The Passion Of Art (Version Bravo) - Cover

The Passion Of Art (Version Bravo)

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Chapter 2B

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2B - Valerie is tired of painting landscapes, so she asks her son and then her daughter to pose for her... nude. The passion builds in the artist and her models until something has to give. What gives is his cock and it keeps on giving, knowing both women are protected. Or are they?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Cheating   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   Slow  

Valerie was about ready to tell him to relax and go to bed when Megan barged into the studio.

"MOM!" She yelled. She pulled up short when she saw her mother standing at the easel. "Oh. Mom. Do you have any body lotion? Mine's all gone." Her eyes had gone to the easel, with the roughed in sketch of a man standing by a column, and the partly painted shoulder. Naturally, her eyes then went to the platform, where the column... and the man... were.

"ROBBY" she squealed. 'What are you DOING?!"

Robby, who had wanted to hide when his sister barged in, decided to be brazen about it. "I'm standing by a pillar naked. Got any more intelligent questions?"

"Now Robby." said his mother.

Megan turned on her mother. "Mommy! What's going on here? Why is Robby NAKED!?"

"Calm down Megan" said her mother. "I'm doing a painting and Robby was nice enough to pose for me. It's nothing, really."

Megan was craning around the painting and her mother to get a better look at her naked brother.

"Wow" she thought. "He's actually pretty hot looking."

"How come you never wanted to paint me?" said Megan, in typical teenage self centeredness.

"Don't be silly dear" said her mother. "It's not that I WANTED to paint ROBBY. I wanted to paint the figure of a man, and Robby agreed to be my model. If I didn't use Robby I'd have had to hire someone, or paint from a picture, and I don't like doing that."

"Oh!" said the teenager. "Well, it seems... you know... strange or something... for him to be all naked in front of us."

"We're all family here darling." said Valerie. "And none of us should be ashamed of our bodies. Especially around family. We all love each other, and that's what's important."

Megan, who had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach from staring at her brother's cock, decided that maybe him running around naked wasn't so bad after all. "OK" she said, simply. "Now... body lotion?"

"In the bathroom dear" said her mother, pointing.

Megan went into the bathroom. "This isn't body lotion" said Megan. "It's baby oil."

"Next to it, dear. To the right. Yes." said Valerie.

Megan left and, after another fifteen minutes of painting Valerie told Robby to go to bed. She was tired too, and relaxed from her bathroom masturbatory session. When she got to bed herself, she surrendered again and allowed herself one more orgasm, achieved more slowly. It was painfully sweet.

She unashamedly thought about her little boy's not-so-little penis while she came.

Two rooms away, Robby's fist flailed his cock frantically, the vision of his mother's open robe and pooching pussy lips clearly in his mind. It was those lips his cock had touched the night before. With a long groan of delayed satisfaction, his balls emptied themselves through his cock in gut-wrenching spasms.

Next door to Robby, Megan's fingers were busy in her own pussy as she remembered seeing her brother's long, hard, yummy looking cock. The first thing she'd done when she left the studio was to get her brand new supply of birth control pills and swallow one. Now, as she played with her pussy, she wondered if Tommy Valderburg's cock looked like that. She jammed two fingers deep into her adolescent hole, dreaming it was Tommy's prick instead of her fingers.

The only problem was, she saw Robby's face instead of Tommy's.

The next day was Saturday and Valerie woke up refreshed from two orgasms and a good sleep. She worried a little about those orgasms. She knew it was wrong to lust after her own son, but it was harmless, wasn't it? What could happen? He obviously had a girlfriend who made him crazy. True, he'd seen his own mother's pussy, and that delicious string of precum had dripped out, but surely he'd been thinking about that girl, whoever she was. She made a note to find out who this mystery girl was. She wanted to see the girl who had so obviously captured the heart of her first born.

Her opportunity came as she was eating breakfast and Megan slowly walked into the kitchen, wearing her big fluffy pink bunny slippers and a T shirt Valerie recognized as one of Robby's when he was several years younger. Megan was rubbing her eyes.

"Morning Mommy" she said.

"Hi, sweetheart. Have some breakfast. Can I get you something?"

"I just want some cereal" said her daughter. She got a bowlful and sat down with the milk and a spoon.

Valerie made her first stab at interrogating her daughter. "I hear Robby has a girlfriend. He's never mentioned her to me. Who is she?"

Megan looked up from her bowl, her mouth full of Chocolate Krispies. Between spoonfuls she said "What girlfriend? He doesn't have a girl friend."

Valerie was stumped. 'Surely your brother has a girlfriend. I mean LOOK at him."

She blushed as Megan's eyes got a little wider. "I mean... well... you saw him. He's handsome isn't he?"

Megan's eyes got wary. This had to be a trick question. "I guess some girls might think so" she said, safely.

Valerie frowned. "Megan, if I was twenty years younger I'd be all over him. Why wouldn't he have a girlfriend?" Valerie suddenly thought the thought that terrifies every heterosexual mother at least once in her life. 'You don't suppose he's..."

Megan didn't get it. "What? He's what?"

Valerie didn't want to say the word. 'You know... different? Doesn't like girls very much?"

Megan got it. "GAY! You think Robby's GAY?!" She broke into peals of laughter.

"What's wrong?" said her flustered mother. "Why are you laughing?"

"Robby's not gay!" laughed Megan. "I caught him trying to peek into my window last month when I had Becca over for a sleepover. Remember? Yeah, he was trying to see us when we got undressed to go to bed. Becca wanted to give him a show, but I just stuck my butt in front of the window he was peeking in. He's not GAY. He might be a PERVERT, but he's not gay."

Valerie was conflicted. Part of her was happy to hear that Robby peeked at girls, but another part wanted to spank him for peeking in windows. She also thought Megan's attitude about this was a bit cavalier.

"Did it ever occur to you that it might be YOU he was peeking at, and not Becca?

"MOM!" squealed Megan. "Why would he want to look at ME? I'm his SISTER!"

"And I remember you leaning around me last night to get a nice long look at your BROTHER, don't I?" said Valerie smugly.

"But that's different. He was NAKED!" said Megan.

"And when you were getting ready for bed what were you?" asked her mother.

A look of horrified epiphany came over Megan's face. "But why would he want to see ME naked?" she said.

"Why did you want to look at HIM naked?" asked her mother, in a maddeningly normal voice.

Megan knew why she wanted to look at her brother's naked body, but she wasn't about to admit it to her mother.

Valerie, however, had been a girl herself. "Hey, I looked at him a lot longer than you did. He's a hunk, and I'm not afraid to admit it."

Megan was astounded. If she hadn't misunderstood what her mother had just said, it sounded like her Mom had the hots for her own son. "Mom, you can't be serious. He's your own son!"

"Yes, and that means I have to behave myself. But he's good looking, now isn't he?"

"Well, yeah... but..." Megan didn't know what to say.

"So, who's this girlfriend of his?" Valerie got back to the subject she was interested in.

"I really don't think he has one Mom. He wrestles, and he hangs out with a whole bunch of the kids. But he doesn't, like stand close to a particular girl, or talk to one more than the others. When he goes out on dates it's with different girls as far as I know." Megan looked at the frustration on her mother's face. "Mom? Why do you care? What's going on?"

Valerie didn't want to admit that the reason she wanted to know was because her son was sporting a monster stiffy in front of her. Not to her daughter anyway. "He just seemed to be thinking about a girl. You know, chit chat while I painted? That sort of thing."

"So are you going to paint some more today?"

"I want to. I haven't asked Robby if he's free yet."

"Can I watch?"

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