Chelsea's Business Receipts - Cover

Chelsea's Business Receipts

by Maracorby

Copyright© 2025 by Maracorby

Erotica Sex Story: Nothing for Chelsea to do at night on a business trip except drink and maybe hook up with that coworker she'd always had a crush on. And what could be sexier than a secret message, just for him, written on her body? Things didn't go the way Chelsea planned, but at least all of the coworkers who used her left helpful notes written on her ass when they were done.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   .

Part 1

Josh: Here’s your coffee. Looks like boarding starts in thirty-five minutes. So ... you wanted to talk.

Chelsea: You probably saw...

Josh: I did. And let me just say that Kent’s an asshole. Posting a picture like that on Teams is totally unprofessional. I will back you one hundred percent when you take this to H.R. I don’t know if it’s Photoshop or AI...

Chelsea: It’s not.

Josh: Huh?

Chelsea: It’s not fake. That’s really me. My ass.

Josh: And someone wrote on it?

Chelsea: I did. Well, the first part.

You know how a lot of women put on sexy underwear when they plan on getting intimate? Like, sexy secrets to be revealed to the right person? I sort of take that to a higher level. I write messages for my ... lovers. I’ve always done it. When my first boyfriend turned fifteen I let him take off my bra. I had written “Happy birthday Julian” on my breast. All through senior prom I had, “Yes, Donny, you may,” written inside my thigh. Something special only for him.

Josh: So you’re the one who wrote, “Just for you, Josh”?

Chelsea: Well yeah! I mean, I’ve always had a crush on you, and I thought, maybe ... You know - business trip: Nothing to do in the evening except drink and spend time in hotel rooms. And if it didn’t happen, no big deal - no one would be the wiser. Just a silly little secret fantasy.

And we really were hitting it off, right? Nearly the whole team was at the bar, but there was a connection between you and me! I think. At least, up until you got that phone call from your ex.

Josh: Chelsea, I had to take that call. Rita’s mom is really sick.

Chelsea: I understand. I mean, I guess. But it sounded like you were getting back together with her, and then when you left the bar, I figured I’d lost my chance.

Josh: And so you hooked up with Kent instead? He wrote the other part?

Chelsea: I know that he’s a sleazebag! I like nice guys, like you! But you’ve got to understand that I’d been fantasizing for days about what might happen on this trip - between you and me. And then even more at the bar that night. It was obvious that you weren’t coming back, but after a lot of drinks, Kent wore me down, so I took him to my room.

Josh: You weren’t worried that he’d see the writing on your ass? Or you just didn’t care?

Chelsea: I had a plan. I’d just ride him cowgirl style with my panties on. I figured he’d want to leave right after he came, so he’d never know. He doesn’t seem like the cuddling type, you know? And it started all right. Then when we were taking off our clothes and kissing I began to wonder why I was doing it. Even when I was riding him, at first I was just phoning it in. But then once I started to feel it...

I shouldn’t be telling you this.

Josh: Go ahead and get it off your chest. Sounds like you need it.

Chelsea: I swear, I never go out with guys like him. God, what you must think of me!

Anyway, once I started to feel it, he started making these faces at me. He didn’t actually say it, but his face seemed to be asking me, “You’re a dirty little slut, aren’t you?” I swear, I’m not into that kind of fetish junk. It’s not who I am! But there I was, still wearing a bra, with my panties pulled to the side, bouncing on his cock, and he was making all these lewd faces at me that were affecting me, even though I didn’t want them to. And he knew it.

It got intense in a way I’d never felt before.

Sometimes when I come, I sort of lose control. My body starts shaking and I lose it.

I came, and my body twitched all over. It was too intense. I fell over onto my side, gasping. And Kent was cool about it. He didn’t rush me. He just stroked my knee until I calmed down. Then he asked if I was ready to keep going. I told myself that I was just being fair - he deserved to come too. But - I don’t know - deep down I sort of wanted him to creampie me. So I said yes.

Josh: I assume you’re on the pill.

Chelsea: Well ... I am. But sometimes I forget and miss a day.

Josh: And prior to this big evening you had planned with me you missed a day. But totally by accident?


Josh: Right. So you gave Kent the green light.

Chelsea: Yeah. So he positioned me face-down on the bed. It totally slipped my mind what he’d see on my ass when he pulled down my panties. He didn’t say anything at first. He just slipped his cock back into me and started drilling me.

At first he was upright, getting into a groove and squeezing my cheeks with both hands. But then he lay down mostly on top of me. He trapped my arm. His face was right next to my ear. He pounded me while he whispered, “You are a nasty girl, aren’t you, Chelsea? You planned a nice romantic evening with Josh, didn’t you? And yet here I am treating you like a piece of meat, and you’re loving it.”

Josh, I’m really not that kind of person! I’m not into that sort of thing. But just then, I guess I was. He started going on about how I probably wanted to keep this hookup a secret. But then he said that maybe I secretly wanted everybody to know what a depraved skank I was. That I had chosen him because I knew that he would reveal the truth about me.

I couldn’t hold back my moans, and that excited him - I could feel it. I started coming again: twitching and shaking all over, but he had me held tightly. It was like my body was rattling in a cage. He controlled me and he kept calling me nasty names. I was still coming when he gushed. We hadn’t talked about where he would come, but I guess he gave me the creampie I wanted.

I don’t know. Between the exhaustion, the endorphins, and the alcohol, I didn’t really think about it when he grabbed a marker and wrote on my ass cheek. I was just lying there, happy that I had come in me. Then there was the camera noise, but I figured, whatever - he can have his souvenir. And then when my phone chimed, it certainly didn’t occur to me that he had put the photo out on Teams.

Josh: And you didn’t know what he wrote yet? That he crossed out, “Just for you, Josh” and replaced it with, “All dicks welcome”? And the arrow pointing at your pussy with the caption, “Kent’s fresh load”?

Chelsea: I couldn’t have imagined that.

Josh: Huh. Well, thanks for explaining. You’ve just spared me a lot of confusion. I still think you ought to go to H.R.

Chelsea: There’s more.

Josh: Huh?

Part 2

Chelsea: There’s more that you don’t know. People are going to talk about me - about what I did. I know you already hate me, and I know I’m a worthless slut, but I can at least be an honest worthless slut.

It didn’t take long before there was a knock on the door. I was just sort of a pile of jelly, so Kent answered. Liza and a friend of hers pushed their way in. They were both wearing gym shorts and T-shirts with no bras so I assume they had been getting it on in Liza’s room. I think Liza and Dee knew each other from college.

They were concerned about me - asked if I was okay. They told me about the picture. I think I just said, “Oh.”

And they tore Kent a new one. He tried to defend himself: “Hey, I just gave her what she wanted but was afraid to ask for. In a week she’ll be thanking me.” Liza threatened him and he left with a, “Whatever.”

They wanted to know if they should call the cops, or at least take down some sort of statement, but I told them it was nothing to make a big deal over. Liza was having trouble accepting that, but Dee put her hand on Liza’s back like they were a long-time couple and she let it go.

Then Liza said, “So, Josh, huh?” I told her the story. She confessed that she had always had a thing for me.

I apologized for ruining their night, but they laughed. They said sex is different for lesbians. When sex involves a guy, everything is always about heading toward the “big finish”, but girls don’t rush. A lesbian can sit together with her girlfriend reading or spend an hour just caressing the small of her girlfriend’s back, then sixty-nine until their tongues fall off. Then cuddle in front of the TV, followed by some vibrator wrestling. It’s an all-night thing for them, and minor interruptions are no big deal.

They hung around and we talked, and, well: long story short, we fooled around.

Josh: I didn’t know you were bi.

Chelsea: I’m not.

Josh: I’m confused.

Chelsea: Oh, well ... I was still naked under the covers. I could feel Kent’s stuff starting to leak. I didn’t want a mess so I kept moving around. The girls noticed me squirming.

I guess Liza knew she was gay her whole life because Dee told me she’d never been with a guy. She’d never tasted come. Dee said that since we had some handy, Liza should give it a taste. And she pulled my covers off.

I curled up to cover myself. They gave each other a look - like, “Hey, should we break the straight girl?” Then Liza said, “Don’t suddenly go looking for your lost inhibitions now, Chelsea!”

Dee tried to persuade me. “Look - you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. But if you’ve ever been just a little bit curious ... You’ve already strayed from the path. You might as well enjoy the wilderness a little longer.”

Liza put her hands on my knees and said, “Come on you adorable little skank! Give me a taste!” She winked and pulled my knees apart. I let her.

Josh: What did Liza look like? And the other girl?

Chelsea: You know Liza. Dirty blonde hair. Gym body - abs and thighs I would kill for. Out of everyone’s league and she knows it. She’s always so confident and in control. Dee was black. Loose curly hair and glasses. A little taller than Liza, but not as fit. Bigger boobs, too. She had a mom vibe to her - but a young sexy mom.

Josh: What about Liza’s tits?

Chelsea: She was wearing a T-shirt, but it was thin. Big areolas. They’re the sort of breasts that tend to point outward when not supported.

Josh: Go on.

Chelsea: She started by licking around the outside. I guess my thighs were coated in Kent’s sperm. Maybe she wanted to ease into it. Dee sat by my side and held my hand. Pretty soon Liza was scooping all the slop out of me with her tongue. But she didn’t stop there. She started tonguing my clit.

She looked me in the eyes and said, “I guess I’m lucky you picked tonight to turn into a slut.” I just let it happen and she made me come.

Josh: Did you shake?

Chelsea: No. This was a normal one. Actually, it was more relaxed than that. I have always been self-conscious when guys have gone down on me. I always feel like they don’t really want to be doing it and that they’ll get bored and frustrated if I don’t come fast enough. I didn’t feel that way this time. Liza really eased me into that orgasm, if that makes any sense. Plus Dee had started massaging my breasts, which helped me relax.

Dee was still doing that even after I came. My eyes were closed at first, but I could tell Liza was moving around a lot. When I opened my eyes, her shorts were off and she was approaching my head.

Josh: Shaved?

Chelsea: Trimmed. Very neatly trimmed - like a military haircut.

Josh: Natural blonde?

Chelsea: Yeah. Her bush was darker than her head, but it was still light enough that you could tell.

So I looked at them, unsure. Dee smiled at me and said, “Come on. The gay girl just drank semen. Wouldn’t it be fitting for the straight girl to taste pussy? Tomorrow you can go back to your regular life, but for tonight, just let go.”

Liza added, “I’m not going to say you owe me, but...” And then she knelt over me and put her pussy in my face.

I didn’t know what I was doing. I just moved my tongue around her clit a bunch. She appreciated it, though. After a while she started thrusting her hips - like she was trying to fuck my face, except, no dick. And she started talking dirty, too.

Josh: What did she say?

Chelsea: It was like, “Oh, yeah! You might be prude as a breeder, but we’re going to turn you into a lesbian whore. You’re my new side piece. From now on when plans with the girls fall through, you’ll be getting my booty text. I’m gonna train you so hard.”

Dee started rubbing my pussy, but soon she repositioned and, well, scissored me. She was so wet, so slippery. We were sliding all over the place on each other’s thighs and butts while she got comfortable. I must have been coated with her fluids down to my knees. But once she found the position that she liked, she zeroed in on the right spot and moved her hips in angelic little circles. I don’t know for sure if our clits were touching, but whatever was going on down there, it was working for her as well as it was for me.

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