moaned when Donnie squeezed both her nipples. He flicked them, he tugged on them, he twirled them between his fingers, gently tugging on them like he was milking or jerking them off.

Evie arched her back and moaned. She spread her legs, wishing she could get her fingers down to her crotch. Her nipples were ultra sensitive and driving her crazy. Evie opened her mouth and licked his cockhead the next time he thrust forward. She was losing control. She wanted a big hard cock between her legs. She wanted to rip her bikini bottoms off and bury two fingers deep in her wet pussy. Donnie stopped and held his cock forwards so that she could lick and kiss all over the head before starting his thrusts again. She wanted to slide her finger along her labia. She wanted to tease her clit. She wanted Donnie's big black cock in her pussy. Evie's whole body jerked as she came. The orgasm was huge. Her eyes flew open in shock and then closed again as a wave of sperm covered them.

Donnie released her breasts and aimed his cockhead at her mouth. Once again, Evie found herself swallowing mouthfuls of cum. Her hand found his shaft and jerked it, trying to get every last drop inside her mouth. Give your slut your sperm, she thought.

Donnie climbed off her. "That was great. I'm hitting the sack. See you in the morning." Nude, he walked inside her house. Donnie grabbed the phone and called Kim. "I need you to take her brats tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm gonna fuck her." He hung up.

Evie laid on her back on the cement around the pool. Her face from her lips to her forehead had a thick covering of sperm on it. She brushed some of his cum with her finger towards and into her mouth. She couldn't believe she'd cum that hard without even touching her pussy. Donnie was wrong about titty fucking, she didn't feel less guilty.

Evie awoke with a start. Donnie was standing over her with a tray in his hands. "I thought you'd like some breakfast."

"How nice." She held the covers tight to her nude body. Donnie was only wearing form fitting boxers that left little doubt over the size of his manhood. "What about the kids?"

"KIm and Melissa came and got them. They wanted to take them to the zoo. I didn't think you would mind."

"Not at all. There's plenty of housework I could be doing."

"I thought we might go swimming again."

"A morning swim would be nice. One condition though."

"What's that?"

"You wear a suit this time."

"Of course."

"No more messing around."

"But I thought you liked it."

"No... Not the leas... I liked it, alright. I liked it too much. I hope you understand."

"Oh, I understand. You've never been with a real man. You find it hard to resist my big cock.

"Yes... I mean no. It's just wrong, that's all."

"You're right. Just try to control yourself around me."

Evie gritted her teeth as Donnie winked and left her bedroom. Like this was all her fault? Like she was the one who couldn't control herself? She glanced under the covers and was disgusted to see her body had responded to his presence. Her nipples were at their puffy hardest.

Donnie smirked as he hopped down the stairs. The poor woman wouldn't know what hit her when the exstacy he'd disolved in her morning tea kicked in. He'd taken a hit himself. When he entered the kitchen to finish his own breakfast, he also tossed the little blue pill in his mouth and chased it with some orange juice. He'd wait until he heard the shower to set the video camera up in her room.

Donnie was already in the pool when Evie exited the house. She'd taken awhile to get ready. She'd found dried flakes of semen on her face and took a shower to clean herself off better. She'd also made a better effort to find her modest one piece swimsuit, but it was still missing. She was forced to wear the confederate print bikini again. "I'm really impressed with how fast you took to swimming," she said as he finshed doing some laps.

"I'm really impressed too," he added letting his eyes roam up and down her body.

Evie felt her nipples ache at his stare so she slipped quickly into the water. They swam for some time. Their conversation was decent and avoided sexual topics. Finaly, Evie climbed out of the pool. "You got breakfast. I'll fix us some lunch." She turned to find Donnie had been saring at her ass. "You alright? You have a funny look on your face."

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