The Passion Of Art (Version Bravo) - Cover

The Passion Of Art (Version Bravo)

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Chapter 5B

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5B - Valerie is tired of painting landscapes, so she asks her son and then her daughter to pose for her... nude. The passion builds in the artist and her models until something has to give. What gives is his cock and it keeps on giving, knowing both women are protected. Or are they?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Cheating   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   Slow  

Megan slipped back to her room and fell asleep. This time she didn't wake until morning. Robby too slept the sleep of those who were exhausted doing fun things and sleep hard. Valerie, her stomach full of her son's warm spend, slept peacefully as well.

All three woke refreshed the next morning. The atmosphere in the house was subtly different too. Valerie, knowing she had an outlet for her raging lust, felt better prepared to deal with it. The same was true of her children, both of whom knew that, if things got tense, there was a way, albeit one that was secret from their mother, to take the edge off. For that reason they were all eager to get back into the studio.

Valerie was in the studio, her robe open, when her children walked in naked. Robby was soft, for the most part. Megan's nipples were erect, differentiated from the puffy areola for the first time, and her upper chest was flushed. Valerie knew they would 'play' again, but she didn't mind, since that would prime Robby's 'pump' for her to empty once more. Her pussy started getting wet thinking about it. She forced herself to concentrate as they got into position. Sure enough, she saw the end of Robby's now hard prick peep out from between Megan's buttocks.

She began to paint.

An hour later, when it was obvious that Megan could not control her urge to move, Valerie called a rest break. As they got up she could see that Robby's prick was dripping and Megan was flushed even more. She hurried out of the room, saying she was going to the bathroom.

"Robby? Do you need me to... ?" asked Valerie.

He grinned and said "It's OK for now. That's kind of ... special. I want to save it. Is that OK?"

"Sure, honey" she said, her heart beating faster. She liked to delay gratification too ... sometimes.

They had a bite to eat and neither Robby nor Megan got dressed, sitting at the table naked while their mother walked around, her robe flapping in the breeze. Megan saw Robby watching and poked him, rolling her eyes. He was rock hard the whole time.

Then it was time to go back in.

Valerie was standing at her easel, looking at where she wanted to work when she heard Robby exclaim "MEGAN!" in a voice that was the type of voice people use when they don't want to be overheard. She looked around the easel, but they were in their pose and looked normal.

Things were anything but normal with Robby and his sister. When she had lain down beside him, she very matter of factly, with no expression at all, had grasped his penis and stuffed it into her pussy as far as she could get it to go in the position they were in. Then she pulled her body close to his and assumed her position.

"I need this" she whispered when her brother gasped her name.

They tried to act normal, but having his thick cock in her pussy made Megan want to move. Robby wanted to move too. Only perhaps two thirds of his prick was actually in her, because he had to keep one knee bent. If he could have straightened his leg he could have scooted closer and sheathed his tool completely. Instead, he began to move just a little, toward her and then away from her. That made his cock move in her about an inch at a time.

It was maddening for them both. It was enough to feel REALLY good, but NOT enough to satisfy their desires. Megan began to use her muscles, like she had the night before.

Practice makes perfect, as they say. Megan's practice lasted some twenty minutes as her mother, oblivious to what was going on, painted. Megan's practice culminated in success, as Robby's prick swelled and delivered its precious cargo of hot cum. As he flooded her, he maintained rock solid control over his face and hands, though a low pitched moan escaped his lips. He was very glad she was on the pill, because he came hard. Megan, upon feeling his warm issue, shuddered through a nice, easy orgasm. She bit her tongue and tensed, but that was all.

Their problem came when it was time for a break. Megan, not realizing what would happen, stood up. This time she DIDN'T rush out of the room, not needing to go masturbate as badly as she had at the last break. She was standing there when her mother noticed a long drooping plug of Robby's sperm drip out of her pussy and splat on the floor.

Valerie knew instantly what it was that was dripping out of her daughter's pussy. Open mouthed, she looked up to find Megan, her eyes open wide, holding her breath as she, too finally realized what had happened.

"Mommy?" she said.

"MEGAN!" barked Valerie. Her eyes shifted to Robby, who was staring at the puddle on the floor. Megan moved away from it, like she could distance herself from the evidence, and Valerie saw Robby's penis, also dripping and covered with streaks of his cum.

THEN it hit her that they had done it right there, in the room, WHILE she was painting them.

"It's a damn good thing I put you on the pill young lady!" she said in the voice they both recognized as her "I'm so mad right now that I'm going to speak in a monotone so I won't scream" voice.

Megan, being the youngest person in the room, and the least experienced with situations such as this, took the tack that lots of kids try. "I'm sorry Mommy."

Oddly, or perhaps NOT so oddly, that childish phrase caused Valerie's maternal instincts to kick in. She thought about what she had done with Robby, and now what Megan had done with Robby, and what the neighbors, not to mention the police and news media, would think if they ever found out about any of it. She became quite serious.

"You two know that this isn't the accepted way to live. Not in America. Not in Hillsdale. Not on Maple street. You both know that if anyone finds out what has happened, our family probably could not survive." She paced, unaware that her movements were making her robe flap, exposing her pussy to both her children. "Megan, have you been taking your pills?"

"Yes mommy" Megan was still in little girl mode.

"Good. That's very important if you're going to let your brother cum inside you."

Megan's face beamed. "You mean you're not going to make us stop?"

Valerie's head jerked. Why had she assumed they would continue. She thought. Because she assumed SHE would continue, and, having seen his cum dripping out of her daughter, she might even do MORE. Her pussy itched right now, and she knew what it would take to scratch that itch.

She sighed. "I couldn't make you stop if I tried. Pandora's box has been opened, and it has spilled all over this house." She looked at her children, tall, strong, beautiful. "No, I won't try to make you stop. But PLEASE be careful, and Megan, you just make sure you take those pills every single day. Got that?"

"Yes Ma'am" she said smartly, having suddenly grown up seven or eight years in the space of seven or eight seconds.

"How long has this been going on?" asked their mother.

"Actually" said Robby, "Just since last night."

"You mean it happened after I ... said good night?" Valerie said, amazed. He had cum a fountain, and she couldn't believe he'd had anything left to give Megan. Her pussy spritzed as she realized how long it had been since she'd been involved with a teenage prick. She'd forgotten how resilient they were.

That led her to remember her first fumbled attempts at finding love during the sexual act, and how unsatisfying that had been.

And THAT led her to decide that her daughter, and son, of course, weren't going to have to go through the same unsatisfying game of fumble fingers and premature ejaculations while they learned how to please both themselves and their partner.

"OK, if you're going to do it, then you want to do it right!" she announced. "And I am going to ensure that you (she pointed at Robby) know how to treat a woman right!"

She had them move to her bedroom where she had Megan lie in the middle of the bed. Getting a warm washcloth from the bathroom, she handed it to Robby and had him clean up "the mess you made". She knew they'd be shy with her watching, and the washcloth gave him a chance to touch her sexually in a non sexual way. Indeed, when he had finished he was rock hard again.

"Where have you kissed her Robby?" asked Valerie.

"We kissed on the lips a couple of times." he said.

"OK, then, I want you to start by kissing her neck right now."

Robby climbed on the bed and hovered over his sister, on his hands and knees. He lowered his head and she arched her neck as he nuzzled her throat.

"You can lick her there a little too, but lots of slow kisses. Yes. That's good" she said as Megan's legs stretched and her hands moved. "Now, move those kisses down onto her upper chest. Don't touch her breasts yet. Do you think she's pretty Robby?"

"Um huh" he murmured, dragging his lips along the skin of her upper breasts.

"Then tell her that."

Robby raised his head until he could look Megan in the eyes. "I think you're beautiful." he said simply. Her hands reached up and took his face, bringing his lips to hers for a kiss. It turned into a long, tongue swapping kiss as their mother watched. Her fingers slid into her crotch and she teased her pubic hair with her fingernails, feeling heat seep into her loins.

"You can kiss her lips as often and as much as you like" said their mother. "But don't neglect the rest of her. Now, Robby, kiss all around her breasts, but don't touch her nipples."

Robby was having fun. Everything in his sexual life, up to this point, had happened relatively rapidly, and stretching things out was very interesting. As he licked and kissed all around her nipples he thought about how, the night before, he'd wanted to taste them, but things had been so wild, so impetuous, that it was over before he could. Now, he anticipated teasing her nipples with his tongue. He gave her little sucks close to the nipples and she squirmed. He stopped for another French kiss, marveling at how smooth her tongue felt against his. Then he couldn't wait and his mouth dropped onto one of her nipples. It had spiked out already, and was easy to latch onto. He sucked.

"Ohh Robby" sighed Megan, as she arched her chest. Her hands came up and flickered through his hair, holding him to that breast.

"Feel her response" instructed their mother. "Listen to her voice." Valerie was getting hot. She slid one finger between the slick folds of her pussy. "OK, now, keep doing that. Don't suck too hard, and move back and forth from one nipple to the other. Now you can start touching her in other places. Feel the skin on her hips and stomach. Play with her ... hair." She watched as his hands slid all over Megan's lower body. Megan spread her legs, pulling her heels up and digging them into the bed, spreading her knees, opening herself to her lover, her hips coming up off the bed.

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