Questions and Answers - a Lexi and Alex Story - Cover

Questions and Answers - a Lexi and Alex Story

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2025 by Mat Twassel

Erotica Sex Story: Lexi asks her dad some questions about sex. Illustrated.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   Anal Sex   Illustrated   .

“Papa ... Daddy, where are you?” called Lexi as she came into the house, the door slamming behind her.

“In here, Lexi,” came the reply from a room not too far from the kitchen.

Lexi walked into the TV room where Alex, her father, was stretched out, a baseball game on the boob tube. He was dressed in a light grey T-shirt and loose, matching gym shorts. The couch was long enough to accommodate his length without him having to curl into a fetal position.

“Well, you look comfortable,” commented Lexi. “Mind if I join you?”

“Sure,” said Alex, scootching himself further into the back of the couch. “Plenty of room for the two of us, I think.”

Lexi kicked off her shoes and slid onto the couch in front of her father. She was dressed in a small thin t-shirt, cut just below her unfettered breasts, and her shorts were as tight and tiny as Alex’s were loose. She snuggled as far into him as she could, her butt wriggling deliciously against him. Alex put his arm around his daughter, his hand resting gently across her bare stomach. The volume on the TV was not great and it created a lulling background hum. It was so lulling that Alex found himself drifting towards sleep.


“Papa,” came a familiar sound, one that Alex loved with all his heart and soul. It came with a hand taking his hand and placing it on her breast. “Daddy ... can I ask you a question?”

His voice sounded far away even to him as he replied, “May I ask a question,” a statement, not a question. “Of course, Lexi. You can ask me anything you want to ask.”

“Really?” That started his brain to wake up.


“Would you like me better if I had bigger boobs? Joey says he wishes I did.”

Alex’s brain came roaring back to life. “Joey is an idiot, Lexi. We both know that. Your breasts are perfect the way they are. They suit you. Bigger is not always better.”

“Really?” she asked. “I always thought men liked big boobs best!”

“I don’t,” he said. “I mean, I like to see them occasionally, but I know that they can put a strain on a woman’s shoulders and back. Yours are perfect the way they are.” He punctuated his statement by gently squeezing the breast in his hand. “Besides,” he continued, “you’ve heard the old saying, haven’t you?”

“What old saying?”

“Anything more than a handful is just wasted!” He squeezed the breast in his hand again as he said it, his forefinger and his thumb finding and gently pinching her nipple.

She sighed. “I guess I have,” she said. “I’ve just never had it demonstrated before!” She giggled and squirmed under his touch.

“Well, it’s true,” said Alex. He moved his hand to her shoulder and pulled her around so that she faced him. “What else has that idiot said?”

She snuggled her face into the crook of his neck and sighed. “He said that my butt was too big and I was too skinny.”

“He did, did he?” He could feel her head as she nodded her agreement. He reached down and cupped her bottom and squeezed gently. “It’s not too big. See? It fits in my hand just perfectly!”

“But I’m still too skinny, he says!” She leaned back to look in her father’s eyes and found them looking at her intently. “He says he read that if a woman will drink lots of beer, she’ll put on a little weight and her tits will grow!”

“Goes to show what he knows,” growled Alex. “Yes, if a girl drinks lots of beer she’ll put on weight, just like a guy will. Eventually, they both get a beer gut. Is that what he wants?” Alex was starting to get angry. “What he wants is to get you drunk so that he’ll be able to get you to do whatever he wants, and what he wants is to fuck you!”

Lexi stiffened against Alex. She quietly said, “I know, Papa. But what should I do? Most of the time, I really like Joey, but sometimes...” She trailed off, her voice almost too soft for Alex to hear.

“I know, sweetie; sometimes men can be such jerks!” Alex pulled her tightly to him again. “You stand your ground with him, and he’ll respect you more. It may not seem like it, but if he’s got any brains between his ears, he’ll figure it out. Of course, knowing Joey, he may never figure it out.”

“I know, Papa, but what he says hurts so much sometimes.”

She paused for a few moments. Alex moved his hand and cupped the other breast, gently massaging it. Lexi relaxed against him, her body molding itself to his, two spoons in a drawer.

“Papa ... Daddy,” Lexi whispered. She wriggled her hand between the two of them, feeling around until her hand landed on his cock, stiffened with the conversation and his massage of her breasts. She squeezed it gently.

“Yes, Lexi,” prompted Alex.

“Can I still ask you anything? You’ll help me understand?”

Her voice had a plaintive quality to it, and he could not help be a father and respond without correcting her. “Of course you can, honey; I’ll do whatever I can.”

“I was talking to some of my girlfriends this morning and Janiel was worried that she might be pregnant because her period was late. Like three days late, and she says she’s never late...”

Alex broke in as she paused. “Hmm. That could be a problem, but it might just be because she was nervous and anxiety can cause a girl to be late.”

“I know that, Papa,” said Lexi, her voice sounding exasperated. “She had an emergency, an accident in third period and had to rush to the bathroom. When she returned she was sweating, but she looked a lot calmer. She told us at lunch that it had been a false alarm, and her period came in with about three days’ of blood during third period. That’s why she had to run!”

“OK, so Janiel’s not pregnant. That’s good, I guess, but what’s the question?”

“We girls were talking about this whole thing, you know, about letting boys...” Lexi’s voice trailed off again.

“Yes,” prompted Alex again. “Obviously, some of the girls like sex, right?”

“I guess so, Papa ... Daddy. But we were also talking about precautions, what we can do to not get pregnant...” Lexi paused again, and Alex stepped into the breach.

“That’s good,” he said. “I’m glad that you’re talking about prevention. None of you are quite ready to be mommies yet.”

“We know that, Daddy, and that’s the problem.” Lexi once again sounded exasperated. “We don’t want to become mommies, but what can we do? We can’t trust boys to have condoms with them, and if we carry them, we’re considered to be sluts who want sex all the time. Some of us have tried the pill, but it doesn’t always work out well.”

“Hmmm. That is a problem, isn’t it? And abstinence isn’t an option, is it?”

Lexi gave his cock a little squeeze and a pull. “No, it isn’t, is it?”


“One of my friends, Shakira, said she has sex almost every night, even when she has her period, and that she had a solution, but that we might not like it.” Lexi gave the cock in her hand another gentle squeeze and pull.

“Hmm,” said Alex. “How does she pull that off? Sex every night and no worries about babies?”

“She said...” Lexi’s voice trailed off once again.

“Yes,” prompted Alex after a few seconds.

“She said ... She said she takes it in the butt!” Lexi’s voice exploded over the words.

“She does, does she?” Alex’s voice was quieter, more contemplative. “Well, you certainly can’t get pregnant that way, that’s for sure!”

“Most of the girls were grossed out at first,” Lexi said, “but Shakira explained it all to us. Most of us were afraid of the pain, but she said it didn’t hurt that bad, that for her it was only like a skinned knee! She also said that she likes it now, almost as regular ... fucking.”

“I don’t know about that,” said her father. “What did you think?”

“I didn’t say anything, but...”

“You didn’t say anything, but?” The question hung there for a couple of moments.

“I guess I got to wondering, ‘what would it feel like?’” Lexi stopped talking for a moment. She suddenly flipped herself so that she was facing Alex.

“Papa ... Could you show me what it feels like?” Her hands cuppedhis face as she brought herself closer to him, kissing him. “Please?”

Alex hesitated. “I suppose I could, but it could hurt, no matter what I might do.” He paused. “Remember the toy I made you wear when we went to Andre’s?”

Lexi sighed. “Of course I remember. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven every time I orgasmed. And you were so mean, making me wear it and try to have a conversation!”

“Remember the tail? I put it in your butt and, as I remember, you didn’t like it very much.”

Lex nodded. “I remember. But it made me so wriggly that I soon forgot the little bit of pain. What bothered me was the pressure and the constant vibrations. But I still liked it!”

“Well, with actual sex the pressure is greater, and your anus has to stretch.” He paused. “A lot. The trick is to be, well, lubricated. Your pussy does that naturally, but not your butt.”

Lexi tucked her head down and into Alex’s chest. “It sounds a little scary, Papa.” She sniffed. “But, Papa ... I don’t want to get pregnant, at least not yet, and certainly not with Joey!” She sniffed again. “Papa ... Daddy ... Could you...?”

“If you’re sure...”

“Oh, Papa ... I need to know, at least once. Please, Daddy?”

“If you’re sure.” She nodded ever so slightly. “OK. I need to get some stuff from the bedroom. You need to take your clothes off and wait for me.”

“OK, Papa.”

Alex got up, climbing over Lexi just as she was rolling off the couch. There was a tangle of legs and arms and they both ended up on the floor. It was just the sort of silly pratfall needed to lighten Lexi’s mood, and they both laughed as they got themselves untangled. As he left the room, Alex saw Lexi stretch, then reach down and pull the hem of her shirt towards her head. Alex imitated her actions as he retreated to his room, divesting himself of his clothing as he went.

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