Where There Is Trust, There Are Options
by Ravenna Di Grigori
Copyright© 2025 by Ravenna Di Grigori
Erotica Sex Story: Follow Mike and his girlfriend Cathy as they discover a different dimension to their relationship...
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Heterosexual Fiction MaleDom Light Bond Anal Sex Facial Oral Sex Safe Sex .
Author’s notes:
Another fully fictional situation, but I really would like to think that there are guys out there who have these kinds of conversations and considerations for the woman they love, and gals who actually do tell their guy what they want and how they want it – basically I hope there are healthy relationships where both parties respect each other and each others kinks and wishes, and have enough love and respect for one another to remain respectful as well as mindful even in the heat of passion.
Ma/Fa – adult couple
Consensual – yes he wants it, she does too
Heterosexual – see above
Fiction – this is purely in my head
Light Bond, DomSub, MaleDom – she wants him to tie her up and talk dirty to her and tell her what to do, but no degrading or humiliating, aftercare happens.
Anal sex – that’s the thing he’s after
Oral sex - they both enjoy it
Facial – see DomSub, but she enjoys it
Safe sex – only applies to vaginal sex in this case
Slow – we start off a little slow, the first actual sex scene is about 500 words in.
Where there is Trust there are Options
A new obsession
Mike was sulking.
Cathy was on her period.
He knew he was being childish.
She was on a normal cycle, every 3 weeks-ish, but to him it felt like it had been barely two.
He did consider himself fairly lucky, since she did blow him with vigour during those five days, but it just wasn’t the same as fucking her.
Having sex during a woman’s period was something some of his friends were into, but Mike and Cathy had very mutually agreed that it wouldn’t be worth the mess.
Over the past few months Mike had found himself considering another option.
He had tried anal before with other girlfriends and while they hadn’t particularly liked it, for him it had been great.
But he didn’t know about Cathy.
She had her share of experience, he knew that, but they had never spoken about it.
“Cat, what do you think about anal?”
She lifted her attention from her plate and fixed him with a stare he couldn’t place.
“Why, what do you think about it?” She asked back after a moment before stabbing at her salad again.
Mike went back to his fries nervously.
“I um ... well I ... I thought may be we could try it. You know ... when Aunt Flo’s around.”
She paused.
“Let me think about it.”
“Okay, cool.”
They continued with dinner, chatting about weekend plans and house chore lists.
Weeks went by without either of them mentioning it again.
The sex was still as great as it always had been, as were the BJs during period week, but the idea of anal had lodged itself firmly in Mike’s head and he began to fantasize about it more and more.
When Mike got home past midnight after a late shift he came into the bedroom, stealthy as always despite Cathy being a heavy sleeper.
She was indeed fast asleep, working an opposite schedule to him.
He went to stand on her side of the bed, watching her naked breasts rise and fall with her even breath, hand down his pants.
Finding her like this always turned him on.
After a moment he padded to the bathroom to brush his teeth, contemplating whether he should rub one out before going to bed.
As he closed the bathroom door and flicked on the light he saw a note stuck to the mirror:
Hey Big Daddy,
if you want to you can wake me up with your big dick so we can have a little fun ... xxx
Mike felt his dick chub up as he re-read the note.
Cat had these moments when she turned from your average girl-next-door type into a cock-obsessed slut, and he loved it.
He hastily brushed his teeth while staring at the note and felt his chubby grow into a full on boner.
He discarded his clothing and stood naked in front of the mirror for a moment.
At 28 and with a physically demanding job he didn’t need to go to the gym to be fit. Nothing was overly defined, but he was visibly muscular and strong. His girthy sixandahalfinch cock was bobbing with excitement.
He killed the light and hurried back to the bedroom, careful not to make a noise – he enjoyed Cathy waking up with is cock already inside her.
Sleeping whispers
When Mike re-entered the bedroom Cat was huffing and moaning in her sleep. A smile passed over his face. He knew she often had sex dreams.
He quietly slipped a condom out of his night stand, ripped it open and started rolling it on himself.
Cat stirred, moaned, rolled over, then;
“ ... hmmmhhhhhurry up daddy ... fuck my ass...”
Mike froze.
Cat fell silent again, breathing evenly.
He stood there, heart hammering, condom half on his hard dick.
She spoke in her sleep, he knew that.
But what was he supposed to do with that bit of information?!
Should he just go ahead and fuck her ass, no questions asked?
He didn’t want to risk it. They hadn’t spoken about it again, and he didn’t want to break Cat’s trust by just following a whim.
Standing in the dark bedroom he decided to shelve the idea and wait whether she would say anything again over the next few weeks.
He finished putting on the condom and climbed onto the bed.
Despite Cathy’s heavy sleep her body still reacted to his touch.
She was lying half on her side, knees drawn up, but her breasts still visible.
Mike shuffled closer, reached out and gently twisted her nipple, pulling upwards a little.
She sighed.
With his other hand he went for her pussy and found it slick and welcoming – courtesy of her vivid dreams, no doubt.
He pushed two fingers into her and twitched them a little.
Another sigh and she sluggishly turned fully onto her left side pulling up the right knee further and stretching out her left leg, fully exposing her juicy pussy and round ass.
Mike scooted closer to straddle her left leg, dick in hand.
He rubbed over her wet vulva, smearing her juice over her labia, over her perineum and up to her anus. He rubbed over the tight little pucker with his thumb.
Soon he thought and felt his dick grow harder in his hand.
Mike shuffled a little closer still and guided his tip with one hand while gently pulling her lips apart with the other to open her up a little.
He pushed his pelvis forward and slid right into her.
Cat’s pussy was incredibly tight.
Admittedly his cock was large, but she also religiously did her Kegel training.
He braced his left hand against the mattress and grabbed on to her right tit with his right as he started moving, twirling her nipple between his fingers.
He moved slowly but deeply, in and out in long slow strokes, slotting himself up tight every time.
Cat stirred.
“ ... hmmmm” she reached for him and started to moan as her consciousness surfaced.
“Oh, oohhhh, Big Daddy, yes!”
“Hey pretty girl.” he reached forward and pulled her in for a kiss.
She hungrily returned it.
“Jeez, Cat!” he gasped when he let go of her “Have you been this horny all day?”
“You have no idea!” she breathed.
“Let me turn around, I want you to really fuck me doggy style.”
Mike did not protest that request as he withdrew and she wriggled around and propped herself up on her knees, holding on to the headboard with both hands.
“Okay, I’m ready. Fuck me, please, I need you so bad right now.”
She arched her back pushing out her butt, her legs spread out invitingly, exposing her dripping pussy.
Mike crawled up behind her, his head level with her pelvis, and started licking her.
“Ah, oh, Mike, fuck!”
Cat was incredibly vocal, and rather loud.
After licking her a little longer and driving her nuts with it, Mike scooted up close behind her and pushed his throbbing cock into her drenched pussy.
“Oh, Big Daddy, yes, fuck me!”
He didn’t need the invitation.
Mike grabbed her hips and pushed himself in balls deep, pushing a throaty moan out of his girlfriend, before drawing back almost all the way.
Then pushed back in as deep as he could.
Back out.
Back in.
Cat moaned.
He knew he was almost a little too large for her to take and that when he fucked her hard it did cause her some pain – but also that she liked it.
Mike drew back out slowly one more time and then slammed into her.
Cat yelped.
He tightened his grip on her hips and started fucking her hard, hammering into her like a mad man.
Her yells of pleasure egging him on, the pained yelps turning him on.
He kept going and until she started to convulse, her pussy pulsing around his cock as she yelled out her pleasure. His thrusts became shorter and harder until with one last thrust he burst his load, his ball-sack contracting, dick twitching.
“I love you.” Cat slurred as Mike went to clean himself up.
“I love you too, you sleepy slut.”
True to form Cat was already fast asleep again when he slipped under the covers beside her, leaving him to ponder what he had heard her say earlier.
Clandestine Finger Play
There was no further mention of anything, conscious or unconscious, until a couple of weeks later when Cat was on her period again. Mike had been out for some drinks after work with friends and had told her not to wait up.
When he came home Mike went straight to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and dumped his clothes in the laundry basked before heading to bed.
Cathy was lying on her front, head turned away from him as he quietly slipped under the sheets.
He had just settled down when Cathy began to huff and moan.
“hhhmmmmmm yeah Big Daddy, fuck it ... please ... Daddy ... fuck my ass ... harder...”
Mike’s eyes snapped open.
He rolled over to face her.
She had moved slightly and drawn up one knee, still facing away from him.
Carefully, heart pounding, he reached out under the covers towards her ass and ran his hand over the smooth curve of her right butt-cheek.
“hmmmm yeeesssss...” she moaned. On an impulse he slipped his hand into her panties and between her cheeks and started massaging her anus.
She moaned and pushed out her butt.
Through a combination of the pull of his desires, the thrill of doing something Cathy hadn’t explicitly agreed to, and the three beer he’d had, Mike carefully manoeuvred himself into a better angle and started pressing with the tip of his middle finger.
More moaning.
Heart hammering Mike decided to take it further still. Carefully he pushed a little further and slipped the tip of his finger into Cat’s ass.
“oooOOoohhh Daddy ... yessssDaddy...”
Slowly, gently, he pushed a little deeper, pulled back a little, pushed back in.
“mh ... mh ... oohhhhh...”
Cathy pushed her butt out towards him.
“ ... harder Daddy...”
Mike moved his finger a little faster.
It didn’t take much longer and Cat twitched in her sleep, her anus pulsing around his finger.
Gingerly he withdrew his hand and got out of bed again.
As stood at the bathroom sink, washing his hands, he resolved to talk to Cat about the things she asked for in her sleep.
Important conversations
“So, baby, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
It was Friday evening and they were cooped up on the sofa, Cathy snuggled up against him.
“Sure, what’s up?”
She angled her head up to look at him.
“Remember when I asked you about anal?”
Her face was inscrutable.
“So, over the past month I heard you talk in your sleep a couple times.”
He felt her tense.
“You ... you were saying stuff like fuck my ass daddy, harder.” he looked at her “So I was wondering whether you actually like anal.”
She tilted her head down again and sighed.
“It’s complicated.”
“How’s it complicated? You either like it or not.”
She was silent.
“Cat, what’s the matter?”
She sat up, chewing her lip.
“Okay, I love you very much, so don’t take this the wrong way, but I need you to respect me and there are some things I like that ... aren’t exactly respectable.”
Mike stared at her, processing this bit of information.
“O-kay” he said slowly “like, what kind of things do you like that would make me respect you less?”
“Well...” she picked at a loose thread on her sweatpants, not looking at him “I do enjoy anal, but only ... only when I’m tied up...”
“What, like bondage?”
“Yeah, like that...”
“Okay, what else?”
“You know how I enjoy blowing you?”
“Yeah, and you’re amazing at it!”
“Well, I also sometimes like ... gosh this is so stupid...” a deep blush was spreading over her cheeks “I sometimes like when a guy cums on my face.”
She wasn’t looking at him.
Mike stared at her, feeling his dick react.
“Anything else?”
“I’m kinda into rape play and choking ... I like being held down, hair pulling, just getting fucked when I’m ‘not into it right now’.” She actually raised her hands for little air quotes.
Cat gave him an unhappy look bordering on guilty.
“I’ve had some bad experiences in the past when I told a guy about that and he just started to completely ignore my boundaries.”
Mike looked at her, sitting there in her sweatpants and oversized knit cardigan, his mind racing.
“Okay, baby, come here.” he reached out, grabbed her arm and pulled her back in, wrapping his arms around her.
“First off” he kissed her forehead “thank you for being open with me. Second, I love you very much and would never do anything to hurt you. You’re a bad bitch, and I’m way to scared of losing you.”
Cathy looked up at him, a small smile on her lips.
“I love you too, Mike, and I actually trust you so may be it’s worth a shot to get a bit more kinky in the bedroom ... or the kitchen ... or...”
He pulled her in closer and kissed her long and deep.
“So, um, how ... how do we do this?” Mike asked after they broke the kiss.
Cathy thought for a moment.
“Well ... code words are a pretty good way to navigate.” she said, and continued to explain when Mike scrunched his eyebrows “Words or phrases you don’t really use often or at all in your every day life that become, like, action prompts for certain things. Like for example safe words – those are kind of important.”
“Okay, so, say we’re doing it and I get carried away and you say pumpernickel, that’s my queue to back off?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
They continued talking, Cathy explaining the ins and outs and less sexy technicalities, and explaining her past negative experiences in a little more detail.
At the end of it they had laid down some code words and phrases for different situations, and Mike had mentally set himself some ‘homework’.
First Steps in Domming
When they got up to turn in for the night, Mike decided to try something.
While Cathy was going through her evening bathroom routine he rummaged around for the belt of his bathrobe and left his sleeping shorts untouched on the bed.
As Cathy came into the bedroom, Mike stood naked at the foot end of their bed, hands behind his back, feeling awkward and a little nervous.
She looked at him.
“Befuddled.” he said, a crooked grin twitching across his face.
Cathy blinked.
“Knee?” she then responded with an equally crooked grin.
While Mike grabbed the pillow he had placed on the foot end of the bed, ready for purpose, Cathy slipped out of her oversized t-shirt, came over to him and held her hands behind her back.
Mike dropped the pillow to the floor between them and then proceeded to tie up Cathy’s hands with the robe belt.
“You can go a little tighter.”
“Like this?”
“Yeah.” she swallowed.
“Okay, now I want you on your knees, baby.”
“Yes, Big Daddy.”
A jolt of arousal flashed through him. He had been sporting a semi ever since their conversation, and now with Cat tied up and kneeling naked in front of him, his dick stood up like its life depended on it.
Cathy looked up at him, eyes hazy.
He swallowed.
“Be a good girl for me and open your mouth.”
“Yes, Big Daddy.”
She obeyed and opened her mouth, pushing out her tongue slightly.
“Good girl.” Mike said and slipped a hand into her hair “Now I want you to suck my cock.”
With his other hand he guided his dick into her waiting mouth and immediately she started to blow him like a champ.
Cathy had always had a knack to find exactly the right pressure and suction, and had ways of moving her tongue along his shaft she should be giving classes on.
Mike watched, rapt, as she moved her head back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of her mouth, lips stretched taut around his girth. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation as well as the actual situation.
Tying Cat’s hands had turned him on more than her thought it would.
He tightened his grip on her hair and started thrusting, Cathy adjusted her rhythm.
“Ah, baby, you’re such a good girl for me...” he mumbled and looked down at her again “Can you go deeper for me?” and he pushed himself forward, decidedly deeper than she would usually have taken him, but backing off again quickly before pushing in deep again.
Cathy didn’t protest, but her eyes started streaming with the exertion and her airflow being interrupted.
“Such a good girl for me. I’m going to fuck your pretty mouth now till I cum.” he said and started thrusting more energetically while still holding on tightly to her hair.
“Yeah, baby, suck it ... God I’m going to cum so hard and I’m gonna squirt it all over your face...”
Mike surprised himself with his narration but found it, too, turned him on. He kept thrusting pushing back deeply into Cat’s mouth as he felt the pressure build.
When he knew he was past the point of no return he moved his right hand as he pulled out, grabbed his dick and directed the stream of cum bursting from his tip to land on her lips and chin, turning her head with his left for better access.
The picture of Cathy, kneeling before him, eyes hazy, cum dripping from her lips seared itself into his brain.
It took him a moment but he untied her and helped her clean up with a paper towel.
“Was that okay or did I go too far?”
“No, you did really good for a first time.”
“Anything you’d think I could improve?”
She thought for a moment.
“So ... it’s kinda weird when you call me ‘baby’ while we’re doing that. You call me that when we’re out with friends so I kinda don’t like to mix those things.”
“Okay, what would be better for you?”
“I ... um...” she had the audacity to blush “I’d like ‘slut’.”
An involuntary grin spread over Mike’s face.
“I can do that.”
Breakfast Shenanigans
Over the next couple of weeks Mike compiled a list of items he planned to order online. Basic things like handcuffs and rope, but also a sturdy spreader bar and nipple clamps. He wasn’t sure whether he might be going overboard, but he was willing to find out.
A week after their first little encounter with his role as dominant and Cathy as submissive a new opportunity presented itself.
It was Sunday morning and they had no plans for the day.
Cathy had gotten up before him and was pottering away in the kitchen making breakfast. Mike had slept a tiny bit longer than her and was scrolling through his phone before getting up.
He had been in a low-key horny mood all week and the extensive session they had had after coming home from the party last night had only mildly dampened that. He tapped into his shopping list and went through the items once more before finally placing the order.
As he felt a rush and the cubby that had been hanging out between his thighs turned into a semi, he had an idea.
He struggled out of the dishevelled covers, grabbed a couple items, and headed to the kitchen in his sleep shorts.
Cathy had her back to him as she was mixing up some batter.
“Good morning, babe, fancy a fling?” he asked.
Cathy froze for a millisecond and then without turning around answered:
“Now? But the neighbours are coming over in ten minutes.”
The semi in Mike’s boxers turned into a full boner as he walked over and crowded into her space, pressing himself up behind her so she felt his erection, and pinning her to the counter between his arms.
“Let them watch.” he breathed in her ear before reaching for her breasts with both hands.
She grabbed his wrists and tried to stop him.
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