Home Invasion - Cover

Home Invasion

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Incest Sex Story: John has staked out a house and tonight he breaks in to steal money, but the wife hears him. John captures the whole family; Phillip, Susan, Tommy and Billy and when he finds out they don't have the money decides on a strategy to ensure they won't call the cops: Have Susan suck and fuck him and the entire family while he take photos.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Light Bond   Group Sex   First   .

He looked at his watch, 11:30 P.M. Funny, usually they were asleep by this time, but there was still a light in the upstairs bedroom. He decided to give it another half-hour and if the lights weren't off by then he would call it quits for the night. He sat back in the vans captain chair and waited.

Susan went into her bedroom, took off her clothes and dropped them into the dirty hamper. She walked nude into the bathroom to take a quick shower. When she closed the door she looked at herself in the full-length mirror. Not to bad she thought, at least not for being 48 years old. At 5'7" her 38D breasts accentuated her body and everyone told her that she had a great ass. She glanced over her shoulder at her reflection in the mirror and decided that they were right. She looked back at her breasts. Hell, they don't even sag much yet, she thought. Her long brown hair, blue eyes and very fair skin gave her the look of a Greek Goddess. She stepped into the shower, washed, toweled off and put on one of Phillip's large t-shirts and went to bed. She looked over at her husband and thought that it was a shame that he wasn't interested in sex anymore. A damn shame. She turned off the lights.

She lay there, wide-awake, for a long time. Her thoughts bouncing around to a variety of subjects that ruled her everyday life. Tommy, her oldest son at 16 was having some difficulty in one of his classes and then there was the soccer team meeting she needed to organize. Billy, her youngest son at 13, was really getting good at soccer and she needed to be more involved with the team. She also needed to get down to the mall and look at the new fall clothes for the boys. Then she remembered her last trip to the mall, the one where the guy followed her from store to store, watching her, starring at her breasts. He finally stopped her and asked if she would like to go to lunch with him. Ha, you pervert, no way. But she did appreciate his attention. Susan was getting horny thinking about what that man would have liked to do to her.

When was it the last time Phillip had made love to her? God, it had to have been over four months ago. Yes she recalled, just after the party at the Johnson's. Jesus she loved to make love but ever since Phillip became a "born-again" he had been totally dedicated to God. She could hear him now, "sex is reserved for the procreation of the species, not for recreational fun. Bullshit!"

He saw the light go off and he glanced down at his watch, 11:35. He would wait until midnight before he went into the house. He figured that he would be in and out within 20 minutes - max. His information source had always been right on target. This time it was a small locked box in the study. The source told him there would be $10,000 at the minimum. Not a bad payday for just a couple of hours of work.

Susan lay there unable to fall to sleep. Tossing and turning and trying desperately to drift off. Then she heard a sound. What was that? Kind of sounded like the breaking of a piece of glass. Not smashing sounds like a glass breaking on the floor, no subtler that than. She listed more intently now. Nothing. Then she thought she heard a noise in the living room. She listened harder now, but she heard nothing more. Susan reached over and shook Phillip. "Phillip?" She whispered. "Phillip?"

"Wha... what?

"I think there is someone in the house. I heard a noise downstairs."

"Do you hear it now?"


"Probably your imagination, go back to sleep." Phillip rolled over and started to snore.

Shit. How did that piece of glass slip from my fingers? Jesus Christ, I'm wearing rubber fucking gloves, no way I should have dropped a piece of glass - and on the fucking tiled floor no less. He listened to see if anyone could have heard him or was coming downstairs. There were no immediate lights so that was good. Well they can't call anyone anyway; I've cut the phone lines, so let's just wait and see what happens.

Susan sat up in the bed, listening. Although she heard nothing she still thought that someone was in the house. Slowly she eased out of bed, went out into the hall and listened - still nothing. Well, she thought, I guess I'm hearing things in my old age. I'll just make sure that everything is locked up downstairs, check on the boys and go back to bed. She walked down the dark stairs and started for the back patio door.

God Damn he thought, here comes somebody. He shut off his penlight and waited in the darkened hallway.

She had just turned the corner in the hallway when someone grabbed her and put a hand over her mouth. "Qumffft," Then she heard him whisper in her ear.

"Shut your mouth. Not a work or you die, understand me?"

She nodded her head.

"Good. Now I'm going to release your mouth. Don't say a word. Can you feel the gun?"

She nodded her head again.

He released her mouth and shoved the gun into the side of her neck. "What is your name?"


"How man people in the house Susan?"

"Four. My husband and my two sons."

"Are there any weapons in the house?"

"No, my husband is a born-again, he doesn't believe in weapons."

"Good. How old are your boys?"

"Tommy is 16, Billy is 13."

"OK, now we are going to go up and gather the family together. Do what I say and no one will get hurt. I want you to go into the boy's rooms first, get each one up and tell them to do exactly as I say. Then we'll get your husband. Don't do anything out of the ordinary or you'll be the first to go and then the kids. Understand?"


She walked up the stairs and went into Billy's room. She shook his shoulder. "Billy - wake up, its mom. Billy."

"Wha... what mom, what's wrong?"

Nothing is wrong dear. There is a man in the hall and we must follow his directions - exactly or he will hurt us, but don't worry, just do as he say's and we'll all be fine." She rubbed his head and walked out, towing Billy by his arm. Susan walked into Tommy's room and did the same. Finally she went into the master bedroom and shook Phillip. "Honey. Wake up honey."

"Christ Susan, not again," then he looked and saw the stranger standing in the doorway with his two boys. He had a gun pointed at Billy's head. "Uh, what... what do you want? Who are you?"

The stranger looked at Phillip. It doesn't matter who I am, but if you really need a name you can call me John. What I want is for all of you to come downstairs with me - NOW! Oh, and Susan, grab a handful of Phillip's ties and bring them with you."

They all walked downstairs and into the living room. "You two boys pull out the armchairs from the table and sit down. Phillip, you sit over there in the chair across from the couch. Susan, take Phillip's ties and go over and tie his arms and legs to the chair. Tightly. Then do the boys too. Make sure you tie them good and tight, I'll check when you're done and if their too looses, well..."

John watched as Susan tied up her family. She was a good looking woman, probably around 5'7" maybe 5'8", long brown hair hanging down off her back and shoulders, deep blue eyes and a killer ass and she wasn't wearing anything but a t-shirt and a pair of panties. God if he wasn't working... Oh well. Phillip hadn't said a word since he was led from his bedroom down to the living room. He hadn't even tried to protect his family, just watched as Susan tied him up. Christ was that born-again crap taking his manhood away from him? Both boys looked like their mother. Although they had sat straight up in the chairs while their mother tied them up, they looked as if they were going to start crying. Both boys wore similar pajamas to their dad. When she was finished tying up the boys she looked to see what he wanted her to do next.

"Susan come over here." He watched as she slowly walked up to him, tugging on the hem of her t-shirt. Perhaps she was subconsciously aware of being almost naked. He put his arm around her shoulder and twirled her hair with his fingers.

"Keep your hands off of my wife!" Phillip said.

"Shut the fuck up Phillip. You're in no position to be dictating what I do or don't do. Now what I want to know is... where is your strong box?"

Phillip looked quizzically at John, "Strong box. I don't know what you are talking about. I don't have a strong box."

John reached into his back pocket and took out the folding knife. He opened it and looked at Phillip. "Wrong answer Phillip. If you don't tell me I'll start carving on your wife, then the boys and finally you. Now where is it?"

"Honest mister, my husband is telling the truth, we don't have a strong box. Don't have a need for one."

"Get down on your knees Susan, now." He watched as she dropped to her knees. "Look up at me." She did. "Good, now open your mouth, just like you do at the dentist." Susan opened her mouth and stared at him. He put the barrel of the gun inside her mouth. "OK guys, if you think I'm joking, try me! Now tell me where it is or say goodbye to mom."

"Look mister... John," Phillip said, "I don't know why you think we have a strong box, but we don't. If you kill us all we still can't tell you where something is that we don't have."

He was perplexed. He was sure that they were telling the truth. They didn't know he wouldn't pull the trigger; no he thought they really didn't have a strong box. But... his source had never been wrong before. What the hell was going on here? He pulled the gun from Susan mouth, looked down at her and said, do you have any beer in the kitchen?"

"Ah, yea. A couple of cans I think."

Good. Go out and get me a can while I think about what to do next. Oh, Susan, don't try to use the phone, I've cut the lines."

While she was getting his beer he walked around the room looking at the décor, just really browsing and thinking until she returned. He stopped by the desk in foyer and saw that day's mail laying unopened. He looked down at the addresses on the mail; 618 S. Riker Place.

South? Shit he was supposed to be at North Riker, so that's the problem. OK genius, now what. He walked back over to the couch and thought about how he could fix this mess. He need some way that this family, what was their name again? He thought back the mail on the desk, Oh yea, Evans that's it, Evans. Well there had to be some way that he could ensure that the Evan's wouldn't or couldn't report this to the police. Let me see... then he had an idea.

She had just walked back into the living room with his beer. "Susan, come over here honey."

She walked up to him and handed him his beer.

It took it and set it on the coffee table. "Look sweetie, we have a bit of a problem, to wit, if I leave you and your family alive, how am I going to make sure you don't call the cops?"

"Oh, we won't, honest." She replied a bit too quickly.

"Well that sounds good, but, I'm not sure that I'm willing to trust you four with my freedom, no we'll just have to think of something else. Let's see..." His arm went around her should and he walked her over to the couch. "Sit down." They both sat down and he started to stoke her hair. "You know Susan, you're really a beautiful woman." His hand dropped from her shoulder to her knee and he began running his fingers up and down her thigh. She didn't say a word nor did she move his hand.

"Get your God Damn paws off of my wife, right now or I'll..."

"Or you'll what? You dumb shit, you're tied up. You can't do anything. John got off the couch. "Stand up Susan and give me your t-shirt."

"Wha... What? My t-shirt? Uh... I... don't have anything else on but my panties."

"Look Susan, I know that but I need a gag for Phillip, so off with the t-shirt."

"Please don't make me do this, not in front of my children, please."

"The t-shirt Susan. NOW!"

Susan reached down and started to lift the t-shirt over her head then hesitated. John reached out, grabbed the shirt slid his knife under the material and cut it off in one swift move. She yelped, then instinctively put her hands up to cover her nakedness.

"God Damn you," Phillip said, "When I get out of here I'll kill you for that."

John smiled as he walked over to Phillip. He cut off a large section of her shirt and stuffed it into Phillips mouth then took a leftover suit tie and secured the gag in Phillip's mouth. "You're going to kill me, now that's a laugh? Jesus Phillip, your wife told me you were a born-again. Kill me? I think that's against Gods laws." He finished tying the gag and looked at the Evans family. Both boys were sitting directly across from the couch and Phillip was at one end. They all had a perfect view of Susan's half-naked form huddling on the couch. John walked back to the couch and sat down beside the shivering woman. He put his hand back on her knee and started caressing her thigh and again she didn't shrink from his touch.

"Kiss me Susan." She didn't move.

"I said, kiss me Susan." She still didn't move.

Finally he reached over and took her in his arms and kissed her. She resisted him at first, but as his tongue thrusts continued she relaxed her lips and began kissed him back. He had his tongue deep in her mouth when his hand came up and began to caress her right breast. At the first contact, she shrunk back, but as his hand continued to play with her breast and nipple she relaxed and just let him continue to stroke her.

Susan hadn't even thought that both Phillip and the children could see her every move. When her eyes opened and she saw the looks of incongruity on the faces of her family her face went beet red with embarrassment. God she thought, can they see the wetness in my panties too?

John withdrew his tongue from her mouth and whispered something in her ear.

"No. I won't." she said.

John pulled out his gun and set it beside his leg. "Yes you will Susan. Now stand up and tell your family what you are going to do for me."

"John, please don't make me do this. Not in front of my boys."

"Stand up Susan and tell them."

She stood and looked toward the boys, but not at them. Her eyes were on the floor. She just couldn't face them. "He... he... he wants... me to, ah..." she looked back at John. "I can't do this."

"Sure you can, just tell them. After all it's better than the alternative," and John fingered the gun.

"He wants me to... ah... suck his cock!"

"See Susan, that wasn't so hard was it?"

Susan averted looking at her family and there were tears forming in the corners of her eyes. The boys' eyes were wide open, as big as saucers, staring at their mom. Phillip was rocking back and forth in his chair, trying to get free.

John stood and walked behind Susan, put an arm around her torso and started idyll playing with her nipple. He felt her as she pushed her butt back towards him and his suspicions were confirmed - she was enjoying this. "Why Susan, you're enjoying all of this attention, aren't you?"

"NO. No I'm not. I don't enjoying having your filthy hands on me."

"Hummm, well, we'll see won't we." His had dropped down and felt around her firm ass. He whispered in her ear, "Nice ass Susan, feels real nice. Do you like being fucked in the ass?" She shook her head violently no. His hand continued to fondle her until he reached around and felt the front of her panties. They were wet. Once again he whispered in her ear, "your panties are wet sweetie. Seems like you ARE enjoying this. Turn around Susan, face me."

Susan complied. She stood there, hands at her side, trembling.

"Take off your panties."

"No, I can't do that in front of the boy's."

"Susan... do it."

She grabbed the side of her panties and shoved them over and down her hips. To get them all of the way off she had to bend over, which gave the two boys a perfect view of their mother's naked pussy. It was the first time either of them had seen their mother, or any female for that matter, naked.

He reached out and rubbed his finger across her labial lips and watched as her body shuttered. Oh this was going to be a lot easier than he originally thought. His finger traced up one side and down the other of her labia. Around and around. He could see her knees trembling with anticipation. "Play with your breasts Susan. Squeeze your nipples." She reached up and began to rub her breasts as his fingers kept wandering around the outside of her pussy, playing with her lips, tugging on her sable brown hairs. When he thought she was ready, he slowly sunk his finger into her pussy and searched for her clit.

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