The Passion Of Art (Version Alpha) - Cover

The Passion Of Art (Version Alpha)

Copyright© 2005 by Lubrican

Chapter 2A

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2A - Valerie is tired of painting landscapes, and asks her handsome son to pose for her... nude. When his constant erections drive his mother to discover the identity of the woman who seems to have so much control over his libido, she is shocked to find out it is... her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Slow  

Valerie told Robby to go to bed. She was tired too, and relaxed from her bathroom masturbatory session. When she got to bed herself, she surrendered again and allowed herself one more orgasm, achieved more slowly.

It was painfully sweet.

The harder she tried to block it out, the more clearly she imagined her little boy's not-so-little penis while she came.

Two rooms away, Robby's fist flogged his cock frantically, the vision of his mother's open robe and pooching pussy lips clearly in his mind. It was those lips his cock had touched the night before. With a long groan of delayed satisfaction, his balls emptied themselves through his cock in gut-wrenching spasms.

The next day was Saturday and Valerie woke up refreshed from two orgasms and a good sleep. She worried a little about those orgasms. She knew it was wrong to lust after her own son, but it was harmless, wasn't it? What could happen? He obviously had a girlfriend who made him crazy. True, he'd seen his own mother's pussy, and that delicious string of precum had dripped out, but that nonsense she'd thought... that the precum was because of his own mother... what rubbish. Surely he'd been thinking about that girl, whoever she was. She made a note to find out who this mystery girl was. She wanted to see the girl who had so obviously captured the heart of her first born.

Her opportunity came as she was eating breakfast and Megan slowly walked into the kitchen, wearing her big fluffy pink bunny slippers and a T shirt Valerie recognized as one of Robby's when he was several years younger. Megan was rubbing her eyes. "Morning Mommy" she said.

"Hi, sweetheart. Have some breakfast. Can I get you something?"

"I just want some cereal" said her daughter. She got a bowlful and sat down with the milk and a spoon.

Valerie tried not to sound like she was interrogating her daughter. "I hear Robby has a girlfriend. He's never mentioned her to me. Who is she?"

Megan looked up from her bowl, her mouth full of Chocolate Krispies. Between chews she said "What girlfriend? He doesn't have a girl friend."

Valerie was taken aback. "Sure he does. All teenage boys have a girlfriend."

Megan chewed and then said "Not Robby. We ride to school together and come home from practice together. If he was involved with a girl I'd know about it. Besides, he doesn't have time for a girlfriend. And he doesn't have a job. Has he asked you for money to go out on dates?"

Valerie sat quietly. All that made a lot of sense. "What about when he goes out? Couldn't he meet a girl then?"

"Sure, but he always goes out with Chip and Dustin. There's girls there - Dustin has a girl friend I think - but it's different girls. They aren't exactly 'dates' mom."

"And he hasn't mentioned any girl? Said one looked really good or something?"

Megan went back to eating. "Nope. I've been thinking he might be gay or something." She said it so matter-of-factly that Valerie completely missed the sly little grin on her face.

Valerie choked on the milk she had just begun to swallow. Could his erections have been about a BOY instead of a girl? This was every mother's worst nightmare. What was she going to do?

Megan drained the milk from her bowl by drinking from the bowl itself. "Can I go over to Sheryl's house? There are some cheers we want to work on."

"Sure honey" said a distracted Valerie. "I'm going to be doing some painting today, so I don't need any distractions.

Megan moved out of the kitchen in a more lively fashion than she'd come in. Valerie got dressed, putting on a halter top and some running shorts. She was back in the kitchen, washing dishes when Megan came through on her way out. She was now awake and bouncy as she kissed her mother's cheek and said she'd be back by supper.

Then Robby came into the kitchen. When he saw his mother he almost turned around and left. He felt pretty guilty for beating off thinking about his mother's pussy the night before. At least she wasn't wearing that damn robe. She turned around and saw him. He felt even worse as her face lit up in a gorgeous smile. "Hi sweetheart" she said, "Want some breakfast before we get started?"

He went to the refrigerator and opened it.

"Don't drink from the carton dear" his mother said automatically, as he lifted it to his lips. He looked. She wasn't even looking at him. How did mothers DO that? Could they be mind readers? He didn't think so. If she could read his mind, she'd be calling the police to come get him right now, because all he could think about was all that skin between her breasts, and that wonderful soft, warm pussy he just KNEW would feel SO good wrapped around his pulsing cock.


There it went again. He just HAD to stop thinking about this. He felt like he might be stiff for the rest of his life.

"You sure you don't want something?" asked the object of his desire. "I could whip you up some pancakes."

"No" he mumbled. "I'm not very hungry."

Valerie's mother senses went on alert. Seventeen year old boys just weren't 'not hungry'. Something was bothering him. Was he gay? Was he afraid she would find out he was gay? What was she going to do?

"Well then," she said in a voice she hoped sounded light hearted. "Shall we repair to the studio and create fine art?"

He just stood up and turned toward the room he had begun to feel afraid of.

Valerie's body did a self check as certain hormones were injected into her bloodstream. In the center of her body, where they were well protected, her ovaries received the signal to do what they were intended to do. Finding no physical or chemical reason not to, they each selected an egg from their stores, pulsed, and sent the eggs toward the only opening available to them. The eggs began their short journey down the fallopian tubes to the uterus, where they hoped they would meet many handsome, interesting and sturdy sperm cells. Had the eggs been able to say so, they would have told an interested observer they planned on letting only the strongest and most handsome sperm cell into their inner sanctum.

Those eggs wanted to reproduce.

Robby dropped his robe. His mother HAD to know that the average boy didn't have a boner every single time he got naked in front of his mother.

Valerie sighed as his erection was revealed. She felt her pussy react and her nipples tingled. Surely that beautiful stiff thing couldn't be for another boy. She picked up her brush.

"Robby?" she said. "Tell me about the girl... the one who makes you... excited like that."

Robby was an intelligent guy, but this caught him off guard. His basic response was "Huh?"

"You know. What's she like? Is she tall? I know she must be gorgeous to affect you that way. Won't you even tell me her name?"

Robby was in a panic. "Um... I can't, Mom."

"What do you mean you can't? Why couldn't you tell me your girl friend's name?"

"Well, she's not my girlfriend." he blurted out.

"So there's a girl out there, who has seen you naked, and who you are so infatuated with that you think of her all the time, and who affects you so strongly that whenever you think of her you get erect." Valerie stopped painting and stared at her son. "But she's not your girlfriend, and you won't tell me her name."

Robby, thinking he was saying it under his breath, said "Shit, shit, shit."

Valerie heard him say it and her worst fears were confirmed. "You're gay aren't you Robby." she said, her voice flat and emotionless.

Robby's jaw dropped. "WHAT!?" he said "MOM! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"

Valerie stared, not because his whole chest and face blazed red, but because his erection wilted like magic. One minute it was stiff and proud, and the next it was limply flaccid, pointing at the ground.

"Mom! Who told you I was gay? I am NOT gay Mom. Why did you say that?"

Valerie didn't know what to think. Something wasn't right here, but she didn't know what it was. "Robby, honey, nobody told me you were gay. It's just that you're being so secretive about... whoever it is... that is affecting you so much. Sweetie I'm not trying to pry, but you're my son, my baby, and I love you so much. I just wanted to know something about the... person... who you obviously are excited by."

Robby gave a sigh of relief. She didn't actually THINK he was gay, but because he wouldn't name names she got off on the wrong track. Maybe he could salvage the situation after all.

"OK, look. It's just weird talking to my mother about why I have a hardon, OK? But it's NOT because of some GUY! OK? Let's get that straight right now!"

Valerie felt terrible. "OK, sweetie. Never mind, OK? Let's just forget this happened. Now stand up straight, like before." She picked up her brush again.

Robby didn't think he was off the hook yet. "OK, I CAN tell you this. She's a woman. And she's really nice and I love her a lot. But she doesn't know about... about how she affects me. And I don't want her to find out because she'd be embarrassed. And so would I. And I guess that's why I didn't want to say anything, because it's kind of a secret."

Robby was very proud of himself. He was just sure he had given her enough information to convince her he wasn't a homo, but not enough that she'd be able to figure out it was her he was talking about.

Robby, however, didn't take into account the fact that his mother was very intelligent. He had said three things that caused red flags and sirens to go off in her mind. He had characterized his mystery love as 'a woman', not as a girl. further he had said he loved her. Finally he was worried about embarrassment if anyone found out he loved this woman.

So she knew it was no mere girl who inflamed her son's passions so much that every single time she saw him naked he had an erection. Her mind churned. What women did he know? He mowed Mrs. Jenkins' lawn three doors down, but there was no way in the world he felt that way about Marge Jenkins. She didn't even think MISTER Jenkins felt that way about Marge.

She realized he was waiting for some kind of comment from her. She thought furiously about how to get more information. "Well, it must be hard on you. You see her every day?" Maybe it was one of his teachers.

"Yeah" he said. "But I don't mind. Really. I shouldn't even feel this way about her." Robby was talking more to himself than to his mother. That was a mistake.

Valerie ticked off teachers in her mind. All male. Robby didn't have any women teachers this year. Her mind flitted to Megan and she dismissed that almost immediately. Robby would never call Megan a 'woman'.

Then, in the pit of her stomach, like a small animal that had been swallowed and was trying to gnaw its way out, a suspicion began to form.

He saw HER every day.

SHE had seen him naked, but he hadn't seen her naked. Well, he'd seen her ALMOST naked, when that wine spilled, but technically she wasn't naked. He loved HER very much. She knew he loved her.

He didn't want this woman to know he lusted after her because it would embarrass her. Of COURSE he'd think his mother would be horrified if he admitted he lusted after her. Boys in today's world just weren't allowed to love their mothers in that way. THAT she understood perfectly. His comment about how he shouldn't feel that way fit with that too!

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