The Author - Cover

The Author

by Bisamrattan

Copyright© 2025 by Bisamrattan

Fiction Sex Story: A metamodern story where the characters are aware that they are the characters of the story. A teenage girl searches for The Author of her story and finally meets him...

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Public Sex   .

“May I borrow your nail polish?” Tina reached for the shelf.


May lifted her arms and twisted in front of the mirror, testing her carnival look. Her clothes - which were really just two belts and a bunch of colourful stripes covering her breasts and hips - swirled around her, revealing her tanned, naked body completely.

Still naked, Tina took the bottle, sat down on the sofa with her knee pulled up to her chest and began to paint her toenails a vibrant yellow. May put her foot against the wall and inspected her own, bright red and green. Perfect!

May twisted again, thinking of the warm summer night ahead of them, all the dancing, laughing, drinking, kissing, excited quickies with strangers, and later picking someone for a hot sex night ... Or maybe she’ll be lucky to be picked for the all-night gangbang ... The butterflies in her stomach had always been damn easy to stir, and now they were fluttering merrier than ever. She was so damn happy to be living in this day and age.

Tina finished painting her toenails, spread her toes to let them dry, and began to paint her lips, eyelids and nipples gold. For this carnival she had chosen only the short skirt, which hid nothing.

“Could you go any faster?” May crossed the room with dancing steps. “We’re going to be late!”

“Don’t worry.” Tina stretched in front of the mirror, inspected herself critically, then added a butt plug with a fluffy fox tail attached. Then she picked up her skirt. “There’s never anything exciting in the beginning. Let’s extend the foreplay!”

They laughed.

“Make us some coffee before we go,” Tina added.

May nodded, and went to the kitchenette corner.

All ready for the carnival, they sat side by side, feeling the touch of each other’s warm skin, kissing, tasting the coffee on each other’s lips. They teasingly ran their fingers along each other’s exposed slits. They both knew they’d bring each other to orgasm before they left, but they still had to finish the coffee.

“Mmm...” May laid her head on Tina’s shoulder, twitching slightly as Tina’s fingertips reached her clit. “Life can’t get any better ... God must love me!”

“There’s no God,” Tina chuckled, biting May’s earlobe playfully. “There’s only The Author.”

“Hm? No God?...” May leaned back on the bed and stretched. She had heard all this talk about The Author, but had not really paid attention. The God, The Author - what’s the difference?... “Then why do we scream ‘Oh God’ when we orgasm?”

“Because it’s a meme,” Tina said. “I mean, it’s not real.”

“As if The Author is real!”

“You really shouldn’t skip Litherology classes!” Tina began to gently finger her friend. May groaned and wrapped her legs around Tina’s shoulders. “Everyone knows that our world is written by The Author! The signs are unmistakable: our lives correspond exactly to the canons of storytelling, and there are a limited number of life plots and personality types, just seasoned with different fine details...”

May was not really listening, she was rolling deep in waves of pleasure. A warm breath, soft licks, the sensation of a wet tongue, small bites on the buttocks, tingling of the labia ... Tina, who knew her friend’s body as well as her own, brought May quickly and steadily to her climax.

When May had recovered, the girls changed places and it was Tina’s turn to moan. May took the vibrator and began to tease her friend.

“So what about The Author?” she asked dreamily, just to get her friend talking through her ever increasing arousal.

“There’s no word but by The ... Aaahhh ... Author, and His words are ... mmm ... divine ... divine ... And we are ... aaahhh ... His words ... Ooohhh! Maaay!”

After a few more strokes, Tina shuddered with a trembling orgasm. May sealed her lips with a kiss.

As soon as Tina had regained her senses, the girls adjusted their makeup and almost non-existent clothes, and walked barefoot to the central square. The streets were crowded with people joining the carnival. May and Tina’s outfits were among the most revealing, but far from unique. They walked the noisy streets, arm in arm, joking and flirting.

In the main square, dancing was already underway and the DJ was playing May and Tina’s favourite songs. A fast rhythm attracted young, almost naked bodies, and a long table with a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks was swarming with mouths desperate for refreshment.

The girls were no exception.

The pleasant coolness of the glass, the music, a quickie next to the snack bar tent, a long, wild dance, another quickie, May’s laughter, and Tina’s hands around a handsome man’s neck, his hands up her skirt - and this night, like every year, passed in a triumphant flurry of joyous sensations.

But somewhere in the back of her mind, May could not stop thinking about The Author.

“Why do we refer to The Author as ‘he’?” she asked Tina as they rested on the cool grass between rounds of dancing (and sex). “Nobody has seen him! He could be her, or them too!”

Tina thought for a while, twisting her foxtail anal plug between her fingers. She decided against pushing it back and hung it around her neck.

“Well,” she said, “there was the contextual analysis done decades ago and repeated many times. Subtle but obvious signs point to an exclusively male predilection: an exclusively heterosexual attitude towards the women, including a noticeable objectification, a very specific fetish in scenes about slender barefoot teenage girls, and a rather detailed description of an erect cock. Although the latter is the subject of some debate, as he also describes female sensations quite well.”


Before May got bored, they were surrounded by a large group of laughing, sweating and increasingly drunk men and women who were tired of dancing and hungry for distraction. As everyone seemed to be in a playful mood, and the number of clothes among the partygoers was not excessive, it did not take long for the girls to be pulled into a nice group sex pile.

Tina thirstily sucked one dick after another, sometimes switching to kissing swollen labia, smearing them with cum from her mouth. May had fun playing with two pairs of soft, springy female breasts - and the women pinched her nipples too. A handsome man had lifted her off the ground and thrust his hard cock deep into her ass from behind, and another had approached them from the front and penetrated May’s pussy. The pleasant weight of people’s bodies, the sounds of their moans, the smell of stale, perfumed sweat mixed with sperm and vaginal juices, the touch of a hard cock, a wriggling ass, sticky fingers, and finally the blissful screams and orgasms - May loved all these things, she never tired of them, even if they marked her life every other day.

Then there was more drinking and dancing. The carnival slowed to a crawl as the crowd split into couples and groups to end the night with lengthy sex in their homes. Tina and May barely had time to kiss before they were pulled aside. Tina was picked up by the muscular dark-haired guy who had been staring at her with lust in his eyes for the last half hour. She melted just by looking at his strong body. And May was lucky: she and another grinning girl were chosen by a dozen teenage boys! Ohhh the gangbang! She felt shivers of anticipation!

“I’m May!” she told the girl.

“I’m Alice! Do you know thow boys?”

“Nope! And you?”

“Just met them!”

They laughed.

“Can’t wait for all their dicks in me!”

They hugged and kissed passionately. The boys led them into a room with no furniture, just a couple of mattresses on the floor, laid them side by side and took turns fucking them. Alice’s breasts were small, firm and tasty, she threw one of her strong legs over May’s and they squeezed each other’s hands as they thrust their hips forward, rubbing their clits against the boys’ bushes, panting and moaning almost in unison.

May lost herself in the euphoric pleasures of this orgy, pausing occasionally to drink from a water bottle. She lost track of the bodies on top of her, the lips and hands touching her everywhere, the dicks penetrating all her holes ... Her orgasms merged into non-stop waves of pleasure that drowned her deeper and deeper...

She woke up at dawn in the same room, surrounded by naked bodies breathing and snoring peacefully. The air smelled of sweat and sperm - the scent May liked best! She felt Alice’s forehead on her shoulder. Both girls were covered in drying cum. It tasted slightly salty when she licked her lips.

“Life couldn’t get any better!” May thought, grinning and enjoying her relaxed comfort. “And the next event will be the day after, and in the meantime I can bask in the afterglow of this wonderful fuck night...”

Then she remembered yesterday’s talks about The Author. If all their lives were just stories, was she now in the main plot or just a side-line, she wondered. Was Tina now wandering the streets of a city in a pink dawn, dried semen on her face, her foxy tail peeking out from under her short skirt, looking for another adventure? Is she trying to reach The Author like May? And what about herself now? Or was her porn story already over, deleted by an indifferent jerk who couldn’t get his sexy teenage slut despite trying every week for the last few months? But that might not be a problem if they were edited into a story collection with recurring characters...

If only I could ask The Author, she thought, staring at the ceiling.

“Well, you could.” Glowing letters appeared and slowly faded above her like a flashing neon sign.


Were her thoughts coming true?

May glanced sideways at her still-sleeping partners. No one else was awake to confirm that she wasn’t delirious. What did it mean - ‘you might’? Did The Author (or Authoress) really hear her? How did she write to him?

“Hey, The Author,” she thought, “maybe The Authoress! Take me to your place, please!”

“Okay,” the letters replied. “Get up and go to the West Quarters. I will guide you.”


In a few seconds she got up quietly, wiped herself as thoroughly as she could with someone’s shirt - let her scent be the gift to the unknown boy, she chuckled to herself - found her carnival outfit and was out the door, fastening the thin belts around her breasts and hips.

She walked through the streets, empty at dawn, shivering with the cool air and excitement. The morning sun splashed the picturesque city with light, her feet stumbling on the uneven cobblestones, and May had to control herself and slow down - the pavement here was a little too hard, even for her sturdy bare soles. All around them, the city’s morning life rang out from the open windows, a symphony of snores, coughs, yawns, murmurs and the many moans of morning sex.

Meanwhile, the road led farther and farther away from the cosy houses, into the warehouses and workshops and dull grey buildings of the West Quarter.

“Go one mile, then turn left,” the glowing letters at her feet told her.

How far is a mile, exactly? May thought indignantly, but followed the instructions until she saw the words “Here!” on the wall of the alleyway to her left.

Then the words changed.

“You are entering my world, I won’t be able to guide you with the instructions. Here is my address...” - May’s forearm tickled and she saw two lines of text appear on it. - “Go ahead and follow the signs. It’s not far.”

May continued on her way, with uncertainty in her thoughts about all of this. What if she did meet The Author, and it was all not a delusion, a hangover, a fantasy game, or just another twist in her story - how would she...?

The street changed subtly. It was about the same, with perhaps a few more colourful buildings. The air smelled different, more like exhaust fumes. And it sounded ... May didn’t immediately notice the difference ... One note was missing from the morning symphony here.

No sex moans.

It was really creepy, like entering the zombie city. What kind of people live here...

And a few early passers-by on the streets looked ... Well, quite human, but so ... overdressed! No one was topless or barefoot, no one was flashing their hips or butts as they walked. They stared at May with the same shocked expression. Why was that? Well, her carnival outfit was just a bunch of short coloured stripes around her chest and hips, but it was actually quite okay as everyday clothing...

And, she noticed, most of the windows were curtained. So, how do people expose their nudity and sex to casual observers?


And does their Author live in this creepy, cold place? Poor, poor guy...

May followed the signs and house numbers, it was easy. Eventually she found herself at the door of an old three-storey building. Here. She checked the address on her forearm and walked up the stairs, her heart pounding. Is she really here? What is she doing here?

She paused in front of the nondescript door, then finally pressed the bell, almost fainting with fear.

A muffled ding, then footsteps. Then the door opened.

May saw a middle-aged man - maybe in his fifties - standing on the threshold, fat, red-nosed, with glasses and faded, pale hair. She recognised his face at once: she had seen it many times, painted on walls, printed on posters, drawn on asphalt ... She had never stopped to think who that face belonged to, and why it appeared all over the city.

“He” was indeed a “He”.

The Author.

Behind his bent, sleepy face, the hall was filled with bright yellow light. His body looked strange - strange to her: wrinkled, sloppy, with a hanging belly ... She had never seen anyone, even old people, in such bad shape!

There is more of this story...
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