by RejectReality
Copyright© 2025 by RejectReality
Coming of Age Sex Story: A late-night excursion to alleviate boredom ends up at a buddy's house, where he peeks in a window and sees his buddy's mom naked and masturbating. He thinks he got away free and clear after enjoying the show, but she disabuses him of that notion not long after. The question she asks him about when he turns eighteen isn't a mystery for very long when his birthday arrives and she arranges to welcome him to manhood.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Heterosexual Fiction Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex Voyeurism .
It was about midnight, the house was quiet, and I was bored out of my mind. I was only a few months from eighteen, and I was still saddled with the while you’re under my roof thing. So, out the window I went. A quick walk across the laundry room roof to the clothesline pole and a drop to the ground set me free.
I didn’t have all that many options available to me. One of my friends who lived within reasonable walking distance was at his dad’s place for the weekend. The other was on a family camping trip. Going anywhere near main street risked encountering a police officer, which wouldn’t end well. That left Jason.
I don’t know what you would call him. He was kind of annoying, so none of us really hung out with him all that much. His only endearing qualities were that he had a pool table, an older brother who sometimes snuck him beer, and a mother who let him get away with murder. He’d more or less bought his way into the fringes of our circle with that as currency.
Sneaking around by yourself was as boring as sitting at home, so I plotted a careful course through the alleys and side streets, avoiding outdoor dogs and busybodies who were known to be up late. It was a bit nerve-wracking to walk down the road in the ritzier neighborhood where he lived, but I didn’t see any cops or signs of life.
When I arrived, the house looked dark, but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. Jason’s room was on the back corner of the house, and the basement windows weren’t visible outside the privacy fence. There was also no way to know if his mom was home without getting through the fence gate, because the garage door didn’t have any windows.
She rarely was. Rumor had it she was kind of a slut, and most of her dates were overnighters.
Relief washed over me once I was inside the privacy fence. As long as I was there, I was safe from police patrols - which were much more frequent in the richer neighborhood. I walked to the back yard and across the patio to see no light coming from Jason’s room. A quick look confirmed he wasn’t in bed or playing video games in the dark.
That only left one last hope. A look around the corner of the house revealed light streaming from the basement windows. I walked up to the first one, leaned down, and carefully peeked. He wasn’t playing pool. I moved to the next one, leaned down, and got the surprise of my life.
There on a couch below the window was Jason’s mom. She was naked except for a pair of black stockings - and jamming a dildo into her hairy pussy.
I quickly leaned out of the window to avoid being seen. My heart was racing. The smart thing to do was get the hell out of there quickly and quietly.
My rapidly hardening dick overruled common sense.
I moved back a little and got down on one knee where I could see into the window. She was facing away from me, her eyes were closed, and it was dark outside, so I hoped I wouldn’t be too obvious. Even though I’d only seen her a few times, I already knew she had really nice tits. The way she dressed called a lot of attention to them. They certainly had my full attention bare and quivering from the motion of her hand.
She reached up and squeezed the left one as I watched in aroused wonder. Fuck, she was hot. I could have done without the hairy pussy, but it sure as hell didn’t bother me in that moment. She pinched her nipple, and it looked like she was doing it hard. Her back arched and her mouth dropped open. I caught just the faintest sound of a whimper through the glass, and it made me really wish I could hear more.
She was writhing and obviously making sounds I couldn’t hear as she steadily buried that veiny plastic dick in her pussy. It was like a porno come to life, but so much hotter because it was real and someone I knew - if only a little. She must have been wet as fuck, because I could see her pussy juice all over that dildo.
I had to squeeze my dick because it was throbbing like mad. I took a quick look around, thought about how far away the neighboring houses were from the privacy fence, and gave in to what my dick was screaming at me. I pushed down my shorts, grabbed my hardon, and started stroking.
Jason’s mom pulled that dildo completely out of her pussy as I jerked off and watched her. She twisted something on the black base of it, and then pressed the head of it against her clit. It was all I could do not to groan when I could hear the yelp she let out. I’d seen enough porn to realize it was a vibrator and not just a dildo. She was using it on her clit, and it was making her writhe even more. Her other hand was busy squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. She even yanked the right one hard enough to make her tit stretch out and then snap back when she let go.
Right after that, she rammed that plastic dick back inside her and fucked herself faster. More yelps and whimpers penetrated the glass to reach my ears, making me stroke faster.
I could see her face getting red, and mine was getting pretty hot as well. I was starting to feel the itch, so I slowed down. She certainly didn’t. After a minute or so, she shifted position, scrunched up a little, and used both hands to ram that dick into her pussy. It also pushed her tits together, making them look even bigger and really jiggle.
Not long after that, I saw her face tighten up and realized she was going to come. I let loose, and the fap sound of my fist sliding over the head of my dick was almost as loud as her squeals and yelps coming through the glass.
Jason’s mom buried that plastic dick into her hairy snatch one last time, lurched, and let out a scream that I could hear as plain as day. That was the point of no return for me. A grunt stuck in my tight throat as I erupted and shot cum out into the grass.
Fuck, I came hard watching her flop like a fish out of water and hearing her scream. It was easily the hottest thing I’d ever seen in my life. She was still bucking and thrashing once I was dribbling cum down my fist, and I had to sit down on my butt to avoid falling over.
I couldn’t take my eyes off her, even though they were trying to drift closed. She slowly settled and let her left arm fall limp at her side. She pulled the vibrator out of her pussy and I shuddered violently when she put it in her mouth to suck her pussy juice off it. When she pulled it from between her lips, she sat it at her side, and rocked forward as if she was going to get up.
That’s when post-nut clarity kicked in with a vengeance. I scrambled back away from the window. I realized I had cum on my shorts as I pulled them up. I got more on them, my underwear, and my shirt from trying to cover my dick up.
I snapped my hand as I walked on wobbly legs toward the back yard, trying to fling the cum stuck to it off. Most of it just ran down my fingers. They were already a lost cause anyway, so I wiped the rest off on my shorts.
My anxiety was through the roof as I hurried - as best I could - across the back yard. I made it to the gate without incident. I felt relieved for a fraction of a second once I was outside the gate. Then I realized if I got stopped by the cops, not only was I going to get in trouble, they were going to see me with jizz all over my clothes.
My nerves were on edge the whole way home. I didn’t really relax until after I’d grabbed some shorts and underwear with my left hand, washed my dick and hand in the sink, hid my jizz-covered clothing, and climbed into bed.
The fresh memory was vivid in my mind’s eye as I lay in my bed. I ended up cranking out another one before drifting off to sleep.
She was pretty much my whole spank bank for a few days after that. So, when she came walking toward me while I was outside taking a vape break at work, I absolutely froze. The top she was wearing showed off a lot of her cleavage anyway, but in my mind’s eye, those tits were bare and bouncing as she walked toward me. I could see them as plainly as if it was real.
I don’t even remember what she said as she greeted me, or how I responded. I was fighting to keep my eyes away from her tits - and not doing a very good job of it.
I nearly died when she raised her phone in front of me and I saw a cropped, grainy picture of me staring through her basement window with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
She chuckled and said, “I had to do some creative cropping of that video and delete the original because certain things that were on it could have gotten me arrested.”
Fuck. She’d watched a video of me jerking off to her through the window.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to say anything to anyone,” she said. She then turned her phone back toward her, tapped a couple of times, and faced the display toward me again. It said image deleted. “I just thought I’d warn you that you’re not quite as sneaky as you think you are. As strict as your parents are, you might want to be a little more careful until you turn eighteen.”
I swallowed hard and nodded.
“When is that, anyway?”
“September,” I answered.
“September what?”
She nodded and gave me a crooked, sultry smile that made me break out into goosebumps. She once again tapped away on her phone for a few seconds, and then slipped it into her purse.
“Glad you enjoyed the show,” she said.
With that, she turned and walked away. My eyes dropped straight to her gorgeous ass in a tight skirt. When her hand appeared in front of it and she waved her fingers, I snapped my eyes upward to see her looking knowingly over her shoulder.
I heard her chuckle as I stepped back out of sight and sat down to calm my nerves - and talk down my dick.
Needless to say, she dominated my sexual fantasies for a good while.
Maybe a week after Jason’s mom revealed that she’d caught me watching her, I got an unexpected surprise. Apparently, Dad had managed to convince Mom that it wasn’t going to end well if they didn’t loosen up the apron strings a little. To drive home his point, I got my birthday present early - a car.
It was nothing fancy, and used, but it was a lease return, so it didn’t have a massive number of miles on it. It was clean and still under warranty.
And it was mine.
With it came a lot of freedom that I was actually able to enjoy. The one stipulation was that I take an apprenticeship with the railroad. My grandpa on Dad’s side had been a railroad man, and he’d used that legacy as a means to help me jump the line a little. It was good money and not nearly the grueling job it was back in Grandpa’s day, so I went for it. My parents and I both knew I wasn’t college material. I’d graduated high school, but it had been with the bare minimum of credits, and average grades at best.
I was managing to balance things and still have a life. I’d even gotten laid a couple of times during the intervening months. The easing of my curfew and the ability to get to more places had opened up opportunities to hook up with a couple of the easy girls in town.
Jason’s mom still inspired more than a few masturbation sessions despite that.
I was out at eleven on Saturday night four days before my birthday and feeling fine. I was parked at the gas station eating a couple of slices and planning to go look for Becky to see if I could get some pussy. Becky was on the chubby side, but she had huge tits and she was always DTF. It was a matter of whether someone else had gotten to her that evening first as much as anything else. I had a third leg up on anybody else because she said I had the biggest dick of any guy she’d ever fucked.
Before I could pull out and go on the hunt, I saw Jason’s mom pull in. As soon as she saw me, she hopped out of the car and made a beeline for my open passenger window.
“Well, hey you,” she said, leaning into the window and giving me a direct view straight into her cleavage. “Almost there, huh Brian? Only four days left, and you have your own car, too. Congratulations.”
“Thanks,” I said, trying not to stare at her tits.
It hadn’t gone unnoticed.
She laughed, pushed her tits together, and said, “May as well look. It’s not as if you haven’t seen way more of the girls than this.”
My cheeks and ears instantly felt like they’d caught fire. I chuckled nervously, shook my head, and looked down. The embarrassment was pretty much the only thing that could have torn my eyes away from her tits.
“So, what are you doing for your birthday?” she asked.
“I’m pretty much stuck with the family party on my birthday, but I’m going camping with my friends over the weekend.”
“Getting drunk and howling at the moon, huh?”
Well, she hit that nail on the head. “No, we’re just going camping and fishing,” I lied.
She blew a raspberry and said, “Mmm hmm. Right. Anyway, want to tell your friends you’re skipping Friday night, come meet me at the Sunset Motel, and let me properly welcome you to manhood?”
It took a couple of seconds for that to sink in. When it did, I stammered, “W-what?”
“You heard me. And it means exactly what you think it means,” she answered, and then pointedly stared at my crotch before looking back up and licking her lips.
“You’re serious?” I somehow managed to mutter.
“As a heart attack. Assuming you don’t tell your friends why you’re skipping Friday - or at least with who. Especially my son. I hear anybody whispering about it, and it’s a no-go. Keep it quiet, say yes, and I’m going to rock your world. So...”
I was still reeling. Some primal part of my brain that was directly wired to my dick was screaming yes in my head, but my lips wouldn’t work. She raised her eyebrows, slowly nodded, and gestured toward me.
I nodded back, and after a second answered, “Yeah.”
She shivered, moaned, and pulled her phone out of her purse. “God, I can’t wait. Give me your number, and I’ll send you a message when I know what room I’m in.”
I rattled it off - still in disbelief - and she typed it in as I said each number. A few seconds later, my phone sounded off, indicating she’d sent a message. She pointed at my phone, so I picked it up.
“Did you get it?” she asked.
The message read Sunset Friday. I said, “Yeah, I got it.”
“Don’t put my name on the contact.”
That wasn’t a problem, since I didn’t even know her name.
“And make...” she began, but then trailed off. Apparently, what I had just thought about had dawned on her as well. “Wait, do you even know my name?”
I shook my head and shrugged.
She chuckled. “It’s Erica. Like I was saying, don’t put my name or any name on the contact. Especially Jason’s mom. And make sure you’re alone when you check your phone at about ten until midnight on your birthday. Is ten o’clock good on Friday?”
It was finally settling in that this was real. I was going to get to fuck her in a few days. I was stone hard at that point. “Yeah, that’s good.”
“I’ll make sure to let you know which room no later than nine, then. Don’t be late, and plan to stay the night. I’m going to get going before I climb in that car and jump your bones right now.”
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
True to her word, she got in the car and left. She didn’t even go into the gas station, which made me wonder if the whole reason she was out was to look for me. I sat there in the parking lot for a little while with my thoughts racing and my dick throbbing. Then Becky pulled in.
I was imagining Erica the whole time I was pounding Becky’s pussy and jizzing on those big tits.
It was a long few days. My birthday went by fairly quickly, but the rest of the time, the anticipation was killing me.
I’m glad I paid attention to her telling me to be alone at ten until midnight on my birthday. Right on the dot, three photos hit my phone. None of them showed her above the neck, and they were all on a plain white sheet, shot from above, with nothing else visible in the shot.
One was of her on her back completely naked with her legs spread. She’d trimmed her pussy hair a little since the first time I saw it and shaved it back from the sides. The second was of her lying on her stomach, showing off her bare ass. In the last one, she had her fingers buried in her pussy.
A text followed that said, “Happy Birthday. Can’t wait for Friday.” I had only just stopped drooling over her photos to read the text message when another came through. It said, “Delete the first one from the other night, and this one. You can show your friends the rest of them. That should explain why you’re skipping out on Friday. Don’t tell anybody where you’re going.”
She was very right about that. Nobody questioned me skipping the first night of my own birthday bash to get some of that 100% genuine Milf pussy.
It was the perfect situation. The motel was in the next town over, so it wasn’t likely anyone would see my car - especially if I parked it in the spots between the buildings or the ones behind them. I already had an excuse to be out all night. There was nothing standing in my way but time.
An excruciating day and almost another of time.
Part of that I had to kill between when I was supposed to leave to go camping and when I was supposed to meet her. I thought about going to the party with everyone else for a while, but the temptation of the booze would have been too much. I ended up going to the mall in the next town, which wasn’t far from the motel. I was there out in the parking lot when her message came through with the room number at a couple of minutes until nine.
As long as the last few days had felt, the last hour was pure hell. I drove past the entrance of the motel twice and stopped myself from going in. On the third one, it was only five minutes until ten, and I couldn’t wait any longer.
The room was in the second building, but I didn’t see her car parked in front of it. I assumed she’d parked around the back. I pulled into a space a couple of doors down and headed for her room. She must have been watching out the window or something, because the door opened before I could knock. She stayed behind it as she let me in.
My eyes about popped out of my head when I saw her. She was wearing a dark blue bra with matching panties, a white garter belt, blue stockings, and high heels to match.
“Somebody’s eager,” she said as my eyes roved over her.
“Sorry. I’m not too early, am I?”
“Perfect, actually. It’s just the right amount of excited without being too much. So, how do I look?”
“Fucking amazing. You are so fucking hot,” I told her.
“Mmm ... Thank you. Has any girl ever dressed up like this for you before?”
I shook my head emphatically, drinking her in, and said, “No way.”
“Thought you’d like it. Now, one thing. I know my son can be an annoying little ass sometimes. You have to promise me that no matter how much he pisses you off ... No matter how tempting it is ... You won’t come back at him with I banged your mom.”
“Promise. I don’t want to get into an actual fistfight with him, and that would do it, even if I was just fucking with him.”
She nodded in agreement. “Now, let me see your phone.”
I unlocked it and handed it over because she’d warned me that she was going to check.
She smiled as she looked, and then handed the phone back. “You can follow directions. That’s good. Did you show your friends?” When I nodded, she asked, “What did they think?”
“They’re jealous as fuck.”
She laughed and said, “They should be. Now, be honest. Are you a virgin?”
I shook my head and said, “No.”
“How many times, and how many girls?”
That caused me to hesitate for a second. I wasn’t sure whether the girl who had only given me head counted.
“Just tell the truth. It isn’t going to change anything. You’re getting this pussy.”
“Three girls, four times, and one who just gave me head,” I answered.
She let out a surprised little moan and said, “Not bad - considering you just turned eighteen and your parents kept you locked in your house most of the time. I just wanted to know what I’m working with here.”
With that, she stepped up to me, pulled me into a kiss, and guided my hand to her barely-covered ass. I squeezed her tight butt and tried to match how she was kissing me. She started off soft, tickling my lips and gums with her tongue, and then got more aggressive, entwining her tongue with mine.
She moaned excitedly just before she pulled back from the kiss. “Not bad. Not bad at all. Now, I want to make sure you can last long enough to make me come, and one thing that almost always works is to make you come first. So how about I get down on my knees, suck that cock, and swallow your hot load?”
My eyes widened and a stupid grin spread across my face when she said that, totally betraying my excitement.
Her brow furrowed, and she asked, “Have you never been sucked off before?”
She could read me like a book. I shook my head - trying to wipe the grin off my face.
“What about the girl who gave you head?”
“Her older sister came home and I had to bail out a window.”
She burst out into laughter at that. After a couple of seconds, she slapped a hand over her mouth, took a couple of deep breaths, and - with laughter still in her voice - said, “Sorry. I just had this image of you climbing out a window, trying to pull your pants up.”
“It was a little like that,” I admitted.
“Well, good for me. It gets me hot to know I’ll be the first girl to swallow a hot load of your cum.”
A growl rumbled in my throat before I could hold it back and I shuddered. She was just so fucking sexy.
“Do you like me talking dirty?” she asked while gliding her fingertips over the bulge in my shorts.
“Oh yeah.”
“I can work with that. Take my bra off. I know you can’t wait to get hold of these tits.”
That gave me a little case of anxiety. I’d fumbled with Becky’s both times we fucked, and she ended up popping the clasp herself. I tried not to look as nervous as I felt, and reached around her back.
“You don’t need both hands,” she said while pushing down on my left arm. “Put your finger and thumb on either side of the clasp.”
I followed her instructions.
“There you go. Now pinch them together. That’s it. Now move them like you’re snapping your fingers.”
Her bra popped open like magic.
I obviously wasn’t hiding my shock very well, because she chuckled, and reached behind her back. “Yes, it really is that easy.” Once she’d hooked up her bra again, she said, “Go ahead and do it again.”
I felt like I’d just discovered I had superpowers when my second attempt was completely effortless.
She said, “The first girl you do that to is going to cream her panties immediately. I know I did the first time a guy got mine off without help.”
She nodded at the strap on her left shoulder, and I got the hint to slide it down her arm. I followed up with the right, and then pulled her bra all the way off. I let it fall to the floor. With those incredible tits right in front of me, I reached up to squeeze them immediately.
“There you go,” she said, and then moaned. “A girl letting you take her bra off is implied permission to play with her titties. Unless she says no, don’t hesitate.”
I certainly wasn’t. They were way firmer than Becky’s, and way bigger than either of the other two girls who had let me touch theirs. Remembering the way she’d played with them while masturbating, I experimentally squeezed a little harder. A moan that mingled excitement with surprise encouraged me to squeeze them even harder.
“Pinch my nipples,” she said in a breathless voice.
I took a chance and pinched them pretty hard. She threw her head back and gasped. A moment later she snapped her head forward and gave me the hungriest smile - with a growl to match. I went back to aggressively squeezing her boobs after that.
“You were paying attention to how I touched myself that night,” she said, sounding pleasantly surprised. “Most girls aren’t going to like it that rough - at least at first - but you’re making my pussy absolutely gush.”
With that, she reached behind my head and pulled me to her breast. She said she liked it rough, so I sucked hard - even pulling her areola into my mouth. Once again, she gasped.
“Use your tongue,” she said in a rush of words.
I flicked her nipple with my tongue, but with so much of her tit in my mouth, I sort of had to chase it. She whimpered and the sound gave me chills. I think I could have sucked on her tits for hours, but I only got a few seconds before she pushed me away.
The look in her eyes was intense when she said, “I need to suck that cock right now, or I’m going to just jump straight onto it.”
A choice between sucking titties and getting blown wasn’t even a contest.
She gave me a little push toward the nearest of the two beds and said, “Take your shirt off.”
I yanked my shirt over my head and let it fall to the floor while taking a couple of steps toward the bed. She lifted her right leg and quickly dispensed with her heel. I had at least some notion of how difficult that was from seeing my sister learn to walk in heels.
She moaned while lifting her other foot. “You haven’t lost that baseball physique, I see. Sit down and take your shoes off.”
Her other heel clattered to the floor while I sat down. I yanked at my laces and rid myself of my shoes and socks while she walked to the head of the bed to retrieve a pillow. The pillow found a new home on the floor a couple of feet in front of me.
“Stand up,” she said while kneeling down on the pillow.
I’d barely gained my feet when she popped open the button of my shorts. She moaned - the sound brief and bursty - upon pulling down my zipper to see the bulge in my boxer briefs. Her pink-painted nails slipped under the waistband of my shorts a moment later, and she wrestled them down. Once they were below my thighs, she turned her attention to my underwear.
“Oh yes,” she said as my dick popped out. She pushed my underwear down to my shorts, and then wrapped her hand around my hardon. “The video was dark and grainy. I’m so glad I wasn’t imagining things.” She looked up into my eyes when she added, “This is one big, gorgeous, hard young cock.”
Even the way she held it was exhilarating. There was something in the way her fingers curled around it and the just right strength of her grip that absolutely screamed she knew what she was doing. I had no doubt that Becky had grabbed more than her fair share of pricks, but she had nothing on Jason’s mom. Hearing this sexy, experienced woman tell me I had a big dick was a whole other level.
She shivered, moaned, and started pushing down on my pants with her free hand. After a few seconds, she let go of my dick to drop my drawers quicker. I sat down when she pushed on my abs, which allowed her to finish yanking my shorts off. I got the hint and stood up when she slid a hand beneath my butt.
I groaned when she leaned in, turned her head sideways to look up at me, and started licking my balls.
“Are these balls nice and full for me? When was the last time you jacked off?” she asked between laps.
“Last night,” I admitted.
Her tongue only paused long enough for her to ask, “Thinking about me?”
I smiled and nodded.
“Been doing that a lot since you caught me fucking myself silly that night, haven’t you?”
I’m pretty sure her tongue had already slithered over every inch of my balls by that point. My dick was bouncing like crazy. “Fuck yeah,” I responded.
“That vibrator has gotten a lot of use while I waited for you to turn eighteen,” she said, and then gave me a long lick from my balls up to the head.
I stiffened up and gasped. She was so unbelievably sexy on her knees with her tits out, her tongue hard at work, and her eyes staring up at me the whole time.
She used her tongue to wiggle my erection back and forth for a second before asking, “You ready to learn how this cock is supposed to be sucked?”
I grinned and nodded like an idiot.
She chuckled, straightened over her knees, leaned in, and took me in her hot mouth. My right hand snapped out to her shoulder to steady me right from the first suck on the head. She sank down to where she was sitting on her heels, pulling my erection down with her.
Her hands were resting on her knees, and that’s where they remained. I was frozen in stunned amazement and intense pleasure as her lips slid down my shaft again and again. Her cheeks were sucked in, and she never broke eye contact for a second. Every single suck was the deepest I’d ever had, and she wasn’t flinching in the slightest. When I shuddered and let out a broken groan, she chuckled around my dick.
My cock slipped from her lips with a slurp and she asked, “Bet the little girls you’ve been messing with can’t do that, can they?”
“Fuck no,” I growled. I instinctively tugged on her shoulder, ready for more.
A moaning chuckle escaped her. “You just want to grab me by the back of the head and shove that cock down my throat, don’t you?”
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