Harass by Three Bad Cops
by thecsm
Copyright© 2025 by thecsm
Fantasy Sex Story: A mom picks up her son from cross country practice with a coworker. Three cops start harassing them in the school parking lot.
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Rape Reluctant School Incest Mother Son Humiliation Spanking Group Sex .
My name is Jon Hines, I’m just starting my freshman year in High School. I wanted to go out for football, but for some reason dad said no. So, I went out for the cross-country team. Don’t ask me why. I’m not really into running but here I am running long distance. Just turning 14 a month ago I’m the youngest on the team. The team started practice a month before school. I’m starting to get use to the long-distance running.
At dinner, Dad (Ken Hines): “Having any problems finding a ride home after practice?”
Me: “Not so far. Hopefully I don’t have to walk home.”
Dad: “If you can’t find a ride call me or your mom. I’m sure between the two of us we can get you home safely.”
Mom: “You may have to wait a while until I get there. Since I get off work after your practice is over.”
Me: “Tim’s older sister don’t seem to mine giving me a ride.”
Mom: “Call if something happens and you need a ride. After all of that running you don’t need to walk another six miles home.” I just smiled and finish my dinner.
It’s late September now. Not much has gone on. The cross-country team is 50-50 with our wins. It’s Friday and of all days Tim wasn’t in school. I didn’t know about it until practice. Another teammate needed a ride also. Eddie Watts, I don’t know much about him. He’s a senior and stays to himself mostly. He calls his folks first. They couldn’t get away from work. I call dad first for a ride. He didn’t answer his phone. I call mom and she pick up right away. I told her we needed a ride. She told me no problem. She was also giving a coworker a ride also. They will be to get us about 30 minutes, give or take. I could walk home but didn’t.
The football team was starting to leave. I tried to get a ride with one of them. They either didn’t have room for me or were going the other direction. Eddie and I are now the last two in the school area. We sat outside by the parking lot. Our school sits out of town on a country road with very few houses on it. A few minutes later two police cars pull into the parking lot. They park not close but close enough to watch us. One car had a male and female cop in it. The other had just one male cop in it. They are park next to each other talking.
Eddie: “Have you heard the rumor about the local police?”
Me: “You mean the rumor on how they mess with people.”
Eddie: “Yep, I hear they love to harass couples. Making the husband or boyfriend watch them fuck their wife or girlfriend.”
Me: “I heard. I don’t think it’s true.”
Eddie: “I’ve heard they make up some crime they commit. They make a deal with the couple to stay out of jail. The wife or girlfriend end up being the cop sex toy for about a month. Sometimes it’s just a women driver.”
Me: “I’ve heard but it can’t be true. The cops would go to jail if it was.”
Eddie: “Guess the victims don’t tell anyone. Why I don’t know.”
Me: “I think it’s just a rumor. Do you know anyone who had this happen to them?”
Eddie: “Nope, but if they’re not telling anyone. I might and just don’t know it.”
Me: “I still think it’s a rumor.”
As we talk shit, another ten minutes go by. A car pulls into the parking moving fast over to where Eddie and I are sitting. It’s mom. She pulls up to us with the passenger side toward us. Some women I don’t know leans out her window: “You two good looking guys looking for a ride.” Saying it very loud.
Eddie and I both laugh, Eddie: “Sure thing!”
As we climb into the back seat, mom: “I’m Mrs. Hines and this here is Mrs. Pine. Sally the one sitting behind you is my son Jon.”
Me: “Mom this is Eddie Watts.”
Mom looks into the back seat smiles at Eddie: “Did you guys have a good practice today?”
Edie: “Same thing as any other day. Pushups and run.”
Mom: “I see.”
I jump in my seat as I hear a police siren wail. The two police cars that are park in the parking lot. One is now in front of our car. The other one pulls up beside of us on the diver side. The four of us are wondering what is going on.
Mom: “What the hell! What do they want? We’re just sitting her.” We all were thinking the same thing. At least I was. Were they going to mess with us.
We all turn our heads looking at the police car beside of us. A large police officer steps out of his car. Slowly walking towards the driver’s side of our car. The two other police officers step out of their car. The female cop walks towards the passenger side. While the other heads to the back of our car.
I’m looking around, it’s just us and the two police cars in the parking lot. No one is left at the school. As the cop gets to the window he taps on it. Mom: “One second.” As she takes a few extra moments to find the window button. She moves clicking the window switch opening it.
The officer is looking right at mom as the window lowers. Mom with a smile: “What can I do for you officer?”
Cop: “License and registration ma’am.”
The cop stands there watching mom get her driver’s license out of her purse. Handing it to the police officer.
Cop giving mom a stern look: “Stop wasting my time ma’am. Where’s your registration?”
This startled her: “Sorry.” She reaches over to the glove box. Almost laying on Mrs. Pine’s lap. fumbling thru the glovebox finally taking out a white envelope. Opening the envelope taking out the registration handing it to the officer.
Cop: “This will only take a moment ma’am.” He walks back to his patrol car.
Mom: “I wonder what’s going on.?”
Mrs. Pine: “We sure weren’t speeding?”
Mom: “That’s for sure. We just pull into the parking lot. Plus, we are stop as the guys got into the car.”
Mrs. Pine: “I’m sure this is a mistake.”
The officer returns to the car: “I need to see everyone’s driver license or some kind of ID.”
Mrs. Pine hands mom her driver license. Eddie hands mom his driver license. Me: “Sorry mom but I left my school ID at home today. She hands the three-driver license to the police officer.
Cop: “There’s one missing.”
Mom: “ My son left his school ID at home.”
Cop: “Ma’am I need you and your occupants to exit the car.”
Mom shouts: “What!! Are you crazy?”
Cop: “You heard me. Everyone out of the car now! I really don’t need the attitude ma’am.”
Mom was about to say something as the cop opens her door. She looks at him as he said: “Now!!”
Eddie: “I should of just walk my ass home.”
Me: “Me too.”
We all get out of the car as the three officers moved us to the side. We were now between our car and the police car. All four of us line up in a row. Mom, Mrs. Pine, Eddie and me.
Mom: “Please tell us why we’re being treated this way.”
Mrs. Pine: “Yes I demand to be told what’s going on.”
The cop in charge stands in front of mom and Mrs. Pine. Looking them over. More like leering at them. Mom is wearing a red blouse with a black skirt. Mrs. Pine is wearing a purple blouse with a white skirt.
The cop didn’t answer mom’s or Mrs. Pine question. He’s looking at a driver license. He stands right in front of mom looking her over. He started at her head moving his eyes down to her feet and back up: “Dawn Hines, 35 years old. Is everything on here, correct?”
Mom: “Yes sir.”
Cop: “Even your weight?”
Mom: “At the time I got the driver license. It might be more or less now.”
Guess this is a good time to tell you about mom. She’s actually not bad looking. my friends call her a MILF. Even I have to admit she has a certain attractiveness about her. Though she is 35, age really hasn’t caught up to her yet. She’s about 5’4”, maybe 5’6” with her conservative heels on. From the bras I know her breasts rest comfortably at 34C. And she has that womanly way of walking, you know with their back arched a bit, which really adds to her allure.
Honestly though, I think it’s her face which men find so sexy. Her skin is that timeless pale white, like the Irish but without the freckles. Her cheekbones are well pronounced, but not sharp or angled. Her lips are a light pink and hold this half-smile half-frown as if she’s trying to enjoy herself yet always a little embarrassed at doing so. Her eyes, a light gray blue, with eyebrows that seductively curve above them. She plays with her hairstyle quite often, but she never dyes it away from its natural brown. Today she left her hair loose such that it rests just below her shoulders. None of that really matters though, if you ask me. Like I said, she’s conservative and she’s mom. There are more rewarding girls to look at than her.
The cop’s next question: “Are you married?”
Mom: “Yes.”
Cop: “How long have you been married?”
Mom: “16 years.”
Cop: “What’s your husband’s name?”
Mom: “Ken Hines.”
Cop: “Does your Ken know you’re a prostitute?”
Mom: “I’m no prostitute!!”
Cop didn’t say another word to her as he moves over to Mrs. Pine. He looks her up and down the same way he did mom: “Sally Pine, 30 years old. Is everything on here, correct?”
Mrs. Pine: “Yes sir.”
Cop: “Even the weight?”
Mrs. Pine: “I don’t know.”
At this point I would love to tell you about Mrs. Pine but this being the first time I’ve seen her all I can say she is very cute.
Cop: “Are you married?”
Mrs. Pine: “Yes sir, 7 years now.”
Cop: “What’s your husband’s name?”
Mrs. Pine: “Will Pine.”
Cop: “Does Will know you’re a prostitute?”
Mrs. Pine: “I assure you I’m no prostitute.”
Cop again didn’t say another word to her as he moves over to Eddie: “Eddie Watts, 17 years old. Is everything on here, correct?”
Eddie: “Yes sir.”
Cop: “You know these two women?”
Eddie: “No sir, just met them.”
Cop: “Did they ask you for any money?”
Eddie: “No sir. Like I said I just met them. I was just introduced to them. Next thing you were at the window.”
Cop didn’t say another word to him as he moves over to me: “Mr. no ID what’s your name?”
Me: “Jon Hines.”
Cop: “How old are you?”
Me: “I’m 14, sir.”
Mom jumps in: “He’s, my son. I was picking him and Eddie up from cross country practice.”
Cop: “Ladies I’m talking to this young man. Can you prove this woman is your mom?”
Me: “No sir. You’ll have to take our word.”
Before the cop could say anything, mom: “Again sir please tell us why we’re being treated this way.”
Mrs. Pine: “Yes I demand to be told what’s going on.”
Cop looking very upset: “First you pulled into the school parking lot way too fast. Second for soliciting. Third when I walked up to your window, I smelled alcohol.”
Mom: “First we were not soliciting, and we just came from work. We have not been drinking any alcohol. I assure you we have not been drinking. Maybe I did pull into the parking lot a little too fast.”
Mrs. Pine: “How dare you say we were soliciting. Plus, I haven’t had a drink of alcohol in a week.”
Female cop: “I heard you talking to these two young men. You said, quote: ‘You two good looking guys looking for a ride.’ Sounds like you were tiring to pick them up to me. Using almost the same line the prostitute’s use.”
Mrs. Pine: “I’m no prostitute!! I’m a mid-level manager at Bows Inc.”
Mom: “That’s right we’re no prostitutes. I also work for Bows Inc. We are here picking up my son and one of his teammates from his cross-country practice. I’m giving them a ride home.”
Cop: “That’s still needs to be determined. Which one of these two is your son?”
Mom: “This is just some kind of misunderstanding. Jon Hines is my son. He’s the one without any ID.”
Cop: “Officer King take the two young men over there and talk with them. Check out their story. See if one of them is really her son.”
The female cop: “You two follow me.” She takes us a few feet away from the group. It’s far enough where the ladies cannot hear us.
Officer King: “Which one of you is Jon?” I raise my hand. She smiles and continues: “That’s right the kid with no ID. Tell me the truth. why are these two women here?”
Me: “The one in the red blouse is my mother. She came by to pick Eddie and I up.”
Officer King: “Why don’t you have any ID on you?”
Me: “I left my school ID at home.”
Officer King: “You’re not lying to me?”
Me: “No ma’am.”
Officer King: “You better not be. I’ll put you in juvenile detention so fast for solicitation of a prostitute!”
Me: “No ma’am I’m not lying.”
Office King: “I’m not sure if Officer Brown will take your word. With no ID to prove it.”
Eddie: “We were just getting a ride home from Jon’s mom.”
Office King: “It’s a slow day. Office Brown most likely is going to mess with the four of you for a while.”
Me: “What do you mean mess with us?”
Office King: “Just have some fun. He likes to humiliate people. If you two can behave I’ll let you watch, I won’t cuff you and put you in the car.”
Eddie: “Watch what?”
Officer King: “Office Brown and Officer Ball will mess with them. He’ll most likely strip them down. Anything else will depend on the two ladies. He may even include you two.”
Eddie: “I’ll behave.”
She looks at me. I’m thinking; do I want to see my mother humiliated. I’ve always wanted to see her naked. Officer King: “Well!!”
Guess I’ve made my decision.: “I’ll behave.” No, I don’t want to see mom humiliated, but I really do want to see her nude.
As we move back, I hear Mrs. Pine: “This is BULLSHIT!! I’m not drunk and I’m sure as hell not a prostitute!”
Officer King: “You two stand here, where I can keep an eye on you. Stay a few feet apart from each other.” We stood where she told us, watching Office Brown talk with mom and Mrs. Pine.
I see mom is shaken and seems lost for words, finally: “I’m just picking up my son.”
Officer Brown: “I’m getting tired of your attitude. Let’s see how drunk you two are. I’m going to conduct a sobriety test. Stand a little further apart from each other.” Mom and Mrs. Pine separates where they are no longer standing next to each other.
Officer Brown continues: “That’s it, now spread your legs a little farther apart. You’re doing good so far, raise your arms above your heads as far as you can. Put your palms together. Good.” The two women did as they were told. As they raised their hands their blouse raises up, not really showing any more skin.
Officer Brown: “Now touch your nose with your right hand, when you’re finished move your hand back up. Now with your left hand. Now touch your left ear with your right hand, when finish move your hand back up. Now touch your right ear with your left hand, when finish mover your hand back up.” I think he’s just messing with them now.
Officer Brown continues: “I want both of you to take fifteen steps forward. In a straight line. Then turn facing me.” The two ladies didn’t seem to have any problem walking the fifteen steps. They turn and are now facing Officer Brown. Their backs are facing Eddi and I.”
“Now bend forward touching your toes while keeping your knees locked.” The women bend forward. As they bend their skirts rise up almost showing the bottom of their panties. We all got a great view of their legs. “Okay stand back up.”
Mrs. Pine: “See, we pass.”
Officer Brown: “I still smell alcohol. Officer King go get the breathalyzer.”
Mom nastily: “Yeah, go get the breathalyzer. It’ll show you I’m sober and have not been drinking.”
Officer King walks over to one of the police cars. A few minutes later returns carrying something: “Here you go.”
Officer Brown takes the breathalyzer from her: “Who wants to be first?”
Mrs. Pine: “I’ll be first. You’ll find out I’m sober.”
Officer Brown chuckles and he puts the breathalyzer up to her mouth: “Okay blow into it.” Mrs. Pine takes a deep breath and blows into the breathalyzer. After she’s done, he looks at it: “Your way over the limit ma’am.” He wipes off the breathalyzer now letting mom blow into it. He reads it: “Both of you are way over the limit.”
Mom: “Bullshit! Somethings wrong with it.”
Mrs. Pine: “Yes something is wrong with it.”
Officer Brown: “There is nothing wrong with the breathalyzer. Where’s your purses?”
Mom: “Why do you need our purses?”
Officer Brown: “I’m going to see what else you two are hiding, before I arrest you.”
Mrs. Pine: “Arrest us. For what?”
Officer Brown: “I’ve already told you for what. DUI, prostitution, reckless driving, disrespect to a police officer. Now where is your purses?”
Mom: “My is still in the car. I’m no prostitute and I’m not drunk.”
Mrs. Pine: “Mines in the car also. I’ve told you I’m not a prostitute or drunk.”
Officer Brown: “The evidence says otherwise. Officer Ball get their purses.” Officer Ball retrieves their purses from the car. He hands them over to Officer Brown. He takes both purses over to the front of one of the police cars.
He thoroughly goes thru both purses. rummaging through them. He pulls something out of each purse. He levees the two purses on the car hood as he walks back over to the women.
He looks both women over: “Ladies this stop is one for the records. With your protest, but I now know why. I’ve been surprised before. But never have I ever had two ladies who work for Bow Inc. like you two. On top of DUI, prostitution, reckless driving, disrespect. I have to include drug possession.” I cannot believe he has two bags of coke in his hands. No this can’t be right. I know for a fact mom does not do drugs.
Mom first to speak: “That’s not mine. I don’t know how that got into my purse. It’s not mine.”
Mrs. Pine: “That’s not mine!!” Both women are now crying. I’m not sure what’s going on.”
Officer Brown: “One bag is possession. Since one was in each purse that maybe what the D.A. charge you with. But two bags is distribution. Maybe you two weren’t here to solicit. Just selling drugs to our high schoolers. Looks like I have no choice but to take both of you in.”
Mom: “No, no, no it’s not mine! I don’t use coke or any kind of drug! I can’t be arrested!”
Mrs. Pine: “You got to be kidding me! I don’t use drugs!” Both women sobbing.
I hear Officer King in a low voice talking to herself: “I love it when a bitch cries, thinking it will help her get away with something.” I look at her. She notices me looking at her. She gives me an evil smile.
Officer Brown: “Well, one bag came out of each purse. These two purses are yours. If the drugs aren’t yours, whose is it, then?”
Mom crying: “Yes that is my purse. I don’t know how it got there.”
Mrs. Pine crying: “Yes, the purse is mine. The bag of drugs are not mine. I don’t know how it got there.”
Officer Brown: “I can live with two working married women drinking because they’re having a bad day at work or depress. But I won’t put up with a liar. The evidence clearly shows both of you were soliciting these two young men. You’re in possession of an illegal drug. Being disrespectful to three police officers. Are you two ready to go to prison for 15 years; lose your husband and family, lose your job, your home, your future? If you admit to what you did. Maybe we can work something out and I won’t file a report.”
Mom looks at Mrs. Pine: “Sally if we tell the truth, we’re going to jail. If we admit to the crimes he won’t press charges. I can’t believe it; if I lie, we’re OK, don’t lie, we go to jail.”
Mrs. Pine: “Starting to look like we’re between a rock and hard place.”
Officer Brown: “Well is the drug yours or not?” Mom looks at me. I know the drugs are not hers, plus I know she not drunk. I know mom is no damn prostitute.
Mom: “The charges are made up. I know I’m not drunk. The drugs are not mine. I’m no prostitute. Yes, I drove into the parking way too fast.”
Mrs. Pine: “She’s right the charges are made up.”
Officer Brown: “I hear you. You’re telling me these drugs are not yours. Just tell me how they got into your purse if you want me to believe you.”
Both women look at each other and didn’t answer. Officer Brown waited a few minutes: “OK ladies since you’re not going to tell us about the drugs. I believe we have established the two bags of drugs belong to you both. Which makes the next step to arrest you.” Officer Brown just looking at them. He puts his cuffs into his hand. Starts walking behind mom. Officer Ball has his cuffs out walking behind Mrs. Pines.
I know mom has heard the rumors about the local police. Mom: “Is there another way? Please, sir.”
Office Brown stops raise his hand to stop officer Ball: “Do you know what you’re asking? The three of us could lose our badge.”
Mrs. Pine: “I understand but please can we slow down and discuss this.”
Mom: “Yes let’s discuss this.”
Officer Brown smile: “Okay, what do you want to discuss? I’m going to say this once, if you are going to try and tell us the evidence is false. Well, I’ll just take you in and let the lawyers handle it. If you both admit to the reckless driving, prostitution, your both drunk and in possession of illegal drugs. I’ll see if there is a way to keep both of you out of jail.” Mom crying eyes met my wide-open eyes. We look at each other for only a few seconds.
Mrs. Pine: “Thank you sir. I’m not a prostitute and I don’t use drugs.”
Officer Brown: “Guess that settle it. Cuff them.” Officer King and Officer Ball start moving towards the two women. I’m still in awe as to what is going on.
Mom: “Wait a minute. Let Sally and I discuss this between us.”
Officer Brown: “Okay, make it fast.” Mom and Sally start whispering between themselves. Sally shanks her head no a few times. Mom even shakes her head no a few times.
A few minutes has pass, Mrs. Pine: “Looks like we don’t have a choice. But before I admit to anything. What’s going to happen to us after we do?”
Officer Brown: “I’ll let officer King explain it to you.”
Officer King: “If you don’t admit we’ll arrest you. First thing that will happen after we get to the station, you’ll both be book first. Then you’ll be strip search, and question again. Finally, you’ll spend the night in jail or longer depending on when you get to see the judge. If you admit then we’ll strip search you here to make sure there are no more drugs. Then it’s up to Officer Brown on how to punish you.”
Mom and Mrs. Pine look at each other, Mrs. Pine: “I cannot be arrested. I’ll lose my job. I reluctantly admit to the charges.”
Officer Brown: “What charge are you admitting to. I need to know what gilt you’re admitting to.”
Mrs. Pine takes a deep breath. She begins crying and softly: “I reluctantly admit to being drunk, possession of an illegal drug and prostitution.”
Officer Brown looks over at mom. She is crying also, she softly: “I reluctantly admit to reckless driving, DUI, possession of an illegal drug and prostitution.” I knew these charges against mom and Mrs. Pine are made up, but what can I do?
Officer Brown smiles: “Officer King will do us the honors of doing the search.”
Officer King: “Yes sir.” She moves until she’s standing in front of mom and Mrs. Pine.
Mom: “You’re going to do it here? In front of my teenage son!”
Officer Brown: “Guess we can arrest you and do this down at the station. Again, this is your alleged son. You still have not proven he’s your son. Get on with it, Officer King.”
Officer King: “It’ll go faster if we do it together. We all have places we need to be. If there is no other protest let’s begin. First remover your blouses.”
Mom: “I’m doing this reluctantly!” Mom slowly starts unbuttoning her red blouse. I watch both mom and Mrs. Pine unbutton their blouse. Mom looks over at me as she pulls open her red blouse. Her bra comes into view, revealing a lacy red bra. As she pulls her blouse off her arms her boobs bounce a little in her bra. By the time I look over t Mrs. Pine she already has her purple blouse off. She’s wearing a plain white bra. Officer King takes the two blouses handing over to officer Ball.
Here I am watching mom undress in front of us. I’ve seen her in her bra before, but my cock is getting hard. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s being forced to undress or the fact, I’m about to see her nude for the first time. Eddie is wide eyed, with a big smile on his faces. He whispers: “I know it’s your mom, but I can’t wait to see her nude along with her coworker.”
Officer King: “OK, ladies let’s remove your skirts next.”
Mom reaches behind her unzipping her skirt. Mrs. Pine does the same. Both skirts fall the rest of the way to the ground. They bent down picking up their skirts handing them to officer King. Both women now standing there in their bras and panties. Mom’s panties match her red bra. Mrs. Pine is wearing a white throng.
Officer King: Okay ladies slowly turn around.” Mom and Mrs. Pine give her a nasty look. They didn’t say anything. They both slowly turned around. I check out both of the ladies’ asses as they turn around.
Officer Brown looks at Eddie and I, smiling. With so much going through my mind and not thinking, I just smile back.
After the ladies finished turning around Officer King: “OK, ladies remove your bras now.”
Mom: “Please not in front of my son!”
Officer King: “You mean your allege son. Remove your bra NOW!” Mom looks over at me. This time I can see in her face how humiliated she is.
I watch both slowly reach behind their backs to unsnap their bras. I’m mainly watching mom as she reaches up to her left shoulder pulling down her bra strap and letting it slide down her arm. Now holding onto the front of her bra, she reaches up pulling down the other strap. As she removes her bra, her tits bounce free. What a sight, seeing her tits sway around as she moves her body. She and Mrs. Pine hands officer King their bras. Mom looking very embarrassed.
I get a real good look at her breasts for the first time, I noticed they have a slight ski slope look to them. Being a cool fall day, her nipples are hard as a rock, pointing straight out from her areolas. Which is a nice dark color. Damn her nipples must be at least half an inch long.
As I finish checking out mom’s boobs, I look over to check out Mrs. Pine. She has nice large round boobs which are about as firm as mom’s. Her nipples are also hard poking out from her dark pink areolas. I didn’t look long at Mrs. Pine’s tits. Moving my eyes where I can check out both sets of tits.
I soak in the view for a few more minutes before I hear Officer King: “Ok ladies get those sexy panties of yours off.”
Both women bent down pulling off their underwear. As they move their boobs start to bounce. What a sight watching them sway. They had to remove their heels to get their panties pass them. After they had their panties pass their feet, they put their heels back on. Standing back up, I see mom’s pussy for the first time. Mom’s pussy is shaved. Mrs. Pines has a landing strip.
They both hand their panties to officer King. This time as she hands them over to officer Ball. I notice he’s putting them into the police car. He must have done the same with all of the women’s clothes. Since I don’t see them anywhere.
I can’t take my eyes off of mom. This is my first time seeing her nude. Damn I can’t help it my cock is hard as a rock. As I stare at her body, I notice she’s staring at me. I turn my head fast looking over at Mrs. Pines body for a few seconds., before looking at the ground.
Officer Brown loudly clears his throats: Looking at Officer King: “Get six cones out of the car. Place them so we have a small track for the ladies.” Officer King goes over to the car. Opening the trunk pulling out six yellow traffic cones out. She places them behind the cars. She made a square course. It was about 10 feet long and four feet wide.
Officer Brown: “Thanks, now ladies, you’re going to run around the traffic cones until I say stop!”
Mom: “You’re crazy.”
Mrs. Pine: “Not happening!”
Officer Brown and Officer Ball both pull out their taser. One shoots his taser at mom and the other at Mrs. Pine. Both women fall to the ground shanking. After the two women slowly stand back up: “Okay ladies, its time for both of you just do what you’re told. Now stop beating around the bush and start running around the cones.”
Mom and Mrs. Pine slowly start walking, until Officer Ball approaches them saying something to them. They give him a dirty look before they start running.
I watch both women run. I know both of the ladies have to be humiliated by being treat this way. I look at Officer Brown in amazement. I watch the women run around the six cones. Watching their tits bounce is making my cock hard. Mom’s breasts are moving side to side while Mrs. Pines are going up and down. At one point I thought Mrs. Pine was going to get a black eye as her tits look as if they were hitting her in the face.
Officer King: “All right, you’re both are doing fine.” As the two women ran pass her.
Mom has to be completely embarrassed knowing I’m watching her nude ass sway and her tits bounce. I can’t help it but I’m enjoying the way both women tits are bouncing and their asses, jiggling. Trust me I have one hell of a boner. Think about it. I’m not just watching their boobs bounce but also watching their asses jiggling as they run pass me.
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