School For the Future - Cover

School For the Future

Copyright© 2005 by Dark Dracu

Chapter 1: Everything on the rocks

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Everything on the rocks - No one knows the future for sure. However something has risen from the sea that will change the course of the future, which no one knows if it's for the good or the bad. The once-fallen city has now been turned into a school where any may study, if they have what it takes. Students of all backgrounds, species, and abilities are flocking to this ancient, risen city to learn and hopefully change the course of the future for their own benefit.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   Hypnosis   Magic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Vampires   Rough   Interracial   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Transformation  

Disbelief At 9,000 Feet Below

Date: June 6, 1954

Time: 03:30 GST

Location: Aegean Sea

Captain Arthur Henderson of the U.S. Navy was on a mission, which was a complete secret to the world. The secret was so well kept that it was even kept from the president of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower. The submarine that he was in command of was a prototype nuclear submarine able to go deeper than any other could ever go. His job was to discover Atlantis, which, in Captain Henderson's mind, was absurd. He himself wasn't much for mythical places, but his commanding officer had given him an order, and a few extra special crewmembers to help him find this mythical place. To this point, his ship known as Arch Angel had been out in the Aegean Sea for almost three months, and they had yet to find anything. Their cruising depths were, for most other ships impossible to reach. At almost nine thousand feet below the surface of the sea, the strains on the special technology holding this ship together were unimaginable.

The sonar officer reported two contacts for only a few short moment. These contacts then vanished. How anything could be at this depth and be able to set off the sonar was unfathomable. The captain now sat at the officer's table with two of the special crew assigned to this mission. Henderson wanted some answers, and he wanted them right away.

"Why was I not informed of the possibility of other ships or creatures at this depth!?" Henderson damn near shouted this statement at the lieutenant standing in front of him. His voice reverberated off the hull plates of the ship. Lieutenant Jonathan Tibalt of the U.S. Specter Ops group, waited for only a short moment before he answered.

"Why captain, the answer to that question is quiet simple; because we didn't know about the possibility. However, now that you have brought it to our attention, some of my other operatives can look into this presence for you." Tibalt's voice was clear and calm as he spoke and did not give away any sign of any emotions whatsoever. Tibalt and the young sergeant next to him took their leave from the captain and headed to their private quarters. Right as the two of them reached their quarters, the red warning light began to blink and general quarters bell began to ring.

The ship rocked violently as it seemed to have been struck. The following events were to a great many hard to follow and even remotely understand.

One Day To Eternity

Date: June 7, 1954

Time: 13:30 US Mt. Time

Location: Just outside Los Vega's Nevada

Lieutenant Timothy Young the communications officer of the base known as Area Fifty-One was sitting in disbelief as the radio bleeped off information. Young and his three other radio operators were working zealously to keep track of the signal coming in. They put the information in hand written form, typed form, and any other resource they had at there disposal.

The Voice that bellowed on the other side of the radio was none other than Lt. Tibalt. Tibalt's voice rang out with a great deal of strain as it worked hard to make the information get through.

"I repeat Atlantis has been found. However, it is guarded, and the U.S.S Arch Angel is in need of major repairs. We will not be able to come to the surface for at least a week, and we suggest that ships should be sent to this location topside, to await our arrival. Do you copy?"

Lt. Timothy Young punched the mike and spoke as clearly as possible, "Your message has been copied. Please send your identification code and verification password so that we may move forward with this information."

After receiving the conformation information the Lieutenant was flying down the hall with a yellow legal note pad. His rush was such that he paid no head to any rank as he went by. Almost bowling over three senior officers as he entered the general's office, he kept moving no the less. Upon his arrival, he had made clear to the general, to the best of his knowledge, what had happened. Three hours had passed, and there were a great many phone calls to be made. Over on third of the U.S. Fleet was now en-route to the Aegean Sea.

My How The Time Flies

Present Day

Wilhelm Tibalt, the young son of Xander Tibalt and the grandson of Jonathan Tibalt, sat calmly on a plane heading out from California. He had just turned sixteen and was going to be enrolled in The School For The Gifted. This was not a school that was designed for those who where mentally challenged, but rather a school that was designed for those who where mystically, mentally, or physically gifted with something far above the standard of the normal human. His father Xander Tibalt had gone to this school before him, and his grandfather was the dean of the school. The first couple of hours seemed to pass by in little to no time, but Tibalt began to grow weary and bored with just sitting still. He stood up in the cramped space of the plane, his head almost touching the ceiling of the cabin. For a sixteen year old, he was tall and handsome. He stood about six feet four inches tall and he had dark black hair that came down to his shoulders, deep and somewhat sad blue eyes, and a smile that could melt most people's hearts. As he reached into the overhead storage area, he found the bag he needed. Pulling out his laptop, he sat down and brought up a video game. He spent the next three hours playing the game until the battery on his laptop began to dwindle. Replacing the computer to its original spot, he reclined his seat and looked down the aisle.

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