Bush Bashing - Cover

Bush Bashing

Copyright© 2005 by Stormbringer

Chapter 3a

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3a - Bush bashing wife gets her bush bashed by a black secret service agent.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Size  

Evie entered the restaurant. She spotted Kim at a table and was surprised to see her sitting with a rather distingushed looking, older black man. The black man was quite large and somewhat handsome. Kim waved and Evie hurried over. Kim stood up and hugged her. "Oh Kim, I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Evie. I'll be looking to you for motherhood advice. Four months along now."

"Oh that's just wonderful. Boy is your life going to change."

"That's what everyone tells us. Evie, may I introduce Pastor Le Roi."

"A pleasure Ma'am." Leroy stood and shook Evie's hand.

"The good Pastor is a friend of my husband. He's from New Orleans."

"Oh what a tragedy." Evie shook her head sadly.

"Indeed! Let us pray." Leroy bowed his head and the two women followed suit. "Father, bless those who have suffered from Katrina and bless those who have aided the needy of my city. We pray for a speedy recovery and a return to normalcy for all those affected by this great tragedy. Amen."

"Amen," replied Evie. "A nice prayer Pastor. May I ask what you're doing away from the city. Surely your spiritual guidance is needed there?"

Kim answered. "Pastor Le Roi is looking for compassionate families to take in displaced persons for Katrina."

"Yes, I'm on a tour of surrounding states looking for good Christians to take in the hurricane's victims. Are you a good Christian Evie?"

"I strive everyday to be one, sir."

"Evie, didn't you mention that Eddie was going away on business next month?"

"Yes. He's off to New Orleans himself."

"Well, the good Pastor here has a teenager who needs shelter for just that month."

Leroy nodded. "Yes, his home was in one of the lesser hit areas and after some cleanup, he will be able to return. He's one of the lucky ones. Is there any way you could put him up?"

"I'm not sure..."

"His name is Donnie, though his friends call him fireplug. He's a great kid, but fell in with the wrong crowd. I'm sure he'll work for his room and board. With your husband gone, Donnie could take care of the yard work or fulfill other husbandly duties." Leroy smiled at Evie.

"Well, I guess we could. I'll need to ask my husband."

"That's fine Miss Evie. You would be doing a great service for the church, the city, the state and your country. When it comes to the poor and disadvantaged, there's a special place in heaven for those who open thier homes..." and legs, thought Leroy.

"This is incredible," said Evie into the phone. "First Kim, now you and only a month behind her. Well congratulations." Evie listened for awhile before finishing the conversation. "Now Melissa, everyone knows condoms aren't 100% effective. I believe that god wanted this to happen and it'll be the greatest thing to happen to you and Mike." The doorbell rang. "Oh, that must be my boarder. Gotta run. Talk to you later."

Evie was so happy for her friends she was grinning as she opened the door. She frowned when she saw an older black youth standing at her doorstep. Her frown deepened when she saw the suitcase. "Yes?"

"Mrs Martin, I'm Donnie. I thought you were expecting me."

"No... I mean yes. No, you're not what I was expecting. I thought I was putting up a teenager."

"I'm eighteen. I am a teenager."

"I'm not sure about this. It isn't appropriate. I thought you were a boy."

"Mrs Martin, I have nowhere else to go."

"Oh boy!" Evie stepped aside. "Well come on in. At least you can join us for lunch."

Evie's son and daughter's eyes went wide when they saw their new guest. "Who's that mama?" asked Eddie Jr.

"This is Donnie. He was suppossed to be staying with us for a month while your daddy's away."

"Doesn't he have a home?"

Donnie interupted. "My home was destroyed when the levees broke in New Orleans." Actually, Donnie lived with his mother seven miles away. "Your mother has agreed to let me stay here..."

Evie was about to open her mouth to state that Donnie could not stay with them when her son said, "Like a good Christian. Mama always says that a good Christian's heart is filled with larges."

"That's largesse, honey."

"There is a special place in heaven for women like your mother, son." Donnie reached over and patted the boys head.

Evie sighed. "How was it Donnie? Katrina and all you had to go through."

Donnie had prepared a phony story. He sat back and tried to look devasted. He told the story of how he had waded waist deep through fetid water to rescue his mother, but when he got to her house, it was too late, she was already dead. Donnie watched a tear roll down Evie's cheek as she listened making him feel guilty for conning her. He continued his story telling how he floated his mother's body out of the house and dragged her onto the roof. He told how her body began to stink and rot on the balmy roof as he waited hour after hour for rescue. Finally when the coastguard helicopter arrived, they wouldn't let him bring his mother with him and he had to abandon the body. The helicopter dropped him off outside a dozen stores that were being looted and he had to walk ten miles to find food and water. By the time he ended, Evie's hands were on his arm squeezing tightly as she sobbed for him.

Evie held Donnie's hand and patted him on the back. "I'm so sorry Donald. That's what you get when you have a corrupt incompetent government."

"You are so right Miss Evie. I swear Bush and the Republicans must really hate black people."

Evie released his hand and sat up. "I was refering to your Democrat Mayor and Governor."

"Oh yeah. Them to I suppose."

"As for Republicans hating black people, lets not forget that they freed your people from slavery. It was also Republicans that got the equal rights amendment passed. Democrats founded the KKK and tried to stop integration in the South."

"I didn't know that. Maybe I should vote Republican." Donnie had been informed, Evie was very political.

Evie's eyes lit up at the thought of making a GOP convert. "Alright, You can stay."

Evie was pleased how well things went with Donnie the first few days. She made the black teen listen to Rush Limbaugh when they drove to the supermarket and he seemed to agree with her comments while watching fox news every night. He mowed the lawn, helped her with dishes and seemed to get along with the children. Her only complaint was that he never shut the bathroom door when using the toilet or showering. Evie had to walk past the bathroom to get anywhere in the house and she would always avert her eyes and shut the door for him lest she accidentaly view him naked.

After Donnie had been with her four days, Evie came home from running errands and bumped into Melissa leaving her house. Her friend looked disheveled and tired, but had a big grin on her face. "Melissa, what brings you here?" Evie kissed her friend on the cheek and patted the small bulge under Melissa's belly.

"I stopped by to see if you wanted to go shopping."

"I'd love to. We can buy some baby stuff for you."

"Well, I already went. I came by a couple hours ago. Donnie went with me."

"Oh! Well what did you buy?"

"Ah nothing really. My heart wasn't in it without you there. Look, I gotta run. Maybe we can go soon." Bye." Melissa kissed Evie on the cheek and hurried to her car.

"Bye," called out Evie. She entered her house and said, "looks like Donnie didn'y buy anything either. She heard the shower running and shook her head when she saw he'd left the door open again. Odd time of the day for a shower, she thought. Meliissa had looked sweaty too. Shopping must have been quite the workout for them. Donnie's bedroom door was open. She didn't see any shopping bags and frowned when she saw the state of disaray his sheets were in. He usually made the bed every morning. His clothes were spread about the floor. She was ready to go pull his bathroom door shut again when a loud grunt and bang erupted from the bathroom.

Evie ran to the bathroom. Donnie was spread- eagled on the floor, his back propped up against the shower and his head hung over the tub. "Oh Jesus!" she cried. Her mind registered what appeared to be a huge appendage between his legs, but she was too worried about him. "Donald, Donnie, are you alright?" she asked stepping over one leg.

Donnie opened his eyes and shook his head. "Wh... what happened?"

"Looks like you fell." Evie kneeled beside him. She cupped his head. "I don't feel a bump." She reached around him with her other hand and turned off the water.

"I'm ok. Just stunned. How's the rest of me look?"

Evie looked down his body. He had a tall, lean build, but was incredibly muscular. Every muscle was well defined on his hard chest and stomach. His body glistened with water from the shower. Despite being a bit thuggish, Donnie was quite the hunk. When her eyes found their way between his legs, she couldn't take her eyes away from his large penis. It dwarfed her husband's smallish penis by more then half. Donnie's penis was freakishly big, nearly a foot long, snaking along her tiled floor. It was thick too and the knobby end was fat with a huge flair along the helmet. Two testicles sized to go with the large phallus were splayed along her floor also. "The rest of you looks fine," she answered. "Let me help you up."

"Ok." Donnie held his arm out and she put it around her shoulder. He struggled to his feet. "Dizzy!"

Evie caught him as he turned into her. His wet body crushed her within his arms in a tight bear hug as he pressed into her. "Donnie, you alright?" She could feel his massive genitals pressed into her belly. They even seemed to twitch and swell a little.

"Fine, just get me to my room."

Evie pulled back and helped a struggling Donnie to her guest room. She laid him down on the bed and he rested back against the pillow. The monster between his legs had indeed swollen a little. It no longer rested against the matress, but hovered above it, struggling to rise higher. She pulled the covers over it. "Let me get you an ice pack."

Evie hurried to the kitchen to get the poor teen some ice. Her mind kept bringing up the image of his huge penis. It was inappropriate, so she tired to supress the image, but feared the picture was burned in her brain forever. "Poor boy," she mumbled, thinking that no woman could ever handle such a monster.

Evie returned to the bedroom holding some ice wrapped in a washcloth. The bedspread had been pulled down again and Evie gasped to see his penis again. This time fully erect! There was no denying it's immense size. It was clearly a foot long topped by a bulbous, fat, mushroom capped head. "Sorry," said Donnie, "my cock gets like this all the time." He grabbed the base and lifted it, so that the magnificent shaft pointed straight in the air. "I can't control it."

"I know how boys are," she replied wondering if her husband's penis had ever gotten this hard. Eddie never got fully erect and Evie usually had to squeeze it to make it hard enough to enter her. "And please Donald, don't use crude slang in my house."

"What do you mean, Miss Evie?" Donnie held the ice pack to his head.

"Your thingy is a penis, not a... a cock." Evie reached for the covers, her hand paused a foot from where he was still holding the huge penis straight up. Evie was struck by a strong impulse to grasp the monster. These impulses had plagued her as a young woman. Once her husband, had been sitting on the bed while she pulled his pants off. As his semi-erect penis sprang free, she'd given into an impulse to kiss it. Eddie had gasped, but pulled her mouth quickly away and refused to kiss her the rest of the night. Their method of birth control was the rhythym method. She'd given in to another impulse soon after marriage, wrapping her legs tight around her husband's waist attempting to pull him deeper inside her preventing him from pulling out and that was how Eddie Jr had been born. Her second child was born from a similar impulse. Evie was astride Eddie grinding her crotch into his wishing he was harder and deeper. Just when it started to feel good, he bucked once, shooting his seed in her.

Before she could control herself, she gave in to the impulse again. Her hand moved the foot to his shaft and grabbed it by the base as Donnie released it from his grip. Evie was now holding a fully erect black penis. It was impossibly big, impossibly hard. It was like holding a big mag flashlight. Her impulse screamed at her to stroke the thick shaft. Donnie stared at her expectantly. Evie reached out with her other hand and grabbed the bedspread, fighting the impulse. As she pulled the cover over his penis creating a pyramid under the bedspread. She pulled his penis down and gave in to the impulse. Her hand moved up from the base, sliding over thick, pulsing veins. The shaft widened as her hand approached the head, then her hand caught on the huge flair. She widened her grip and grasped the head feeling something squirt in her palm as she released it. "You just keep that thing covered up, ok?" she said awkardly.

"Of course, Miss Evie."

"How's your head? Still dizzy?"

"No I feel much better, thanks."

"Good. Rest up until dinner and I'll see you then." A flushed Evie quickly left the room. She became aware that her breasts were aching. Her nipples were hard, clearly visible through her blouse and bra, and they were painfully rubbing against the material. Her nipples were big, sensitive, and a continual source of embarrassment for her. God had given her a body made for sin and her impulses were a test of her faith.

The bedsprings started squeaking in Donnie's room and she could hear him grunting. Asleep already, she thought and having a nightmare. The noise didn't stop until fifteen minutes later.

Evie ordered Donnie to rest up and go to bed early right after dinner. She put the children to bed and read them a story before turning the lights out.

Evie moved her arms, her body gliding sleekly through the water. It was her habit to swim laps every morning to keep fit. She was one of those people gifted with good genes, but she had gained a few pounds after having her children. The extra weight was gone around her stomach and ass now, but lingered in her breasts. Always a big C-cup, she now wore a double D sized bra. They showed no sign of ever shrinking back to normal.

Evie climbed from the pool and wrapped a towel around her hair. She was wearing her two piece swimsuit. It wasn't a bikini. The panties came to her belly button. The top was more like a sports bra. She wore this suit at home for swimming and tanning. She had a one piece suit she kept at the gym, wearing it for vacations or using the gym pool with Kim and Melissa. She did have a bikini, but had only worn it once five years ago for Eddie. He loved it, but ordered her to throw the thing away. It was buried under her shoes in the closet.

Evie's body dripped water to the cement around the pool. She was tall at 5'11", taller then her husband. She had long shapely legs, tanned and fit with a long torso. Her rear end was firm and well rounded. It filled out any type of pants she wore especially jeans. Her waist was tapered and lean giving her an almost Barbie dollish figure. Her hair was a thick, lusterous, raven-black. It was curly and hung down to her clavicles, but she wore it up in public. Wayward strands of hair often fell across her piercing dark eyes or curled across her cheeks towards her mouth. Except for her legs and arms, her skin was a very pale white with few blemishes. Her white complexion contrasted with her dark black hair, but looked stunning. She wore no nail polish or other adornment save her wedding ring. Men stared at her. Six years of marriage and she still caught Eddie staring at her. Kim and Melissa's husband's stared at her. Men at the gym stared at her and most had hit on her until they realized, she was married and uninterested.

Evie didn't need her large bosom to attract male attention, but her breasts made things worse. They were amazingly firm for their size only sagging a little after having her second child. Her nipples had once proudly jutted upwards, but now pointed straight out. Her areola were slightly larger then the diameter of a soda can. The nipple itself, the diamteter of a dime and nearly half an inch long. Her nipples hardened easily. They grew swollen rubbing against her bra, from a slight chill swiming in the pool, the lingering glance of a stranger. Worse, it wasn't just her nipple that hardened, her entire areola puffed up. The outline clearly visible through her clothes. Sweaters hid her nipples, but in Mississippi, it rarely grew cold enough for sweaters. They were also overly sexually sensitive. Evie had only orgasmed several times with Eddie. Both occured when she was astride her husband, grinding her crotch into his while squeezing her nipples between her fingers.

This was the body Donnie was staring at through the bedroom window. Evie saw him staring and pulled the towel off her hair to cover her body. She waved and he waved back.

Donnie went to do his laundry and saw Evie's two piece bathing suit lying out still wet. He picked it up and sniffed the crotch. It smelled of chlorine so he was disappointed.

"Donnie, want some lunch?"

Donnie jumped when he heard Evie's voice. He paniced and wadded up her two piece, shoving it under a pile of clothes.

Today was yard work day and it was hot. Evie had sent the children off to Melissa's so that she could have the entire afternoon free. Evie was taking care of the garden and planting flowers while Donnie trimmed the hedges and mowed the lawn. It was sweltering days like today that made her thankful to have Donnie around for help.

Donnie was wearing jeans without a shirt and reflective shades hid his eyes. His chest glistened with sweat. Evie was wearing a tank top and shorts. The sweat made her top cling to her body. Her knees were dirty and stained green from kneeling in the grass.

"I've had enough," she called to Donnie. "It's too darn hot. What say we take a dip in the pool?"

"Sounds good, Miss Evie, but I can't swim."

"It's not that deep. You're so tall, I doubt if there is a spot where your head would be underwater. I'll give you some pointers on swimming."

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