Bush Bashing - Cover

Bush Bashing

Copyright© 2005 by Stormbringer

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Bush bashing wife gets her bush bashed by a black secret service agent.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Reluctant   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Size  

"There's the target," said Leroy nodding towards the house.

"Damn!" Deon Brown watched the woman kiss her husband goodbye as he left for work. The woman was Melissa Stevens, an extremely atractive blue-eyed blonde. "Damn," said Deon again as Melissa looked around and quickly opened her robe to flash her departing husband. Her angle prevented either black man from seeing her body, but there was no hiding the fact it must have been an impressive view. "He's gone, lets go get her."

"Fuck! Wait, looks like she's got company."

Deon was an old fat man in his midsixties. "Damn! There's another sexy bitch."

Leroy watched a modestly dressed, but clearly well built woman hustle two kids out of her car. "That must be Evie. That has got to be one killer body she's hiding under those clothes."

"Well lets fuck her too. We'll fuck both of them."

"Maybe, but she knows about the secret service scam. She helped me set up Kim. I'm still willing to try something else though."

"Well if we can't grab Melissa now, let's go get me an egg mcmuffin or five." Deon patted his immense belly.

Melissa always had second thoughts about having children whenever she watched Evie's kids.

"How were they?" asked Evie as she picked her son and daughter up around noon.

"Makes me want to start taking birth control again."

"That bad, huh? Well thanks for watching them. Talk to you later."

"See ya." Melissa closed the door. No sooner had Evie's car pulled out of the driveway, then her doorbell rang. Melissa opened her door thinking that Evie had forgotten something. "Yes?" She jumped when she saw the two black men. Both wore dark suits and ties with sunglasses.

"Melissa Stevens, I'm agent Johnson with the secret service. This is agent Brown."

"What's this about?" she asked. Johnson was a good looking muscular man in his mid fifties. Brown was older and very fat. He was also staring at her body. Melissa had showered, but not really bothered dressing to babysit. She was wearing a form hugging spaghetti strap top with a lacy black bra underneath. The top stopped about an inch above her belly button. She also had on sweat pants that rode low on her hips leaving the tops of her thong hanging out. Her feet were bare.

"Do you know, Kim Anderson?"

"She's my best friend."

The two black men looked at each other. "Mrs Anderson is being investigated for making terroristic threats against the President at a local restaurant last week."

"Oh that." Melissa laughed. "We were joking around. It was nothing."

"Witnesses say that Mrs Anderson threatened to shoot the president and that you suggested invading Washington."

"I said no such thing. I mentioned something about marching on Washington."

"You admit it," spoke the fat man.

"No. I was talking about a protest march. We were joking. Just upset that Bush gets to nominate a supreme court justice and now two."

"Maam, I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to come with us."

"For what?"

"You need to be interrogated."

"Jesus! My husband is gonna kill me."

Johnson looked around the room. "Mrs Stevens, if you're telling the truth and you're innocent, we'll have you back here in a couple of hours. Mr Stevens wouldn't even need to know you were gone."

"I'll go change then."

"Sorry, but we can't allow you out of our sight. You'll need to remain dressed as you are. You may put shoes on. Come with us please. We'll forego handcuffing you."

"Well thanks for that I guess." Melissa followed the two black men out to a beat-up sedan. The fat one opened the back door for her and she slid in beside a pile of egg mcmuffin wrappers.

Johnson started the car and they drove off.

They only drove for around ten minutes before pulling into a run down motel. "Hey! How come we aren't going to the police station?"

"This is a department of homeland security and secret service matter, Mrs Stevens. Not a police matter. Besides, if we had comandeered the local police department for this investigation, we would of had to fill out a police report on you and it would have made the local news."

"That's a relief then."

The sedan pulled around back of the motel to a pair of connected bungalows. The handsome black man opened the car door for her while the obese one unlocked the door to the left room.

Agent Johnson placed his hand on the small of Melissa's back and guided her towards the door. Melissa entered the stripped down motel room. It didn't have a television. The bed was stripped of sheets and blankets. The room did have several chairs and what appeared to be additional lighting around the bed. Several video cameras were set up on tripods, the lenses aimed towards the bed.

"We'll need to search you, Mrs Stevens." Leroy

stooped and yanked, Melissa's sweat pants down.

"What! What the hell do you think you are doing?" Melissa's ass was exposed to the black man. Her lacy black thong was something she only wore in front of her husband.

"The is the age of terrorism, Mrs Stevens," said Leroy standing. "Step out of the pants, please." He kicked her sweats over to Deon, who gathered them up. "These days, weapons may be extremely minute and hidden in the most unlikely places. Arms up." When Melissa complied, Leroy pulled her top off over her head. He stepped back.

Melissa hunched over and tried to cover her body. She held her arm across her skimpy black bra. She was also aware that her shaven pelvic mound was visible through her panty. She held her hand across to cover it. "Seen enough?"

"Nope. Move your arms and stand up straight. Turn around for the cameras."

Melissa sobbed as she obeyed the commands. She was gonna kill Kim when this ordeal was all over.

Leroy stared intently at her body. So did Deon, the fat man breaking out in a sweat. Leroy stated, "Let the record show, Mellisa Stevens does not appear to be hiding weapons. Agent Brown is taking her clothing next door for testing. Mrs Stevens, now remove the rest of it."

"You mean, nude?"

"Yes, as I stated weapons may be hidden in the smallest of places, your bra cups or the lining of your panties for example."

"I'm not going to strip naked for you. I know my rights."

Leroy sighed. "Let the record show that, Mrs Stevens is not being compliant. Agent Brown please go remove the rest of Mrs Stevens' clothes for testing."

"W-wait! Wait, I'll do it," said Melissa when the obese black man took a step towards her. She reached behind herself and unclasped the bra. Melissa tossed it to agent Brown.

Leroy nodded approvingly. Melissa's tits were magnificent. "Mrs Stevens attittude has improved. I don't believe at this time that a cavity search will be necessary."

Melissa turned pale and quickly pulled down her thong. She decided to let the two black men get an eye full and no longer tried to hide her


"Turn around, spread your legs, bend down and touch your ankles."

Melissa slowly did what she was told. "What is this for?"

"I wont need to do a physical cavity search, but I still need to do an optical one."

Melissa started to cry. She felt like she was exposed to the big black man. Worse, the fat one seeemd to be looking over the handsome one's shoulder. She could even feel agent Johson's breath on her privates. She jumped when he placed his hands on her thighs just under her ass. "Please?" she begged.

"Just need a slightly better view." Leroy used his thumbs to spread her pussy lips apart. "Looks clean."

"I concur," said Deon.

"Great. Can I get dressed now?"

"Not until we run tests on your clothes. It should only be an hour or more."

"You expect me to sit here naked the whole time.

"Yes, we do. Agent Brown, shall we adjourn?"


"Shall we move to the next room?"


Donnie sat reading a magazine in the next room. He heard a car door slam outside just as the two other black men entered. Leroy peaked out the window. "It's her. You two get on over back to Melissa's room."

Donnie stood and placed his hands behind his back. Deon cuffed his wrists together with fake handcuffs. Leroy was stripping as they left

the room.

"Jes... I mean Allah be praised," Donnie gasped as he saw Melissa naked.

Melissa let out a little scream and tried to cover her breasts and pussy with her hands. "What the hell?"

Donnie couldn't get over the magnificent creature standing before him. His cock swelled up slightly. This bitch was the head cheerleader, the prom queen, the girl next door centerfold with a porn stars body and he- a janitor/ dropout- was going to fuck her. "That's her, dude."

"Who this woman here?" Deon pointed at Melissa. He walked over behind the poor woman and pulled her arms away from her body. "Get a good look," he said winking at Donnie.

"That's her. She and the other woman is my boss."

"I've never seen this man before," cried Melissa indignantly.

Deon released Melissa and walked back over to Donnie. "State for the cameras who you are. Are you Donnie Jefferson, aka Donnie Do-rag, aka Fireplug Jefferson?"

"No, they was my slave names. My name is Tariq Mohammed, yo."

"And you recognize this woman?"

"Her and her friend are the leaders of our cell."

"Did they ever threaten the president?"

"All the time, yo."

"If you're telling the truth, the courts will be lenient."

"He's lying," screamed, Melissa.

"It's against my religion to lie."

"Don't worry, Mrs Stevens the US government will discover the truth. Fireplug here thinks he's a big shot terrorist, but we suspect he's just a second rate drug dealer." Deon walked behind Donnie and undid his cuffs. "Step two steps in front of me and remove your clothes."

Donnie did as he was told. He was facing Melissa as he stripped. He noticed she was less concerned by her own nudity. She kept her breasts bare, but both hands over her crotch. He felt a brief twinge of guilt. The poor woman looked distraught and on the verge of a breakdown. Her cheeks were wet and her eyes red from crying. Her hair was mussed. But still she was hot and he was going to fuck her or more importantly, she was going to willingly fuck him.

Melissa's eyes widened when he bared his chest. He had a fit young body, each muscle, hard and well-defined. He unzipped his pants and waited until he was sure her eyes were focused on his crotch before quickly yanking them down. He wasn't wearing underwear.

Melissa frowned. Her eyes narrowed then widened. Her mind refused to believe what it was seeing. Her jaw dropped, then the words. "Oh mygod," came out of her mouth.

"You alright Mrs Stevens?" asked Deon.

"She fine," growled Donnie. He was trying to keep his cock from growing to full size and it wasn't easy. "She never seen a black cock before."

"N-no I haven't." Melissa's husband was no slouch in the penis department at maybe six and a half inches, but Donnie was twice that long and maybe three times as thick. The huge cock was topped by an even more massive cockhead. It was dark black with a long curved flair around the shaft.

"Sit down Donnie," said Deon indicating a chair. When Donnie sat, Deon reapplied the handcuffs. "There is a way to get to the truth here. I can administer a truth drug."

"No way," said Donnie.

"Then you are lying," accused Deon.

"Whats this drug entail?" asked Melissa. She walked over and sat down on the stripped down bed.

"Simple pill disolved in a glass of water. You won't taste it and the effects will only last a few hours. The benefit is that if you are proved innocent, we'll have you home by this afternoon."

"I'll take it."

"Me too," said Donnie with a smirk. "I'm just a pawn in her terrorist scheme."

"I'll mix the drinks," said Deon. Leroy would not have approved. The older black man had some principles. He didn't know Donnie really was a small time drug dealer. As for Deon, he just wanted to sink his dick in some white pussy and he figured, if they were stoned, they wouldn't be disgusted by his fat. Deon dropped some exstacy in a glass for Melissa. Donnie also got a hit a X along with the little blue pill. Donnie felt he could handle both. Deon took them their drinks. He held Donnie's up for him to drink, since his hands were still cuffed. "I'll be back in an hour when the drugs kick in. Yell if you need anything." Deon left and reentered the other room.

Kim knocked on the hotel room door. It opened and she entered the room. The door closed behind her. She turned. Agent Johnson stood behind her, nude, his cock already plumping up. Kim took a step backward. "Agent Johnson, what are you doing?"

"Just waiting for you, Mrs Anderson."

"I ah thought I was here to meet with your supervisor."

"He's detained. We have some time to ourselves. You haven't forgotten how good this cock felt in you have you?" The black man hefted the big log.

"No." Kim could never forget that day. "But..." My husband, your supervisor, your black, I'm married, it was the best sex of my life, you've had a vasectomy, no consequences, I love that big black cock, I need it in my pussy.

"But what, Mrs Anderson?"

"But what are we waiting for?" Kim started unbuttoning her blouse staring at his cock the whole time. It grew to it's full foot long length. Kim had smooth pale white skin, with long raven tresses falling down her back. A former nerd, she had blossomed in college loosing her braces and getting contacts. Her body now rivaled any porn stars.

Leroy watched her magnificent body expose itself. Watching two such beautiful white women strip in one days was almost more then he could handle. When she was nude, Kim fell to her knees and grabbed the base of his cock.

Kim licked around the black man's cockhead. Her pussy dripped with anticipation eager to have it inside. Something had changed in her after fucking this cock. She thought of Agent Johnson everyday. The first time she'd slept with her husband after Johnson had been a depressing disappointment. She needed more. In Kim's purse was a list she'd started making. A list of black men she might seduce into fucking her regularly.

Kim bobbed her head over Johnson's shaft. Her belly growled in anticipation. She knew this stud would have no trouble cumming several times even though he was old enough to be her father. Kim massaged his balls and stroked the base of his shaft to speed him up. There was no telling when his supervisor might return.

Kim felt herself becoming addicted to this cock. It grew in her mouth, the swelling making it even harder. Cum filled her mouth as the cock gave a little jerk. She gulped his sperm, swallowing as fast as she could, but it still poured down her chin. Kim didn't start stroking his cock until she was sure the last little bit had drained from his balls.

Leroy walked over to the bed, stroking his cock to keep it hard. He laid down on his back and held his cock up. "Come mount me."

Kim walked over to the bed. "These aren't on, are they?" she asked noticing the cameras.

"No, they're here for the final interview. I wouldn't want to risk my job by having a sex tape with a terrorist suspect make the rounds of the office."

"Of course." Kim straddled him. She lowered herself over his shaft, feeling the fat cockhead press against her pussy. She slammed down, impaling herself on his shaft and found herself cumming immediately. Her pussy had adapted to this big cock and never snapped back to normal. She didn't feel satisfied anymore without a golfball sized cockhead pushing into her womb. What would she do without him?

Agent Johnson grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them apart as she bounced on his dick.

She felt his finger press against her anus. But it wasn't his finger. He was holding her cheeks. The thing pushed hard against her rectum. It was big. "My boss," whispered Johnson. "Treat him as well as me and you're home free."

"It hurts," gasped Kim as her rectum stretched open. She pictured another black man standing behind her. He was as handsome as agent Johnson with a fit muscular body and a huge cock. Her pussy quivered with lust.

Sweat glistened on Deon's quivering flesh as he pushed his fat cock deep inside Kim's ass.

"Got you, jerk," said Melissa with a sneer. "This drug will prove you are a liar."

"Says you," laughed Donnie. "I know you aint no terrorist, but if it helps keep me out of jail, fuck you."

"Thanks for the confession, asshole." Melissa nodded towards the cameras.

"They aint running fool," lied Donnie. "They is just the standby lights. The pig has the remote in his hands and I saw him click them off."


"I'd sure love too."


"I'd sure love to fuck that white pussy. Shove twelve inches of dark meat up that tight little twat."

"What are you doing?" Melissa stared aghast at Donnie's rapidly sweling cock. It stretched out an inch, then began to swell. As it swelled, the shaft began to rise.

"I bet it would be like fucking a virgin. My big black cock would stretch you out like hubby never could. It would ruin you for white dicks. Wish I could swell that belly with a black baby, if I wasn't fucking sterile." His cock was completely hard now. The big head, a fat round knob, the flair wide and pronounced.

"Stop it! Agent Brown, Agent Johnson, I need you." There was no response.

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