The Passion Of Art (Version Bravo) - Cover

The Passion Of Art (Version Bravo)

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Chapter 1B

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1B - Valerie is tired of painting landscapes, so she asks her son and then her daughter to pose for her... nude. The passion builds in the artist and her models until something has to give. What gives is his cock and it keeps on giving, knowing both women are protected. Or are they?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Cheating   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Pregnancy   Slow  

Valerie Hudson sighed as she looked at her latest landscape. She loved working in oils because it gave her so much time to make little adjustments before the paint dried.

But she was tired of landscapes.

She'd painted in college and loved it. But being a mother and wife was too time consuming, so her easel and paints sat in the attic for years. Now that Robby was seventeen and Megan fifteen the time she had to spend parenting was much shorter. He was a good kid, with good friends and good habits, and she didn't have to worry about him when he was out with his friends, or on dates. Megan was a "popular" girl, on the cheerleading squad, a debater, and in all the musicals the school produced. She didn't even date yet, and hadn't asked to.

Valerie wasn't spending much time being a wife either, now that Phil, her husband, had gone off to Russia to establish a branch office of his company there.

"I'll only be gone a year, Babe" he'd said, standing there all tall and handsome, as he packed the last things in his carry on. "Once it's set up and running I'll come back home and we'll be able to retire.

She had laughed at that. She'd had Robby when she was 20. He was as unplanned as they come, but they'd managed, and she'd still graduated with her Bachelor's degree in Art. She was going to teach in the Elementary grades, but Phil's business took off and she didn't need to work. So she stayed home, being a Mommy with Robby and then had Megan. When Phil got back she'd be 38. Who retired at 38?

She had to pee and went to the bathroom. While there she saw her birth control pills and popped one out of it's plastic cocoon. There were only two left in the pack. She unconsciously counted in her mind. Yes, that was right. She should have two left. She'd have to go to the pharmacy and get the prescription refilled. She wondered why she bothered. Phil wasn't coming back for another eight months. Habit, probably. She counted them from habit too. She'd started doing that when Megan turned 14 and her body just exploded into womanhood. Valerie worried that Megan would be tempted to steal a pill here, and a pill there, to save up her own supply for when she decided to give up her virginity.

It hadn't happened, but Valerie was a careful woman, and it was also a good habit to ensure she knew if she missed one, and to prevent her from taking too many. As she swallowed the pill she thought again about her daughter. Fifteen was a tough time for a girl these days. There were lots of temptations. Maybe she'd better get Megan her own prescription. Just in case.

She went back out to the big sunny room where she painted. She thought about doing some still life work, but that didn't appeal to her either. She'd liked doing portraits, but no one wanted those nowadays.

She heard a sound and turned around.

"Hey mom." It was Robby. He'd just taken a shower and had a towel wrapped around his waist. "I'm out of lotion. Can I borrow some of yours?"

"Sure honey" she said automatically. "It's on the counter in the bathroom." She pointed to her bathroom and admired her son's broad, well-muscled back as he turned to go in there. He was a good looking boy, the spitting image of Phil when she met him and he swept her off her feet - literally - bedding her the first night they went out. She shivered as she remembered that night.

Neither of them had planned on things going that far, but she found out that night just how hot blooded she was. When she felt his manhood push it's way into her she loved everything about it ... even the pain of being stretched in ways she'd never been stretched before.

She shuddered again and looked up to see her son holding her packet of birth control pills, reading the back.

"Put those down" she said. "You don't need them"

He turned his brown-eyed gaze on her. "And you do?"

She blushed. "Once you start taking them they make changes in your body, and it's a good idea not to mess with the chemistry. He'll be back in eight months. I want to be ready."

She blushed again as she realized just how intimate the conversation had become. Robby dropped the pills on the counter, found the lotion and squirted a dollop in his hand. He rubbed it all over his chest and arms. He was a wrestler, and his skin took a beating during training. Valerie watched his muscles ripple as he bent and moved.


That was it!

"Robby!" she said, a little loudly.

He turned to look at her.

"Would you do me a favor?" she asked.

"Sure mom, what?" he said.

"I'm getting bored with painting landscapes and still lifes. I was thinking about doing some body work. But I'll need a model. Would you sit for me?"

"Yeah, I guess. How long will it take?"

"Oh, I can do it in stages. We can work it into your schedule. An hour here, half an hour there. It won't interfere too much with your routine."

"OK" he said. "Sure."

"Are you going out on a date Friday night?" she asked.

"No, not this Friday" he said. "I was going to go shoot some pool over at Ricky's.

"Well, save me an hour or two when you get done shooting pool." she said.

Homer Watkins finished his dirty little business in the basement of his shabby house in Ontario Canada. He was a counterfeiter, and a fairly good one at that. He held up the completed product and admired it. It looked exactly like a brand new packet of Benzostyrillenophyl Oxyflorrinal, a popular new generic birth control pill. What it actually was were some sugar pills wrapped up in his latest creation. He looked closely at the printing on the foil backing of the push-out tabs.

It was PERFECT! No one would ever be able to tell it from the real thing.

Not even his cousin Mort, who owned a pharmaceutical supply company, and who would be paying Homer a lot of money for sealing a deal with the supplier of the popular new drug. He told Mort he cut the deal for only 75% of the normal price. Mort already had a buyer lined up - some dufus in the States. They'd both make a killing and Mort would never know anything was wrong.

George Harrison Watkins IV wasn't an evil man. He had inherited the family pharmacy while he was in college and, thinking it would support his lifestyle, had neglected to study the ins and outs of business, preferring to party instead.

Now, because he was no businessman, the seventy-nine year old Drug Store was in trouble. He was going to have to do something. He couldn't fire Frank, his Pharmacist. Everybody loved the old coot and firing him would lose him half his customers.

The very first thing he decided to do was start importing drugs from Canada. That would save him a bundle, and he would sell them at his normal prices. He'd already made a deal on his first shipment. It was a new brand of generic birth control pill that would cost him only half of what he usually had to spend. By charging just a little less than he would for the name brand, he'd still make twice as much profit.

He wasn't an evil man, he was just a greedy one.

"I'm surprised at you Mom" said Megan as they left the Doctor's office. "I can't believe you got me a prescription for the pill. I told you I don't do that stuff."

"I know, sweetie, but I'll feel a lot better knowing you're protected. There are so many bad people out there nowadays. I know nothing will happen to you, and I don't want you to think this means I approve of premarital sex. I'll just feel better. That's all."

"Whatever" drawled Megan, rolling her eyes like a typical teenager.

The problem was, she WAS a typical teenager. Inside she was about to burst. She wasn't worried about some rapist. She was worried about Tommy Valderburg, the second string quarterback she'd been exchanging hot kisses with after practice for the last month. Those kisses were making her get strange and wonderful feelings between her legs, and, for the first time in her young life, she was beginning to think a LOT about sex.

"Hi Frank" said Valerie to her friendly neighborhood Pharmacist.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Hudson," said Frank, "What can I do for you today?"

"I need a refill on my birth control pills." she said, distracted by a lovely display of sunglasses on the counter.

"No problem Mrs. Hudson" said Frank. "I just got a new shipment in today. They're the new generic kind, and they're a little less expensive."

"Oh, good, because I have another prescription here for my daughter."

"I'll mark the backs of them differently so the two of you don't get them mixed up." said Frank helpfully.

Valerie spent the next three days making sketches, trying to get an idea of how she wanted to pose Robby. Friday night arrived and she relaxed, taking a nice long bubble bath and drinking wine while she watched TV. She had on her favorite silk robe, the one that caressed her body so sensually when she was naked under it, like tonight.

She heard the front door open and close. Robby was home. For some reason she was excited about the project.

He came into the living room, where she was sprawled on the recliner, her robe carelessly closed. There was a lot of her naked legs showing and a lot of cleavage as well.

Robby looked at his mother and, in the dim light, saw someone else. The way she was lying was almost exactly like one of the pictures he'd downloaded recently from a website called M.I.L.F.S. of America. And there HAD been a lot of Mothers He'd Like To Fuck. Her dark hair was fanned out on the chair behind her head, and the dark reds in the robe made her milky white skin almost glow in the dim light. She was beautiful!

He felt his prick begin to wake up.

The beautiful woman on the chair spoke. "Robby, you're back! Good, I want to get started."

He shook his head. It was his MOTHER, not some slutty M.I.L.F. out there in cyberland.

"Yeah ... right." he said. He was glad it was dark in the room. He didn't want her to see the lump in the front of his pants.

She took him to the studio, which now had shades drawn tightly. She had erected a platform, made of pine boards, and there was a short plastic column standing on one side, on top of a plinth. It looked vaguely Roman to him.

"OK, take your clothes off and stand by the column." said his mother, while she was moving things around on the easel.

"What?" he responded.

He'd been watching the way the robe showed off her long slim legs. The knot holding the robe together was only loosely tied and it was open from the top clear down to her belly button. He was having trouble looking at her as his mother, instead of as a woman. He shook his head again. He thought she'd said he had to take his clothes off.

"I said take your clothes off and stand by the column." she said. "I'm painting you nude."

"No way!" he gulped.

"Way" his mother said. She pointed at the platform with her brush.

"But Mom, you'll see me naked!" he gasped.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" she said, turning to look at him. "I'm your mother. I've seen you naked ever since you wiggled your way out of me in that hospital."

Robby suddenly had a vivid picture in his mind of his mother, stark naked, lying on a hospital bed, her belly swollen huge because of him. She had her legs spread and had this look of expectation on her face, waiting for him.

It was the most erotic thing he'd thought of in a long time. His cock went to full stiff instantly.

"No, really Mom, I can't. um ... I have this ... problem." he moaned. In his shock he'd forgotten to keep his groin covered, and Valerie's eyes immediately saw his 'problem'.

"Oh, you poor baby" she cooed. "Did some naughty girl get you all worked up and then leave you high and dry?"

She used her talking-to-a-five-year-old-voice. Robby didn't know if she was making fun of him or not. On just the possibility that she didn't realize it was SHE who was the naughty girl in question, he said "Yeah ... something like that."

Valerie wanted to laugh, but she knew it would hurt his feelings. Imagine, her little boy with an erection. "Well, you don't have to worry about that. Mommy has seen lots of erections, so you don't need to feel shy. Now, come on. I want to get the preliminary sketch-in done tonight."

Robby thought hard. Obviously his mother didn't realize that SHE was the cause of his boner. So as long as she thought it was for some other girl he was OK. He took off his T shirt and unbuttoned his jeans. When he dropped them, his briefs stood out four inches as the tip of his cock tried to tear a hole through them. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband and started to push them down.

Valerie wasn't exactly watching her son disrobe. But she wasn't exactly NOT watching either. When he dropped his jeans she took in a breath. He was a lot bigger under there than she thought he would be.

When WAS the last time she'd seen her son's penis? She thought and thought, and decided it was when he was ten or eleven, before he even had any hair. She turned her head to watch as he slid his underwear down.

When he stepped out of them and stood up she felt her knees go weak.

What was she thinking? He wasn't a little boy any more. That was no little boy penis. That part of him was all man. She almost panicked as she felt her pussy weep slick moisture. She hadn't had a cock in over four months and her pussy wanted one BAD! It did when she saw this one anyway.

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