Home Improvements - Cover

Home Improvements

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: Joan has an older husband who isn't taking care of business at home, enter a father and his son who do Home Improvements.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Group Sex   .

It was still dark outside when Joan rolled over and looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 5:30. Mark had at least 30 minutes before he had to get out of bed and get ready for work. Maybe she thought, just maybe she could interest him in an early morning fuck. She remembered that when they were first married he would make love almost every morning, but for the past few years his passion had cooled and he always seemed preoccupied with his work. Well, no harm in trying she thought. She rolled onto her right side and looked at her husband. Mark was 48 years old and twelve years her senior. He was showing just a little paunch, mostly from too little exercise and too much beer. But Joan loved her husband with all her heart; she just wished they made love a little more often.

Mark was in a deep asleep so he didn't feel his wife's had cross over his hip and wander down to caress his manhood. The first he realized that something was happening to him was when, in his dream state, an 18 year old nymph was laughing at his jokes and then she reached down to caressed his cock. He was enjoying the feeling then suddenly awoke to only realize that it was Joan, not the nymph, who was playing with him.

Mark rolled over and said, "Jesus Christ Joan, not now! I've got to get ready for work."

Joan looked disappointed. "Honey, you've got time, it's still early. You don't have to be up for almost thirty minutes. Come on, let's make love."

Mark kissed her on the forehead and bounded out of the bed. "Joan, I've got an important meeting this morning. Let's table this until I get home tonight, OK?"

Joan rolled over, away from her husband. "Yea, sure. What ever you say."

Mark looked back at his marital bed and his wife. He knew she was pissed, but he just wasn't in the mood. And it didn't have anything to do with Alice, his new secretary either. Well, maybe it did, just a little. Mark had started an affair with Alice just over a month ago and it was now into its "hot and heavy" stage of development. He knew he needed to pay more attention to Joan; one, because he loved her and two, so she wouldn't suspect anything was going on at the office.

Mark took a hot shower, shaved and brushed his teeth and got dressed for work. He went downstairs where Joan had thoughtfully made him coffee, he gulped down a cup, kissed Joan goodbye and went out the door.

Joan, disappointed, went back to bed and copped another couple of hours of sleep. While sleeping she had vivid dreams of sex, not with her husband, but with a variety of men. Some of their faces were clear; the grocery bag boy, the waiter at the deli on the corner, the real estate agent who sold them their house and a teacher she had in college. The other men in the dream she didn't recognize, they were just hunks who wanted her body. The dream itself was the same one she had been having for several months. Men; one, two, three or more were ravishing her body and making her cum, over and over.

Joan awoke with a start and sat up in bed. She almost thought her dream was real it had been so vivid. She lay back down, fluffed up the pillow and starting thinking about her sex life. She was still horny from what she had started with Mark earlier in the morning and now these dreams. She reached under the covers and started playing with her pussy, rubbing her clit in a circular motion and thinking about the last time she and Mark had made love. It had been in the living room just after watching the movie, "Walking on the Moon" with Diane Lane. It had been a "chick flick" but had a lot of nude scenes which had excited both of them. During the movie she had been caressing Mark's cock and when it ended he responded by making love to her, right there on the living room couch. The thoughts of that steamy sex session were driving her close to a climax when she heard the front door bell ringing. Fuck, she thought. She just lay there a minute hoping that whoever it was they would go away, but the bell just kept on ringing.

She got out of bed, put on a pair of sweat pants and threw on a T-shirt. She ran down the stairs, breasts bouncing without her bra, and looked out the peephole. There were two guys in work clothes standing there on the front porch. Joan opened the door a fraction and said, "Can I help you?"

Yes ma'am. I'm Vincent and this is my son George. Your husband, Mark, hired us to redo your pool decking. He said he told you, but I guess from the look on your face he must have forgotten. You should probably call him and check ma'am.

OK, uh, Vincent. Please just wait a second. I'm sorry but..."

No problem lady.

Joan closed the door and walked into the kitchen and dialed Mark's cell phone. "Hi Honey, what's up?"

Hi yourself. I have a couple of workmen here and they said you hired them to redo our pool decking?

Oh yea, sorry. Must have slipped my mind. A guy named Vincent and his son I believe. I got their name from the Johnson's down the street. Is it today?

Yes it is and they are here now. Well I'll take care of them, thanks. Bye.

OK babe, bye.

Joan walked back to the front porch, opened the door and greeted the two, again. "I'm sorry. My husband confirmed that your suppose to work on the pool decking. Here, I'll show you around back." She showed the two workmen the back gate and then let them get started bringing in their supplies. She watched them unload their truck and thought to herself that they really did looked like a father-son tandem. The father, Vincent, appeared to be in his early fifties, standing about 6 feet tall, and weighing maybe 200 pounds, he had light brown hair, blue eyes and an extremely fit body. His son, George, was just a bit taller, maybe 6-1 but probably no more than 170 pounds. He too had the same light brown hair and blue eyes. He couldn't have been over 18 or so and Joan thought that he was probably just out of high school or maybe home from college for the summer. As both men worked to unload the lumber and other supplies Joan was suddenly aware as she watched them work, that she was getting turned on and her nipples had gotten very hard. And see was only wearing a thin T-shirt. She looked down at herself and could see her nipples poking out the front of her shirt. She blushed with embarrassment and crossed her arms over her chest in an attempt to hide the offending nipples.

Vincent nudged his son's arm and nodded his head toward Joan. Look at that son he whispered. She ain't wearing a bra and look at those nipples. God, I'd give a months pay to get a bit of that lady. George looked to Joan then back at his father. Dad was always like that, always lusting after one woman or another, especially since his mother had died last year. His Dad had taken her passing pretty hard and George knew that his Dad and Mom had a very active sex life, and now his Dad was alone. Just Vincent and the five-fingered lady to take care of his needs, George thought.

Joan returned to the house and decided that she had better clean up and make herself more presentable. She didn't want to be seen looking like a frump and besides, she enjoyed dressing up a bit and teasing men. She thought about the last time she and her neighbor Sharon got dolled up and went down to Summerville Mall and trolled around teasing whomever the could find of interest. On one occasion they had both gone into a shoe store and had the poor salesman at whit's end by insisting he show them a variety of shoes and, all the while pulling up their skirts to try on shoes.

Once she got into her bedroom she took off her sweatpants and pulled off her T-shirt and tossed it in the dirty laundry. Joan stepped into the showed, washed her hair, scrubbed down her body and stepped out to dry off. She could see her reflection in the mirror and she admired her body. She stood at 5-8, 127 pounds, with 34B breast and a trim and taut stomach. Not bad for a 36 year old broad she thought. She rubbed her breasts with her hand until she made the nipples standup. She had always loved her breasts. They were not too big, never sagged, and her nipples stood our almost an inch and were extremely sensitive. She had always thought her nipples had gotten so long because of her early teenage years. When she was just in high school, she and her best friend Megan began "practicing kissing" each other in preparation for their first boyfriends. The kissing had led to light petting, mainly rubbing their pussies while sucking each other's breasts. No one in her life knew of these early lesbian experiences and she had never tried another woman since. But she did credit her long nipples to that experience.

Joan walked into the bedroom and looked through her dresser until she found a nice pair of red thong panties. She pulled them on then got out her khaki short and slipped into them too. She thought about what else to wear and decided on a tie-dyed purple blouse and she also thought that she would go bra-less - just to tease the workmen a bit.

After getting dressed Joan went back downstairs and into the kitchen where she decided to make some lunch for Vincent and George. She walked out the back door and watched the two guys for a couple of minutes. George was on the outside of the deck holding up a 2x4 for his Dad to nail down to the rail. The men had removed their shirts and she could see how tan and fit they were and she noticed how the muscles in George's arms and back rippled as he worked. His Dad was leaning over the rail with a nail in his mouth and hammer in his hand. God, he was so good looking too. Joan's nipples were getting hard and she could feel dampness between her legs. Jesus woman, stop this. They are hired workers for Christ sakes. Get your mind out of the gutter, you're married!

Hey guys she yelled. I'm going to fix some sandwiches for lunch, that OK with you two?

Yes ma'am they yelled back. That would be great.

Joan disappeared back into the house and began fixing several tuna fish sandwiches. She also got out some plastic glasses and a two-litter carafe of iced tea. With the heat today the guys would probably appreciate some cold iced tea she thought. When she was done she grabbed the tray of sandwiches, the iced tea, and went out into the back year. "Hey fellas, its time for a break. I've got lunch here."

Vincent and George put down their tools and walked over to the patio where Joan had set the sandwiches down. They each pulled out a chair and sat down while Joan poured the tea for them.

This is real nice of you ma'am, Vincent said. Yea it is chimed in George.

Look, please call me Joan. OK? Ma'am makes me sound old.

Oh, you aren't old ma'am... er... Joan, said George. In fact you look way too young to be married to Mark, he's got to be almost 60!

Oh well, stuttered Joan. Thanks George. He is a little older than me, but that was a nice compliment anyway.

Vincent was eating his sandwich but he was listening to the conversation and watching Joan very carefully. He realized that she had cleaned up since first answering the door this morning, which wasn't all that unexpected. Yes, she put on some fresh clothes, but she still wasn't wearing a bra and the blouse she was wearing showed off her nipples and was unbuttoned far enough that when she poured the tea you could see all the way down to her waist. He also saw that she didn't have any tan lines, so she either used a tanning booth or tanned in the nude. Yes this lady was either showing off or teasing them, but either way he was enjoying himself because she was a damn fine looking woman. He thought he would chat with her for a while and see if she was just a tease or if she had something else in mind.

George was talking up a blue storm with Joan, about most anything and everything. Vincent didn't think that his son had a clue that the Joan was teasing them. You would have thought that George was having a backyard discussion with his mom, not a client. Well maybe that was to be expected, after all since his wife, and George's mother had passed George didn't exactly have a lot of mature women he could talk to.

Vincent joined the conversation. "You know Joan, you have a great backyard."

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