Mistakes, I've Made A Few... But Then Again - Cover

Mistakes, I've Made A Few... But Then Again

Copyright© 2005 by Openbook

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The Fourth segment in The Neighbors In 3-B series. Like the Starship Enterprise, Jim finds himself "able to boldly go where no man has ever gone before..."

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor  

"You filthy, despicable cocksucker! You rotten, stinking piece of shit! You contemptible bastard! Oh Jim, how could you?"

"Hi Donna, and how are you doing? Let me guess, Sandy called you and couldn't wait to share her good news, am I right?"

"I can't believe you'd get back at me by using my little kid sister. Don't you know that Squirt is only 14 years old? If I was out there right now, I'd call the police and have your rotten ass arrested for child molesting. In fact, I might do it anyway, even from here" He could hear her loud crying even as she spoke, a very weary tone of sadness that, to him at least, seemed to fill her voice with a sense of overwhelming pain.

"You better find a policeman who will accept collect calls then." He laughed at his own joke, pretending a bravado that he certainly didn't feel. "Speaking of which, collect calls are super expensive, give me your number and I'll call you right back." There was a short pause as he heard her sniffling in the receiver and then she started rattling off a string of numbers. He hung up, promising to call her back immediately. He sat on the sofa staring blankly at the phone receiver in his hands, trying to gather the fortitude to replace it in its cradle and not give her the promised return call. Unable to summon that inner resolve, Jim found himself dialing the number she'd given him. She picked up after the first ring.

"Hello Donna, it's good to hear your voice. Believe it or not, I've missed you. I hope you're doing well in school and taking better care of yourself. I was surprised you didn't make it out for your mom's wedding." He kept on talking without pause, trying to give her some time to calm down and compose herself. One part of him had realized and accepted that this girl would always have a special place in his heart. After he had finally run out of inane conversation he just shut up and waited for Donna to talk. There was an uncomfortable minute of silence where the only thing he heard was the sound of her labored breathing.

"Why, Jim, why did you do it? She's just a child, innocent, and you just had to go and fuck her. Did you do it just to prove that you could? Does it even matter to you that it might have ruined her life?"

"Donna, when she told you about it, did it sound like it had ruined her life? Or, did it sound like she was bragging about her conquest and was doing her best to rub your nose in the fact that she'd finally succeeded in doing what she'd been trying to accomplish for such a long time? Oh, by the way, you've got that nickname wrong for her. It should be "Squirter", not Squirt. She cums so strongly that it just squirts out of her. She did it so often this past week that I never had to wash my own face, not even once. I'm terribly sorry, Donna, that was so thoughtless of me. I hope all my talk about tangy and tasty pussies squirting out their succulent juices isn't turning you on too much." He heard her distinctive bray of laughter, followed by a short series of giggles.

"You only wish you were turning me on." she said. It was said in the voice that, from long familiarity, he knew meant that she was, indeed, getting aroused.

"Yes, I do. Few things have ever given me more pleasure than that. Even after all we've been through, I still remember how good you made me feel when we were at our best. So tell me, really, how have you been?" The following hour was spent talking about Donna's life, her schoolwork and how she was feeling better about so many things now. Her grandparents had her in therapy with a psychologist that she went to see twice a week, and she thought she was starting to understand some things about why she acted up so much, putting herself, and the people she loved and cared about, in such painful situations. They talked about how Jim was faring, and she asked him to try to not think too badly of her for the way that she had acted. She asked about Lupe, so Jim told her that Lupe was still working at the bank but that they were no longer friends, merely co-workers.

"So, is the Squirt really a squirter?"

"Oh yeah, you should see it. Her little tummy starts rippling and her pussy starts contracting and the next thing I know my face is getting splattered with hot, sticky, pussy juice. I bet I drank at least a quart during the time she stayed with me. Very tasty too, she tastes a lot like you, not as much like your mom, sweeter."

"You've tasted my mom? I don't fucking believe you, you're just making that up.Oh, you are such a bastard, if I was there right now, I'd..." she couldn't finish her thought so Jim supplied an answer he thought she'd like.

"You'd lick all over my face trying to see if there was any of that pussy juice left over for you?"

She gave a delicious little full throated laugh and said: "Maybe, but it's more likely that I'd suck on your cock since I'm pretty likely to find some there."

"Let me know the next time you're heading out this way and I'll be sure to put some in both places for your enjoyment and edification." The banter finally stopped and they said their goodbyes. Jim told her to give him a call whenever she wanted or needed to talk. He told her to keep doing well in school and to keep getting the help from her therapist.

"Goodbye Jim, I know you won't believe it, but I really do love you. I wouldn't believe it either though, if I were you."

"Bye, Donna, you take care. I do believe you. I believe you because, in spite of everything you've put me through, at a level too deep for logic or for my own survival instinct to enter, I still love you, too. Good night."

Jim slept well that night. He dreamed he was sleeping, but in his dream, he awoke to find a gorgeous blonde lying next to him. In his dream, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't quite make out her face. At work the next day he started talking again to Lupe, telling her about hearing from Donna and filling her in on the progress Donna was making in putting her life back together. He told Lupe that the thing he most regretted about everything was that he had taken out his hurt feelings on everybody but the one person who was most responsible.

"Donna?" she asked.

"No, not Donna, me. I constantly keep putting myself into these bad situations and then I try to act all surprised when they turn out the way that they inevitably must. I know better than to do it, but, at times, at least, It's like being a moth attracted to the flame. It is just inevitable that I'll get burnt."

It took several weeks before Lupe and Jim could get back to the easy, relaxed friendship they'd enjoyed prior to the incident with Donna. Both found work much more enjoyable when they did though, as the time seemed to fly by much faster when there was laughter and happy conversation between them. In early February, Lupe invited Jim to come over to her apartment after work to have dinner with her and to help her set up her new computer. The dinner was simple, Lupe heated up some very tasty tamales that she and her mother had made together on her last visit home. After dinner, Lupe and Jim went into her bedroom to set up the computer. Everything was still in their original boxes so Jim had to show her how to connect it all together. She had gotten a pretty complete system, computer, monitor, printer, scanner and even a web cam and a wireless mic. The cable company router had already been installed, so all Jim had to do was connect it up and Lupe was on line and in business. The two of them sat in front of her monitor and Jim showed her how to surf the web. He showed her some of the porn featured on some of the Usenet groups and showed her how to navigate to find things on her own.

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