His Special Gift - Cover

His Special Gift

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Ted was a fuck up. His wealthy grandfather bestowed a magical watch on Ted, one that would make anyone do what the watches' owner wanted. Follow Ted as he goes through town getting laid and getting even until he finally meets his one true love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Humor   Spanking   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   .

Ted Brady had just past his 22nd year in this world, one in which he did not excel at anything. Oh, I don't mean he didn't do well in school, or in business etc., I mean Ted didn't do well at anything in life, period! He had muddled through high school with a stead diet of "C's" and then went on to junior college where he had continued with his undistinguished record in academia. He had gone through seven jobs since he had graduated from high school and only one of them paid more than minimum wage. And his love life? Well, there was none. He dated sporadically, mostly local girls, but he never had more than one date with any single girl - their choice.

It was on Friday, May 13th that Ted's life changed forever. That Friday Ted's grandfather, William, died, at home, in his bed and with the whole family in attendance. On Thursday, May 12th Ted's grandfather had called him into the large master bedroom suite of his mansion on a matter of urgency. When Ted arrived he saw his grandfather propped up in bed, holding a box, about the size of a cigar box, and waiting patiently for Ted's arrival.

"Hi granddad, how are you feeling?" Ted asked.

I'm fucking dying, how the hell do you think I'm feeling, he thought? "Ted, sit down. I have a story to tell you and it's important that you listen very carefully. Do you understand?"

Ted took a seat next to the bed. "Yes granddad, I do."

"Ted, take this box and open it please." The old man handed Ted the box and watched as he opened it up and took out to ancient Rolex watch that was inside.

"Oh thanks granddad, a Rolex, that's great!"

The kids a fucking idiot he thought, just like I was when my grandfather gave me the watch all those many years ago. "Ted please, listen to me. When my grandfather gave me this watch I was much like you are today. Schooling hadn't gone well, I had no job prospects and it looked like I was going to have to go to work in the mines, in those days the mines were the only place that would hire someone with a total lack of education and business skills."

"Gee granddad, you're so rich now, how did you get out of that mess?"

"I used the watch, that's how Ted. Now listen carefully to what I am about to tell you. When you move the bezel to the '22' position and unscrew the stem, time around you will stop for 60 seconds and only sixty seconds. During that sixty-second period you have a special power. You can make a suggestion to anyone within a twenty-foot radius of you and they will be powerless to disobey your directions. I first used this power at my interview at the Yloex Corporation. I knew they wouldn't hire me, so I used the watches' power to suggest that I would be a valuable asset to the company. I was hired that day. Over my lifetime I have used the power of the watch to advance my career, to get contracts signed, to manipulate people, and most importantly to become wealthy. Let me demonstrate its power for you."

"Martha?" the old man called out for his personal assistant.

"Yes Sir Mr. William." Martha said as she scrambled into the bedroom.

"Just stand there for a moment please." He took the watch, turned the bezel to '22' and then unscrewed the stem and pulled it out. He looked at his assistant, a 55 year old mother of four and a very proper lady. "Martha, when I smile you will unbutton your blouse, lift your bra and ask Ted to suckle on your tits." He put the stem back in place and waited, smiling at the older woman.

Martha turned and faced Ted. She calmly unbuttoned her blouse and let if fall open. Then she reached down and pulled her bra up and off her breasts. "Come here Ted, I want you to suckle on my breasts. Bite my nipples."

Ted complied with her wishes. When he quit she pulled her bra back into place, arranged her breasts and buttoned her blouse. She looked at William, "Anything else, sir?"

"No Martha, that was fine."

"God Damn," said Ted. "That was great!"

"Now you see how it works. Every time is the same. Ted the watch is yours. I will die tomorrow, but it will be a new beginning for you. Use the watch wisely Ted, wisely."

Ted put the watch on his wrist and left his grandfathers' bedroom. He wasn't totally convinced that the watch actually worked. He was pretty sure that his grandfather had asked Martha to go along with the deception. He wasn't sure why he would do that, but he still wasn't convinced it worked. The next day William passed on. With his death and the funeral it was almost a week before Ted returned to his mundane job.

It was almost five in the morning and Ted was back working the graveyard shift at the 7-11 and was bored silly. There hadn't been more than a handful of customers all night and not even one good looking girl had stopped in for a Slurpy. When the door chime went off, Ted glanced up at and saw Mrs. Reynolds and her oldest daughter Eileen enter the store. Mrs. Reynolds was about 40; nice looking for an older woman and Eileen had just turned 19 and was the beauty of the town. Mrs. Reynolds had always been very aloof towards Ted, knowing that her family was much better off than his and she wanted her daughters' to have nothing to do with a looser.

"Hi Mrs. Reynolds, Eileen," Ted greeted the two women.

"Hi Ted," they said in unison.

He watched the two of them as they walked around the store, shopping. He looked at his wrist to see what time it was and that was when his grandfathers' story came back to him. Ted rotated the Rolex bezel to the '22' position and pulled out the stem. He looked up and saw both Mrs. Reynolds and Eileen standing perfectly still. Ted walked out from behind the counter and up to Mrs. Reynolds.

"Mrs. Reynolds?" Ted said. No reaction. "Hello, can you hear me?" He looked over at Eileen and she hadn't moved a muscle. He was about to say something else when both women came to life and continued their shopping. Mrs. Reynolds looked at Ted and said,

"Of course I can hear you Ted, do you think I'm deaf?"

"Oh no Mrs. Reynolds, I was just asking, that's all. Sorry."

The women paid for their food and left the building. Ted wasn't sure he believed what had just occurred. Did the watch really work? He needed to think more about that one and he settled back down in his chair and picked up the comic book he had been reading.

At the end of his shift Ted left the 7-11 and drove down to the Waffle House for breakfast. After finishing his meal he looked at the Rolex, rotated the bezel to the '22' position and unscrewed the stem. No one moved. Ted got up, walked to the register to pay for his meal and leaned over and whispered to the cashier that his meal should be free because he was the restaurants 10,000 customer. When everybody began to move again he handed the check to the cashier and she said,

"Oh golly mister, you're our 10,000 customer, so your meal is free."

After a long night at the 7-11 and a good breakfast, Ted drove home and went to bed. He woke around three in the afternoon and decided to drive down to the lake and have a couple of beers. When he arrived he parked by the beach volleyball courts and walked across the street to Pete's Tavern. There wasn't anything going on in the bar so he finished his beer he went back outside thinking that maybe some of the guys might be at the Log Cabin Restaurant. As he approached his car he saw four girls playing volleyball on the sand court, cute girls too. He thought that they were probably early to late teenagers, around 15 or so. Ted walked down the path, on to the sand and closed in on the court. He watched them play for a few minutes, then he turned the bezel to the '22' position and unscrewed the stem. Time stopped. Ted walked onto the court and told the girls that it would be much more fun if they played volleyball in the nude. Everyone would enjoy the sun more.

Sixty seconds after Ted's suggestion the world return to normal and he watched in amazement as the four teens calmly stripped out of their bathing suits and began to play volleyball - totally nude.

It was the following Tuesday at about ten in the morning and Ted was speeding down Old Mill Road, just outside the town limits. He looked up and saw the police car following him. His eyes immediately fell to the speedometer and he realized that he was doing fifteen mile an hour over the limit. The police cars' lights flashed on and Ted pulled over to the side of the road. Through his side mirror Ted could see the officer get out from his car and approach Ted's window.

"License and registration please," the officer intoned.

Ted reached into the glove box and took out his registration. He removed his license from his wallet and handed them to the officer. It was then that Ted saw that it was a female officer, and a nice looking one at that.

"What was I doing wrong officer?" He asked her although he knew perfectly well that he had been speeding.

"Well sir, you were going 16 miles over the authorized speed limit, which, in case you didn't know is 35MPH!" she said.

Ted reached down, turned the bezel and unscrewed the stem and time stood still. "Officer... uh..." he looked at her name tag..."Miller. Your next thought will be that I'm a nice guy and you would like very much to suck my cock. You will take off your blouse and bra and get on your knees and suck my cock until I cum, then you will swallow it all."

Time started again and the officer looked at Ted strangely. "Sir you will need to get out of the car and position yourself at the front bumper."

Uh Oh Ted thought it didn't work this time. "Yes ma'am." Ted got out from behind the wheel and walked to the front of the car. When he turned around Officer Miller was already out of her blouse and unsnapping her bra. She walked up to Ted, unfastened his jeans and let them drop to his ankles, the she got down on her knees and, with a nice smile, reached up and pulled down his jockey shorts. Officer Miller took Ted's cock and swirled her tongue around the head then licked up and down his shaft. "Mummm, very nice" she commented. She grabbed Ted by his butt cheeks and pulled his cock deep in her mouth where she attacked it like it was the last Popsicle on Earth. She played with his balls and anus until Ted couldn't hold back any more.

"Oh shit, Oh fuck... I'm cummmmiiinnnggggg," and Ted shot his hot sperm deep into Officer Miller's mouth. When he was finished he helped her up, kissed each of her breasts and got back into his car. He watched her as she got dressed and when she walked around to his window she looked in, smiled, then said,

"Ok, let this be a warning to you sir, now have a nice day." Officer Miller walked back to her car oblivious to the face that there was drying cum on her right cheek.

Three weeks had past and Ted was busy thinking of ways he could use his special gift. He knew he could always get a better job, more pay and so forth, but there were people to be taken care of first, people who had been cruel towards him throughout his life. He wouldn't hurt anyone, he wasn't that type of person, but he was sure up for getting some well-deserved revenge.

Ted sat behind the counter and looked up at the stores' clock, ten to six in the morning. Shit he thought, hardly anybody had come into the store all night and now he needed to get the place ready for the early morning rush of customers. He walked back to the store's refer and went inside, grabbed a cold can of Bud off the shelf, opened it and took a swig. It was a little early in the morning for a drink but it was really the end of his shift, so sneaking a little beer wasn't a big deal. Ted heard the doorbell sound as someone entered the store. He looked out through the refrigerator door and spotted Mrs. Reynolds walking into the store - alone. He reached down, set the watch and walked out of the refrigerator and up to Mrs. Reynolds.

She stood immobilized at the front door. Ted walked up to her and whispered in her ear, then went behind the counter and waited. When she came back into the world she smiled at Ted and said,

"You know Ted I have always liked you very much." She started to take off her clothes. First she shucked out of her blouse and then her bra. She unzipped her skirt and when it fell on the floor she pulled off her panties. "Ted honey," she cooed, "would you please counter over her and help me out?"

Ted walked around the counter and over to the older woman and admired her figure. He reached down and grabbed her bra and looked at the size - 34D. "Nice tits," he said. She turned around and sprawled over the counter, her breasts mashed flat on the counter. She reached back and grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them wide.

"Ted honey, I beg you, please fuck me in the ass."

"No Mrs. Reynolds, I can't do that."

"Ohhh, please Ted, I need it real bad."

She continued to hold open her ass and beg Ted to fuck her and finally he dropped his pants and took out his cock and was going to dip it in her pussy to get it wet, but she was dry as a bone. He looked around for something he could use to lubricate his cock and when he saw the tubes of Preparation H he grabbed a tube, unscrewed the cap and spread a large gob on Mrs. Reynolds asshole. Then Ted took his now hard cock and roughly shoved it deep into her ass.

"OOohhhh Ted, that feels so good. Fuck me harder Ted. Shove your cock deep up my ass. Please!"

Ted fucked and fucked the old woman until he felt his cum start rising up from his balls. "Down on your knees Mrs. Reynolds - NOW."

The woman got off the counter and dropped to her knees and waited. "Aargggue, Fuck here it comes you old bitch," and Ted shot his hot cum all over Mrs. Reynolds face and tits. When he was finished she crawled over to him, took his manhood in her mouth and cleaned his cock off, then she rose, dressed and left the store.

That afternoon Ted drove down to the high school parked and went into the schools' administrative offices. He asked the girl at the counter if Mrs. Fanoe was available. She checked and told Ted that the vice-principal was in a meeting but she would be able to see him in about fifteen minutes. Ted thanked her and sat in a chair to wait for Mrs. Fanoe.

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